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Bought nothing on Marketplace - How can I resolve?


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I'm kind of new and have never encountered this issue before, I am hoping someone can give me some advice. 

I bought a gacha clothing set from a seller on marketplace, when I got inworld and unpacked the box each item inside of the box was just a photo of the brand's name. I tried wearing and adding, all of them do the same thing. They are not appliers, they are supposed to be mesh objects.  Just a photo you can't interact with on the screen, each object. 

I sent an IM to the seller asking what happened here, but I am not going to hold my breathe. 

Do I have any options here..? 


Thanks in advance for taking the time to read. 


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Not really. Unfortunately that’s the risk of purchasing gachas from a reseller - there’s always the chance that somebody did something they shouldn’t have in order to hurt you. You can try flagging items in the store, but even still.. 

Better luck next time! 

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I have occasionally run into nested boxes...a box of things will contain things which are themselves boxes.  Perhaps your photos are such items?

Another possibility is that the seller just messed up.  In that case, your IM is the best thing to do.

And still a third possibility is that this is an "empty box" scam (although in this case, at least you got photos!)  In that case, report the seller.

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It can be easy to mess up. The original container is named just the same as the object inside. If the seller has opened the box, looked at it and think they don't need it/want it, they might take it in their inventory and forget to pack it in the container again.

So a notecard does not hurt. An honest seller will try to solve it.

I buy a lot of gacha on the Marketplace. I had it happen only once. It was a 9 L item, so cheap that I didn't bother.

Nested boxing, as @Lindal Kiddmention, is really common for me. Especially the Epiphany gacha things. As a last resort, try to rez the picture on the ground and see if you can unpack it.

Edited by Marianne Little
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That's the risk of buying gatcha on MP. There's isn't much you can do about it, because SL runs on a buyer beware system. Some of the titles of gatcha items can be misleading too.

I wish MP would have a seller review system similar to Ebay for gatchas. I know it wouldn't be easy to implement, but it would lessen things like this from happening and would warn people before they even buy something from sellers from doing things like this.

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10 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

In future when you buy from Marketplace always check the 'contents' tab before buying. There are 4 tabs under the image, and the third one is 'Contents'.

It will give you an idea of what you're buying and if what you see there doesn't make sense, don't buy it.

Yes, but don't let the CONTENTS tab fool you because:

1)  If the Gacha is boxed, it will not show what items are in the box.


2)  FOR ITEMS THAT ARE NOT BOXED:  Many items in SL may show COPY or TRANSFER only as the perms when they are indeed COPY AND MODIFY or for Gacha's MOD/TRANSFER.  Some items show COPY or TRANSFER only as the perms because they contain scripts which are no modify.  So the MP reader is reading the item as COPY or TRANSFER only which many, many items are not.  Be sure to read the description as I put in my description - items become modify upon rez due to scripts they contain which are no modify.  You can modify everything except the scripts.   So, be advised, many items in SL become modify upon rez or when wearing the item.

Helpful Hint:  Always check any hairs you buy to see if they are modify because it could just be the scripts in the hair reading no modify when the rest of the hair IS modify.  

Re:  Empty boxes with Gacha.  I've had it happen to me twice.  One seller sent me the item, the other one did not.  Send notecard anyways.  Try joining All Things Gacha inworld...fabulous sales there!  And you can see the Gacha you are buying.  You buy it inworld by first buying the item and then right clicking the item and choose TAKE from the pie menu.  You choose take from the pie menu because the Gacha turned into your name when you bought it (inworld only).   Additionally, your IM's may cap overnight due from the All Things Gacha group...maybe use an alt for this group because you can always transfer the item.  

Adding a picture of the CONTENTS of one of my multi-item sets.  The chair is reading COPY only and the teapots are reading COPY only because the chair and the teapot contain scripts which are no modify - the teapots have a steam script in them which is no modify and the chair has an animation system script which is no modify.  The chair and teapot will read copy only in your inventory as well.  These types of items become modify upon rez because they contain scripts which are no modify.  However, if you buy items in a box, there is no way for the reader to read what is in the box.  The reader will read the box only.  I do NOT box my items that is why you see a CONTENTS.   

Screenshot (8).png

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You can't rely on reviews for most gacha resellers unless they have multiple of the same item(and even then I'm not sure how well the system works for reviews on limited quantity items-once they're sold, the listing goes away, voila, no reviews). Once the item is sold, you can't review it at all, even if they send you an empty box, you'll be SOL. LL won't care if you try to report it-they'll give you the scripted "we don't get involved" response-in most cases, I somewhat agree with LL on user to user disputes, but in this case,LL is just making it easier for scammers. 


I tried to buy a hamster av for someone, actually, bought two-from two different sellers, because they liked MY hamster av, and it was really difficult to find because the store they originally came from no longer existed(not sure if its back again or not, but I don't think so). I had them sent to me, since they're transfer. One was perfectly fine, while the other was an empty box-and the seller never responded, despite still selling on the MP.  

This isn't the only reason I'm wary of dealing with gacha resellers-but it happens WAY more frequently than it does with non-gacha resellers because they're less likely to have limited quantity items-and more likely to have neg reviews if they send empty boxes. Anyone can sell you an empty box-can't deny that, but gacha resellers can get away with it way easier  without anyone knowing. 

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 The simplest solution to avoiding things like is one that I employ. Just don't buy the no copy things. If something happened to inventory server side and you lose a gotcha, you just lost your money. I'm not aware of any redelivery for gotchas.

I do deliberately call them gotchas because to me that is what they are. The sellers got you to throw your money away and are singing all the way to bank. They gotcha.

IMO, gotchas are a one armed bandit scam. I'd rather not waste what little money I have. 

Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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55 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

 The simplest solution to avoiding things like is one that I employ. Just don't buy the no copy things. If something happened to inventory server side and you lose a gotcha, you just lost your money. I'm not aware of any redelivery for gotchas.

I do deliberately call them gotchas because to me that is what they are. The sellers got you to throw your money away and are singing all the way to bank. They gotcha.

IMO, gotchas are a one armed bandit scam. I'd rather not waste what little money I have. 

Gatcha's are great for some things as they can be very inexpensive which is great for a party or a club.  I use them for my clubs because that is how I was able to afford to decorate them.  Most of the items in my clubs were less than 30 lindens each.  I could never have done it otherwise.   A party I did with 9 linden each items.  I could never have afforded the party otherwise either.  

There are Gacha groups inworld where you can buy items at fantastic prices...but remember you buy the item and then right click on the item you bought and choose TAKE from the pie menu because the item turned into your name when you bought it because there is only one item.  

But, the boxes thing with Gacha's on MP can be a problem because the MP reader cannot read what is in the box.  

However, the bad side about Gacha's is they can go missing in your inventory since there is no copy.  I keep my Gacha's in boxes rezzed to the floor and then turn the box to transparent.  If you don't know how to rez a box and/or load a box, you should ask...it's a better way to keep your Gacha's by storing them in boxes rezzed on your floor (if you rent a home.)

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28 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

Gatcha's are great for some things as they can be very inexpensive which is great for a party or a club.  I use them for my clubs because that is how I was able to afford to decorate them.  Most of the items in my clubs were less than 30 lindens each.  I could never have done it otherwise.   A party I did with 9 linden each items.  I could never have afforded the party otherwise either.  

There are Gacha groups inworld where you can buy items at fantastic prices...but remember you buy the item and then right click on the item you bought and choose TAKE from the pie menu because the item turned into your name when you bought it because there is only one item.  

But, the boxes thing with Gacha's on MP can be a problem because the MP reader cannot read what is in the box.  

However, the bad side about Gacha's is they can go missing in your inventory since there is no copy.  I keep my Gacha's in boxes rezzed to the floor and then turn the box to transparent.  If you don't know how to rez a box and/or load a box, you should ask...it's a better way to keep your Gacha's by storing them in boxes rezzed on your floor (if you rent a home.)

I'm sorry. There is nothing you can say that will change my mind. I do not buy no copy items.

As long as I have been in SL I think I know how to rez a box. 😄

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9 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

I'm sorry. There is nothing you can say that will change my mind. I do not buy no copy items.

As long as I have been in SL I think I know how to rez a box. 😄

Oh, sorry wasn't talking to you directly.

Just using what you said as a "general" view of a lot of SLER's about Gatcha.  Most SLer's do NOT like them.

I was just adding some of the pros in a general way but also giving info about how best to store rezzed in a box rather than in your inventory for anyone reading.

But, just generally saying...Gacha's are a great, inexpensive way to change a few pieces now and then for re-decorators.  There are good and bad things about Gachas.

The price for parties though cannot be beat.  For a party, I cannot spend 200 to 600 linden per item.  I don't always like copy matchy-matchy type of decorating anyways.  I am an eclectic.  

However, regarding Gacha playing...I only like two Gachas where I play once in a blue moon...the rest I get from inworld re-sellers for my clubs, parties or an occasional el cheapo re-decorating.  

I have gorgeous copy/mod items as well plus I make a lot of my own stuff.  

With my Gacha game, you can exchange any item for a copy/mod version except one item due to the way it's made can only be exchanged for a copy only item.  At 39 linden a pull, it's not a bad deal AND as I said the item can exchanged for a copy/mod one, too.  My first Gacha game is set to retirement too and will retire 1st week of January 2020.  I do not like the fact that other Gacha makers are not retiring their Gachas...it's flooding the market.

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7 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

Yes, but don't let the CONTENTS tab fool you because:

1)  If the Gacha is boxed, it will not show what items are in the box.

Gatcha's are a frustrating experience for both the seller and the buyer...

- the system just isn't ideal.

There's always a bit of a gamble when buying a gatcha from a reseller. It can help if the reseller is someone who obviously has a real presence in SL. Buy your resold gatcha's from people who have actual profiles and seem to be active in SL, not blank accounts or even merchant accounts. It's fine to buy from merchant accounts for normal stuff where reviews can be an indicator - but...

a review on a RESALE Gatcha is almost proof of a scam.

After all, how could somebody leave a review on a no-copy item that the seller also has no ability to make copies of without having bought it? Once they bought it, that copy is gone... so... yeah...


To the OP, I hope the item you bought wasn't expensive, because what you're going to find out now is there are almost no tools in SL to protect you here in this particular situation, and all the tools in place will actually protect the fraudulent seller...

Most of us have been in your shoes at least once... we'd offer better solutions if they existed...



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18 minutes ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

Maybe a time to put an end to the Gatchas....

I do wish the fad would die off...

It's too good of a money churn for a lot of people though.

That said... I have noticed an amazing amount of 'stolen goods' sold as gatcha items. And by stolen I mean things ripped from Daz3D, Renderosity, and video games. These things also exist on Marketplace in more general categories (and at least one major mesh body brand appears in wireframe to be actually partly built from a stolen copy of a version of Daz's Victoria but I won't name them here - it is NOT a brand I tend to talk about often).

- the problem with the Daz and Renderosity stuff goes beyond legal, and also into lag. Daz and Renderosity are models made for HD / 4K animation and art. Super high polygon and such... Ever land in a venue and notice your lag spikes like crazy even though very few people are there and it doesn't seem heavily scripted?

Look around at what they have rezzed... notice a lot of gatchas or high detail models... inspect them and you might find some of that stuff was ripped and sold in SL. The venue owner doesn't know - they just went shopping for nice looking goods... but the seller was a thief.

(Lower end machines are the best way to test this - those high end graphics will just crash them whereas on a new PC running an RTX card, your fans spin up but have super good noise reduction so even as your tax your system to the limits, unless you're running something like MSI Afterburner; you don't notice until some time later on a side monitor and then blame it on other avatars...)

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57 minutes ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

Maybe a time to put an end to the Gatchas....

The day they came out was the day they should've been put to an end. They're as invasive as introducing a new wildflower field where it doesn't belong. 

That's coming from someone that actually loves the rl equivalent (think, bubble gum machine toys that come in those lil bubbles). I never buy with the intent to get something specific out of the machines, though I am delighted when I do. They have literally no "resale" value for me-though I know lots of folks who do sell them in large quantities. I don't mind paying $0.25-$1.00 for one of them, because I've collected them since I was about 3 (I also collect shoelaces, but that's neither here nor there). I own tens of thousands of them that I will always own(not a typo), but the rest I buy I just collect them anytime I see a machine and happen to have change-there are currently 4 or 5 in my purse right now form the last time we went bowling, and probably some stickers and tattoos from those machines at my grocery store too. As I collect them I use them for things like taking to our local children's hospital, stocking and easter basket stuffers, just to make a kid smile, stuff like that.  THOSE kinds of "gachas" are awesome..the sl equivalent, not so much.

I have bought a few here and there, only if super cheap and only if it's an animal, like my wonky weenie from jian-I love their animals, lol (or, in the case of my hamster av from BB).  I would never buy anything else as a gacha, though. 

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2 hours ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

Maybe a time to put an end to the Gatchas....

I don't think that will happen Kimmi unless you know something I don't know.

Putting an end to them on MP seems more practical but up to LL.  Why put an end to them on MP, because of the boxed problem.  The contents reader cannot read the contents of a box.

However, people MAY CHOOSE to put them in boxes because of the issue with no modify scripts which make a mod/transfer item read transfer only or a copy/mod item read copy only.  The objects are modify; the scripts are no modify, and that is difficult for some to grasp especially newbies.  

So, there is a dilemma right there plus most Gacha sellers on MP put a disclaimer such as this one:


This is a gacha item - which means, it is NO copy and limited on quantity.
Please make sure to be inworld and available to receive the item.
I am not the creator of the object.
All items got checked before they were uploaded to the Marketplace.
Thank you.


p.s.  I do not re-sell Gachas on Marketplace and never will.  It is not worth this hassle to me.  

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Some sellers on MP have their gachas listed under Building and Objects Components which is where the full perm things go, not gachas, which are never full perms. It is not an accident, it is done deliberately and I flag them every time. Stop listing them where they don't belong. That is abusing the system. 

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19 hours ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

Maybe a time to put an end to the Gatchas....

How should that be archieved? New rules form LL? But how should they be worded to only target gachas? And with what arguments? I mean disliking gatchas isn't a very strong reason to push for an end of Gatchas. In regards to scamming people, that has been done before Gatchas where a thing.

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17 minutes ago, Syo Emerald said:

How should that be archieved? New rules form LL? But how should they be worded to only target gachas? And with what arguments? I mean disliking gatchas isn't a very strong reason to push for an end of Gatchas. In regards to scamming people, that has been done before Gatchas where a thing.

Jut because it has been done before does not make it right or even legal.

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19 minutes ago, Syo Emerald said:

How should that be archieved? New rules form LL? But how should they be worded to only target gachas? And with what arguments? I mean disliking gatchas isn't a very strong reason to push for an end of Gatchas. In regards to scamming people, that has been done before Gatchas where a thing.

I might agree with the basic premise that they really shouldn't be around, mostly out of my dislike for them, but I also know wanting them eliminated entirely is a really unreasonable request, no matter how much I wish it were not. I don't think LL could, or would eliminate them entirely. 

There are things that LL can do to mitigate many of the issues surrounding them being on MP though-like disallow them entirely (that's actually the easiest solution, and then regulation after the fact can occur as it does with any other MP violation), better management, requirement to use the gacha category which can have its OWN subcategories, all pretty easy really. The problem is that LL has already shown us they don't give a crap and don't intend to mitigate the issues-they just made and make them worse. They proved that the moment they made a singular gacha category and made certain to let everyone know that it's optional (you can read more of that in the merchant forum...general you), which floods pages after pages with...100+ of the same damn thing, no real descriptions, no real product listings, just copy paste, mostly all the same vendor pic and sometimes disclaimers from non-creator resellers that are also mostly copy pasted, absolving them of any responsibility, lol. It's a very weird practice with no rhyme or reason, and most definitely NO management on LL's end. They take a far more hands off approach with gachas than they do anything else on the MP, which is really odd. 

While they do encourage people to use whatever category best fits the item, they also don't require that people use the gacha category at all, making it a useless addition that just really ended up pissing a lot of people off. That only perpetuated the spread of gachas being all over the damn place, and mostly where they don't belong. It also opens up the potential to scam lots and lots of people-which happens at a far more alarming rate than ever, and never get caught (the no review, no recourse, thing). Gachas are NOT the only items people misplace, or scam others with on MP, and plenty were long before gachas even became a thing in sl at all. But they are, by far, the worst culprit now, and their numbers are growing exponentially. LL did what they usually do though and found the easiest (for them) thing to implement, they created  a category to pretend to appease people (not exactly rocket surgery or hard to copy paste code and change a word or two, lol), and then they walked away from it. They created a monster, but they'll tell you it's working as intended.....lmao

That's part of why so many dislike them greatly, on principle alone, the nonchalant way they're treated.  I don't like painting all resellers with such a broad brush, plenty are lovely people I'm sure, but..ugh, y'all got far more bad apples than just a few and they definitely ARE ruining the bunch. 



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