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...But where is it you REALLY want to live?

Aemeth Lysette

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When I first got a Bellisseria home, it was away from what I love the most--the ocean. Instead I got a nice plot that was landlocked. It was pretty, so I kept it and made a nice home out of it. But I always wanted to be near the sea, because that's where my heart is. Eventually I managed to leapfrog to the house I wanted.

When my friend got a plot by the sea on her first try, she disliked it. She said she wanted to live in the mountains! It made me laugh because we're such different people when it comes to what terrain we like the most. She likes being high up, something about those hills make her really happy.

With that in mind, let me ask you all: what terrain suits your ideal Bellisserian house? Where do you want to live? And did you get that house? Are you waiting for another try or are you going to keep what you have? Lemme know!

PS., maybe there should be some way to anonymously switch with other people who are looking for certain terrain types. Instead of seeing their names and the location, you'd see on some webpage, "Someone has an oceanside house. They want to live by the lake/river." Or "Someone has a houseboat. They want to live in a house on a hill." Then when two users match up and they both press a button to agree, the switch is made automatically.

Edited by Aemeth Lysette
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Initially, my "dream" Belli home was along the canal in Wolfboro or Foxbridge. I like green grass, with rivers and rocks and bridges. My first home was on riverfront, little private beach, view of a lighthouse... never did feel quite right. There was no access to it whatsoever - no road, sidewalk, path etc. It was isolated and I wanted to be in a neighborhood. Finally gave up trying to make it work and went for the canal regions. Didn't get one; instead I picked up an abandon and it turned out to be an all-sand beachfront. Exact opposite of what I wanted.

I unexpectedly loved it and still have it. Maybe, eventually, I'll recycle it and hop back in the Linden Home Lottery for one of the green river regions, but for now I'm happy. 

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Tom Hardy's house! (I'm sure his wife and kids would have something to say about it, but seriously...)


^ In a perfect virtual world... 

My ideal parcel is beachy with lots of sand or right beside the ocean, as remote as possible, not facing or located near house boats... Picky? Absolutely. But then you asked for specifics not a PC response, I'm assuming.

The reality is though any answer anyone gives here will likely be judged as looking down on the other regions in a negative light, or not appreciating the hard work the LDPW have put in, or not being happy with one's lot in just having a parcel when there are so many who still as yet don't have one. I'm predicting this thread will likely descend into those realms soon enough, though I hope I'm wrong. I like being proven wrong under the right circumstances!

My first Bellisserian home was in Stine. It was a completely grassy parcel sat on a hill with a view of the river behind the neighbour's house across the road from mine. It wasn't perfect but it was a house and honestly not a bad lot. I can honestly say every parcel in Bellisseria that I've ever had has had something going for it, or something I could work with, it just wasn't my "ideal". And ideal is subjective as per the statement directly above. Since then I've had a handful, either via my alt or this account. Almost all of them were at least two houses away from either a body of water or the ocean. The last house I had and abandoned just recently was a great lot in Donovan just behind the Puffin Head beach and beside the Panamole Canal. It was the best parcel I'd ever had but again it wasn't my ideal. I wanted to be right on the beach with the sandy terrain and even this one for the local was all grass. Then it happened; my alt caught a seaside parcel in Axim. While it wasn't on this account I was just over-the-moon to finally have sand and views of the water that wasn't half hidden away behind someone else's house. I do love it. I'd probably be hard pressed to get much better despite the fact it's just on the water's edge meaning there's nothing really defining about it, not the infrastructure there was with say the Donovan parcel. But I really don't mind that at all. 

In saying all that the question remains; where do I really want to live? Well honestly that first left sandy parcel on SSPE270 really appeals. It checks most boxes. And depending on what regions open up in the future below it hopefully doesn't eventually end up semi-obstructed. But when I saw that area being created I just fell in love with it. Most of those lots there circled in red are great SO FAR (and yes even those who are behind the road. After visiting even during this early stage in construction I can say that it's a lovely area regardless). But they're few in number and the demand is still great so in all likelihood I will be keeping my alt a premium member for a long while to come while this account lives in his place. So be it. I can certainly think of worse situations to be in!

If this account was to score something akin to that then my alt would likely look for a camper just to experience it for however long, and if that happened the ideal lot for there would be beside a creek or waterfall. There's something about them that I love and the LDPW have done such a fantastic job it's hard not to be drawn to them. But like coastal plots there's only so many plots near those to go around too. And while I love the landscaping in the campers region the LI doesn't allow for me to have both my animesh baby there as well as furnishings which is why I am sticking to a house, at least until we see what if anything comes of these so-called Super Duper Premium plans that are said to possibly drop in the "soon-ish" future.

And all of this is highly dependent on what styles follow what we have now! It's just as likely I may see something in a future release and fall in love with that all over again! To be honest though even when I had land on the Mainland before the Bellisseria release it was always near water. I had an expensive little parcel in Zindra right beside my partner at the time with a little quarter section of water, and before that a quarter region on the "fingers" (bay) in Wall. If Bellisseria were to somehow implode overnight then I'd likely go back to something similar to that; another seaside parcel. At least I am consistent in my choice of parcels if nothing else!


9 hours ago, Aemeth Lysette said:

PS., maybe there should be some way to anonymously switch with other people who are looking for certain terrain types. Instead of seeing their names and the location, you'd see on some webpage, "Someone has an oceanside house. They want to live by the lake/river." Or "Someone has a houseboat. They want to live in a house on a hill." Then when two users match up and they both press a button to agree, the switch is made automatically.

In a way I'm glad this isn't an option considering the amount of frustration shown across the various threads since the homes were first released. Ideally (yes, there's that word again) it would be fantastic to pick a spot on a map and move into it I'm almost certain there would be cries of favoritism or unfairness or some other negativity regarding one's acquisition of said parcel, especially if it happens to be in high demand. And such a system might bottle-neck the system in that those who really love a certain type of terrain would use their alts to claim them thus leaving less options available for those also vying for said styles. Random seems to keep the system a tad more fair regardless the general consensus.


Anyway that's my rant for the day done (it's been a while!) As said I expect there to be much poo-pooing over choosing any parcel over another or *gasp!* daring to hop from one to another chasing an ideal against the opinions of others who see things differently than I. To that end and as it's a public forum so be it. When and if I manage to acquire my absolute dream parcel remains to be seen. All I can do is wait and see. But if not I am 99.8% happy where I am. :) 

(Yes, 99.8%. Because someone just has to be different! *lols*)

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I feel that i have found the ideal parcel for me.  It is green, has a great view from the front, not too surrounded by houses,  back has tall rocks and is private.

For me this is the kind of view I love.  And I am okay having that view in back or front as long as I have it somewhere.

front view_001.png

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I've recently decided that it's not the terrain or location that matters to me. I don't care if it's sand, grass, rock, by water or nice landscape. When push comes to shove, the most important thing to me, is the other residents. Who is around me, if they are settled, how they've done up their area, if they're friendly. That's what determines if I am at my dream home. I thought I had my ideal houseboat and traditional, but it's neighbors and feeling like you're somewhere you want to be that makes it home, when it comes to Bellisseria, for me.

I'll take the most unappealing parcel there is, but will stay if the neighborhood has that vibe I seek.

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10 minutes ago, Morena Tully said:

I've recently decided that it's not the terrain or location that matters to me. I don't care if it's sand, grass, rock, by water or nice landscape. When push comes to shove, the most important thing to me, is the other residents. Who is around me, if they are settled, how they've done up their area, if they're friendly. That's what determines if I am at my dream home. I thought I had my ideal houseboat and traditional, but it's neighbors and feeling like you're somewhere you want to be that makes it home, when it comes to Bellisseria, for me.

I'll take the most unappealing parcel there is, but will stay if the neighborhood has that vibe I seek.

What an awesome post.  That is a wonderful way to look at it.

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With the homes for Layla I was never really bothered about the location, I was just glad to have a place. I'm lucky I've had such lovely neighbours at both my old houseboat and now at the trailer.

When I went for a traditional home with my other account I left the first two because my husband wanted to be able to put in a drive. I tried for a home on Bandit on the release day thinking I wouldn't have a chance but managed to get one.  (I wanted one in that region because my husband had a Suzuki Bandit when we first met) It is an end plot with water on two sides, still couldn't put a drive in though. When my husband saw it, the drive didn't seem to be so important and he much preferred being surrounded by water so I've not moved since.

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I am dreaming of the seashore but have a problem with a sandy garden. So it's a conflict really.

I want the whole region I live in to have a sort of seaside feeling. I do not need any rivers, lakes, hills or woods but want to feel like I am in Cape Cod or the Hamptons or something like that. Want to look over the ocean and do not mind a few houseboats as part of the view - but not too many. The house my alt has at the moment in Axim comes rather near my ideal. It is a bit up the hill and has a nice green garden and I can see the sea from my balcony - in a distance though and I wished that distance was smaller!



My ideal beachhome would be @Marianne Little 's new home in Badger Beach and the way she decorated it even a sandgarden can look lovely.


I am hoping for the future releases along the coast of the Pickle, I went there and looked and found some ideal homes in SSPE229 and 269



Edited by Leora Jacobus
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This is going to sound all wrong, but I have a problem with colors in the camper/trailer areas. The green ground is so dominating, and it continues in the bottom of the lakes and rivers.

It is not so dominating in the traditional houses regions, since it is more roads and the houses is larger and tone down the grass green color. Natural grass have more variation.

The coast has sand that goes in the sea, it feels more calming. I said the landscape and decor is so beautiful in the camper/trailers area, and I stand with that. When I tried a trailer (twice), I had to abandon it. I have thought about it, and I think it isn't the trailers, but the green that makes me abandon and leave. A trailer on mixed sand would be interesting. I am not sure if it's made any. But oh, I am a house person. I have tried three boats, and a boat would have to be a bit away from others, I would live there.

The regions with canals in the traditional houses feels the same, when I can see the green go in the canal, and the green on the bottom. The homes next to the Panamole Canal with pavement, the long, straight one, would feel better for me. Because it is an edge that separates grass and water. But why should I compain, it is plenty other places. And I live well where I live. I have paid premium for Marianne 2 years, and I am sure there will be many more great themes released. I have been very lucky. I still have an alt in the "catch and release" just in case something really wonderful comes her way.


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5 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

This is going to sound all wrong, but I have a problem with colors in the camper/trailer areas. The green ground is so dominating, and it continues in the bottom of the lakes and rivers.

It is not so dominating in the traditional houses regions, since it is more roads and the houses is larger and tone down the grass green color. Natural grass have more variation.

The coast has sand that goes in the sea, it feels more calming. I said the landscape and decor is so beautiful in the camper/trailers area, and I stand with that. When I tried a trailer (twice), I had to abandon it. I have thought about it, and I think it isn't the trailers, but the green that makes me abandon and leave. A trailer on mixed sand would be interesting. I am not sure if it's made any. But oh, I am a house person. I have tried three boats, and a boat would have to be a bit away from others, I would live there.

The regions with canals in the traditional houses feels the same, when I can see the green go in the canal, and the green on the bottom. The homes next to the Panamole Canal with pavement, the long, straight one, would feel better for me. Because it is an edge that separates grass and water. But why should I compain, it is plenty other places. And I live well where I live. I have paid premium for Marianne 2 years, and I am sure there will be many more great themes released. I have been very lucky. I still have an alt in the "catch and release" just in case something really wonderful comes her way.


In the US Midwest, camping areas are typically a combination of grass and dirt, and yes, the grass does have variation, usually mixed with lots of weeds. We do often have lots of green at the bottom of our lakes, but it is more along the lines of seaweed, moss, and algae.


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My answer is pretty similar to Morena Tully’s. I don’t necessarily have a preference appearance-wise, although I can’t disagree that some of the beachy locations are really beautiful. It’s definitely more about the community for me. I was so excited about Bellisseria because of the potential for the community aspect that SL seemed to be lacking. I’ve mostly had mainland or rentals before but have never been one to isolate myself or put up ban lines. That would ruin all the fun and spontaneity of SL for me. I really just want an active neighborhood with cool neighbors or at least something going on sometimes.

I have a traditional in Ashton Village right now, right on the border of Millbank. The area itself isn’t spectacular, although there is a little canal behind the house but I think it could have been done better (don’t kill me for being negative, please). I’m holding onto it in hopes that they’ll do something cool with Millbank that will make it interesting to live that close. We’ll see.

Edited by Echopraxia
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14 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

If I could get the Lindens and Moles to built my dream Linden Home theme/terrain thingie, I think this might be it...


@Patch Linden ... Could y'all get right on that, please and thank you? Will bribe... name your price! 

I love that picture!  Cliffs are easy to come by in SL ... I have rough amalgam textures like those walls, but Skye probably has newer materials versions ... they have something close to the funky pine/cypress too ... red shiny tile, got it ... railings, got them ... grills for the windows, got them ... terra cotta pots, got them ... round bushes, got them ... hmmm those mossy rocks in the foreground,  can do with textures but sure would be nice to have 3d, dunno where to get those ....underwater rocks, no problem ....rough foundation rocks, can get mesh fullperm, use a mossy rock texture ....is that a little pool I see on the roof?  Can do ...

Really, that is gorgeous and wouldn't be hard to come close to. 

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3 minutes ago, s2Pandora said:
33 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

If I could get the Lindens and Moles to built my dream Linden Home theme/terrain thingie, I think this might be it...


@Patch Linden ... Could y'all get right on that, please and thank you? Will bribe... name your price! 

This type of build would be freaking AMAZING!



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4 minutes ago, Nika Talaj said:

Really, that is gorgeous and wouldn't be hard to come close to. 

...sssssshhhhhhhhh... yeah, I could do it myself but I want all sorts of sweaty, shirtless Lindens and Moles constructing my cliff home with their bare hands... while I sip lemonade and watch all the bulging, rippling, muscles...

Or maybe just @Quartz Mole... 

Where were we? What are we talking about? When did it get so hot in here? LAWD!


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22 hours ago, Aemeth Lysette said:

With that in mind, let me ask you all: what terrain suits your ideal Bellisserian house? Where do you want to live? And did you get that house? Are you waiting for another try or are you going to keep what you have? Lemme know!

I really like the trailer I got, and it's a beautiful spot near the water.  But...it's too much like the Ozarks....I want something like the Rocky Mountains...high peaks...streams.   But dare I leave the nice spot I have to try for another...risky...

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10 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I really like the trailer I got, and it's a beautiful spot near the water.  But...it's too much like the Ozarks....I want something like the Rocky Mountains...high peaks...streams. 

I love high mountains too, in RL I've always been physically very comfortable above 8,000 ft. 

But really hard to get much of a rise from sea level to look well in SL due to stretching of the terrain textures.  Maybe you could juggle the terrain ranges enough to put most of the stretch at the lower elevations instead of the higher ones, and cover those with mesh or sculptie (prim count!) cliffs ... I don't know.

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5 minutes ago, Nika Talaj said:

I love high mountains too, in RL I've always been physically very comfortable above 8,000 ft. 

But really hard to get much of a rise from sea level to look well in SL due to stretching of the terrain textures.  Maybe you could juggle the terrain ranges enough to put most of the stretch at the lower elevations instead of the higher ones, and cover those with mesh or sculptie (prim count!) cliffs ... I don't know.

I like the grey color on the Mole rocks. I am sure they could make cliffs too. It is not sure that the prim count would be higher, the background, long slopes does not need 110% sculpting, but could be more like this:


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5 minutes ago, Nika Talaj said:

I love high mountains too, in RL I've always been physically very comfortable above 8,000 ft. 

But really hard to get much of a rise from sea level to look well in SL due to stretching of the terrain textures.  Maybe you could juggle the terrain ranges enough to put most of the stretch at the lower elevations instead of the higher ones, and cover those with mesh or sculptie (prim count!) cliffs ... I don't know.

Yes, I live in such a flat area of the country, plus my family used to enjoy vacations in the mountains, and so I have such an attraction to that type of landscape.

Vertical gardens are so lovely...but not easy in SL to create with the terrain stretching issues you mention....and doing it in mesh will always up the LI  :(

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I can't say I prefer any terrain over another. I'm fickle. I like the desert, I like snow, I like mountains with lakes, and sandy beaches. I want it all.

For me it's more about this feeling of "home". I am not sure I can even quantify what that is exactly but I do think a lot of it has to do with the way the light hits the house and land and if the property has decent views of something I can rest my eyes on that sparks happy in me. Pleasant neighbors that don't crap up their property helps too. 

With my houseboat it's the wide expanse of Linden water it faces. With my trailer it's the waterfall it overlooks. With the house in Lostbell, the fact that it's elevated high over all the other homes and looks out over all the houseboats, homes and water below. And with the other house I have in Edgar - which by all accounts isn't the most interesting of neighborhoods (yep me, 3 premium alts) it's the utter seclusion it affords which is way down a hill, with a very small canal on one side, and a road behind so the houses in back are WAY WAY away from me. It's nicely wooded too and just feels *right* although I'm probably giving this one up eventually since I don't need 2 houses and I'm sure LL will surprise us with some other kind of interesting residence soon enough.

Having said all of that though, ideally I'm still hoping for a sandy lot right on the water. Hopefully, at some point that will happen.

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A good community means a lot to me too! That's the sort of thing that even though it wasn't the terrain I wanted with the first house, I lived there for a long time. My neighbors were kind and they really knew how to decorate. When I moved over, I looked back at my old parcel and saw someone had typed in a temporary title for the land, something like "please let me get this". I think they'll be overjoyed with that home and treat it right! For a moment, I was kind of emotionally overwhelmed at how happy I knew they'd be.

I play so much Lana Del Rey where I am now, though. I'm really happy with my current house.

Edited by Aemeth Lysette
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I would love for something that has a water view it does not have to be a oceanfront view could be a nice lake or pond. I also am picky when it comes to the landscape I don't want any obstructions blocking that view (don't want to start derendering things), I want well placed trees, rocks, bushes and flowers which need to be placed nicely so that I don't have to use so many prims to make the yard look decent when I would like to use those for inside the home. Would also like little sitting area or spots laid around the region some areas have them others do not. Some of the camper areas close to the resort have nice little views but not a fan of them so looking for homes that have the same concept..

I try not to be picky on the homes I did get but they always missed something mostly the water other then my houseboat lol, but can be very difficult to obtain the right home when so many others are trying to gain that water view also. I have given up looking for that dream location tired of the mad dash rush to anticipate when a region with those type of homes will be released and competing with 100's of others to obtain one continues to happen over and over again you are just not going to be placed at the ultimate location without a bunch of luck and hate playing the catch and release game so I went back to something I am guaranteed has that view.


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