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Hi all I'm after some advice so is it worth upgrading my membership to second life my question is liden homes can I build my own on that land can I remove the house they give me also can the land be used for selling items from? Is it worth the money each month or am I better off renting land or even buying? Regards steve 

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No, you cannot remove the build on a Linden Homes parcel (although you may be able to swap it with another home) so there's nowhere to build your own. (This is different from the Horizons regions which come with optional homes, but those parcels are very expensive, not free to members as are Linden Homes.) And no, you cannot sell from Linden Homes parcels, among other restrictions that vary from one area to another.

Based on your questions, I think you'd be happier simply buying a nice bit of Mainland -- especially if you have use for the Premium stipend and other benefits -- or renting either Mainland or Estate.

Edited by Qie Niangao
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1 hour ago, xebian1982 said:

my question is liden homes can I build my own on that land can I remove the house they give me also can the land be used for selling items from?

No across the board.

You cannot remove the house so there is no where to build your own.  Also it is against the covenant to use for commercial sales or events.

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You get 1024sqm tier included with your Premium membership.
If you opt to take a Linden Home that will use either 512sqm (old) or 1024sqm (new) of that tier depending on your choice of Linden Home.
If you take a 512sqm Linden Home you can get 512sqm of regular mainland as well without increasing your tier costs, however if you opt for a new Linden Home of 1024sqm you will incur extra tier costs if you also buy regular mainland.

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3 minutes ago, xebian1982 said:

Also as a premium member am I correct in thinking That I can own 1,024 and not pay land fees? 

This is correct.

You also would have access to premium sandboxes. Where you don’t have to worry about griefers or clutter. The few people that you’d share it with are usually doing their own thing. 

So you can create to your hearts content until you find the right parcel for you.


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1 minute ago, xebian1982 said:

OK thanks for that so I'm going to have to go premium anyway as I want to own mainland so can I rent my liden home out as I do not really want or need it? Also what's the main reason to one mainland is that the best land to own? 

I don't think it's officially allowed, but in theory you could privately rent a Linden Home. In practice, though, it would be a pretty dismal experience for the renter because you cannot deed the land to a group, so that limits the stuff the renter can do on the parcel (although you can "set" the land to group which would give some tenant abilities to group members). But if you aren't going to use it yourself, why not just abandon the Linden Home and use that tier on owning a Mainland parcel?

There are lots of considerations about whether you want to pay Premium fees and own Mainland, or stay Basic and rent (either Mainland or Estate). Estates are usually more "managed" so your neighbors won't be able to do the most annoying things (like have low-altitude skyboxes), but you too will need to follow the Estate's covenant. I can't be completely unbiased here because I'm a long time creature of Mainland myself, and value the Premium benefits for the way I use Second Life.

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4 minutes ago, xebian1982 said:

OK so when I sign up I get offered a liden home? So I can refuse one I do not want one or need one what will happen then will I get given a mainland plot of 1,024 or just the option to own it with no fees? Sorry for all the questions 

You don't have to take a Linden Home, it is just a choice.  You don't get given any mainland plot either.  You get the option to purchase a mainland plot, most commonly from another resident.

Edited by Gabriele Graves
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You can take a linden home and abandon it later. 

The catch with buying mainland, you have to find the parcel yourself and you also have to buy the parcel, either from LL or a private seller.

Private sellers tend to jack up the price. You can buy through LL directly by filing a ticket or through an auction. The auction is it’s own little mini game where you’re usually going up against the private sellers that I mentioned before.

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21 minutes ago, xebian1982 said:

OK thanks for that so I'm going to have to go premium anyway as I want to own mainland so can I rent my liden home out as I do not really want or need it? Also what's the main reason to one mainland is that the best land to own? 

Its up to you what you want and what you need.
Think about if you need to upgrade to premium at all. For about 8 UDS a month, what equals the amount you have to pay for being premium, you also can rent a 4096 sqm parcel on a homestead, including 312 Land Impact.
People like me prefer to rent on private sims and homesteads, because there is mostly way less anarchy, compared to madlands ™️ mainland, when its about "ugly" buildings and 30 meter high walls.

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well my plan is a store i wish to sell my items there im just looking land up on youtube now im for sure thinking about renting my question is what happens if i spend hours building my store only to find the land owner wants to sell the land can that happen?

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Just to complete the options available, you don't have to buy mainland either, you can also rent there.  One of the biggest draws of mainland is the huge contiguous spaces with road, waterways and rail that simply doesn't exist at the same scale for private estates.  @xebian1982You should definitely decide what kind of place appeals to you before making a commitment.  Go to a lot of places and see what is around.

Edited by Gabriele Graves
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Yes, that can happen -- just like in "real life".  If you rent you are always depending on your landlord to be stable. But once you have your store set up, just take a copy of the whole thing and you will have that as a backup.   I have moved whole sims in a day, so it isn't a huge deal as long as you have your BACKUPS :D.


Good luck on your land quest. 

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5 minutes ago, steplayz said:

well my plan is a store i wish to sell my items there im just looking land up on youtube now im for sure thinking about renting my question is what happens if i spend hours building my store only to find the land owner wants to sell the land can that happen?

Nothing stops them from selling the land or moving you to another place they own.  If this presents a problem for you then you should look to buy either mainland or a region from LL.  Nobody can move you from mainland or a region you have bought from LL.

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@xebian1982 and @steplayz

Resi Pfeffer has given you some of the best advice in this thread so far:  Don't rush things!

Maybe the two most complex topics in Second Life are avatar appearance and virtual land.  Unless you know what you're doing, you can make a mistake that can cost you considerable money.

Read the Knowledge Base articles on land.  Visit a lot of parcels on private estates, and on the Mainland.  I teach a free class on land on Saturdays, at 12 noon SL time, at Caledon Oxbridge University.  Maybe I'll see you there!

The two varieties of land in SL are Mainland and Private Estates.  Private Estates are actually more popular than Mainland...they make up about 67% of the land in SL.  Both types of land have advantages and disadvantages.

Mainland Advantages

  • Fewer regulations
  • Less chance of losing the land
  • Can be rented from another resident


  • Can look grungy...your neighbors can put up things you don't like
  • Terraforming is limited (+/- 4 meters from the original surface level)
  • Can't change the ground textures
  • Requires Premium membership to own (but there are other benefits to Premium, too)

Private Estate Advantages

  • Often looks nicer than mainland (but not always, lots of estate owners just make a flat sandy waffle grid of parcels)
  • A responsive estate manager can be helpful in dealing with problems
  • Some say it's less laggy (in my view, though, this depends more on what scripts and textures are in use on the land)
  • Homestead regions provide more square meters for your money (but less prims)
  • No Premium membership needed


  • Covenant provisions by the owner may restrict what you can build or do (e.g., no stores in residential areas)
  • If the owner sells the region or leaves SL, you can lose the land unexpectedly
  • In some cases, may cost more than Mainland tier (but may not!  Always compare prices!)

If you are a Premium member, you can opt for a Linden Home, or you can buy a Mainland parcel.  Either way, you get free monthly tier on up to 1024 sq m.  If you own more Mainland than 1024, you pay a monthly fee that goes up in steps (or "tiers") as the amount you own increases.

Start small!  Go Premium and try a Linden Home, or rent a Mainland parcel or a parcel on an estate.  Keep it small, no more than 4096 sq m., until you've had some time to learn how land "works" in SL.


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OK great thanks for the info we'll I may as well no go premium and then decide what u want so I used to play second life around 8 years ago is it still somthing that is goung to stay around is there still the user base as before from what iv seen its dead to what it used to be or is that because I'm not premium and not seen all locations? 

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I've done some long term rentals and never had the landlord pull land out from under me. I'd do a weekly payment for rent until you are comfortable with how the landlord operates and then pay for several weeks at a time. SL seems pretty crowded to me whenever I can't get into a shopping event.

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