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About groups, rules and notecards


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I feel stupid since I'm here (SL I mean) for almost a full year and still don't know some basic tricks.

I have a group. This group is ahn... adult oriented, so we need to have clear rules BEFORE people decide to join to prevent tons of drama. How can I make the notecard available to everyone before it? (I know there is an area for group notices, but I need to let people check rules before joining.)

Maybe I should create a blog elsewhere with the rules and link it on group description? Will it work?

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In the group's description which people can hopefully read before joining, you could indicate that some serious reading is required before joining and indicate a link to another source, if you wanted to. 

Or you could put the rules as picks in your own profile and use the group description to direct readers to that, alternatively. There are many ways to get the information across. 

If you're looking to make sure you have "plausible ejectability" (i.e. "you'll be ejected for breaking the rules whether or not you've read them, and I can guarantee that you ought to have read them because we took these certain precautions, so you're ejected now") then you can maybe indicate in the group description to request a notecard from you personally before engaging with the group, and upon delivery of that notecard you would change the new person's title to whatever you think indicates "ready to engage." 

Or, maybe, if you have land, perhaps where the group joiner is, you can also indicate "Read This First Before Joining," as a big fat red button to press before pressing the little tiny black button to join the group.  Lots of creative ways to get this done.

My favourite solution is to have a group manager to take care of all this for you so that you don't have to lol

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14 minutes ago, Clarrellae said:

In the group's description which people can hopefully read before joining, you could indicate that some serious reading is required before joining and indicate a link to another source, if you wanted to. 

Or you could put the rules as picks in your own profile and use the group description to direct readers to that, alternatively. There are many ways to get the information across. 

The warning is done, I just need to set the outside source. Sounds like the best way, since there is no way to provide note links "P2P", let's say.

15 minutes ago, Clarrellae said:

...you can maybe indicate in the group description to request a notecard from you personally before engaging with the group, and upon delivery of that notecard you would change the new person's title to whatever you think indicates "ready to engage." 

That's a good one, except the fact that I don't log daily, so I would really need trustable managers.

17 minutes ago, Clarrellae said:

Or, maybe, if you have land, perhaps where the group joiner is, you can also indicate "Read This First Before Joining," as a big fat red button to press before pressing the little tiny black button to join the group.  Lots of creative ways to get this done.

My favourite solution is to have a group manager to take care of all this for you so that you don't have to lol

Sadly the land solution is great, but far from my "the wanderer" reality LOL

Thank you for the ideas.

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1 hour ago, Ewadir said:


Sadly the land solution is great, but far from my "the wanderer" reality LOL

Thank you for the ideas.

Ahh see now, you had me fooled since this is the Land Forum general discussion area, so I was hoping this was somehow land-solved 👍  Nevertheless, good luck, something will work out.

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