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Help and Info to get a new Linden Home (or try to!)

Raevyn Addams

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On 8/11/2019 at 5:43 PM, Trinity1776 said:


On a practical note, it can be frustrating for people who work regular business hours in the Western Hemisphere that they are shut out of a lot of the timed releases. If you're off work early one day or taking a day off you might want to set up the auto-refresh so that you're able to react when a release happens. Since releases often happen on Mondays and Fridays there is an opportunity for those who have taken a long weekend. 


I live in the Pacific Coast and this is exactly what I did.  I just did auto-refresh when I was done work and if I was on my computer.  And the only day I can do the new releases is on Monday cause that is my day off.  And both houses I got were abandoned and I got them after work.  My first houseboat I got during the second release and I was off work that day as I happened to take a vacation day.

People don't have to spend 24/7 on their computer, just relax, enjoy the hunt and try when you can.  You will eventually hit the jackpot!

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4 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I reported the post and requested such, and so did at least 1-2 other people that I know of, so apparently the forum Mods don't think so

That's sad! I'll add my weight to this request; @RaeLeeH has done a superb job here. This is a really good package of "Everything You Need to Know About Claiming a New Linden Home", and is definitely worth being sticky!

Thank you, Rae, for taking the time and effort to do all of this!

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Unashamedly bumping this.

But I also have something to add that just came up in another thread, so figured I'd add it here too just in case someone can benefit.


When you miss a region release - don't give up!

I just caught a house in the newest released region 13 minutes after the region was released. So for those of you who leave the room and come back to find the release has just happened, don't think you've missed out. There are a lot of people like me who for whatever reason throw back the houses they catch (abandon them, and yes I have been one. We are all free to have this choice), which allows someone else to catch it.


1) If you see Bellisseria pop up in the home style choice menu and click it, only to be shown the 'Sold Out' page - click the back button on your browser TWICE immediately! You have to click it twice. Once will give you a white page with a notification on it, clicking it a second time will take you back to the home style page, where sometimes you might be lucky to see Bellisseria still there OR show up again.

2) If you are met with the 'Sold Out' notice again, click the back button twice again. If Bellisseria does not appear on the home style menu, MANUALLY REFRESH your page.

(I've found it best that when releases have happened to not use Auto Refresh and stick to manually refreshing, at least following a region release. Use Auto Refresh any other time as you wish).

3) Manually refresh the page again. And again. And again.

4) Keep refreshing until either Bellisseria appears on the style options menu OR you get the refresh limit notice page.

(If and when you get the Limit Reached notice, log out of your dashboard and log back in again straight away. Click on the yellow 'Get Your Home Now' button, and continue MANUALLY refreshing).

5) Keep repeating the steps above for as long as possible, or as long as you feel you wish to.


As I said, I just caught a house 13 minutes after the region was released and all the homes initially claimed. Someone abandoned their home and I caught it. Then I abandoned it too. (For the record it was three houses away from the ocean, not bad, but not what I was looking for either. I say this in case people have the opinion that ALL abandoned homes are "ugly" and no one wants them).

This method works for me, and for many others. Their success stories are how I come to learn of this method too. It won't guarantee you a new house immediately, but is especially handy right after a region has been released to catch the abandons that almost always happen.You will catch a house compared to someone who has given up and isn't trying anymore, so keep trying! 


Another thing to note:

Mondays and Fridays around 7:00a.m. SLT onward seems to be a good time for homes to be abandoned as people prepare for what they HOPE will be a region release. No one ever really knows for sure exactly when a region will be released but this is just something I've personally observed. And I have had more success catching abandons on these days too than most other days. It's just worth considering if you're able to be at the computer or phone etc for a while around these times.

For more details on exactly when previous regions have been released, see here, and here. (Thanks to @Leora Jacobus for the statistics! I've probably lost some in earlier posts).


Anyway that's all. And as always, good luck! :) 

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2 hours ago, usagihara said:

When i got the Sold Out page I did NOT click the back button.

I stayed on the page and turned auto-refresh back on. Five minutes later, I had a house.

I have no idea whether this would work for other people, I just know it worked that one time for me.

That's great @usagihara, congrats! I've never actually had that happen YET (at this point anything is possible), but still handy to have here in case it helps someone. Thanks for the tip! 👍 😁

Someone even mentioned they'd managed to catch a house by refreshing the 'Sold Out' page? I can't see how that helps but who knows. I'm not exactly an expert on the matter.

I've also had an odd thing that happen twice now that hadn't previously. Someone (I think it was @Leora Jacobus, or @iBrat, I could be mistaken? Sorry if I'm thinking of someone else) had mentioned catching a house kind of by accident in that she had left Auto Refresh on, left it refreshing the page as she went and did something else, and then came back to check it at some point to see it had found Bellisseria on the style options menu. Not knowing how long it had been there she clicked 'Next' anyway, ticked the check box thinking there was no way the house was still there, and she got the house! She wasn't even rushing through all this clicking.

I remember saying to her (or whomever it was) that she was lucky as I'd never had that happen to me. Well it has now, twice! Though it doesn't happen all the time either. But there seems to be occasions where Auto Refresh will find Bellisseria (as it's supposed to) even if you're not watching the page or extremely quick on hitting the 'Next' button or 'Terms of Service' check box, and the house can still be claimed.

It's just another tip I guess. Hopefully it will help someone. And keeping all these tips in one place is hopefully easier to find than spread throughout the forums.

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11 minutes ago, RaeLeeH said:

That's great @usagihara, congrats! I've never actually had that happen YET (at this point anything is possible), but still handy to have here in case it helps someone. Thanks for the tip! 👍 😁

Someone even mentioned they'd managed to catch a house by refreshing the 'Sold Out' page? I can't see how that helps but who knows. I'm not exactly an expert on the matter.

I've also had an odd thing that happen twice now that hadn't previously. Someone (I think it was @Leora Jacobus, or @iBrat, I could be mistaken? Sorry if I'm thinking of someone else) had mentioned catching a house kind of by accident in that she had left Auto Refresh on, left it refreshing the page as she went and did something else, and then came back to check it at some point to see it had found Bellisseria on the style options menu. Not knowing how long it had been there she clicked 'Next' anyway, ticked the check box thinking there was no way the house was still there, and she got the house! She wasn't even rushing through all this clicking.

I remember saying to her (or whomever it was) that she was lucky as I'd never had that happen to me. Well it has now, twice! Though it doesn't happen all the time either. But there seems to be occasions where Auto Refresh will find Bellisseria (as it's supposed to) even if you're not watching the page or extremely quick on hitting the 'Next' button or 'Terms of Service' check box, and the house can still be claimed.

It's just another tip I guess. Hopefully it will help someone. And keeping all these tips in one place is hopefully easier to find than spread throughout the forums.

In my memory, could be wrong lol. Wasn't it @tootsiepop1 who had that suprise catch?

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15 minutes ago, iBrat said:

In my memory, could be wrong lol. Wasn't it @tootsiepop1 who had that suprise catch?

I have no idea. It's all blurring together at this point! (We are the usual suspects now; all the familiar faces at the 'When did you last see a Bellisseria home?' thread) Though it might be? 🤔 😆

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Just now, RaeLeeH said:

I have no idea. It's all blurring together at this point! (We are the usual suspects now; all the familiar faces at the 'When did you last see a Bellisseria home?' thread) Though it might be? 🤔 😆

Haha yes. I was talking about some of the familiar faces here yesterday to @Shield Markus and faces, places, pictures and names all stored somewhere in the blurrisness. I do have you very clear though and so does Shield, with your lovely location. I think I do have a pretty good idea where your right eye is aiming for right now though ^^ Would love you as my neighbour there :P

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I hadn’t managed to snag a houseboat in any release (just not fast enough). I was truly astonished when Bellisseria came up with a choice of a traditional and a houseboat before my auto-refresh chime sounded during the Walrus Beach release. I felt like I was moving in slow motion to click on the houseboat, because I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Then there was the usual fumbling on checking the TOS box. I was either the first or last person to get a houseboat in that release. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to this process, however I love the tutorial that @RaeLeeH has provided. Thanks, too, for the many helpful hints given by other members of the community. You kept my hope alive. 🌟❤️🌟

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  • 2 weeks later...

Instead of "Bump" I'll add some of the records I collected that might be interesting for you - @RaeLeeH asked me to.

I made an Excel Table on 15th of Juli and kept record of the releases ever since.
So I can give you the days of the week, how many releases and at which time SLT they happened - here goes!

On Mondays there have been 9 releases- times SLT where:
09:53 (Double Release)

On Tuesdays there have been 4 releases- times SLT where:

On Wendsdays there have been 10 releases- times SLT where:
10:25 (Double Release)

On Thursdays there have been 3 releases- times SLT where:

On Thursdays there have been 10 releases- times SLT where:
09:29 (Double Release)
11:50 (Triple Release)

As you can see and as Patch has stated they usually release on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during LL office hours. Exceptions happen, especially Tuesday and Thursday releases ... these are a bonus! ;)

One thing is important to make quite clear. Each of this times happened on another date. I never witnessed another release on the same day after one had happened. If there had been two regions release or even three they have been releases together at the same time SLT.


Edited by Leora Jacobus
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That is brilliant! Thanks so much @Leora Jacobus; you are the queen of stats! ❤️

I figured since people have asked about times of releases in other threads it would be good to have them all in the one place instead of spread out over multiple pages. Some people might look for them but the majority would be happier with quick answers that are easy to find (or link to). So THANK YOU again! I hope this helps someone, and even if it doesn't I still think it's pretty cool to see all the times together like that.


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As to the likelyness of very early or very late releases ...

Of the 41 releases that are on my list only a few (5) have happened before 7:00 am

..... and even less (3) have happened after 2:00 pm

So if you do not start before 7 am SLT you only run little risk of missing out ... same with not keeping on after 2 pm SLT ;)

Edited by Leora Jacobus
corrected two mistakes ... see below
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Just doublechecking a bit ....

My (seemingly) latest release was Porthole on Monday 2nd September - bankholiday in USA

First I miscalculated the time it was 11:13 pm my time which makes it 2:13 pm SLT.

Secondly it was the only exception of the rule "only on LL business hours" ... a bonus for the people for which this was a workday! ;)

will correct the time in my files!


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I don’t know if this played a part in it or not, but.

I got my first house rather quickly, half an hour or so. I abandoned it, I don’t like the Belli houses. I even went back to Basic.

Thinking I can do a lot in a sky box with 351 prims on a 1024 lot I signed up again with Annual. I expected and was ready for a long wait but just like the first time, I got my house in about half an hour.

I think it has to do with my gigabit internet connection, if you have a friend with a faster connection maybe try it out and see. Maybe I’m just lucky.

Love my sky box.

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