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Would it be weird to give away lindens?

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Of course the first post I make on these forums would be me saying goodbye to strangers.

Long story short: Got pretty devastating news. After struggling with what to do next I've reached my decision. My real life's changed. I no longer wish to devote my time to Second Life. I'm closing that chapter. I'm going to delete my account despite it being over 11 years old. This is what I need to do. But if I were to do that do my lindens just disappear? Seems like a waste Honestly I'm thinking about going around sim hopping and just giving people what I have left if the moment I delete my account they cease to exist. 

It's almost bittersweet saying goodbye to SL...

So hello/goodbye forums. I had fun lurking and learning about you guys from the shadows. 🕶️

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Aww, hello, hugs and good luck to you!

You can of course sell your Lindens for cash but unless it's a substantial amount you probably don't want to bother.

Dive by charity is fine and as Bigmoe said, you won't be the first. What I would have done, was donate to some of the volunteer grops that do so much good work making SL a better place for us all. Since I'm a builder, I'd probably have given my Lindens to the in-world schools that helped me so much in the beginning. For other it may be their favoirte clubs, role play sims they've enjoyed, the newcomer help centers or some of the other places free for everybody to enjoy.

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Much as I’d love being the recipient of some of that “drive-by charity”, I agree that user-to-user helping areas, or individual accounts of a certain SL age range, are your nicest choice; in the latter case I’d go for users not too new to know what to do with the L$ (or even what they are), nor too old that they can’t—and haven’t probably—gotten their own.

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I would like to point out that Relay For Life (RFL) accepts donations on behalf of the American Cancer Society in the form of Linden dollars.

You can visit https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/American Cancer Society/124/74/21 and donate there.


Note that this charity is verified and 100% legit. Feel free to ask around or do other forms of research if you wish.  🙂

Edited by Fritigern Gothly
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As a side note from the linden question, unless you have a compelling need to permanently close the account,  I'd suggest rather than cancelling, simply change the account type from premium to free/basic (if applicable) and clear out any payment methods (again if applicable) for security reasons, and walk away.  Your avatar and all it's current belongings will sit idle and if in the future you ever decided to peek back in, you won't start wholly from scratch. 

I get it if you need for personal reasons to make that hard line account closure to reduce/eliminate temptation in the short run, but for me personally I've come to appreciate the ability to go visit some old haunting grounds after years of being away and have been very  glad that my accounts/persona's have remained.  Sometimes I'll only drop in, say hi, remember why it was I left and go away gain.  Sometimes though, I go back and find it was time to pick it up again making a new chapter in that particular experience. 

In any event, I do wish you safe travels away from here and may y our path lead to you what you need or seek and with luck both are the same.


Edited by Anna Salyx
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15 hours ago, Summer Woods said:

Of course the first post I make on these forums would be me saying goodbye to strangers.

Long story short: Got pretty devastating news. After struggling with what to do next I've reached my decision. My real life's changed. I no longer wish to devote my time to Second Life. I'm closing that chapter. I'm going to delete my account despite it being over 11 years old. This is what I need to do. But if I were to do that do my lindens just disappear? Seems like a waste Honestly I'm thinking about going around sim hopping and just giving people what I have left if the moment I delete my account they cease to exist. 

It's almost bittersweet saying goodbye to SL...

So hello/goodbye forums. I had fun lurking and learning about you guys from the shadows. 🕶️

Sorry to see you go Summer but you have to do what you have to do. Take care and I wish you and yours all the best in everything you do from this day forward.

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7 hours ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

I would like to point out that Relay For Life (RFL) accepts donations on behalf of the American Cancer Society in the form of Linden dollars.

You can visit https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/American Cancer Society/124/74/21 and donate there.


Note that this charity is verified and 100% legit. Feel free to ask around or do other forms of research if you wish.  🙂

Excellent idea!

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I've only left for an extended period once  (6 months) and I did give away my lindens.  I just gave them to one person though- there weren't that many of them (tho everything is subjective) less than 1k.

10 Lindens for an upload fee can seem like a small treasure when you're broke (been there!).  

I agree the relay for Life is also a great idea for a recipient as well....

Edited by Pixie Kobichenko
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I'm sorry I've only just seen your posting.  Life does throw some awful challenges so I hope you have some support for whatever it is you are now facing.  I shan't try to persuade you to leave your account open, even if seems a good idea; your decision is your own and only you know what's best.  I wish you the very best, and may you enjoy real life as much as you can.

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I can imagine it's a difficult choice to make. It might be simpler to bring your account down to free/basic and just login every six months. If you're set on deleting your account then I will take care of your lindens for you. Pass some my way, lol! Whatever is happening irl, if it's work outable then I wish you the best, if not, I wish for your comfort and peace. 

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Giving away $L or not, going down to Basic or deleting everything and walking away forever, THIS is the sort of farewell post we ought to get more often.

It's a welcome change from the usual "I QUIT!" rants, where the first responses are "Can I have your stuff?" and "Don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out."

Thanks, Summer.

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On 8/7/2019 at 12:28 PM, Summer Woods said:

It's almost bittersweet saying goodbye to SL...

I accidentally clicked the haha emoji, i don't know how. I deleted it when i saw it was my haha, i would never laugh at any one who  have a hard time 
I whis you all the best .


p.s. I made this post because i don't know if you get notified about the haha.

Edited by Bent Luik
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Hi Summer!

I am very sorry to hear that you have received devastating news in your life. I wish you the very best, whatever path your life takes from this point forward.

If you choose, you may give or donate any L$ on your account to any person, or any charity, of your choosing. If you have a Paypal or Skrill account, you could sell the L$ on the LindeX for US Dollars and then choose to make a Process Credit Request to have the US Dollars sent to your Paypal or Skrill account. 

Alternately, you may also choose to close/cancel the account and just leave the funds on the the account.  If you do decide to return to Second Life in the future, you may ask to have the account reactivated and the L$ will still be there for you if you return to Second Life.

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On 8/9/2019 at 12:40 AM, Lindal Kidd said:

Giving awayg $L or not, going down to Basic or deleting everything and walking away forever, THIS is the sort of farewell post we ought to get more often.

It's a welcome change from the usual "I QUIT!" rants, where the first responseons are "Can I have your stuff?" and "Don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out."

Thanks, Summer.

Anyone leaving now is bad news with all the empty sims.  If us long term players are leaving there must be something amis.  To have an account, the memories and the relationships that go with that main account ended it’s a big deal after such a long time particularly if used regularly like mine was, and  to a degree forms part of my identity and contains years of creation work.  I’m sad about it, I always thought they would unplug SL before I left and moved on.   I’m just  making a few last posts as it helps with the sadness.  

Edited by chardonay Babii
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