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When did you last see a Bellessarian home available?

Nika Talaj
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2 hours ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

But that's precisely why they are doing it.  It's not enough to own things.  Owning stuff means NOTHING if you don't own MORE than others.  What's the point of being rich if you can't do that?  What's the point of entitlement, then? 

Are you sure that's why?

I feel for those who are still engaged in the hunt, if some land group is stalking new regions - it's unquestionably annoying and often disappointing.  I've been there.  But I still hesitate to ascribe the group's behavior to a desire to feel superior to others, or exercise 'entitlement' through pixel homes.  It may have nothing to do with what other people have or how they feel.  The persons doing it could be in the grip of some compulsion.  Or, they could regard getting a bunch of LH's in close proximity as a creating a collection.  After all, Linden Homes are a form of art.  

At my elbow I have a large china cabinet filled with the porcelain collections of my mother and grandmother.  (God knows how I'm going to ever get rid of it; anybody out there want some figurines?)  They did not collect to express wealth; they selected pieces carefully, often with specific display positions in mind - the collection, in aggregate, was an expression of a sort of folk art.  A porcelain collage, if you will.

Many people (and museums) display their collections publicly, lavishing time and effort on choosing specific pieces and designing the best setting for them.  They go to auctions and, perhaps consistently, outbid others to get pieces, and that is generally accepted as inevitable.  Similarly, a Linden Home collector might scoop up and decorate a set of parcels to accentuate what the owner sees in them, in aggregate, and hope that others appreciate their efforts.

IIRC, a member of such a land group came to the forums to explain that their mother had few pleasures in life, and simply  enjoyed getting and swiftly decorating sets of lovely Linden Homes.  Who knows if that was true.  Then again, who knows if it was false?

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24 minutes ago, Nika Talaj said:

Are you sure that's why?

I feel for those who are still engaged in the hunt, if some land group is stalking new regions - it's unquestionably annoying and often disappointing.  I've been there.  But I still hesitate to ascribe the group's behavior to a desire to feel superior to others, or exercise 'entitlement' through pixel homes.  It may have nothing to do with what other people have or how they feel.  The persons doing it could be in the grip of some compulsion.  Or, they could regard getting a bunch of LH's in close proximity as a creating a collection.  After all, Linden Homes are a form of art.  

At my elbow I have a large china cabinet filled with the porcelain collections of my mother and grandmother.  (God knows how I'm going to ever get rid of it; anybody out there want some figurines?)  They did not collect to express wealth; they selected pieces carefully, often with specific display positions in mind - the collection, in aggregate, was an expression of a sort of folk art.  A porcelain collage, if you will.

Many people (and museums) display their collections publicly, lavishing time and effort on choosing specific pieces and designing the best setting for them.  They go to auctions and, perhaps consistently, outbid others to get pieces, and that is generally accepted as inevitable.  Similarly, a Linden Home collector might scoop up and decorate a set of parcels to accentuate what the owner sees in them, in aggregate, and hope that others appreciate their efforts.

IIRC, a member of such a land group came to the forums to explain that their mother had few pleasures in life, and simply  enjoyed getting and swiftly decorating sets of lovely Linden Homes.  Who knows if that was true.  Then again, who knows if it was false?

Yes, but...did your mom rush into every newly-opened figurine store just to buy their entire stock?  Cuz that's what's going on with the GOH Home Hogs.

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21 hours ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

It's actually quite easy to pass a home to someone, as long as that particular theme (say, trads) is not flooding the land page at the moment in question. I've done it many times, and I know of quite a few other people who are successful with it as well. 

To clarify, I'm not personally dejected, invested, or anything else by any of this. I don't even have a free alt to play GOH with, even if I wanted to. As previously stated, my time now is being spent scouting Mainland parcels, and I'm greatly enjoying the stress-free, hassle-free, "no need to obsessively watch a land page and hope you can beat out an alt army" experience. My new neighbors are nice, too! :) 

I've just been in here supporting the ones who are still trying to play GOH and have expressed dismay with how lopsided things seem to be every.single.time a region is released. There will always be some who support and endorse that sort of thing, and some who do not.  *shrug*

I was kind of surprised by your rancor. I’m glad that you explained your position more. Unlike you, I’ve rarely managed to receive or hand off successfully. I’m better off stumbling into a release, like Walrus Beach,  where my alt landed my very first houseboat. Abandons are what I live for! 😊

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57 minutes ago, Marisa Starbrook said:

I was kind of surprised by your rancor. I’m glad that you explained your position more. Unlike you, I’ve rarely managed to receive or hand off successfully. I’m better off stumbling into a release, like Walrus Beach,  where my alt landed my very first houseboat. Abandons are what I live for! 😊

My "rancor" is due to being tired of seeing the same greed play out over and over. It has truthfully spoiled what used to be a fun pastime for me. I see enough of it in RL news every day; I do not need it in my SL. 

Said greed is why I stopped posting abandons in here. The only way to give other people a chance at catching a home is to NOT let certain others know it's going into the pool. Sad but true!

Edited by Sylvia Tamalyn
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For those out their on the hunt for Log homes:

I'll try to give a little intel when i can.  I'm passively looking through logs while I wait for them to release Chalets anyways.  Here is what I can gather at the moment.


Rutabaga (an ok region):

Was released yesterday and only 1 home has been claimed. However, this region has stalled and is not showing up in the Queues.


Orefield (decent region with an interesting interior lake):

Was released about 2 days ago and was initially hammered hard by the GOH players.  However it seems that maybe some of the good water spots are still available or have been abandoned.  Check out this region, if you like Logs and you like this region it may be to your taste.


Edited by Evangeline Ling
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On 3/8/2021 at 11:08 AM, Teresa Firelight said:

Why would anyone want a bunch of homes all in the same neighborhood?

I've seen one home collector explain that they do it because they don't trust their neighbors to decorate to their taste; they snatch up the prettiest sims because only they and their friends have the exquisite decorating skillz those sims deserve. If that isn't entitlement I'm not sure what is, but if they're silly enough to waste hundreds of dollars on the SL equivalent of council housing rather than just getting their own sim, that's on them. I just find it amusing that the people who were passionately defending their right to do this with coastal Victorians last year are not quite as sanguine about them snatching up all the stilts 🤣

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57 minutes ago, Evangeline Ling said:

while I wait for them to release Chalets anyways

Did I miss the announcement of the upcoming theme or is that a wishful post?

I don't even know what a Chalet is though...


On the whole 'grabs all the homes vs. how dare you' thing...

Every day is Christmas morning and one kid rushes down and opens ALL the presents then proceeds to play with them until nightfall. The other kids will all get a present, but they have to wait for that first kid to leave it behind - which they won't do until tomorrow morning when it's Christmas again and that same kid is down there first opening all the presents, but only able to open one for each one they discard from the day before.

- It just sounds amazingly over dramatic and petty on ALL SIDES...


I remember the first home I got in Bellesseria being a pain of several days of looking as nothing was around that I wanted. Other people already had stuff. Then finally something popped that was a keeper so I kept it for a while, and months later I moved - and I've now had my spot since the end of 2019.

Was there frustration? Yeah. But I dealt with it. I kept looking. Eventually I got something. If fools are making drama when they get the toys first or when they have to wait to get their toy... shrug, be patient, and play the long game.


I was literally born dying, never had nothing handed to me in life, and have been fighting since my first breath, and yet I've come very far. Never matters how many setbacks you have. Only matters whether or not you stand back up, try again. That's an over-dramatic way of saying... just be patient, play that long game. All of this is worth a lot less drama than some things, and takes a lot less patience to get through to a good result.

Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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33 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

Did I miss the announcement of the upcoming theme or is that a wishful post?

I don't even know what a Chalet is though...

Wow you did miss out on the news.  It's not very new news though.  Sometime last year while they were in the middle of the whole cloud uplift they previewed the theme that would come after the Stilt Homes.  They are European Chalets.  They even had a region up for several months with a walk through demo.  4 House types just like usual however each house type will have a regular version and an open concept version for more interior variety.

Here is a link to Daniel Voyager's Blog entry about them...


Edited by Evangeline Ling
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Chalets will be the next theme released.  They were shown at the Home and Garden expo or some other shopping event.  No release date has been announced.

When I first found these new homes (well after they were released - like when Vics were coming out) in my naiveite I thought I had the same chance as everyone else to get a great spot.  As I played longer, I realized that wasn't the case.  I have decided to change my thinking to pity for others.

SL is full of all kinds of people and most of us accept the eccentricities.  There are mental health issues, weird kinks I never knew of, disabilities of all kinds.  You can find people with control issues, hoarding issues, and other mental health problem of their own to deal with.  There are people that are home alone all the time.  They don't work for whatever reason and sit at a computer all day living out fantasies.  Some of these people have money to spend and time to waste.

I work a full time job away from my house and nowhere near a computer.  I have family, friends, and love to fill my time.  I have a budgeted amount of money to spend on leisure inworld and very limited time to play.  Yes, I am disappointed that my odds of getting a great place are virtually nothing and I will play for the throwaways when I have time.  I have chosen to feel pity for those who have nothing else and need to have all the power to control what others will get, those that have nothing else to fill their time, or feel the need to hoard.  It helps to change how you view others.  I was angry for a while, but now I just feel sorry for those who feel the need to do this.  I have no idea what their internals battles are, but I am grateful that their battles are not mine.  Happy hunting everyone.


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Honestly, this is all a matter of perspective. I've landed some amazing LH spots. And I've gotten my hopes up about grabbing the perfect spot on the perfect sim just to be outrolled by others. It happens. And while I may be sad for a few hours, there are a million other spots out there. One person's trash is another's treasure. My current favorite is a stilt that was abandoned that I grabbed on a random roll. I was trying to roll a new sim and this little jewel landed in my lap. I just try to be happy with what I get and not fret the small stuff.

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I agree on that @Sehra Kauffman. My 'home' is a little camper that was abandoned and that a wonderful person transferred me, when she found out I really wanted it.

My Trad is a home I had been hoping to get for months; when I found out it had been tossed and that there was a new owner, I was pulling my hair out for living in the 'wrong' side of the Ocean lol; but I politely contacted the new owner, she was really kind and told me she was actually waiting for the stilts, and now the place is mine :) .

I got my cabin just by chance, and I love it. So sure, there are dream homes out there!

The point here is trying to create a respectful community, and that includes those who want to have 20 alts, there is nothing wrong with that.

It is all about the intention you have when playing GoH, and keeping in mind we are actual humans behinds these avis (well, not me, I'm actually a sheep in RL, who happens to have learnt how to type...). 

Edited by Elena Core
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How do you know if you have a good spot?  I got this on my first try after re-signing up for premium. It's in Fiddle Cay and seems to have a little inlet and a nice road near it and the other houses are not too close.  Shrugs, I'm happy with it.

7 hours ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

My "rancor" is due to being tired of seeing the same greed play out over and over. It has truthfully spoiled what used to be a fun pastime for me. I see enough of it in RL news every day; I do not need it in my SL. 

Said greed is why I stopped posting abandons in here. The only way to give other people a chance at catching a home is to NOT let certain others know it's going into the pool. Sad but true!

I don't see it as greed or snatching up houses away from other people. In order to get a Linden home you have to pay for premium. If you can pay for 8 people to have premium then you deserve to have 8 Linden homes just as much as the person that pays for 1.  If they were free that would be another story but we all pay for them through our premium membership.


Edited by Sam1 Bellisserian
Forgot to add the picture
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6 minutes ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

I don't see it as greed or snatching up houses away from other people. In order to get a Linden home you have to pay for premium. If you can pay for 8 people to have premium then you deserve to have 8 Linden homes just as much as the person that pays for 1.  If they were free that would be another story but we all pay for them through our premium membership.

I was not discussing how many homes a person has. I was discussing the practice of bringing a large group of alts into a just-released region and snatching up as many of the newly-released parcels as one can get. Two different topics. :) 

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Just now, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

I was not discussing how many homes a person has. I was discussing the practice of bringing a large group of alts into a just-released region and snatching up as many of the newly-released parcels as one can get. Two different topics. :) 

OH, ok :) same concept I guess then. If all the alts paid for premium I guess I don't see the issue. Maybe I'm missing something?

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1 minute ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

OH, ok :) same concept I guess then. If all the alts paid for premium I guess I don't see the issue. Maybe I'm missing something?

Probably, but I'm not going to go over it all again in this thread. It's been hashed and rehashed many times, I'm sure. :) 

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7 hours ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

My "rancor" is due to being tired of seeing the same greed play out over and over. It has truthfully spoiled what used to be a fun pastime for me. I see enough of it in RL news every day; I do not need it in my SL. 

(emphasis added by Rabid Cheetah)

Bingo, that's exactly what I was trying to say.

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7 hours ago, usagihara said:

I've seen one home collector explain that they do it because they don't trust their neighbors to decorate to their taste; they snatch up the prettiest sims because only they and their friends have the exquisite decorating skillz those sims deserve. If that isn't entitlement I'm not sure what is  (emphasis added by Rabid Cheetah)

That, too, is exactly what I was trying to say.

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