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When did you last see a Bellessarian home available?

Nika Talaj
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52 minutes ago, Evangeline Ling said:

It already is...


And I Quote...

 *“Off region” decorations extending from your parcel are not allowed.

Also, there is "  *Objects that extend outside of your parcel can be returned without warning or notice. "

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My one roll today got me a chalet in Drumlin Farm.  Every house around me is owned by Governor Linden.  I am not sure if it's been released or not, but I see the large waterway nearby.


Edited to add that there is 1 other owned home in the region.  Just one.  All others appear to be Governor Linden's real-estate.


Edited by Cinnamon Mistwood
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Some of you guys need to stop being sour patch children with the numerous linden accounts.  It really speaks of poor sportsmanship in a game that is kept alive by massive spending by people with money.  The saying in life ''you get what you pay for applies in this situation.'' Your choice if you want to pay to play or to be to cheap to pay.  As to whoever is quoting the Linden, you may as well be quoting god himself right now because most people don't read these forums and quite frankly.  Reading is a fundamental skill in life and some of you guys should read a book instead of whining on a forum about you not getting your choice piece of virtual property.  


As a general reminder and to help facilitate the release process, please do not play “game of homes” by taking and releasing homes during the initial phases of launch.  Also it is extremely helpful to refrain from rapidly switching through different home styles to give the regions time to settle and not overload the backend systems.

We hope everyone enjoys the latest additions to the Belliseria continent and community!

-Patch, the Moles and the Second Life Land Operations team


  1. existing or occurring at the beginning.
    "our initial impression was favourable"


You people whining he's saying don't play game of homes need to reread this statement because he said the initial release phases of launch which happened Monday/Tuesday.  Let me point out it is now Saturday soooo can stop quoting him saying xyz.  This is why reading is a fundamental skill in life and some of you need to reread the statements that you interpret as being the end all be all and learn what the words and definitions of those words actually mean.  I know this is SL but everyone should know how to use a dictionary for all intensive purposes.

Block is a lovely feature.. :) :):):)

Edited by Syane Jewell
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I am going to be open with a thought here...

If I see the region I wait for taken by scalpers without me having had an even chance at it I will be upset, I will not feel good. If a scalper tried offering me one later I would not feel good either. 

This is the closest term I have for it if you remove the money side. I have no idea what the motive for linden home scalping is it seems counter productive and competitive to a lot of us but seems to provide some kind of thrill for others and these others may really need that thrill. 

I can't pretend that I won't be frustrated though if this happens to me. 

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To add - I know we are not guaranteed a home let alone that one place we want.

But I know what I  spend myself each month on this and what motivates me to spend that and I do feel that that motivation is going to wane if I get frustrated enough times. Surely that feedback counts for something. 

I have several monthly accounts, (not all running same time), and I am motivated because I am enjoying the ride. I want an even chance. And I am not someone who wants more than one home per region I use my alts for abandons mainly.

I want to stay motivated. 

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A few thoughts on anchor prims.  I think LL has carefully structured their rules to discourage clutter and blocking public spaces, without disallowing them completely.  I don't use a lot of anchor prims, but I do occasionally use them.  If a person is lucky enough to land two homes next to each other, I think using anchor prims to heavily decorate one parcel and leaving the other bare would not be great citizenship, but as someone said, there are a lot of empty homes in Belli.  So long as the prims are contained within the two parcels, I doubt LL would care.

6 hours ago, Evangeline Ling said:

 *“Off region” decorations extending from your parcel are not allowed.

Off region means off-region, not off-parcel.  For example, an offshore island extending into an adjacent all-water region.

5 hours ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

Also, there is "  *Objects that extend outside of your parcel can be returned without warning or notice. "

And this.


  *Public space outside your parcel lines is just that… public space. Do not extend objects outside of your parcel in a way that will block, wall off, or “claim” public areas for yourself to the exclusion of other residents.

So.  in Wheeler, I have anchored two Mole chairs out on a pleasant overlook near my camper, but not on my parcel.  They are for anyone who wishes to enjoy the view.  At a trad with a longish walkway to the street, I put out a small picket-fence style sign near the street with the names of the avatars who live there.  It seemed like something homeowners would do.  At a very formal Vic that has mole pillars at the sidewalk, I put a name plate on the pillars. 

I DID, however, report a neighbor who made cars and put a different one out on the street in front of his house every week or so.  I'm sure he's proud of his work and he did not put 'for sale' signs on the cars lol.  It DID look natural, but it also partially blocked the street, making it harder to drive down. 

I have a neighbor who has put a big arch of roses outside of her parcel, on the walkway leading to her Vic.  It doesn't block anything and is in tune with the rest of her decor, so if it makes her enjoy her home more, I'm happy.

Used judiciously to personalize a parcel, I think using anchor prims can enhance the 'neighborhood' feel, making the parcel boundaries less oppressively obvious.  If a house with SL children put a phantom chalk hopscotch prim with anims out on the sidewalk, I think that would be very cool.  If a tricycle was lying on the grass outside their parcel, I would smile.  If they put a tricycle out on the sidewalk, not so great. 

It's a judgement call.

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Someone said further back on the thread to give it time as the serious GOH's never hang onto anything for long.

It just doesn't make me feel good to have paid for Premium then have to hope that a GOH'er will give up a decent spot in a couple of days or a week, and thats after it's been rejected by them and all their friends that it just might get tossed back.  I just want a fair crack at a decent spot during the release.

Also someone else said not to say unkind things.

I think that if the GOH'er with the numerous alts is a friend then go talk to her about how your concerned by the vast amount of money and time she's putting into her addiction to having the prime spots as that's what a friend would do - unless of course they are benefitting from said behaviours.



Edited by Fleur Aurelia
word spelt wrongly
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53 minutes ago, Nika Talaj said:

 If a person is lucky enough to land two homes next to each other, I think using anchor prims to heavily decorate one parcel and leaving the other bare would not be great citizenship, but as someone said, there are a lot of empty homes in Belli.  So long as the prims are contained within the two parcels, I doubt LL would care.


I ARed it when i saw someone do this... and within 48 hours it was gone... So apparently LL does care

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884 pages in and I think we'd hate to make this thread evaporate if you all can not maintain civility.  This is your warning.

That said, when folks are getting homes and trying to be neighbors with one another this is not a bad thing, and I've seen some cute/funny/useful ways that people as friends with one another tend to do things between their parcels that create the buddy gate between their yards and share some yard decor anchored between the parcels.  I've seen alts of others doing something similar and so far I have yet to see something genuinely bad coming from it, including some of the wilder theories of what could happen described here.  

Placing objects that extend off your parcel may be returned if they violate the covenant, and is not limited to: creating obstruction, are a nuisance, are out of theme, and any other bunch of reasons.  Perhaps I haven't had my coffee yet and I don't like the way your super cute little animesh squirrel is looking at me this morning as he sits 5m outside your parcel line in the middle of the road taunting me like a physics roadkill speedbump waiting to happen.  Please remember that there is the spirit of the covenant and then there is the law.  Both have interpretation and we will govern it as best we can from both perspectives. 




There seems to be some confusion on how releases work.  We released 28 regions worth of homes, all of those parcels went available immediately.  So that part of the release has been done the moment we got past region 1 as a test, then we put 27 more out.  They're all in the queue and as of last night there were a little under 500 left to be claimed.  

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2 hours ago, Chloe Dolores said:

I am going to be open with a thought here...

If I see the region I wait for taken by scalpers without me having had an even chance at it I will be upset, I will not feel good. If a scalper tried offering me one later I would not feel good either. ...

In that case I would go straight to the Lindens or Moles an tell them! ;)

If we all handled "indecent proposals" this way no scalper could hope to get any money! ... but lots of trouble instead!


Edited by Leora Jacobus
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1 minute ago, Leora Jacobus said:

In that case I would go straight to the Lindens or Moles an tell them! ;)

If we all handled "indecent proposals" this way no scalper could hope to get any money! ... but lots of trouble instead!


Thanks Leora - I was making a comparison that may be construed as Patch said above - a wilder theory - I meant as with something other than money motivating mass home grab. Whatever motivates them to do it I don't know what it is but we need to consider all angles of that because as is clear - people play in different ways. 

Bellisseria is a community I want to be a part of and want to stay motivated to do that

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I just wanted to point out that (as is sometimes said with prostitution) the buyers are the ones to be blamed ... perhaps even more than the sellers. It is the buyers that make a market!

... so just ASSUMED there were people who try to make money out of Linden Homes ... just ASSUMED ... then we should all just refuse to buy but reveal them instead to the authorities ! No buyers no market! :)

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31 minutes ago, Leora Jacobus said:

(as is sometimes said with prostitution)

I absolutely read that as Playstations!

Linden homes are such a creative and social lifeline to many right now and I guess that manifests in all ways.

Back on topic I just got that wonderful traditional in Learmont I had a while back - fantastic social distancing area


Edited by Chloe Dolores
Photo opportunity
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 I understand the addiction element of GOH. I used to be that way about my avatar. I started way back & once I discovered I could be anyone, look like anything I was hooked. I’m sure I was very annoying to anyone who didn’t have much money as I never wore the same thing twice, always had to be the ‘first’ with things (my original avi still has the first mesh skirt & top to hit the grid) & don’t get me started on what happened when mesh heads & bodies landed. Some people collect mesh heads, some people collect houses. It just happens that this group is about houses & so we feel the impact more. I stopped being upset about it long ago. The person involved seems to have an addiction & for that I feel sorry for them. We’ve all been there - the lure of the perfect house, the perfect look. Currently I’ve been in the same outfit for about 2 months. Two weeks ago I lost my shoes & haven’t bothered finding them again. I wander the grid barefoot. Addictions can pass, we move on to other things & life goes on. That old (relatively) saying ‘Don’t hate the player, hate the game’ is apt here. If we are getting so upset by one person’s behaviour then maybe we need to assess our own. I appreciate each & every person who contributes to these forums. You’ve all made my year long lockdown a better & more fun place.

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Now Patch gave us a warning, stop with the conspiracy theory about renting.

LL know who our alts is, and also the history of our transactions. Because of this, a super secret rental business in Bellisseria is immature gossip.

LL does not care if a friend is using a home. But LL can see if the "friend" pays money every week.

The thought of rental is also crazy, because the first time it is missing payment and that person is evicted from group- The disgruntled one would report it to LL in a second, and boom, it's blown up.

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It's the roll of the dice. I don't see how anyone even knows which regions are about to be released or how to prevent getting abandons rather than the new releases. It's not possible. I just like playing the game. Most of my 'wow' homes have been abandons and I don't care. Its not like the previous owner can leave their garbage behind and take all the lightbulbs.

Let's just enjoy Bellisseria and never mind what others are doing. LL can deal with anyone breaking the rules.


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2 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

Now Patch gave us a warning, stop with the conspiracy theory about renting.

LL know who our alts is, and also the history of our transactions. Because of this, a super secret rental business in Bellisseria is immature gossip.

LL does not care if a friend is using a home. But LL can see if the "friend" pays money every week.

The thought of rental is also crazy, because the first time it is missing payment and that person is evicted from group- The disgruntled one would report it to LL in a second, and boom, it's blown up.

I don't actually think anyone is renting to anyone else.

My issue is with paying for premium accounts and the way that some people seem to be able to land the more desirable spots because they have numerous alts all logged in at the same time.


It's pretty sad if this thread does get shut down because surely as customers of Linden Lab paying for a premium service then one would think they'd be interested in our feedback.  99USD a year is not cheap whether it's for one alt or however many and just as the GOH'er is paying her money then so am I and surely my feedback and the others who have a similar point of view is valid?  This is exactly why I am not paying to renew the 3 alts I have that are due to expire next week. 


On the subject of SL addiction.  I too have been there.  Back in the day my Husband had a high powered job and worked away a lot of the time and didn't have much time for me.  I was dealing with health issues and bored so I started spending more and more time in SL and lots of money.  I was renting very expensive land, I got involved in putting money into a club and also buying loads of items for my avatar and homes.  Eventually my husband looked at the bank statements and was totally shocked at the thousands (yes thousands) of pounds I had gone through.  Luckily we were able to afford it and with counselling and support I was able to give up SL entirely and I didn't play for a good couple of years.  When the pandemic struck I was drawn back to SL as a way to pass the time and now I feel I'm in control of how I play and not the other way round.  

I do feel sorry for people who for whatever reason are caught up in addiction, whatever it is, I know I have an addictive personality and it's very hard, but closing down difficult conversations is not the way forward and surely as a company Linden Lab would want to be supportive and try to help individuals who have issues with hoarding Linden Houses by putting mitigations in place to avoid this happening not just taking their money.  As the saying goes we are all real people behind the avatars. 


Edited by Fleur Aurelia
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3 hours ago, Patch Linden said:

884 pages in and I think we'd hate to make this thread evaporate if you all can not maintain civility.  This is your warning.

Please guys.. I love this thread.. it is the only one I read regularly.

Lets drop the snarkiness, intense speculating, and innuendos.

The regulars on this thread feel like family to me. I would hate to see LL close it down because of a big family spat. Lets move on.

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5 hours ago, Nika Talaj said:

A few thoughts on anchor prims.  I think LL has carefully structured their rules to discourage clutter and blocking public spaces, without disallowing them completely.  I don't use a lot of anchor prims, but I do occasionally use them.  If a person is lucky enough to land two homes next to each other, I think using anchor prims to heavily decorate one parcel and leaving the other bare would not be great citizenship, but as someone said, there are a lot of empty homes in Belli.  So long as the prims are contained within the two parcels, I doubt LL would care.

Off region means off-region, not off-parcel.  For example, an offshore island extending into an adjacent all-water region.

And this.

So.  in Wheeler, I have anchored two Mole chairs out on a pleasant overlook near my camper, but not on my parcel.  They are for anyone who wishes to enjoy the view.  At a trad with a longish walkway to the street, I put out a small picket-fence style sign near the street with the names of the avatars who live there.  It seemed like something homeowners would do.  At a very formal Vic that has mole pillars at the sidewalk, I put a name plate on the pillars. 

I DID, however, report a neighbor who made cars and put a different one out on the street in front of his house every week or so.  I'm sure he's proud of his work and he did not put 'for sale' signs on the cars lol.  It DID look natural, but it also partially blocked the street, making it harder to drive down. 

I have a neighbor who has put a big arch of roses outside of her parcel, on the walkway leading to her Vic.  It doesn't block anything and is in tune with the rest of her decor, so if it makes her enjoy her home more, I'm happy.

Used judiciously to personalize a parcel, I think using anchor prims can enhance the 'neighborhood' feel, making the parcel boundaries less oppressively obvious.  If a house with SL children put a phantom chalk hopscotch prim with anims out on the sidewalk, I think that would be very cool.  If a tricycle was lying on the grass outside their parcel, I would smile.  If they put a tricycle out on the sidewalk, not so great. 

It's a judgement call.

Thank you, well said! Anchor prims are not the devil, when used in a way that doesn't block anybody's enjoyment.

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4 hours ago, Teresa Firelight said:

Please guys.. I love this thread.. it is the only one I read regularly.

Lets drop the snarkiness, intense speculating, and innuendos.

The regulars on this thread feel like family to me. I would hate to see LL close it down because of a big family spat. Lets move on.

Don't worry Teresa, this thread has been through worse. I don't know what Nika used to create it, but believe me, it is indestructible... I think it will even survive Bellisseria...

Edited by Elena Core
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