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When did you last see a Bellessarian home available?

Nika Talaj
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1 hour ago, Press Covfefe said:

Two cents from a RL nurse and SL GoH lover:

Life during Covid-19 is tough and many people probably share this feeling of added stress, and also of having SL as an outlet/escape. Unfortunately bullying in video games is a very real thing. If you every feel bullied or intimidated you should report it immediately. When I read this I knew right away who the 'mother and daughter' were because I live near them, and I blocked them. Shortly after getting my home one of them started contacting me, asking if I would give them my home, sending me notes, and then IMs when I didn't respond. The fellow who lived in a home next to me gave his up because they asked him for his and got upset with him when he said no. I don't care how many alts or homes they have, that doesn't bother me. I do care when they take GoH so far that they are harassing other residents out of their homes. If that occurs, report it. More on that in a moment.

Covid is an added stress on top of your normal stresses which exacerbates everything else and amplifies it even more. In times like these using our resources, talking to our doctors, practicing aggressive self care, and taking care of our mental health is important. It is easy to transfer real life frustrations, depression, medical issues, anxiety, and all of those normal tough things we feel, into SecondLife. The internet and games can also trigger emotions and bring up feelings we weren't expecting. It is important to recognize when our emotions are being effected by any video game, and if that creeps over the line of upsetting us in real life, to take a step back from it and take care of ourselves first. It doesn't mean you have to keep it off, but it does mean that sometimes disconnecting helps. If any game gets to the point where it's making us angry, cry, or it is no longer therapeutic, take a step back from it and regroup. Talk to someone and know you aren't alone in it. Sometimes changing how we play the game or how much we focus on how others play their game, can also help. Taking care of ourselves is our #1 priority in SL and RL, and that includes recognizing when something is triggering us or becoming hard to cope with.

There are a lot of people in world. Much like RL (true of every video game) not all of them are people we'd want to live next door too. Fortunately it's easier to move in SL than RL. You can also de-render their items, block them, and bring your fun in game back into focus. We can't control other people or how they play their game. Focusing on what others do and letting how they play their games is a recipe for disaster. Sometimes it means reporting when necessary and other times it means de-rendering items, blocking people, ignoring things we don't like, and focusing on things we like instead. Play the game in a way that is fun for you, if it isn't fun anymore, change it or re-evaluate the situation and your goals.

Regarding GoH, alt hoards, and the patience it requires to find the community you like AND the home you want. It reminds me of when I play other MMO adventure games. There are always those people who buy their success in any game. Players with tons of accounts and money to throw at their game can be a thorn for a solo player trying to play in the same space. On top of that, some of the people that play games that way can also be trolls who are selfish and only think of themselves. Nothing to do about players like that but ignore them. Games are a business, we wouldn't have a game at all if they weren't profitable, and there is nothing wrong with people having multiple alts or playing GoH if they enjoy it.

Is it slower to find a home when you have 1-2 accounts and no group of friends who is also doing it? Absolutely, but you can still find a home. You can also give up a home you love (it's so hard lol) to find a better or, or a better set of neighbors.  It took me four months to finally get a cabin and neighbors I loved. You can't let it upset you or other people ruin your game. I find the hunt as fun as I do finding my actual home and decorating it. Also, not all houses are empty for negative reasons. Some of us work 12 hour shifts with Covid, and do not get to play every day or week. I do a little here, a little there. Sometimes a week or three pass and I haven't touched it. Try not to judge other homes because you never know what their lives are like outside SL. How many alts and homes someone has, how quickly they decorate or not, how tastefully they decorate etc, is their business. Play your game your way.

Another idea is to find others who love GoH so that you can share homes you find with eachother, and have a bigger group of buddies to explore sim releases, and chances at homes with. My friends and I helped eachother find the home we wanted because everyone likes something different. You never know when a buddy might not like a house but you love it. Even if you play solo, it's doable. Even with one alt you can do it. It requires patience, persistence, and allowing yourself to enjoy the hunt. If we can't enjoy it, or it bugs us when the people with more alts play, because that is part of GoH too, there are other things to do, and other places to live in SL, if we need a break. (Damn that Lannister and his alts, where's a fire breathing dragon when you need one!) If the whole thing gets to the point where it isn't fun anymore, we can turn the computer off! Especially in times like a pandemic, disconnecting from media and internet is important. Becoming overloaded with any kind of online media, negativity, or situation that's pushing our buttons isn't healthy. Take breaks as needed!

PS if anyone needs help finding their forever home or a friend to talk to feel free to message me anytime in game or here. We're in this together. 😃

I had a person IMing me all day everyday asking for my houses, and to get them a house. When I finally had to stop it, I blocked him, he flipped sh*t and started to make accounts to harrass me, cursing, calling me names, saying violent things. I AR'd it all and reported his alts too and I am awaiting LL to take action.  In the meantime I blocked and put up security. What really makes this an off the wall story, is he moved into a house across the street from me, and that was AFTER his bullsh*t started. Also he lives somewhat close on another sim as well. Really a werid scenerio, but he can't hurt me or irk me if I report him and block him.

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1 hour ago, Press Covfefe said:

Two cents from a RL nurse and SL GoH lover:

Life during Covid-19 is tough and many people probably share this feeling of added stress, and also of having SL as an outlet/escape. Unfortunately bullying in video games is a very real thing. If you every feel bullied or intimidated you should report it immediately. When I read this I knew right away who the 'mother and daughter' were because I live near them, and I blocked them. Shortly after getting my home one of them started contacting me, asking if I would give them my home, sending me notes, and then IMs when I didn't respond. The fellow who lived in a home next to me gave his up because they asked him for his and got upset with him when he said no. I don't care how many alts or homes they have, that doesn't bother me. I do care when they take GoH so far that they are harassing other residents out of their homes. If that occurs, report it. More on that in a moment.

Covid is an added stress on top of your normal stresses which exacerbates everything else and amplifies it even more. In times like these using our resources, talking to our doctors, practicing aggressive self care, and taking care of our mental health is important. It is easy to transfer real life frustrations, depression, medical issues, anxiety, and all of those normal tough things we feel, into SecondLife. The internet and games can also trigger emotions and bring up feelings we weren't expecting. It is important to recognize when our emotions are being effected by any video game, and if that creeps over the line of upsetting us in real life, to take a step back from it and take care of ourselves first. It doesn't mean you have to keep it off, but it does mean that sometimes disconnecting helps. If any game gets to the point where it's making us angry, cry, or it is no longer therapeutic, take a step back from it and regroup. Talk to someone and know you aren't alone in it. Sometimes changing how we play the game or how much we focus on how others play their game, can also help. Taking care of ourselves is our #1 priority in SL and RL, and that includes recognizing when something is triggering us or becoming hard to cope with.

There are a lot of people in world. Much like RL (true of every video game) not all of them are people we'd want to live next door too. Fortunately it's easier to move in SL than RL. You can also de-render their items, block them, and bring your fun in game back into focus. We can't control other people or how they play their game. Focusing on what others do and letting how they play their games is a recipe for disaster. Sometimes it means reporting when necessary and other times it means de-rendering items, blocking people, ignoring things we don't like, and focusing on things we like instead. Play the game in a way that is fun for you, if it isn't fun anymore, change it or re-evaluate the situation and your goals.

Regarding GoH, alt hoards, and the patience it requires to find the community you like AND the home you want. It reminds me of when I play other MMO adventure games. There are always those people who buy their success in any game. Players with tons of accounts and money to throw at their game can be a thorn for a solo player trying to play in the same space. On top of that, some of the people that play games that way can also be trolls who are selfish and only think of themselves. Nothing to do about players like that but ignore them. Games are a business, we wouldn't have a game at all if they weren't profitable, and there is nothing wrong with people having multiple alts or playing GoH if they enjoy it.

Is it slower to find a home when you have 1-2 accounts and no group of friends who is also doing it? Absolutely, but you can still find a home. You can also give up a home you love (it's so hard lol) to find a better or, or a better set of neighbors.  It took me four months to finally get a cabin and neighbors I loved. You can't let it upset you or other people ruin your game. I find the hunt as fun as I do finding my actual home and decorating it. Also, not all houses are empty for negative reasons. Some of us work 12 hour shifts with Covid, and do not get to play every day or week. I do a little here, a little there. Sometimes a week or three pass and I haven't touched it. Try not to judge other homes because you never know what their lives are like outside SL. How many alts and homes someone has, how quickly they decorate or not, how tastefully they decorate etc, is their business. Play your game your way.

Another idea is to find others who love GoH so that you can share homes you find with eachother, and have a bigger group of buddies to explore sim releases, and chances at homes with. My friends and I helped eachother find the home we wanted because everyone likes something different. You never know when a buddy might not like a house but you love it. Even if you play solo, it's doable. Even with one alt you can do it. It requires patience, persistence, and allowing yourself to enjoy the hunt. If we can't enjoy it, or it bugs us when the people with more alts play, because that is part of GoH too, there are other things to do, and other places to live in SL, if we need a break. (Damn that Lannister and his alts, where's a fire breathing dragon when you need one!) If the whole thing gets to the point where it isn't fun anymore, we can turn the computer off! Especially in times like a pandemic, disconnecting from media and internet is important. Becoming overloaded with any kind of online media, negativity, or situation that's pushing our buttons isn't healthy. Take breaks as needed!

PS if anyone needs help finding their forever home or a friend to talk to feel free to message me anytime in game or here. We're in this together. 😃

Don't Trust ppl who ask you for a trade with  their LH, because when you abandon your LH, they just run away, they tricked you , and let their alts to take your LH also they blocked you and telling other ppl lies about you, they don't even  face you, also using their alts to report you  to LL and make stories ,just be aware from them and enjoy your sl by exploring and reading  by yourself

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2 hours ago, Press Covfefe said:

Two cents from a RL nurse and SL GoH lover:

Life during Covid-19 is tough and many people probably share this feeling of added stress, and also of having SL as an outlet/escape. Unfortunately bullying in video games is a very real thing. If you every feel bullied or intimidated you should report it immediately. When I read this I knew right away who the 'mother and daughter' were because I live near them, and I blocked them. Shortly after getting my home one of them started contacting me, asking if I would give them my home, sending me notes, and then IMs when I didn't respond. The fellow who lived in a home next to me gave his up because they asked him for his and got upset with him when he said no. I don't care how many alts or homes they have, that doesn't bother me. I do care when they take GoH so far that they are harassing other residents out of their homes. If that occurs, report it. More on that in a moment.

If that is the case, it would dramatically alter my opinion on what's going on here.

Harassing people out of their homes is NOT acceptable.

Yours is the second tale I've read or been sent that states this kind of conduct was going on... So that to me indicates that something perhaps should be done about it.

(which is also to say that if there are more tales like yours on the forums, they're in the parts of this thread I haven't managed to read yet... but if they're there, that just makes it all the more important to put a damper on this bad conduct...)

EDIT: Yep, just found a third story in the posts between yours and my reply...

Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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27 minutes ago, 6GG said:

Don't Trust ppl who ask you for a trade with  their LH, because when you abandon your LH, they just run away, they tricked you , and let their alts to take your LH also they blocked you and telling other ppl lies about you, they don't even  face you,

Actually... does it matter if they or their alt gets it?

If I trade X to you, why should I care if you take it or your alt takes it?

That noted... the real issue in not trusting a trade is for the person trying to get it: you still have to win the race to click accept on a new home...


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1 minute ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

Actually... does it matter if they or their alt gets it?

If I trade X to you, why should I care if you take it or your alt takes it?

That noted... the real issue in not trusting a trade is for the person trying to get it: you still have to win the race to click accept on a new home...


Yes, what I'm trying to say also they will not abandon their LH when they ask you for trade, its just a trick for you so that's why you should be  aware  to not trust these kind of ppl  :) that is.

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Just now, 6GG said:

Yes, what I'm trying to say also they will not abandon their LH when they ask you for trade, its just a trick for you so that's why you should be  aware  to not trust these kind of ppl  :) that is.

Ooooh... I see what you meant. Yeah... that's a scummy move when someone does that.

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1 hour ago, Fay Starlight said:

I had a person IMing me all day everyday asking for my houses, and to get them a house. When I finally had to stop it, I blocked him, he flipped sh*t and started to make accounts to harrass me, cursing, calling me names, saying violent things. I AR'd it all and reported his alts too and I am awaiting LL to take action.  In the meantime I blocked and put up security. What really makes this an off the wall story, is he moved into a house across the street from me, and that was AFTER his bullsh*t started. Also he lives somewhat close on another sim as well. Really a werid scenerio, but he can't hurt me or irk me if I report him and block him.

I hope lindens ban that resident for you. Sounds dreadful. 

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Just now, Atina0 said:

its scary if people are haunting you for a home   ,i always wonder what are they like in RL 


This topic got really weird with all them stories about stalking, harassment and mothers and daughters. Had no idea all this was going on. I do hope nobody will get himself bullied out his/her dream house. Just block them and move on. The new and shiny will wear off.

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Hi just picked up a nice seaside Victorian in Tilting Meadows, green yard and all pretty flowers in front (no brick walls, kind of different!) with a nice park across the street.  I already have a seaside Victorian (still looking for the elusive green yard that slopes gently to a sandy beach, my neighbor across the street has one and now I can't "unsee" it lol, should not have looked around!).  My alt will release it at 1:40 pm SLT  

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tilting Meadows/116/61/23

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There is a little tool called AR and another little tool called Live Support Chat.  I think rather then going about throwing around accusations on the forums.  Maybe you should all go use the official tools given to us by the Lindens.  If you feel these two people have broken a rule then do it.  Otherwise it just sounds like a bunch of hearsay thrown up without a single drop of actual evidence.  What i do see are accounts coming on here that are only a month old throwing out a novel length accusation against someone.  Sorry but that just sounds fishy to me.

Once again the topic of this thread is called...

"When did you last see a Bellisserian Home Available?"

But instead it continues to be

"Lets all pile onto these two GOH players"


Edited by Evangeline Ling
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4 hours ago, Milk Pixelmaid said:

How did they ask for your house though? Was it persistent asking, demanding tone, or just “hey if you decide to abandon, could I get a heads up?” Just wondering what deserves the block.

First they sent me a notecard, which I happily replied to. Homes are awesome and conversation is welcome. The issue came when I said I was going to keep the home. They became angry and wouldn't let it go. Then, they'd message again on different days pressuring me to give up the house. The neighbor I had who left said that he got into it with them and that they were both "yelling at him". He was quite upset and considering quitting game. For me, that's too much to deal with. I deal with serious business all day at work, my off time is my space. You should never feel bad about blocking anyone in a video game or online platform, who brings drama to your doorstep.

I think it's fine for people to send a note that says if you ever decide to give this spot up could you send me a heads up, I love it! It's when it goes past that into pressuring someone, or getting upset when they say no, that it becomes an issue. The initial note was polite, even though it was strange to get a note literally 5 minutes after I got the home. It was the anger at me saying I was going to keep it, and subsequent days of pressure to abandon it, that earned them the block.

No time to argue with people on the internet. I have a house to decorate! Which... is about half done. I need a bed!

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2 minutes ago, Press Covfefe said:

First they sent me a notecard, which I happily replied to. Homes are awesome and conversation is welcome. The issue came when I said I was going to keep the home. They became angry and wouldn't let it go. Then, they'd message again on different days pressuring me to give up the house. The neighbor I had who left said that he got into it with them and that they were both "yelling at him". He was quite upset and considering quitting game. For me, that's too much to deal with. I deal with serious business all day at work, my off time is my space. You should never feel bad about blocking anyone in a video game or online platform, who brings drama to your doorstep.

I think it's fine for people to send a note that says if you ever decide to give this spot up could you send me a heads up, I love it! It's when it goes past that into pressuring someone, or getting upset when they say no, that it becomes an issue. The initial note was polite, even though it was strange to get a note literally 5 minutes after I got the home. It was the anger at me saying I was going to keep it, and subsequent days of pressure to abandon it, that earned them the block.

No time to argue with people on the internet. I have a house to decorate! Which... is about half done. I need a bed!

Thanks, your house must be amazing! Curious where it is now haha

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39 minutes ago, Evangeline Ling said:

There is a little tool called AR and another little tool called Live Support Chat.  I think rather then going about throwing around accusations on the forums.  Maybe you should all go use the official tools given to us by the Lindens.  If you feel these two people have broken a rule then do it.  Otherwise it just sounds like a bunch of hearsay thrown up without a single drop of actual evidence.  What i do see are accounts coming on here that are only a month old throwing out a novel length accusation against someone.  Sorry but that just sounds fishy to me.

Once again the topic of this thread is called...

"When did you last see a Bellisserian Home Available?"

But instead it continues to be

"Lets all pile onto these two GOH players"


Why don't you go practice what you preach then and stick to the actual topic instead of rocking up here every day insulting the forum members by calling us "KARENS" yesterday and defending these people today.  

The age of an account is insignificant... new or old if this is affecting someone then they have every right to make their problem heard. 



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14 minutes ago, Aisleyne said:


The age of an account is insignificant... new or old if this is affecting someone then they have every right to make their problem heard. 


All the stuff being posted here is nothing but hearsay and speculation.  If they are being harassed and  want their problem heard, they need to file an AR with LL, not post about it here.  Let LL deal with it.  That is why there is a process for this.  Posting all this speculation here does nothing, other than getting the thread closed.

Edited by karynmaria
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3 hours ago, 6GG said:

Yes, what I'm trying to say also they will not abandon their LH when they ask you for trade, its just a trick for you so that's why you should be  aware  to not trust these kind of ppl  :) that is.

I had a very easy trade with another resident. They messaged me to ask if I'd swap my houseboat for theirs, so they could be neighbors with a friend. We both relinquished parcels at the same time, banged on the refresh buttons until our fingers fell off, and got the houses we wanted. Sure, some people suck. But there are honest folks out there, too. I probably wouldn't have done it, but I let this particular house linger unfurnished for months. The new house inspired me to try a whole new layout and I decorated it in about two days. 

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9 minutes ago, Blaise Glendevon said:

I had a very easy trade with another resident. They messaged me to ask if I'd swap my houseboat for theirs, so they could be neighbors with a friend. We both relinquished parcels at the same time, banged on the refresh buttons until our fingers fell off, and got the houses we wanted. Sure, some people suck. But there are honest folks out there, too. I probably wouldn't have done it, but I let this particular house linger unfurnished for months. The new house inspired me to try a whole new layout and I decorated it in about two days. 

Lucky you  :)

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58 minutes ago, Milk Pixelmaid said:

Thanks, your house must be amazing! Curious where it is now haha

In reply to the other various negative comments, I did report mine to SL. I am not calling anyone out, just commenting on an experience I personally had, and how I feel about the situation. You should always take everything on the internet with a grain of salt. I personally am honest to a fault, and not prone to exaggeration. It happened. The point of my posts was to suggest how to cope with it and to help folks who are stressed out by it have a better experience. I'm fine, and things like that don't get to me. Helping others is important.

Funny story about my house. I saw someone talking about the cabins with an SLURL for an area they loved, so I went to see it. I fell in love and instantly decided to get premium and try for a cabin. I ended up with a camper that I also fell in love with, but I still kept being dreamy over cabins. So, I made an alt to keep cabin hunting. On her very first try she landed THE cabin at THE spot I'd first gone to see off the forums that made me fall in love. It was meant to be! There are better areas probably, but I am sentimental. I love my little spot.

PM me if you want to come see, not going to post the loc since some folks are bashing this thread. ❤️

Edited by Press Covfefe
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