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When did you last see a Bellessarian home available?

Nika Talaj
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2 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

They've been working on the Campers & Trailers for a while and it will be a few more months before they are released.  I'm assuming the number released will be quite a bit larger than the emergency Houseboat release (i.e. much larger than 700), possibly closer to the number of homes released in the very first batch.  Granted, even a release as large as the first batch will likely go much faster than that first batch did, but if the release is large enough we still might get closer to the 12 hour mark.

Yep, if someone is wanting a House/Houseboat rather than a Camper/Trailer, they definitely should start watching for abandoned parcels the minute Patch gives a more concrete estimate of the release time.

Actually replying in general and to Marianne but on this "trailer" release.  :D


Right now we don't really know enough to guess well. So many things up in the air. Patch said in various places "large release" but is a large release these days what the first release was (so wasn't that about 2200 or so making ONE theme 1100?  OR is "large release" anything that is bigger than the weekly release of 3 or so regions?  Hard to say. 


We do know  that the initial trailer release will be on 512 lots -- at least we know that is the current stated plan. Some folks especially those over at the old Linden homes will be fine with that while others will want a 1024. We know the larger lot is favored from all the comments here.  Some of the folks over at the old Linden Homes (512s) have been very vocal about wanting BIG OPEN SPACES inside their houses -- like what they have now. So a houseboat  on a 512 might work best for them (at least of the styles that we know about).  No one has mentioned that smaller houseboat plot; I am just musing.  Those folks will likely stay where they are for now waiting until more 1024 styles come out. 


Even though there aren't as many folks (just a guess, not a poll) that want a 512 plot I agree that there are SO MANY people  that NOW want a Bellisseria home -- the trailers will go quickly. Personally I don't see any 12 hour release scenario in a long time. BUT any kind of larger rollout will take more than three to seven seconds of today's releases -- so a plus for folks that don't click all that quickly. 


If we look at the building area on SSP83 and 84 plots are being marked out. There are several open mountain terrain type contiguous regions in that area.  I picked out 14 as looking promising (TO ME :D).   Originally there were 26 trailers set out when we saw in March or so; that may not be the current median number now but let's pick it anyway.  That would be about 364 plots.





There are another 8 areas in the Northeast that might be used also -- empty up in the corner.  Those could hold trailers also.  So plenty of possible release choices and likely plenty more that we cannot even imagine since we are low on intel. 


I can't see any 12-24 or beyond rollouts until something dramatically changes --- which may very well be the "super duper premium" headed to us several months down the road. 


Since I am no longer trying to get any new plots and since I probably won't be watching Bellisseria as closely as I have been, then the musing and guessing part of the process will have to be my game.  I definitely like and appreciate the way the new traditional regions are coming together. Very pretty. 


And I realized that I kinda "merged" the thinking in this thread with the SSP thread and I guess that seems reasonable now as work is going on in both places. Not my intent to highjack though, so feel free to go back to "clicking and watching trick" mode.  I am heading to the tub.   

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4 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:


If we look at the building area on SSP83 and 84 plots are being marked out. There are several open mountain terrain type contiguous regions in that area.  I picked out 14 as looking promising (TO ME :D).   Originally there were 26 trailers set out when we saw in March or so; that may not be the current median number now but let's pick it anyway.  That would be about 364 plots.



There are another 8 areas in the Northeast that might be used also -- empty up in the corner.  Those could hold trailers also.  So plenty of possible release choices and likely plenty more that we cannot even imagine since we are low on intel. 



There is also the mountain range at the current southern end of the continent, though they may have that slated for another theme.  They can also easily add a few more mountains into that entire open swatch in the west to get it to transition better with existing house areas, which would give them a bit more area to work with.

Even for folks that want a 1024 primary, I could see quite a few going for a 512 with an alt as a secondary place.  Overall, I'd bet LL could fairly easily fill 1000 Camper/Trailer plots if they put them out there.

In any case, the 12 hours is me being incredibly optimistic - because LL really does need a release large enough to span some of those other time zones that are truly dead of night / wee hours of morning during the entire LL work day.


What I find interesting is that I can't imaging that LL has just stopped working on the Campers & Trailers, yet I've seen no indication of activity in the SSP regions.  I'm wondering if they've managed to create themselves another work area somewhere, for the new themes, that we haven't found yet.

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8 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

  I'm wondering if they've managed to create themselves another work area somewhere, for the new themes, that we haven't found yet.

Now I am imagining some really boringly named private estate/solo regions peppered across the grid. Each with a 256x256 prim up in the air textured with a replica of the ground below. Underneath, at ground level the Moles are working without the paparazzi knowing that they're even there.  :D


(eta... husband has a movie on right now and a scene where they tap into the surveillance camera and show the "empty hall, nothing to see here" image to fool the security guards was on. Hence the idea)

Edited by Zoya McDonnagh
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1 minute ago, Zoya McDonnagh said:

Now I am imagining some really boringly named private estate/solo regions peppered across the grid. Each with a 256x256 prim up in the air textured with a replica of the ground below. Underneath, at ground level the Moles are working without the paparazzi knowing that they're even there.  :D

Or they are literally working underground now, like... moles. lol

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I'm wondering if others have had this issue. A bit ago, someone said in a Bellisseria group chat that a house boat was available. I went to my refresher page and 3 times it chimed but nothing came up, the page just kept refreshing and the chime went off 3 times in a row, nada. That's the typical, sometimes we don't see it. But some in the group chat said you have to click on the drop down menu to be able to find the new listing and click on the NEXT button. I've never had to do this. When the chime goes off and if my refresher hits the page just right, it'll stop and hold on that page, then you quickly click the NEXT button, go to the next page, tick the box and hit ACCEPTAnd it tells you sorry, sold out.

I, myself, have never had to select the drop down menu to find the Bellisseria listing (mainly because currently there are only 2 styles of listings).  Has anyone had this experience, is it a new bug, or something that recently changed?

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4 minutes ago, PrudenceAnton said:

I'm wondering if others have had this issue. A bit ago, someone said in a Bellisseria group chat that a house boat was available. I went to my refresher page and 3 times it chimed but nothing came up, the page just kept refreshing and the chime went off 3 times in a row, nada. That's the typical, sometimes we don't see it. But some in the group chat said you have to click on the drop down menu to be able to find the new listing and click on the NEXT button. I've never had to do this. When the chime goes off and if my refresher hits the page just right, it'll stop and hold on that page, then you quickly click the NEXT button, go to the next page, tick the box and hit ACCEPTAnd it tells you sorry, sold out.

I, myself, have never had to select the drop down menu to find the Bellisseria listing (mainly because currently there are only 2 styles of listings).  Has anyone had this experience, is it a new bug, or something that recently changed?

I have actually had this happen and mentioned it a few times here in the forums.  Here is what I said in another thread earlier this morning - as I mentioned, it might be whatever browser is being use or .... who knows what:


The caveat here is that myself and quite a few others ran into the issue that once the name was filled in for Meadowbrook and I advanced to the next page and then went back, every time I refreshed the page Meadowbrook was always shown even when Bellisseria was available.  I had to actually click the drop down and select Bellissaria to get it to be the default again.

I know that many people did not encounter that, but lots did.  Maybe it depends on the exact browser being used or ... who knows what.  It is something to remember though as a few of us thought that there were no Bellissaria lots available because it did not show them first, but they were in the drop down for selection.  

That is why I've been hesitant to tell new folks to pre-name the parcel with Meadowbrook and go to the next page to get it saved.  It might not work for everyone the way we expect it to.


Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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1 minute ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I have actually had this happen and mentioned it a few times here in the forums.  Here is what I said in another thread earlier this morning:


The caveat here is that myself and quite a few others ran into the issue that once the name was filled in for Meadowbrook and I advanced to the next page and then went back, every time I refreshed the page Meadowbrook was always shown even when Bellisseria was available.  I had to actually click the drop down and select Bellissaria to get it to be the default again.

I know that many people did not encounter that, but lots did.  Maybe it depends on the exact browser being used or ... who knows what.  It is something to remember though as a few of us thought that there were no Bellissaria lots available because it did not show them first, but they were in the drop down for selection.  

That is why I've been hesitant to tell new folks to pre-name the parcel with Meadowbrook and go to the next page to get it saved.  It might not work for everyone the way we expect it to.


When this happens to you, does the page stop refreshing though and hold on that page when your chime goes off, telling you that a house on Bellisseria is available?

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8 minutes ago, PrudenceAnton said:

I'm wondering if others have had this issue. A bit ago, someone said in a Bellisseria group chat that a house boat was available. I went to my refresher page and 3 times it chimed but nothing came up, the page just kept refreshing and the chime went off 3 times in a row, nada. That's the typical, sometimes we don't see it. But some in the group chat said you have to click on the drop down menu to be able to find the new listing and click on the NEXT button. I've never had to do this. When the chime goes off and if my refresher hits the page just right, it'll stop and hold on that page, then you quickly click the NEXT button, go to the next page, tick the box and hit ACCEPTAnd it tells you sorry, sold out.

I, myself, have never had to select the drop down menu to find the Bellisseria listing (mainly because currently there are only 2 styles of listings).  Has anyone had this experience, is it a new bug, or something that recently changed?

For the first time since they came out, about 30 minutes ago when I first opened the selection page, a houseboat was there. It wasn't from the dropdown, and I looked at it in shock for a few too many seconds. I have never even gotten a bellisaria of any kind to show til now, and since I don't want to use the auto refresh, I just pop on there through the day and refresh a dozen times or so. I figgured eventually I'd get lucky. But it was right there on the top soon as I opened the page. I just clicked too slow.  (I use firefox browser, in case that matters if it's on top or in a dropdown)

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4 minutes ago, PrudenceAnton said:

When this happens to you, does the page stop refreshing though and hold on that page when your chime goes off, telling you that a house on Bellisseria is available?

My experience with the above was when they did the last release of roughly 700 houseboats.  I knew they were there because they had literally JUST been released, but after a few refreshes and not seeing them, I clicked the drop down arrow and there was Bellisseria.  Now, once I chose Bellisseria and clicked Next, it always stayed as the first displayed until they ran out.  However, since I have now gone through the "Next" process again with a Meadowbrook home, I do not know for sure if Bellisseria would still show first or if I'd again have to use the drop down.

I have never used the auto-refresh.  That was something that folks started doing after that last large batch of houseboats - and for that batch it was all manual refreshing for me.

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8 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I have never used the auto-refresh.  That was something that came up after that last large batch of houseboats - all while refreshing manually.

Interesting.  When I started using the auto refresh with the text word trigger chime, I'd hear the chime go off but nothing ever came up on my page and it continued to auto refresh the page. Then on Friday, when Patch released 2 regions, suddenly my chime went off, but all were gone before I could find anything didn't even see them come up on my page.  Within the 1st 30 minutes after all the homes were gone, my chime went off 3 more times and the page stopped on Bellisseria listing, showing a home available. I did the usual, (had my parcel pre-named) clicked the next button, hit the tick box and clicked accept but it gave me the news it was already sold.  I had this happen 7 times through out Friday for several houses and 1 houseboat. The page stopped refreshing once it found the target word, Bellisseria was at the top of the listing and an image showed if it was a house or house boat.  Time waits for now one. If you spend a split second in shock that you got a nibble (this is like fishing) its gone before your fingers can click fast enough to reel it on in.

I have pondered switching bait to hook me a house and keep it.  🎣

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If I was home during the day when they are doing the region releases, I might play with the auto-refresh to see how it handles things under different scenarios, but since my work day is the same as LL's I'm pretty much always there when a region gets released.

Maybe I'll get around to setting it up and playing with it to see if it captures the random abandoned.  If Bellisseria is not ALWAYS automatically popping to the top and you sometimes have to pick it from a drop down, would the auto-refresh even see it to chime?  I don't know enough about how web pages work to answer than one.

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5 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

If I was home during the day when they are doing the region releases, I might play with the auto-refresh to see how it handles things under different scenarios, but since my work day is the same as LL's I'm pretty much always there when a region gets released.

Maybe I'll get around to setting it up and playing with it to see if it captures the random abandoned.  If Bellisseria is not ALWAYS automatically popping to the top and you sometimes have to pick it from a drop down, would the auto-refresh even see it to chime?  I don't know enough about how web pages work to answer than one.

There are several Chrome auto refresh apps available. I used the simple one first and had to have it set at 5 seconds so I had time to click the next button.  Then I advanced to the one that has the trigger text and chime sound to alert you when a Bellisseria home comes available.  What I noticed is I hear the chime (I now have my refreshing set between 1-2 seconds) if my page hits the timing just right, it'll stop refreshing and stay on that page. I have always seen the listing at the top of the page, didn't have to use a drop down menu. And the icon image of a house or houseboat showed on the page.  Then you proceed with the normal quick button checking and hope you were fast enough to lock down that house.

I'm using Chrome Auto Refresh Plus.

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53 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:



What I find interesting is that I can't imaging that LL has just stopped working on the Campers & Trailers, yet I've seen no indication of activity in the SSP regions.  I'm wondering if they've managed to create themselves another work area somewhere, for the new themes, that we haven't found yet.

Well that screenshot I posted was newish (since SL16B) and you can see that they now have plots marked in SSP83 and 84 and a couple of trailers and props have disappears so something is happening. This unless I completely missed it earlier but I was checking and sure someone would have called me on it in the SSP thread if I was wrong.  They also need (I suspect) to get all versions of all trailers with multiple textures and that all working too and we wouldn't see any of that.


Seems likely the trailer areas will get copied over in mass like the houseboats.  And yes there is certainly more room, but since so many folks commented on the 1024 part of the equation.  They could also go on the pickle with all those houseboat plots, but since Patch mentioned having more nautical themes that appears to be a more likely plot for something like beach huts (that people have mentioned often that they want to see).   


Lots more replies -- I am just starting to read LOL 

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I set the trigger word to Bellisseria. The page is now searching for that text word to come up.  When it finds it. The chime sounds and if your refreshing time hits it just right, it'll stop on that page so you can click on the appropriate buttons. As I mentioned earlier, 7 times on Friday this came up for me, but I wasn't quick enough to nab a house, yet😉



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45 minutes ago, PrudenceAnton said:

I'm wondering if others have had this issue. A bit ago, someone said in a Bellisseria group chat that a house boat was available. I went to my refresher page and 3 times it chimed but nothing came up, the page just kept refreshing and the chime went off 3 times in a row, nada. That's the typical, sometimes we don't see it. But some in the group chat said you have to click on the drop down menu to be able to find the new listing and click on the NEXT button. I've never had to do this. When the chime goes off and if my refresher hits the page just right, it'll stop and hold on that page, then you quickly click the NEXT button, go to the next page, tick the box and hit ACCEPTAnd it tells you sorry, sold out.

I, myself, have never had to select the drop down menu to find the Bellisseria listing (mainly because currently there are only 2 styles of listings).  Has anyone had this experience, is it a new bug, or something that recently changed?

As LittleMe said, this has happened to me a few times too. I saw it first on the 700 houseboats release. Saw it maybe 2 times since then.

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29 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

you can see that they now have plots marked in SSP83 and 84

I had to go back and look at the map because I couldn't remember seeing anything this morning when I looked.  The lines for the plot markings are so faint on my map that I didn't even see them at first.  So, yeah, there is some stuff being done that I just hadn't noticed.

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25 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

I'm wondering if others have had this issue.

I managed to get a houseboat on the second large release, but at first, the Bellisseria options weren't showing. It was only after a couple of fruitless attempts that I thought to just try the drop-down arrow and there they were! (That was using Chrome browser). At that time, everyone was saying that, if available, the Bellisseria homes will show at the top. But, oh no, they didn't! Other people reported the same issue, so it clearly applied to quite a few of us, but not all.

Apologies, Marianne - it wasn't you that said that, it was PrudenceAnton



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3 minutes ago, Odaks said:

I managed to get a houseboat on the second large release, but at first, the Bellisseria options weren't showing. It was only after a couple of fruitless attempts that I thought to just try the drop-down arrow and there they were! (That was using Chrome browser). At that time, everyone was saying that, if available, the Bellisseria homes will show at the top. But, oh no, they didn't! Other people reported the same issue, so it clearly applied to quite a few of us, but not all.

I wonder if LL changed up the listing order when they first made the new Linden homes available and now have them listed at the top of the list?

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With the seemingly millisecond take-up rate at the moment, having to use the dropdown to select will doom you to failure, sadly. But its always worth the try if the Bellisaria homes don't show.

Its BELLISSERIA! Heavens above, that's SO easy to mis-spell!

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7 minutes ago, Odaks said:

With the seemingly millisecond take-up rate at the moment, having to use the dropdown to select will doom you to failure, sadly. But its always worth the try if the Bellisaria homes don't show.


If you have to click the drop-down in order to see Bellisseria, would the auto-refresh see it?  It depends on if all the currently available options of the drop-down are visible at every refresh, or only the top displayed option. Likely that depends on whether that drop-down list is populated when the page itself is refresh or when you click the drop-down arrow - both of those are possible ways of coding that web page.  Given that the drop-down list should always be small, it would be logical to have all the options all ready there when the page is refreshed.

So, for the people that say they hear the chime, but don't see a Bellisseria option, is that because it is actually in the drop-down as a selection, but just not at the top for some reason?

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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7 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

If you have to click the drop-down in order to see Bellisseria, would the auto-refresh see it?  It depends on if all the currently available options of the drop-down are visible at every refresh, or only the top displayed option. Likely that depends on whether that drop-down list is populated when the page itself is refresh or when you click the drop-down arrow - both of those are possible ways of coding that web page.  Given that the drop-down list should always be small, it would be logical to have all the options all ready there when the page is refreshed.

So, for the people that say they hear the chime, but don't see a Bellisseria option, is that because it is actually in the drop-down as a selection, but just not at the top for some reason?

Okay 2 homes JUST came up and NOW you have to go to the drop down menu to select Bellisseria before clicking the NEXT button. Ugh.

And yes, my auto refresh with text alert chimed me. The page stopped refreshing but I didn't see the name at the top of the list so I had to hit the drop down menu to find it on the list, it was the second name down, select it and hit the next button.

Its like being hit with a cattle prod, it jolts a shock in you and you freeze for a split second, wait for your brain to wake up and frantically try to do the right thing. omg I'm bad at this! 😂

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The irony in all this. Is when they released the new region(s) and I was there. I heard the chimes but nothing ever came up on my page, the page kept refreshing. I think due in part to so many people hitting that page at one time, kind of like some are left out in the cold of a DoS and don't get the opportunity to see the group of homes released.  All the ones that I have seen come up on my page and I've had a shot at attempting to be quick enough to click and grab, have been abandoned homes.  🥴

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my home is set with the charming name of jhjgkk  from earlier when I missed my chance.. lol. I tried! When I enter something else in that field, when it refreshes it just goes back to the first name... That's ok, because I think that means it "remembered" the bellisseria one, so should be on top if it comes up on a refresh. I'm still looking at dropdown though, because now I'm paranoid...

Edited by Morena Tully
spelled BELLISSERIA wrong!
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