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Am I the only one off-kilter??

Beth Macbain

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Yes, I know that is a loaded question, but is anyone else's home just slightly off when it comes to angles? My boat is like 2 degrees off and it drives me nuts trying to line things up because I am just that ***** about having things perfectly in line.

Wondering if it's just mine or if all the houses and boats are just dropped in all willy-nilly in regards to the grids? 

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4 minutes ago, Gryphon Ronas said:

Mine is off as well.  And it also drifts a little bit too. Several times now I have to shift my pictures a little to get the shadows out of the walls.

It's not a big enough deal to open a ticket, but yeah... that little tiny bit just makes me twitch... lol


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10 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

My first one was off a couple of degrees and it drove that OCD part of me absolutely bonkers.  My new location seems to be properly aligned.

Okay, I will NOT open a ticket right now but when the continent is finished, I will.... because it is going to end up driving me to drink (more). 

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Just now, Beth Macbain said:

Okay, I will NOT open a ticket right now but when the continent is finished, I will.... because it is going to end up driving me to drink (more). 

why not? ... it's horribly annoying, and in my opinion you can see it as improvement for the whole, perhaps see it as a delivery of a new home RL, often some minor details have to be adjusted. If you wait till the continent is finished you'd have to wait for months/years.
Perhaps just bring it to attention of a mole, i know thats not the official way, but will get help a lot faster than the ticket system.

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4 minutes ago, Fox Wijaya said:

why not? ... it's horribly annoying, and in my opinion you can see it as improvement for the whole, perhaps see it as a delivery of a new home RL, often some minor details have to be adjusted. If you wait till the continent is finished you'd have to wait for months/years.
Perhaps just bring it to attention of a mole, i know thats not the official way, but will get help a lot faster than the ticket system.

Maybe. We'll see. I'll at least wait until the next batch or two of homes is out and most people who are dying for a home have got one before I distract them with something as small as this. 

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2 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

Maybe. We'll see. I'll at least wait until the next batch or two of homes is out and most people who are dying for a home have got one before I distract them with something as small as this. 

yes it's nothing big, but i think the moles, as builders, totaly will understand object that are off will drive people nuts :)

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32 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

I think it's so fast to fix, simply to turn the house controller so it is perfectly aligned.

So why wait? The mole or Linden can do it in no time, teleporting in, *click*click* and out again.

Because it's time that they could be spending getting homes ready for others and I'd honestly rather them do that than have to go through whatever process a Mole or Linden has to go through to be assigned a ticket, resolve it, then update it with their notes, and finally close the ticket. I can wait. 

i was just really curious if it was just my place or all of them. 

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3 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

Yes, I know that is a loaded question, but is anyone else's home just slightly off when it comes to angles? My boat is like 2 degrees off and it drives me nuts trying to line things up because I am just that ***** about having things perfectly in line.

Wondering if it's just mine or if all the houses and boats are just dropped in all willy-nilly in regards to the grids? 


OMG! Hahaha, I thought I was the only one OCD enough to notice! 😉 My boat isn't 2 whole degrees off**, but some walls are like 0.1 degrees off (which I first noticed when I was taking space-measurements, aligning regular prims with the walls). 0.1 degree is a sea of deviation, LOL. One of the very first tools I wrote for myself was a Prim Drift Protector (kinda like a rezzer, but then to keep things in place). It became an advanced rezzer system, afterwards, that even does 'intelligent' angular repair on certain orthogonals (like when an angle goes from 270 degrees to 269.99 all of a sudden, upon linking/unlinking prims to a linkset). Anyway, can't use that on the boat, of course, as it's no-mod.

Not sure if boats retain their customization when you have the life-preserver derezz/rerezz it. But, should that be the case, I may eventually just periodically derezz/rerezz it, to combat the prim drift. Maybe it's positioned straight in the your life-preserver, at least? *hope*

** At 2 degrees deviation, I would have officially gone completely mental already. 😋

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5 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

I think it's so fast to fix, simply to turn the house controller so it is perfectly aligned.

So why wait? The mole or Linden can do it in no time, teleporting in, *click*click* and out again.


That may work for one boat, but not necessarily for all inside the rezzer (aka, it may fix the current one out, and then 'break' the others). They simple need to put the positioner script back into the boats that are askew, and then put reload them into the life-preserver.

P.S. Moles, please, Akta Gamat! ("Never without my Permission"). Seriously, last thing I need is to see all my furniture be misaligned, because someone thought it might be a good idea to reposition my boat.

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Yes to this for me too. When I re-rezzed (is that a word) the new version of the Windlass, everything in my house was *just* barely off a bit from the last version. That was a PITA as I had to go through a lot of objects and rotate them 1 or 2 degrees so it was all oriented properly. Stuff on tables and counters wasn't an issue but the walls I built were.

In the grand scheme of things, no big deal but it is a small annoyance. 

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5 hours ago, kiramanell said:

Not sure if boats retain their customization when you have the life-preserver derezz/rerezz it. But, should that be the case, I may eventually just periodically derezz/rerezz it, to combat the prim drift. Maybe it's positioned straight in the your life-preserver, at least? *hope*

Yep, all the colors you've picked stay the same when you re-rez.  The color scheme you've chosen even carries to the next style that you rez.  It rezzes out a new copy of whatever style and immediately applies your color scheme to it.



5 hours ago, kiramanell said:

** At 2 degrees deviation, I would have officially gone completely mental already.

Some might say I was already there.  😵

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5 hours ago, kiramanell said:

when an angle goes from 270 degrees to 269.99 all of a sudden, upon linking/unlinking prims to a linkset

OMG, this drives me crazy.  And not just during linking and unlinking. Just last night, there were some times I'd set something to say 2.3 and hit enter and it would immediately change to 2.29999.  I always assumed it had something to do with the extra 2 decimal digits of precision that Firestorm's edit window has.  It doesn't always happen though, so there isn't enough consistency for me to figure out exactly what causes it - nor do I do enough building to dig into it.

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1 hour ago, Blush Bravin said:

I just figure it adds to the realism. Nothing is really square in RL unless it's brand new and hasn't gone through any settling yet. :P 

We used to live in a house (in rl) that we dubbed "the beetlejuice house" because I don't think there was a right angle anywhere! And whoever lived there before us made a door frame (and matching door lol) so skewed that just eyeballing it you could tell that the top of the frame was not parallel to the floor. When we were in the process of buying the house we currently live in my husband excitedly informed me "we have right angles!!" during the first inspection.

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1 minute ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

OMG, this drives me crazy.  And not just during linking and unlinking. Just last night, there were some times I'd set something to say 2.3 and hit enter and it would immediately change to 2.29999.  I always assumed it had something to do with the extra 2 decimal digits of precision that Firestorm's edit window has.  It doesn't always happen though, so there isn't enough consistency for me to figure out exactly what causes it - nor do I do enough building to dig into it.


Yeah, rotations potentially getting crooked a bit, upon link/unlink, I believe that bug is as old as SL itself. Instead of having to wait for them to fix it one day, LOL, I simply decided to take care of matters myself. (Would have been a long wait, otherwise 😁)

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3 hours ago, kiramanell said:


That may work for one boat, but not necessarily for all inside the rezzer (aka, it may fix the current one out, and then 'break' the others). They simple need to put the positioner script back into the boats that are askew, and then put reload them into the life-preserver.

P.S. Moles, please, Akta Gamat! ("Never without my Permission"). Seriously, last thing I need is to see all my furniture be misaligned, because someone thought it might be a good idea to reposition my boat.

.... if the Moles find out they should go through Bellisseria, check everything, and reset all so it's correct, should you put out a token?

“And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.” 😱

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2 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

.... if the Moles find out they should go through Bellisseria, check everything, and reset all so it's correct, should you put out a token?

“And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.” 😱


He, I had to think about that one a bit. :) But my houseboat is already in a state where even the slightest move out of position would spell a lot of repair work for me. So, yeah, I hope they'll adhere to the old adage "Don't fix it if it ain't broken!" And that they will use the time to individually help ppl like Beth, who has to live with a 2 degrees rotated boat. And, as I experienced first-hand yesterday, these Moles are very helpful peeps. 👍

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I *may* have exaggerated the 2 degrees. I have no real sense of things like that. I only know when something is off. 

One thing I've learned, though, in this thread, is that I've found my people... lol. We should all inspect each other's homes to make sure everything is in perfect alignment for each other. Is there a Bellisseria Home Inspection group yet??

Since it is a problem for lots of people, I will open a ticket but emphasize that it's extremely low priority.


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