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The new premium home gold rush...

Pixels Sideways

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59 minutes ago, kiramanell said:

For starters, sorry, dear, didn't realize 'halebore' is an alt of yours. 😯 Just felt a bit harsh, was all.

Have no clue what this means but I don't think I care either. Enjoy your private island. 

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On 4/30/2019 at 9:50 PM, Pixels Sideways said:

I appreciate your replies.

This isn't about paying attention. People I heard from were well aware of the new premium membership homes and the date they would be available. They didn't have the time (or access) to hover at a computer all day waiting for the start signal or refreshing. And they shouldn't have had to.  No one should.  They are paying the same premium membership fees as everyone else.  Some have been members for years, one person I know holds a weekly event, others are less engaged in the community but that still should not make them more or less eligible to have the same access to the new homes as everyone else.

The idea that some folks because of their level of community engagement in SL are more entitled and should have had first shot at the new homes is straight out of Orwell's "Animal Farm" when the authoritarian pigs declare "some animals are more equal than others."

Also "That's the way they've always done it in the past" is no excuse for not improving the user experience which encourages user retention.  Offering new premium members new homes and not delivering sets a negative tone.

The moles are LL employees (or contracted) so saying they worked really hard on making these homes, sims, etc, so cut them some slack is a rather odd perspective since that is their RL job.  Not to say they shouldn't be praised or appreciated for their talents and hard work but they do get paid to create content for SL so they're not some volunteer org toiling away on their own dime.

I realize there will always be subsequent ptemium members signing up however, current premium membership numbers are not an unknown since LL derives revenue from the fees and setting up an online query is not a lot of "paper" to pull in info from members to determine what type of home they want so LL could gauge how many of each to provide. 

The roll-out of the Linden homes was not thought out very well in advance otherwise there would have have been more than enough new homes for every member.  Would members have had to wait longer? Yes.  Would it have been a fairer process to wait so everyone who is a current premium member could get a home at the same time? Yes.

The only way rolling out a limited number of the new homes would have worked fairly would have been via a lottery and would still require a pre-selection of home type by premium members..  




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1 hour ago, kiramanell said:


For starters, sorry, dear, didn't realize 'halebore' is an alt of yours. 😯 Just felt a bit harsh, was all.

As for 'snoozing', in a way I did -- and I don't mind even. :) Like with animesh, or other news, most I just take in sideways (usually via Inara Pey's blog). And while I spend a lot of time in SL, it's mostly just on building, and rarely on visiting the forums. Unless something pertinent (to me) comes up, like windlight changes, or new Premium homes. Just sayin' I'm probably in the same boat as others, who don't frequent here too often. That's no one else's fault, of course; just sayin' the news about the new homes (and especially their intially limited availability) is a thing one can easily miss -- and which, in fact, I did. :)

I'm paying attention NOW, of course; but likely many others will now too; so, if I fully suspect things to get real hectic on the upcoming round, as the homes will likely be gone, 'fore I can say, "Please, don't be gone!" 😃 But I live on a private island; so, while I'd love to be part of the new, shiny community, I'll probably survive well enough for the time being. :)

Um, Halebore is my account, a totally separate account from this persons. Yes, I was harsh, I understand that, but they only released a limited number of houses during this phase, there is 60k plus Premium members. So to tell you the truth. The way people are acting is like they should have made the houses for every premium member, on initial release. But honestly, I would rather see it done in phases. As I feel it will get done right, and they can take their time to actually make the sims look good. Again, I know I came off harsh, and no they didn't go by the whole snooze you lose ideal, I said that because so many people are complaining they didn't get one. As people had already scooped them up. I totally understand they have real lives, and I totally understand people get busy. So I know for a fact, that some people may not get a house, and that is totally fine. There will be other phases, but as I said to say its' a shortage is a very false statement. They only created a limited number of houses, this phase. If you read into it, they have way more themes for the houses, in the phases to come. I honestly can't wait to see the other themes they roll out, I bet they are gonna be really cool. 

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11 minutes ago, halebore Aeon said:

Um, Halebore is my account, a totally separate account from this persons. Yes, I was harsh, I understand that, but they only released a limited number of houses during this phase, there is 60k plus Premium members. So to tell you the truth. The way people are acting is like they should have made the houses for every premium member, on initial release. But honestly, I would rather see it done in phases. As I feel it will get done right, and they can take their time to actually make the sims look good. Again, I know I came off harsh, and no they didn't go by the whole snooze you lose ideal, I said that because so many people are complaining they didn't get one. As people had already scooped them up. I totally understand they have real lives, and I totally understand people get busy. So I know for a fact, that some people may not get a house, and that is totally fine. There will be other phases, but as I said to say its' a shortage is a very false statement. They only created a limited number of houses, this phase. If you read into it, they have way more themes for the houses, in the phases to come. I honestly can't wait to see the other themes they roll out, I bet they are gonna be really cool. 


Oops, my bad. 😯 I saw the 2 'Aeons' and figured, well, nevermind. Sorry.

As for your 'harshness', yes, it sounded a bit harsh, but you weren't really wrong: after all, LL did announce the advent of these new homes way in advance; and even when I read Inara Pey's blog about it, I went 'Cool, I will get one later.' So, I blame no one but lil' old me. :) I did read others were in the hospital or something, so I kinda feel bad for them. Like you say,  though, even if it isn't going to be endless new houseboats, other themes may well be around the corner too. At least LL will have discovered, that if you do Premium homes right, many folks will want one.

Edited by kiramanell
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3 minutes ago, kiramanell said:


Oops, my bad. 😯 I saw the 2 'Aeons' and figured, well, nevermind. Sorry.

As for your 'harshness', yes, it sounded a bit harsh, but you weren't really wrong: after all, LL did announce the advent of these new homes way in advance; and even when I read Inara Pey's blog about it, I went 'Cool, I will get one later.' So, I blame no one but lil' old me. :) I did read others were in the hospital or something, so I kinda feel bad for them. Like you say,  though, even if it isn't going to be endless new houseboats, other themes may well be around the corner too. At least LL will have discovered, that if you do Premium homes right, many folks will want one.

Not a problem, my account was made during the time when last names were a thing. We were given set last names but could create our first name. They are bringing that back, sometime this year or next year.

I totally understand there were some reasons, that was totally out of their hands. And yes, I do feel bad. I am not cold and heartless, I just understand the reality of things. They weren't able to get a house in time, and I think LL understands that, and well I did say they were rolling out more phases over time. They just need to understand, they have to be patient. This is not gonna take them a month to finish, it may take them a few months, a year or even a few years. The time it takes to terraform, landscape and then place the houses within how they planned. Is not an easy or overnight feat. As the old saying goes, Rome wasn't built in a day. 

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So... I'm one of those people that got their premium home after they'd been all picked up. I got mine after 12 hours of alt-tabbing and clicking refresh every few mins or so while I was in-world. I immediately tp'd over and ran smack dab into the woman that had just abandoned the parcel. I even thanked her for it. This was after the initial release. I don't remember if i was a day later or two days later but I have been seeing on my facebook feed an increase in people getting a Linden home.

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@kiramanell I am totally sorry if I came off as harsh or as a bit of a prude. That was never my intention, that was never my intention, in this whole post. I was just looking at the reality of it, a lot of people missed out on getting their Linden Homes. That is the fact of the matter here. As someone previously posted, they put a link of what @Patch Linden had said about the new Linden homes. I don't remember who did it, but just follow his articles, and follow him on Flickr as well. He takes lots of pictures, of current projects. 

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Just now, halebore Aeon said:

@kiramanell I am totally sorry if I came off as harsh or as a bit of a prude. That was never my intention, that was never my intention, in this whole post. I was just looking at the reality of it, a lot of people missed out on getting their Linden Homes. That is the fact of the matter here. As someone previously posted, they put a link of what @Patch Linden had said about the new Linden homes. I don't remember who did it, but just follow his articles, and follow him on Flickr as well. He takes lots of pictures, of current projects. 


Don't worry about it. :) It was just me having a bit of a bad reaction to the 'snooze' thing: had very little to do with you, really, and I already felt bad for even bringing it up. 🤗 Especially since you were simply not wrong at all.

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9 minutes ago, halebore Aeon said:

@kiramanell I am totally sorry if I came off as harsh or as a bit of a prude. That was never my intention, that was never my intention, in this whole post. I was just looking at the reality of it, a lot of people missed out on getting their Linden Homes. That is the fact of the matter here. As someone previously posted, they put a link of what @Patch Linden had said about the new Linden homes. I don't remember who did it, but just follow his articles, and follow him on Flickr as well. He takes lots of pictures, of current projects. 


Yeah, Patch Linden is great! :) If anything, this whole boathouse busines has taught me that I need to stay more on top of new things. I even only found out about EEP when it was already plenty underway. Not everything is always newsworthy; and sometimes, darnit, it actually is. 😛

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17 minutes ago, kiramanell said:


Yeah, Patch Linden is great! :) If anything, this whole boathouse busines has taught me that I need to stay more on top of new things. I even only found out about EEP when it was already plenty underway. Not everything is always newsworthy; and sometimes, darnit, it actually is. 😛

I like to keep up with every new update to SL, I followed Bento, Animesh and EEP extensively. I find it fascinating, that SL is constantly evolving, changing, and it will keep on doing that for years to come. I find all this stuff fascinating, and watching as new Linden Homes are being made is cool. It shows that LL cares about their product, and about us, and want to do everything in their power, to make us happy and try to wow us at each and every update. Like I heard talks of Fleximesh, and you are darn right I will be following the progress on that. 

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Patch Linden can be a terrible tease as well.  He posted a picture of himself with packing boxes on the porch of one of the new houses in the SSP thread last October, wondering who his first trick-or-treater would be ...  making some of us wonder if the new home release was going to be before Halloween.  Little did we know then it was still months away. 

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My OP was never about the layout or aesthetics of the new Linden homes.  I respect the work the moles are doing.  The new homes are a vast improvement and the sim layouts are much more appealing. It's the process of how premium members actually get a home that I first noted is inequitable.

And the misleading info that every premium member is entitled to a new Linden Home which is in the links to the info in my post upthread.  There is no info upfront about the actual process of how a premium member gets a home..

Finally a LL mole said what hasn't been emphasized by LL regarding the homes that come with a premium account:  subject to availability.

However, that should be expounded upon:

"Subject to availability when LL decides to create them and then you'll have to park yourself on the forums to find out when we will release them and when we do release a limited number of homes, you'll have to compete with thousands of other premium members to get one and if you don't get one in that release, you'll have to wait for the next release and go thru the process again and there ae still no guarantees you'll get a home."

It's called truth in advertising.


SL newhomes1.png

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3 minutes ago, Pixels Sideways said:

My OP was never about the layout or aesthetics of the new Linden homes.  I respect the work the moles are doing.  The new homes are a vast improvement and the sim layouts are much more appealing. It's the process of how premium members actually get a home that I first noted is inequitable.

And the misleading info that every premium member is entitled to a new Linden Home which is in the links to the info in my post upthread.  There is no info upfront about the actual process of how a premium member gets a home..

Finally a LL mole said what hasn't been emphasized by LL regarding the homes that come with a premium account:  subject to availability.

However, that should be expounded upon:

"Subject to availability when LL decides to create them and then you'll have to park yourself on the forums to find out when we will release them and when we do release a limited number of homes, you'll have to compete with thousands of other premium members to get one and if you don't get one in that release, you'll have to wait for the next release and go thru the process again and there ae still no guarantees you'll get a home."

It's called truth in advertising.


You're free to post whatever you want, naturally, but I'm honestly not entirely sure why you're still on about this. Yes, 'subject to availability', of course. Kinda like your local bakery sells loafs of bread 'subject to availability' -- without actually putting that little caveat on his door. I mean, 'subject to availability' is simply implied for most all goods you buy, really (scarcity is a beatch, but a rather fundamental economic principle nonetheless).

I heard it say, that for the first Premium homes ever made, ppl had to wait in line too. I wouldn't know, as I only got mine much later; but it stands to reason, that, as with anything good, and which requires time making, scarcity will play a part. Really rather equitable, if you look at it that way.

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5 minutes ago, kiramanell said:


You're free to post whatever you want, naturally, but I'm honestly not entirely sure why you're still on about this. Yes, 'subject to availability', of course. Kinda like your local bakery sells loafs of bread 'subject to availability' -- without actually putting that little caveat on his door. I mean, 'subject to availability' is simply implied for most all goods you buy, really (scarcity is a beatch, but a rather fundamental economic principle nonetheless).

I heard it say, that for the first Premium homes ever made, ppl had to wait in line too. I wouldn't know, as I only got mine much later; but it stands to reason, that, as with anything good, and which requires time making, scarcity will play a part. Really rather equitable, if you look at it that way.

And even many years after they came out there were still certain styles for Tahoe and Meadowbrook that one had to sometimes play refresh roulette to get. That is one thing I do like a lot about the new homes, the fact that all styles for each theme are available on the lots in their respective areas.

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8 minutes ago, Zoya McDonnagh said:

And even many years after they came out there were still certain styles for Tahoe and Meadowbrook that one had to sometimes play refresh roulette to get. That is one thing I do like a lot about the new homes, the fact that all styles for each theme are available on the lots in their respective areas.

Even this past week, as I've been on the 'get your home' page a lot, the Meadowbrook Grayson style has been out of availability about half the time. 

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4 hours ago, Pixels Sideways said:

 It's the process of how premium members actually get a home that I first noted is inequitable.

And the misleading info that every premium member is entitled to a new Linden Home which is in the links to the info in my post upthread.  There is no info upfront about the actual process of how a premium member gets a home..

Finally a LL mole said what hasn't been emphasized by LL regarding the homes that come with a premium account:  subject to availability.

However, that should be expounded upon:

"Subject to availability when LL decides to create them and then you'll have to park yourself on the forums to find out when we will release them and when we do release a limited number of homes, you'll have to compete with thousands of other premium members to get one and if you don't get one in that release, you'll have to wait for the next release and go thru the process again and there ae still no guarantees you'll get a home."

It's called truth in advertising.



Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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I myself have decided to cancel my premium membership as this makes no sense at all. They are just keeping people waiting and the regions are already prepared and can be uploaded at any time they wish. Using the console on my Open Simulator Server I just type in "load oar [filename]." Try visiting any empty region on "Belliesseria" and they are not building anything and one day they will just load complete regions just like magic. The other issue is lag, the empty regions are at 50 to 60FPS but the occupied regions are at 20FPS?  Running your own simulator gives you an insight as to what is possible and how it all works!

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10 minutes ago, TaliaKi said:

I myself have decided to cancel my premium membership as this makes no sense at all. They are just keeping people waiting and the regions are already prepared and can be uploaded at any time they wish. Using the console on my Open Simulator Server I just type in "load oar [filename]." Try visiting any empty region on "Belliesseria" and they are not building anything and one day they will just load complete regions just like magic. The other issue is lag, the empty regions are at 50 to 60FPS but the occupied regions are at 20FPS?  Running your own simulator gives you an insight as to what is possible and how it all works!


That is fine, but you are expecting them to have it done right away. Like be patient, it will be done in time. And to your Lag issue, there is gonna be lag everywhere, that is one problem, you are always gonna experience. It seems to me, someone thinks that Lindens should be working non stop, 24/7. Never taking a break, to get it all done. So you can have your house. Look other people want their plot too, and well have to wait too. It's not all about you, and your needs. Be a little more grateful, they didn't even have to do this in the first place. Let me add this, having an SL account, is a privilege, being premium, is a privilege. Having all those perks that premium gives you, that is a privilege. I forgot to add this. Look you sound so ungrateful, entitled, selfish and disrespectful. The Lindens have worked their butts off, to provide us with those homes. So have a little patience.

Edited by halebore Aeon
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17 minutes ago, TaliaKi said:

I myself have decided to cancel my premium membership as this makes no sense at all. They are just keeping people waiting and the regions are already prepared and can be uploaded at any time they wish. Using the console on my Open Simulator Server I just type in "load oar [filename]." Try visiting any empty region on "Belliesseria" and they are not building anything and one day they will just load complete regions just like magic. The other issue is lag, the empty regions are at 50 to 60FPS but the occupied regions are at 20FPS?  Running your own simulator gives you an insight as to what is possible and how it all works!

"A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing"...which is to say I don't think you know as much as you think you know. They are not "keeping people waiting" and the regions are not "already prepared" -- they are still working on them and we can see the progression on the map.

Why would cancel your membership? After being given 1200 $L per month the membership only costs somewhat over a dollar.  Why not pay that small amount to support a virtual world that you want to be a part of?

Edited by Luna Bliss
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13 hours ago, Pixels Sideways said:

However, that should be expounded upon:

"Subject to availability when LL decides to create them and then you'll have to park yourself on the forums to find out when we will release them and when we do release a limited number of homes, you'll have to compete with thousands of other premium members to get one and if you don't get one in that release, you'll have to wait for the next release and go thru the process again and there ae still no guarantees you'll get a home."

It's called truth in advertising.

Hey you're a great marketer...maybe LL should hire ya!  :)    /sarcasm

Edited by Luna Bliss
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18 minutes ago, TaliaKi said:

lag, the empty regions are at 50 to 60FPS but the occupied regions are at 20FPS?

I've cycled nearly all the way around the occupied regions of Bellisaria now, and never experienced such low fps, and I'm in the UK which causes typically 170 - 180ms ping time too. Maybe you have network or client side lag?


Had quite a few sim crossing crashes though! That's a different story.

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2 hours ago, TaliaKi said:

They are just keeping people waiting and the regions are already prepared and can be uploaded at any time they wish. Using the console on my Open Simulator Server I just type in "load oar [filename]." Try visiting any empty region on "Belliesseria" and they are not building anything and one day they will just load complete regions just like magic. 


It sounds like you have misunderstood how the process works. Yes, the undeveloped Bellissera regions will one day spring up, completely finished, all at once, without seemingly having been worked on in that location at all. But that's not because they are auto-generated, or duplicated from the regions we are currently living in. It's because the new regions are being built, by hand, one at a time, on a duplicate of the continent elsewhere on the map. If you search for SSP on the map, you can see the WIP area and compare it to the live map of Bellisseria to see the differences represented by this last month of work. You can also scroll through the SSP thread here in the Linden Homes forum to see snapshots of how these regions have evolved over time as the Lindens and Moles have worked on them. When completed, new groups of regions will then be duplicated over - once - to reside exactly where they fit in the SSP version of Bellisseria. There is not more than one copy of any one region layout on the continent.

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15 hours ago, kiramanell said:

I heard it say, that for the first Premium homes ever made, ppl had to wait in line too. I wouldn't know, as I only got mine much later; but it stands to reason, that, as with anything good, and which requires time making, scarcity will play a part. Really rather equitable, if you look at it that way.

Very much so. I was Premium then. The Meadowbook homes was one of the most popular. And specifically the Loftroom since is was smaller then the others and far easier to furnish with just something like 60 objects available  at the time before LL raise the amount of available objects per sim.  That with the increase of the amount of land you got as a Premium member made the old homes obsolete and out dated. Since we can own a 1024m parcel of mainland for free now (use to be 512m) and have more than double the amount of objects.

But yeah, even though I went to the Home & Breeder show to see the new homes before release, I was lazy to clean up my mainland parcel and abandon it the weekend of the initial rollout... lol! 😦 Oooof my fault... So I sit and wait like most others now... 😆

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I really don't know why there isn't a waiting list for the new homes. I've been a long time premium member  I had a "old" LL home years ago but gave it up so I could have the max of mainland for my $35us a month tier. At the moment I have some of my land up for sale so I can get one of the new LL homes, just wondering how long it'll take and how would I know the moment there are any "new"homes available ? UGH! can I say "FRUSTRATION" 🙁?  Can anyone please explain I'm at a loss about the whole procedure Thankies!💗

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