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The new premium home gold rush...

Pixels Sideways

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Same here.. I'm homeless at the moment (3-4 weeks ) waiting on my new linden home I missed the first wave due to real life work. An ETA would stop people from getting a bit angry. I just keep refreshing the page where the houses at.. Hoping a new region will show up. 

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13 minutes ago, KiKiDivinity said:

We just need an ETA for when the new ones might be released, for real I'm tired of looking at this page and refreshing the houses page. It's getting old. 



1 minute ago, Shalom1rael said:

OH I agree, I spend so much time on this thread looking to see if the new homes are out now. Anyway else to check? I try the pick your new home thing and it takes me to the old

linden homes ?I joined to get a new home or houseboat , would not have become premium otherwise. 

You don't have to read all these threads if you're not interested in the discussion part.  You can "follow" 

and also watch the blog feed on either your account dashboard main page, or on the LL viewer splash page. 

I'm still waiting to get a home also.  I actually think it would be worse if they did announce a time and date they were being released - it would be even more of a rush.  

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1 hour ago, Marianne Little said:

Sorry for being so emotional. It has been bothering me, since it was first aired that alts shouldn't have a place.

I used "what about empty land" because I was feeling guilty. Like, who am I to show up my home(s) when so many are waiting. It wasn't me who raised the skybox issue, by the way.

Who can look in the mirror and say with confidence: I never use whataboutism!

Yes, I want to change home, not post any more pictures, take a break. I have been home bc of health issues, I normally don't spend so much time on SL.

Okay, I'll share a little story here. I just got the permission for that, as long as I keep the person unnamed.

I recently managed to bring back an RL friend of mine that has been away for almost a decade. Her AVie dates from 2003 (which is even older than me), and are rarer and rarer these days.

She left because of marriage, pregnancy, sons, etc... Real life happened, as usual.

And I've been trying to bring her back for years, since she is dear to me.

Well, guess what? Bellisseria finally managed that. I can't describe in words how happy I was when she returned. And, to top it off, she managed to grab a lil' spot for her. Nothing too spectacular nor shabby, just a nice little house on a hill.

Oh well, being a single working mother with not much money to spare, she did what any sensible adult would do: She is taking her sweet time in order to "relearn" SL (a lot changed since she left), and, most importantly, researching the marketplace so her hard earned real money is, indeed, well spent.

Makes sense, no?

Well, a few days ago I just learned she was seriously considering leaving again. Why? Because, somehow, some people were actually questioning her if she was ever going to furnish her plot, that she should just leave it so others could use it, that it was extremely selfish of her doing that, and so on and so forth

They didn't care about why she hasn't done anything yet. Nope. They were just judging her, and carried forth with her said "sentence".

Not surprisingly, she is feeling pretty down right now. Even more so after she checked the forums here, and read a bit about it.

So, again, I do understand where you are coming from. Probably more than you think ;)


Bottom line: Keep your home and boathouse, and don't allow anyone to say a thing about it. It took 12 hours for the Boathouses to be gone, and a whopping 48 hrs roughly for the houses. If someone didn't manage to get one, they should blame their luck and LL planning, NEVER another fellow paying premium player, nor think that it's up to these players to "correct" said situation, as apparently some may have understood in Abhor's post (and no, I'm sure he didn't mean it like that. People just chose to interpret what he said like it).

It's about time some people learn that.



Edited by Marsellus Walcott
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23 minutes ago, KiKiDivinity said:

 if a person is paying a premium for each alt then it's like a different person. Perhaps alts should be on different regions as to not take more than one house on a single region so others have an opportunity to have a home there as well.

I'm not sure how you are using the term "region" here, but I'm pretty sure that the next batch of homes will still be the same continent - Bellisseria - and I also think most of the next batch will be houseboat homes.  

Personally, I don't understand worries about alts, or why alt accounts should be limited in getting a home (or why some people just view alts negatively to begin with).

From what I understand, they will be releasing in phases until everyone who wants a new style home has been able to get one, so we just need to patient and enjoy the other premium perks and stipend in the mean time.   

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When I see empty homes where a person has left it empty or basically empty I celebrate it. That means less lag and I can rez more texture intense items in my own home. I knew someone in my early days of SL who had bought more than one full mainland region and all he ever rezzed on them (4 I knew of) was a few Linden trees. I asked him why, and his response was that he loved the empty land. So to each their own. If they are like me and like to fill up every little spare inch of their home with stuff .. great! If they like to have their home empty and just use it to rez shopping bags .. great!

There is only one limitation on owning a Linden home .. you must have a premium account with 1024 sqm available. Period! So, if a person has five premiums they've paid for the right to have five Linden Homes. Does that mean they should use all those? Well, that depends on the person's desires. Should anyone be limited because the supply is limited at this time? Well, it could but it doesn't necessarily. Every person should do what they feel is the right and just thing for them. It's not as though there is only one batch and there are no more coming. Heck I grew up in a large family with three brothers. I didn't ever get cookies from the first batch. Did that mean I went without cookies??? No, I didn't. Did that mean my mom rationed the cookies from the first batch? She could have but that would have made her job harder and quite frankly the cookies from the last batch were as good as the first .. so I didn't care.

So final words ... patience and live and let live. 

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A person doesn't have to decorate their home for it to be theirs. I had a premium account a few years back on a different account and had it for years... I didn't decorate my linden home for a year or so after getting it. It's hers, she can do as she passes decorate or not. 

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it's annoying that so many missed out, I am trying to do the same with the disability program for patients and others, but each time I check the Test region, the continent size is more then doubling, meaning there is defiantly a lot more homes coming and hopefully some soon. 

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It's not really a shortage, as it is a small opening. They had 100 houses prepared. Like in Real Life, and I stated this before. They open communities in phases, which usually winds up, with either the person had picked the lot already and was given template homes to choose from, or like LL did. First, come First, Serve. I don't think this is unfair, or anything. You didn't get a house when you wanted one, you snooze you lose. Other people beat you to the punch, that's life. I am sorry to be brutally honest, but that is what happened. 

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3 hours ago, Marsellus Walcott said:

Well, a few days ago I just learned she was seriously considering leaving again. Why? Because, somehow, some people were actually questioning her if she was ever going to furnish her plot, that she should just leave it so others could use it, that it was extremely selfish of her doing that, and so on and so forth

They didn't care about why she hasn't done anything yet. Nope. They were just judging her, and carried forth with her said "sentence".

Not surprisingly, she is feeling pretty down right now. Even more so after she checked the forums here, and read a bit about it.

So, again, I do understand where you are coming from. Probably more than you think ;)

I really hate that this happened... hate that anyone would act this way. We want people staying in SL, coming back to SL if they've been away, and new people coming in.

I was one of the first to grab a boat because I was lucky enough to be working from home and happened to see their FB post as soon as they posted it. If I hadn't gotten one, I'm sure I would be upset, too. Impatient. 

But taking it out on people who did get one? No. Screw everything about that type of behavior. 

Sometimes people are absolutely the worst.

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1 hour ago, halebore Aeon said:

It's not really a shortage, as it is a small opening. They had 100 houses prepared. Like in Real Life, and I stated this before. They open communities in phases, which usually winds up, with either the person had picked the lot already and was given template homes to choose from, or like LL did. First, come First, Serve. I don't think this is unfair, or anything. You didn't get a house when you wanted one, you snooze you lose. Other people beat you to the punch, that's life. I am sorry to be brutally honest, but that is what happened. 


A mite too 'brutally honest' for my taste, tbh. Especially the 'you snooze you lose' part. For one, it was never announced that this was going to be a race, where you were not supposed to 'snooze.' Many ppl were either not present for the grande moment (for whatever reason), realized the fact too late, or simply weren't aware they were required to jump on them tout suite. I mean, I, for one, never had to 'fight' over my old Meadowbrook home, LOL. For two, I do not believe LL ever presented this as a 'you snooze you lose' deal either (in fact, I specifically asked about that, when I first came here). They said they knew these were going to be popular (but probably nonetheless still underestimated the enormous rush on this new continent).

At best I will say, that some ppl -- including yours truly -- were simply unfortunate enough to miss the boat, so to speak. 😉 (LOL, you'd think there be some diminishing returns on boat puns, but nope). It's more of a reality deal, honestly: they simply couldn't produce 60,000 of these all at once (at least not without degenerating to some horrific sort of 'copy & paste' tactic). As a result of them doing it right, some ppl will have to wait a bit. Unfortunate, on the one hand; but on the other, if you think about it, extreme high demand denotes extreme high quality. :) So, it's all good.

Edited by kiramanell
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9 minutes ago, kiramanell said:


. For one, it was never announced that this was going to be a race, where you were not supposed to 'snooze.' Many ppl were either not present for the grande moment (for whatever reason), realized the fact too late, or simply weren't aware they were required to jump on them tout suite. 


I know you didn't mention "100 houses" but that number isn't even CLOSE to the number of available plots --- I forgot how many but between 2,000 nad  3,000. Abnor was going to tell us but if that happened I missed it.


BUT ---- to your comment above. Wanted to put in here again that Patch did tell us they were going to run out and he also advised that folks NOT leave their current Linden home until they checked the status of the new homes (very much a paraphrase but I am pretty sure I quoted precisely on my NOTES on the talk which should be somewhere in the SSP thread). This was at the radio show presented at the Home and Garden EXPO where the demo houses were shown off first. 

Granted, very few folks attended that event, but I did and I did report all the salient point here on the forums so that folks reading the forums would know.  

So while there wasn't a giant blog post to the masses about a need to get your plot in the first hour ---- there WAS information available.

And there were houses for a couple of days (houseboats went faster) so it wasn't really that you needed to log in and grab one at the VERY moment they were announced. You didn't even need to be able to log into SL; you could just get one via the website -- so that opens up notebook and phone possibilities away from home. Grab one on your lunch or coffee break. It was easy for the first day. 


The empty house thing --- it is true that some folks may never put anything in their  house OR in the sky and just log in there to change clothes. And yes, they do have that right --- they paid their fees like everyone else. On the plus side they are helping to keep the lag down. I think the bigger issue is for the folks that are looking at "community" and want everyone to take part. Obviously that isn't going to happen, but I can see how empty houses would bother them.  I was looking at those houses as interim places for some folks that were waiting to get one of the new houseboats coming up. Probably it is a mix of several things.  It will be interesting to see how many empty houses are left after the reroll. 

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30 minutes ago, kiramanell said:


A mite too 'brutally honest' for my taste, tbh. Especially the 'you snooze you lose' part. For one, it was never announced that this was going to be a race, where you were not supposed to 'snooze.' Many ppl were either not present for the grande moment (for whatever reason), realized the fact too late, or simply weren't aware they were required to jump on them tout suite. I mean, I, for one, never had to 'fight' over my old Meadowbrook home, LOL. For two, I do not believe LL ever presented this as a 'you snooze you lose' deal either (in fact, I specifically asked about that, when I first came here). They said they knew these were going to be popular (but probably nonetheless still underestimated the enormous rush on this new continent).

At best I will say, that some ppl -- including yours truly -- were simply unfortunate enough to miss the boat, so to speak. 😉 (LOL, you'd think there be some diminishing returns on boat puns, but nope). It's more of a reality deal, honestly: they simply couldn't produce 60,000 of these all at once (at least not without degenerating to some horrific sort of 'copy & paste' tactic). As a result of them doing it right, some ppl will have to wait a bit. Unfortunate, on the one hand; but on the other, if you think about it, extreme high demand denotes extreme high quality. :) So, it's all good.

While I do mostly agree with you, I do believe we have to make a few considerations:

1) There was a rather long "snooze" period. 12 hours for houseboats, and 48 hours (roughly) for houses. Enough time for ppl to sleep, to work, etc... Especially considering one doesn't even have to be in-game in order to get a house. All he needs is a browser and access to his LL account;

2) Sure, some people did get very lucky. But others have been religiously following the forums, in-game groups, etc for months, literally, waiting for Bellisseria to become a thing. They surely did deserve their houses (mind you, I wasn't one of those. I just happen to log daily, so, with such big "snoozing timers" for those new LH, I heard about it in one of my groups many hours after they first became available. And still, easily, managed to get one). It wasn't as difficult nor rare as some people are seen to think now;

3) The "first come, first served" policy has been around LL for eons. A lot of people weren't around when it first happened, but that's how the initial 512 sq m land was first offered in the mainland, back in 2004-2005. No one was told beforehand where and when land became available. You just had to be "lucky" enough to be around the desired land when it became available, and grab it before anyone else did. It's how things were always done in SL. Not saying its right nor fair, just that it shouldn't surprise people it went this way.

4) What other option was there? Lottery? A system LL has never dealt with, which would surely demand devs in order to develop it, taking them away from more important issues? And, most importantly, which, like any other system, would end up with people complaining about it as well in the end? 

The truth is, unless LL could meet all its demand on the very first day, people are always going to complain about it. And they are well within their rights (they are, after all, paying customers). It's just that such a solution was basically impossible, from a practical point of view.

But, most importantly, we should have more LH and LHB coming within the next few days. If everything goes well, this kind of discussions will be moot in the very near future, with everyone happy and well in their cozy little homes. I surely can't wait for that to happen. 

The sooner, the better. :D 


Edited by Marsellus Walcott
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Look at it this way, LL is doing something nice for all of us premium members at no extra cost to us. Beautiful homes, beautifully decorated sim/region and a community to where most people will interact and it can be a wonderful experience. Instead of complaining get excited. LL didn't have to do this for us, we all could be stuck with 10yr old homes or older. The longer I have to wait the more excited I become. 

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24 minutes ago, Marsellus Walcott said:

While I do mostly agree with you, I do believe we have to make a few considerations:

1) There was a rather long "snooze" period. 12 hours for houseboats, and 48 hours (roughly) for houses. Enough time for ppl to sleep, to work, etc... Especially considering one doesn't even have to be in-game in order to get a house. All he needs is a browser and access to his LL account;

2) Sure, some people did get very lucky. But others have been religiously following the forums, in-game groups, etc for months, literally, waiting for Bellisseria to become a thing. They surely did deserve their houses (mind you, I wasn't one of those. I just happen to log daily, so, with such big "snoozing timers" for those new LH, I heard about it in one of my groups many hours after they first became available. And still, easily, managed to get one). It wasn't as difficult nor rare as some people are seen to think now;

3) The "first come, first served" policy has been around LL for eons. A lot of people weren't around when it first happened, but that's how the initial 512 sq m land was first offered in the mainland, back in 2004-2005. No one was told beforehand where and when land became available. You just had to be "lucky" enough to be around the desired land when it became available, and grab it before anyone else did. It's how things were always done in SL. Not saying its right nor fair, just that it shouldn't surprise people it went this way.

4) What other option was there? Lottery? A system LL has never dealt with, which would surely demand devs in order to develop it, taking them away from more important issues? And, most importantly, which, like any other system, would end up with people complaining about it as well in the end? 

The truth is, unless LL could meet all its demand on the very first day, people are always going to complain about it. And they are well within their rights (they are, after all, paying customers). It's just that such a solution was basically impossible, from a practical point of view.

But, most importantly, we should have more LH and LHB coming within the next few days. If everything goes well, this kind of discussions will be moot in the very near future, with everyone happy and well in their cozy little homes. I surely can't wait for that to happen. 

The sooner, the better. :D 


At the end of the day, they will be rolling out more, and there will be more homes for people to grab up. As I said before, and this isn't directed at you. Be patient, your time will come, and you will get the Linden Home of your dreams.


1 minute ago, KiKiDivinity said:

Look at it this way, LL is doing something nice for all of us premium members at no extra cost to us. Beautiful homes, beautifully decorated sim/region and a community to where most people will interact and it can be a wonderful experience. Instead of complaining get excited. LL didn't have to do this for us, we all could be stuck with 10yr old homes or older. The longer I have to wait the more excited I become. 

I actually totally agree with you, they didn't have to do it, but they did. They could have just left us with the 10 plus year old Linden homes, and not done anything. But they wanted to be nice, and do something nice for us premium members. So again, stop complaining, wait your turn, your time will come.

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16 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

BUT ---- to your comment above. Wanted to put in here again that Patch did tell us they were going to run out and he also advised that folks NOT leave their current Linden home until they checked the status of the new homes (very much a paraphrase but I am pretty sure I quoted precisely on my NOTES on the talk which should be somewhere in the SSP thread). This was at the radio show presented at the Home and Garden EXPO where the demo houses were shown off first. 

Granted, very few folks attended that event, but I did and I did report all the salient point here on the forums so that folks reading the forums would know.  

So while there wasn't a giant blog post to the masses about a need to get your plot in the first hour ---- there WAS information available.

And there were houses for a couple of days (houseboats went faster) so it wasn't really that you needed to log in and grab one at the VERY moment they were announced. You didn't even need to be able to log into SL; you could just get one via the website -- so that opens up notebook and phone possibilities away from home. Grab one on your lunch or coffee break. It was easy for the first day. 


For starters, sorry, dear, didn't realize 'halebore' is an alt of yours. 😯 Just felt a bit harsh, was all.

As for 'snoozing', in a way I did -- and I don't mind even. :) Like with animesh, or other news, most I just take in sideways (usually via Inara Pey's blog). And while I spend a lot of time in SL, it's mostly just on building, and rarely on visiting the forums. Unless something pertinent (to me) comes up, like windlight changes, or new Premium homes. Just sayin' I'm probably in the same boat as others, who don't frequent here too often. That's no one else's fault, of course; just sayin' the news about the new homes (and especially their intially limited availability) is a thing one can easily miss -- and which, in fact, I did. :)

I'm paying attention NOW, of course; but likely many others will now too; so, if I fully suspect things to get real hectic on the upcoming round, as the homes will likely be gone, 'fore I can say, "Please, don't be gone!" 😃 But I live on a private island; so, while I'd love to be part of the new, shiny community, I'll probably survive well enough for the time being. :)

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I was told the new homes were available(back in April) , the reason I'm homeless. I abandoned my home went to get a new one but they were gone. I bought a piece of premium land.. Was told I would have to leave that also to get a home. I'm homeless by my choosing. I refuse to snooz this time. 

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1 minute ago, KiKiDivinity said:

I was told the new homes were available(back in April) , the reason I'm homeless. I abandoned my home went to get a new one but they were gone.


If you think that's bad, I was so blonde as to actually get a Bellisseria plot... TWICE, for a traditional home. Then, upon visiting it, I abandoned it.... TWICE, as it wasn't my style, not realizing the house style (unlike the old homes) could be changed at the mailbox. 😛 So, yeah.

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