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The new premium home gold rush...

Pixels Sideways

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2 hours ago, Adumelial Rothstein said:

I surely thank all of you for the links you added above I shall view\read them. I as a Premium Second Life member I never see links like this in my emails. If they are sent they elude my box certainly. I have however received a warning for a moderator so I decline to replay any further. Except - If I was harsh in my comments that is just how I see things. Please if anyone was overtly offended please if you can I ask you to forgive me.

As said in my profile I am a collector and I shall continue to collect the wonderful most interesting content Second Life Builders make. I love the parcel I am reanting. I NEVER even knew about the new Premium houses. Never was I aware how they worked. Advanced member feeling rather noobish now, which I suspect is good for me.

God Bless you all and may Linden Labs Second Life prosper in it's endeavors. As said above this is my LAST reply.


Now this is a post I like. :) 

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2 hours ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

There are many reasons one might want more than one premium account. In my case, I use the land allowance (and stipend) to do things on Mainland, like house the Bay City History Pavilion which is there for the public's use. I can't imagine why it would be a smart idea to tell someone they cannot support SL with additional memberships if the person is inclined to do so for whatever reason.




For the record, I don't feel that you, or anyone else, owes me (or anyone else) an explanation for why you have multiple Premium accounts. In fact, Kudos on you for supporting SL to the tune that you do! :)

If there be too few Premium 'premium' homes, then the onus is on LL to provide more (if this is something they want to do); but it's certainly not on you to forego on perks you simply paid for. That would be silly.

And no, I don't have a Bellessaria home yet either, but I sure as heck won't begrudge you yours (as I hope ppl won't be jelly when I finally get mine).

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12 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

It's more of Winchester than any other house type, so have it already happened?

There is actually not a Winchester directly around me in any direction.  There are another 6 or so on the sim, but none very close to me.



12 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Just like, some people need menus with pictures of the food!


I really like pictures on my food menu, especially my Chinese menus



8 hours ago, halebore Aeon said:

Someone had stated there was like 60k Premium users, and to house all 60k users, would cause a lot of problems on the grid. 

I highly doubt all 60k would want a Linden Home.  If LL actually created 60k houses because there were 60k Premiums, we'd have a ton of empties sitting around.


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10 hours ago, halebore Aeon said:

 If they have like 10 annual premium accounts, that is like $720.99 per year, and that would get really expensive. Like it's fine to have 1 account as Premium but to have more than that, seems kinda absurd really.


9 hours ago, halebore Aeon said:

I was just stating that for one person, there doesn't need to be like 10 accounts on premium.

While you might not see the point in having multiple Premium accounts, many of us do.  It is cheaper in the long run for me to have multiple Premium accounts that donate tier to a group so that I can have a larger plot of land without paying additional monthly tier fees.  I did all the math and it truly is cheaper for my situation.  I know that there are plenty of others that do it for the same reasons.   

Yes, it is expensive, but I have them staggered so I never pay for more than one yearly $72 fee in any given month.  That $72 is out of my entertainment budget.  I know many, many people that spend far more than that going out to dinner and/or movies many, many times every single month.  

Each of us defines what is important for how we spend our money.




9 hours ago, halebore Aeon said:

 Also, to my knowledge, each computer gets its own personal IP on the Network,

Yes, but no.  My IP at any given time will typically be one of 8 IPs that get assigned to our home network when our router boots.   My IP is not always the same, though it would always be one of the 8.  Not too mention all the ways there are to spoof IPs.




10 hours ago, halebore Aeon said:

Well here is an idea, maybe have two different types of premium accounts. So for people who want multiple accounts on one premium account, maybe have the ability to have more land, and maybe the ability to have more groups, and majorly discounted land prices.

LL has actually hinted at creating different levels of Premium that would come with different benefits, similar to what you are suggesting --- but  I highly doubt they will force folks to eliminate Premium accounts and instead bump up the level of one of the Premium accounts.





10 hours ago, halebore Aeon said:

are not just collecting premium accounts, just to say you have a premium account.


9 hours ago, halebore Aeon said:

I am just stating that people who collect premium on multiple accounts, just to say they have premium

At $72 a year per Premium account, I can pretty much guarantee that people are not 'collecting' them just to say that they have them. 


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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:


While you might not see the point in having multiple Premium accounts, many of us do.  It is cheaper in the long run for me to have multiple Premium accounts that donate tier to a group so that I can have a larger plot of land without paying additional monthly tier fees. 

Many also do not realize that $72 a year is $6 a month but you get 300L per week, over the course of a year that works out to around 15.600L.  If like most people you buy your L$ the Premium account has almost paid for itself already.  All but around $1 a month, anyway.  Then you donate the tier, gaining a 10% bonus in the process. It's very worthwhile for many people.

Those 10 hypothetical Premium accounts have 11,264 sq, meters of land, with a weekly income of 3,000L for (in the long run) about 10-12 USD a month.

Edited by Gryphon Ronas
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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

While you might not see the point in having multiple Premium accounts, many of us do.  It is cheaper in the long run for me to have multiple Premium accounts that donate tier to a group so that I can have a larger plot of land without paying additional monthly tier fees.  I did all the math and it truly is cheaper for my situation.  I know that there are plenty of others that do it for the same reasons.   

Yes, it is expensive, but I have them staggered so I never pay for more than one yearly $72 fee in any given month.  That $72 is out of my entertainment budget.  I know many, many people that spend far more than that going out to dinner and/or movies many, many times every single month.  

Each of us defines what is important for how we spend our money.

And for those of us that don't SPEND our stipend and let the money stay in "alt accounts" there is no need to pay $72 each year, the stipend money becomes the next year's payment (with about $10 or so US a YEAR) to go with it. I understand that not everyone has $72 to pay up front, but with some effort they could probably SAVE $6 a month and then would have that money for the next year.  Old timers actually MAKE money on their premium accounts (there was a small window of time long ago when this was true). 

We are in effect (and have been for a decade or more) loaning LL CAPITAL funds which they pay back to us -- most of it anyway.  It's really a great deal assuming you want land or a home. The other perks may be perks for some folks, but don't matter at all to me. 


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13 hours ago, halebore Aeon said:

 It's kinda like people who add a tonne of friends, rarely talk to them, but just keep on collecting friends

the good old days of Bebo and MySpace. When everybody loved everyone else for no reason at all, and just because we could  :)

i had about 24,000 friends on my Bebo back in the day. 160,000 something on my MySpace. Never talked to hardly any of them ever. There was one person who decided to try and get 1,000,000 friends on MySpace back then. They got them as well

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As for the claiming of the new home areas; LL should have stated exactly how many new homes were being released. A very simple thing to do. If they mentioned this, I missed it. 

I don't mind the "first come, first serve" thing, but I still don't like the random assignment of homes. LL should have a dynamic database. Random assignment of homes was never a smart idea. It's also annoying to have to waste time claiming/abandoning as you try to find a new home. And why only 5 times a day? Ridiculous. A searchable database is what they should have.

On a side note, I wish LL had been working on refurbishing the existing home plots. I get the whole theme thing, but why not just start converting some of the old homes to different ones? THen LL could provide links to refurbished homes. Done.

By the way, I really love the new homes and the areas surrounding them. I'm really happy to see this. It's great to see people sharing their photos of their home decor too. Some people have such wonder taste. I think I'm going to go for stroll through the new homes area now. :)


Edited by TimothySKing
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7 minutes ago, TimothySKing said:

As for the claiming of the new home areas; LL should have stated exactly how many new homes were being released. A very simple thing to do. If they mentioned this, I missed it. 

I don't mind the "first come, first serve" thing, but I still hate the random assignment of homes. LL should have a dynamic database. Random assignment of homes was never a smart idea. It's also annoying to have to waste time claiming/abandoning as you try to find a new home. And why only 5 times a day? Ridiculous. A searchable database is what they should have.

On a side note, I wish LL had been working on refurbishing the existing home plots. I get the whole theme thing, but why not just start converting some of the old homes to different ones? THen LL could provide links to refurbished homes. Done.


As for abandoning 'only 5 times a day', I should be so lucky as to be able to get 5 shots per day at a Bellessaria plot. 😉 But, in all earnestness, I get why they're doing it that way. You think ppl are mad now? Wait until the 'first come, first serve' crowd gets to pick the best spots too! The forum would be too small to contain all the ensuing rage. :)

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7 minutes ago, kiramanell said:


As for abandoning 'only 5 times a day', I should be so lucky as to be able to get 5 shots per day at a Bellessaria plot. 😉 But, in all earnestness, I get why they're doing it that way. You think ppl are mad now? Wait until the 'first come, first serve' crowd gets to pick the best spots too! The forum would be too small to contain all the ensuing rage. :)

Yeah. You're probably right. Maybe I'm just lazy to do all that work to find a house. I was just thinking if LL had a database to choose plots, they could identify plots that nobody wants. Then they could work on making those plots desirable. Or the they could turn them into public picnic spots or something.

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15 minutes ago, TimothySKing said:

On a side note, I wish LL had been working on refurbishing the existing home plots. I get the whole theme thing, but why not just start converting some of the old homes to different ones? THen LL could provide links to refurbished homes. Done.


I think that would be a bad idea, really. For one, peeps are, you know, living in those homes: they have furnished/decorated it, and don't necessarily want it changed from under them. Plus, there's no point refurbishing entire old neighborhoods: it would only make the parts that aren't done yet look even more crappy, and if the goal was to redo everything, well, then they might as well just erect entire new regions... which is kinda what they did. :)

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1 minute ago, kiramanell said:

I think that would be a bad idea, really. For one, peeps are, you know, living in those homes: they have furnished/decorated it, and don't necessarily want it changed from under them. Plus, there's no point refurbishing entire old neighborhoods: it would only make the parts that aren't done yet look even more crappy, and if the goal was to redo everything, well, then they might as well just erect entire new regions... which is kinda what they did. :)

I didn't mean that LL should refurbish homes people are living in, I meant homes that are abandoned.

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In case it hasn't been said already, the Old 512sqm Styles are still available.


The 175 prim count is mitigated by Mesh, and there's plenty of footspace still do to stuff.


EDIT: If they DO get rid of the 512s, it'll have to be after the 1024s are all complete. We're only in Phase 1.

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2 minutes ago, TimothySKing said:

I didn't mean that LL should refurbish homes people are living in, I meant homes that are abandoned.


I see. But, like I said, it would only make the parts that aren't done yet look even crappier -- making it even less desireable to still be living in an old hovel. In fact, I suspect Linden actually are hoping ppl will just abandon those old areas, so they can gradually phase them out.

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LL changed the title of my OP.  Apparently they didn't like the actual topic re: inequity of the first come, first serve grab of the limited number of new homes.


So per New World Notes, there are around 60,000 SL premium members.  Not everyone pays the annual fee of $72 USD at once, many pay monthly which is $!20 per year,  

Erring on the conservative estimate side, 60,000 x $72 = $4,320,000 in revenue annually from paid memberships alone.  That's A LOT of revenue.

Add to that the fees for land, commissions from sales inworld and on MP and transaction fees (LL charges $1.50 USD for every Linden currency purchase transaction which they're profiting from since PayPal only charges LL $.30 per transaction and banks charge more but not $1,50 for every transaction) so LL is doing quite well re: SL.  

Anyway, 60,000k members are entitled to a home - a new home since that is what LL has promised everyone.  

Let's say 1/2 that number are aware of the new homes - 30,000 members.  The other half is not and/or includes people who purchased land on mainland and use their Linden home allotment to cover their own land tier fees in full or in part..

Back to Linden homes...

A sim can accommodate 64 1024 parcels.  That's without any community terraforming/landscaping to accommodate roads, pathways, etc.  So lets nix 16 parcels to accommodate community services.

We now have 1 sim = 48 parcels available to 48 premium members,

Dividing 30,000 by 48 = 625 sims.  Remember, we are only calculating for 1/2 the total premium members.

I don't know how many land/water parcels (homes) were part of this first roll out but let's say 624 homes were made available. 

If there are a max humber of 48 home parcels per sim, then that would be 13 sims.

That means for LL to accommodate 1/2 of their premium members, they still need to create 29,376 more home parcels on 612 sims.

This is why the first come first serve for a fraction of the homes needed is a totes cockamamy process.

As I previously mentioned, LL should have set up a form that premium members could fill out indicating yes, they want a new Linden home and then create fields for data on what type of home and even what area on a sim, type of sim (urban, suburban, forest, desert, tropical, fantasy, etc.) facing which direction (N, E, S, W) and  any other particulars.  Then LL would have a far more concrete idea as to what the members ideally want and could build out the sims accordingly so members could get an ideal space via a lottery process.

Explaining the numbers to premium members along with the process and time involved in creating each sim would put this into a far better perspective because creating upwards of 625 new sims to accommodate 30,000 - only half of the premium members - is a daunting undertaking and is going to take a lot longer than the way LL has represented the new Linden homes availability and roll out.  If they want to deliver on this in a timely manner - especially to new members - they're going to need to hire more people.


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1 hour ago, Pixels Sideways said:

A sim can accommodate 64 1024 parcels.  That's without any community terraforming/landscaping to accommodate roads, pathways, etc.  So lets nix 16 parcels to accommodate community services.

We now have 1 sim = 48 parcels available to 48 premium members,

Have you gone out to the new continent and looked at the parcels?  I doubt that 48 1024 sqm home parcels could realistically be put on one region and still maintain the ambiance and performance that they currently have.  Regions out there that have 24 - 26 parcels seem pretty full as it is.  

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1 hour ago, Pixels Sideways said:

As I previously mentioned, LL should have set up a form that premium members could fill out indicating yes, they want a new Linden home and then create fields for data on what type of home and even what area on a sim, type of sim (urban, suburban, forest, desert, tropical, fantasy, etc.) facing which direction (N, E, S, W) and  any other particulars.  Then LL would have a far more concrete idea as to what the members ideally want and could build out the sims accordingly so members could get an ideal space via a lottery process.

Pixels, I don't want anything custom made for me.
I rather like the idea of trying to snag a home in the foothills if that's part of the next phase along with all the new houseboats. It's fine by me to have let go of my home in a flat area and be homeless awhile as I wait. Perhaps in the future a REAL mountain cabin will become available that sits up in the mountains vs the traditional home against the foothills, and it will be fun changing my foothills home to this real cabin up in the mountains. Who knows what else might be coming in the next phases manifesting in months to come -- I might want to change homes yet again. Would I become homeless in the process??  How exciting...perhaps I'll be one of the Bums Of Belliserria for awhile...then I better get up early and be pushing those buttons during the next rollout.

What you keep proposing, with this lottery thing, would require too much work -- LL does not have unlimited resources. I don't think you understand just how complicated and time-consuming the ideas you are proposing would be. I'd rather see the resources go to rolling out these new Linden homes in phases.

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14 minutes ago, moirakathleen said:

Have you gone out to the new continent and looked at the parcels?  I doubt that 48 1024 sqm home parcels could realistically be put on one region and still maintain the ambiance and performance that they currently have.


Only if you put the pixels sideways. 🤩

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1 hour ago, Pixels Sideways said:

LL changed the title of my OP.  Apparently they didn't like the actual topic re: inequity of the first come, first serve grab of the limited number of new homes.



They merged two or more threads that took up the same, why so few new homes, why wasn't I notified, I paid for Premium just for this and is cheated, LL is incompetent and working too slow. All in one thread.


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15 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

perhaps I'll be one of the Bums Of Belliserria for awhile

It's actually been quite fun being a bum, I think you'd like it! If I had a house I'd probably be keeping to it right now to fix it up. Instead I've been out exploring and seeing what they've created for us! Don't get me wrong, I am ready for the homes to be available, but am making the best of it. ☺️

Any speculations on other themes besides mountain homes? What about farmhouses? I know someone mentioned a more urban area. It's fun to wonder!

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2 hours ago, Pixels Sideways said:

Erring on the conservative estimate side, 60,000 x $72 = $4,320,000 in revenue annually from paid memberships alone.  That's A LOT of revenue.

Maybe a lot of income in your eyes, but companies like this have really high expenses also - employees, servers, buildings............


2 hours ago, Pixels Sideways said:

Anyway, 60,000k members are entitled to a home - a new home since that is what LL has promised everyone.

Technically, nowhere is a Premium member promised one of the "new" homes.


2 hours ago, Pixels Sideways said:

A sim can accommodate 64 1024 parcels.  That's without any community terraforming/landscaping to accommodate roads, pathways, etc.  So lets nix 16 parcels to accommodate community services.

We now have 1 sim = 48 parcels available to 48 premium members,

Not currently inworld, but if I remember correctly, the new regions are averaging 20-30 homes each.



2 hours ago, Pixels Sideways said:

I don't know how many land/water parcels (homes) were part of this first roll out but let's say 624 homes were made available. 

The first rollout was somewhere around 2300-2500 homes/houseboats, with about 700 of those being houseboats.



2 hours ago, Pixels Sideways said:

As I previously mentioned, LL should have set up a form that premium members could fill out indicating yes, they want a new Linden home and then create fields for data on what type of home and even what area on a sim, type of sim (urban, suburban, forest, desert, tropical, fantasy, etc.) facing which direction (N, E, S, W) and  any other particulars.  Then LL would have a far more concrete idea as to what the members ideally want and could build out the sims accordingly so members could get an ideal space via a lottery process.

That would prove to be way too time consuming on LL's part.  And how do you handle it if 80% of the people want beachfront property?   There is just no way to create a continent where 80% of the land is beachfront.  

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57 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Not currently inworld, but if I remember correctly, the new regions are averaging 20-30 homes each.

Some are as low as 6 (this is also true in the new houseboat "pickle" area) and some (at least in the new easy to count pickle) are 26.  For all practical purposes most homes are on MUCH larger VISUAL plots when you count in the buffer areas. Mine is 53 x 42 meters before it becomes "someone else's" land. Some parcels are much bigger VISUALLY AGAIN than mine.  

I don't think there are any with 30.   I went and counted a few sims that seemed to be the most dense (no water or giant public areas and more designed in a square (and not as pretty LOL) and they were 20.  The "Trailers" ? which were MUCH smaller homes had 26 so I am guessing 26 is the top number and maybe 6 the bottom number. 

NOPE. I went looking and found one with THREE (and better FPS and it is on the water) LOL. PRIME real estate - Jacinto :SwingingFriends:

Edited by Chic Aeon
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37 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

Some are as low as 6 (this is also true in the new houseboat "pickle" area) and some (at least in the new easy to count pickle) are 26.  For all practical purposes most homes are on MUCH larger VISUAL plots when you count in the buffer areas. Mine is 53 x 42 meters before it becomes "someone else's" land. Some parcels are much bigger VISUALLY AGAIN than mine.  

I don't think there are any with 30.   I went and counted a few sims that seemed to be the most dense (no water or giant public areas and more designed in a square (and not a pretty LOL) and they were 20.  The "Trailers" ? which were MUCH smaller homes had 26 so I am guessing 26 is the top number and maybe 6 the bottom number. 

NOPE. I went looking and found one with THREE (and better FPS and it is on the water) LOL. PRIME real estate - Jacinto :SwingingFriends:

I did find one residential area with 26, and one with 24, still nicely landscaped with some open park area besides the buffer zones.  

The buffer areas one the sides and backs of the home parcels are very effective in making the parcels seem larger, and also in making the parcel seem more private.  I think the landscaped buffer areas were a very wise decision. 

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