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The new premium home gold rush...

Pixels Sideways

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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Given that I am a CURRENT (i.e. NOT FORMER) IT Database Engineer and Administrator, as well as a previous developer, for many decades, I am sooooooo glad that you were never MY Team Manager because you have obviously not taken a single minute to actually understand this project and what it entails, let alone the how and why of it.  I'm also pretty glad that none of my Team Managers have ever been as condescending and rude as you are.  

If you bothered to actually check into things, you would find that every region is being custom created in a unique way, rather than being rubber-stamped across the entire continent.  Yes, you (and many others) could probably use clone code and whip out 100 villages overnight, but they'd likely stay as sparsely filled as the current Linden Homes areas because nobody really likes living in a cookie-cutter environment.

If you are ONLY spending "nearly" 120.00$ per month on L$, then I know for a fact that you are quite a ways down on the totem pole of 'SL Spending' and thus really have no bragging rights at all on that score.

As to 'insulting your intelligence'...... well, I hardly think that is possible.



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1 hour ago, Chic Aeon said:

It should probably also be noted (again) that there are a TON of empty homes that were claimed and have not been used (no prims on the land at all so not a skybox scenario). 

I have/had some neighbors like that, but I found when I decorated, they got encouraged to do that too. If someone doesn't.. meh. They'll move out and someone else'll move in. But I also saw some people put in like one or two things, and maybe they froze up and didn't know what to do. Maybe they got intimidated. Maybe they're shy. I figure they'll come around in time.

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49 minutes ago, Odaks said:

Not just one carrot was dangled, but three! Double plot size, skybox permitted and a very decent extra bagful of LI.

Just to be clear while the new homes are 1024, ALL members have free tier for 1024. Not everyone will understand the difference there but it is important. The folks in the OLD Linden homes have the ability to own another 512 lot WITH those "decent extra bagful" of LI already.   The skybox option may be good for some but a few tours of the 2000 to 4000 meters skies told me that not all that many people care. 

I certainly don't. If I wanted a skybox, I could put it ANYWHERE with the SAME land impact allowance. 

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1 minute ago, Aemeth Lysette said:

I have/had some neighbors like that, but I found when I decorated, they got encouraged to do that too. If someone doesn't.. meh. They'll move out and someone else'll move in. But I also saw some people put in like one or two things, and maybe they froze up and didn't know what to do. Maybe they got intimidated. Maybe they're shy. I figure they'll come around in time.

Well at least they TRIED. I am talking about completely empty houses (others have commented on this too) all over the continent. A few, granted may have a good reason for not decorating right away but certainly not ALL of them (and there really are a lot when you traverse Bellisseria by bike or teleport to each sim (I was looking for a certain "fence" that I saw and never found). 

I hope you are right. 

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13 minutes ago, BJoyful said:

So don't despair, come and visit!

I didn't intend my comment to be gripe about not being around to get a new home at the first release! I was really intending to comment on modern commercial practices, which I dislike intensely. The number of people that have posted disappointment comments do bear this out. I do accept the situation with the new homes release though, quite happily, and am prepared to sit and wait; yes, my turn will come.

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7 minutes ago, Odaks said:

I didn't intend my comment to be gripe about not being around to get a new home at the first release! I was really intending to comment on modern commercial practices, which I dislike intensely. The number of people that have posted disappointment comments do bear this out. I do accept the situation with the new homes release though, quite happily, and am prepared to sit and wait; yes, my turn will come.


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25 minutes ago, Adumelial Rothstein said:

LittleMe Jewell

  (copy and pasted your name) If you have checked on the process can you please give us details of that process? Do you think they are taking each parcel and "custom" terriforming it" you are obviously not in the woes of programming efficiency? They have a cookie cutter sim settup that is coded and goes through the code compiler and *whoop* there she is?

I so wish you had been on my Team Jewel. You could have learned a few things. Working smart is not being rude - nor stupid.

Edits to say -  My feelings are not hurt in the least. Not many people can handle me. 4.0 gpa in degrees. Yes, I have two beside the Computer Science degree. Before I became team leader I turned other team leaders into HR for unprofessional and lack of technical skills conduct. HR hated seeing me walk into their office yet again. And again...and again. The ship should run with the best at the helm lest we all die in my opinion.

Tsk....LittleMe Jewell....do you have a death wish?


BTW, I retired early because I could....

If you have financial issues I can help you? (LOL)

Ya know, I'd expect an IT Genius to know how to use the quote function on a forum. Just an observation. :)

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16 hours ago, Randy Pole said:


Well with such an apparent bad attitude and inability to provide constructive criticism I am not surprised you have "former" in your job titles. It matter not one jot how much money you decide to spend on L$ purchases - that does not entitle you to any different treatment. You have not lost anything - just take one of the old (and small parcel size) homes back in the meantime and wait for the release like the vast majority are.


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The "forner" in my job title is because I early retired - because I could financially. I am also a Cisco kid. Some of you that are in IT will enjoy that pun.


*Sighs* this post is not about me. It is about what I originally posted about Linden Lab taking their ease about providing the NEW Linden Homes. I have seen it 100s of times and it makes me want to hurl...seriously.


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3 minutes ago, Adumelial Rothstein said:

I am also a Cisco kid

That's all about network comms, isn't it? You could be a very useful contributor to the teleports/sim crossings issues.


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9 minutes ago, Adumelial Rothstein said:

It is about what I originally posted about Linden Lab taking their ease about providing the NEW Linden Homes. I have seen it 100s of times and it makes me want to hurl...seriously.

You are barking at a tree. 

Calm down, please. :) 

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2 hours ago, Adumelial Rothstein said:

LittleMe Jewell

  (copy and pasted your name) If you have checked on the process can you please give us details of that process? Do you think they are taking each parcel and "custom" terriforming it" you are obviously not in the woes of programming efficiency? They have a cookie cutter sim settup that is coded and goes through the code compiler and *whoop* there she is?

I so wish you had been on my Team Jewel. You could have learned a few things. Working smart is not being rude - nor stupid.

Edits to say -  My feelings are not hurt in the least. Not many people can handle me. 4.0 gpa in degrees. Yes, I have two beside the Computer Science degree. Before I became team leader I turned other team leaders into HR for unprofessional and lack of technical skills conduct. HR hated seeing me walk into their office yet again. And again...and again. The ship should run with the best at the helm lest we all die in my opinion.

Tsk....LittleMe Jewell....do you have a death wish?


BTW, I retired early because I could....

If you have financial issues I can help you? (LOL)

Gosh, I'll bet you are a ton of fun at parties, with all the tales of your greatness.  You're a legend in your own mind.


BTW - Have you actually gone and looked at the new continent.  If they truly were using a 'cookie cutter sim' that just "whoop there she is" plopped out the regions, I'd actually expect to find lots more of them looking the same. Whereas, in traversing the entire continent, I'm not sure you'd actually find two identical parcels.


Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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It seems pretty obvious that the OP (if actually serious) doesn't understand that WE DON'T AGREE.   

Oh well. 

I am am guessing that there are a fair amount of "multiple degree" folks that "retired early because they could" responding to the OP.  But of course that doesn't count :D.

Let's just move on to the NEXT similar thread. You know you want to. LOL.  

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Hi ya, I used to be known as Tonia Kara and I still go by that user name on OpenSim Grids. I have been on and off Second Life since 2008 and spend more time at my self hosted region on Osgrid but got interested again in SL after reading about the new homes and continent. I am not sure if people look at the world map and see that Bellisseria looks like a beautiful Sea Horse. I have read the recent posts and I think that maybe LL have already created everything in parallel and using something like OAR files as the regions may already be ready but will be replacing the empty regions on a predetermined date. Why would they do that? My guess is that it creates that feeling of looking forward to getting something special like when you are waiting for that special something to arrive in the post. If you have to wait awhile then maybe you will want to hang on to it and treasure it. I remember years ago I ordered a bicycle and waited 28 days for it to arrive and yes it was frustrating but when that bicycle arrived I really appreciated it.

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7 hours ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

Wrong wrong, oh so wrong.

OpenSim was created to offer similar functionality to SL, years after SL opened its doors. No LL employees, former or present, were involved in creating OpenSim and LL does not use OpenSim, I don;t even know where you got the notion that they do.

What hatred! It was just a question, not an affirmation with the pretense of being right.

A person gave me this information, with the same confidence which you are telling me that it is wrong. Both statements are not informative. I searched instead. I discovered that OpenSimulator was born after SL, so it's evident that SL doesn't use the same software as the OS.

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10 minutes ago, TaliaKi said:

Hi ya, I used to be known as Tonia Kara and I still go by that user name on OpenSim Grids. I have been on and off Second Life since 2008 and spend more time at my self hosted region on Osgrid but got interested again in SL after reading about the new homes and continent. I am not sure if people look at the world map and see that Bellisseria looks like a beautiful Sea Horse. I have read the recent posts and I think that maybe LL have already created everything in parallel and using something like OAR files as the regions may already be ready but will be replacing the empty regions on a predetermined date. Why would they do that? My guess is that it creates that feeling of looking forward to getting something special like when you are waiting for that special something to arrive in the post. If you have to wait awhile then maybe you will want to hang on to it and treasure it. I remember years ago I ordered a bicycle and waited 28 days for it to arrive and yes it was frustrating but when that bicycle arrived I really appreciated it.

When LL announced the arrival of the new houses, I didn't rush to get one. Do you know why? Because I never imagined that the LL didn't have enough homes for everyone who would apply for them. Now I can't choose any of the new houses... it doesn't matter, I don't cut my veins for this. But in this way, some premium users have a better allocation and others cannot have it (for now). Also, some people like me don't like houseboats at all but would like one of the traditional houses. I'm afraid that the 28 days of your bike won't be enough for this :)

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in addition to what has been replied I hope that Linden Labs will break down the "Houseboat" and "Traditional" to:

LH - Traditional - Winchester
LH - Traditional - Alderley
LH - Traditional - Continental

LH - Houseboat - Windlass 16 X 64
LH - Houseboat - Wallower 32 X 32
LH - Houseboat - Evening Star 16 X 64

As those are the builds I see in one of the districts. They should do this with pictures as they have done the older Linden Lab Homes.

Awe gee, more work more wait eh?

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10 minutes ago, Adumelial Rothstein said:

in addition to what has been replied I hope that Linden Labs will break down the "Houseboat" and "Traditional" to:

LH - Traditional - Winchester
LH - Traditional - Alderley
LH - Traditional - Continental

LH - Houseboat - Windlass 16 X 64
LH - Houseboat - Wallower 32 X 32
LH - Houseboat - Evening Star 16 X 64

As those are the builds I see in one of the districts. They should do this with pictures as they have done the older Linden Lab Homes.

Awe gee, more work more wait eh?

They didn't break it down further because, unlike the old Linden Homes where you had to pick the style within the theme and had to move to a different parcel to choose a different style,  with the new homes you have a choice of which style you want to rez. 

The mailbox in front of the traditional homes lets you choose between Winchester, Alderley, Continental or Adams.  Likewise, the life preserver for the houseboats lets you choose one of the houseboat styles. This allows one to try each style out before deciding which one they want to stay with, and it also allows one to easily change to a different style later on.  

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12 hours ago, binder59 said:

the point is they should have made enough for all premium members they know how may members they have, ok they may have a few left over, also i think that people who have been premium members for a long time should have had first choice, not newbies who have just signed up, thats my feeling about it, but hey ho we have to wait now, emails could have been sent to members who have been here for a long time, or they could have offerd them as a rewards system for being loyal to sl 

Jeez, all you have to do is to be patient. And be glad, you will get one one day.

RL is even more cruel...
Buy a cellphone - one year later its outdated by a new model.
Buy a car - maybe it gets a facelift months after you got your one.
Buy clothes - the ones from last year dont follow the current fashion trends that well anymore.
Buy groceries - despite the fact you go to the store 3 times a week, they might run out of onions, and they didnt hold some back for you. ^^

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2 hours ago, Adumelial Rothstein said:

in addition to what has been replied I hope that Linden Labs will break down the "Houseboat" and "Traditional" to:

LH - Traditional - Winchester
LH - Traditional - Alderley
LH - Traditional - Continental

LH - Houseboat - Windlass 16 X 64
LH - Houseboat - Wallower 32 X 32
LH - Houseboat - Evening Star 16 X 64

As those are the builds I see in one of the districts. They should do this with pictures as they have done the older Linden Lab Homes.

Awe gee, more work more wait eh?

Seriously, you have not visited the demo area or read a single blogpost that told you you can change house or boat directly on the spot? It is 4 houses and 4 boats, by the way. I saw in one of your other posts that you linked to a video. Another video by the same YouTube user had this information about how you change houses roughly 1 minute in the film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejk81waFBBA

And the official SL blogpost, that includes a video that also show how to change houses or boats:

plus other bloggers: https://modemworld.me/2019/03/15/new-linden-homes-preview/

" Each parcel will be managed by a mailbox, which will offer four house styles in keeping with the overall theme / type. "


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5 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

Seriously, you have not visited the demo area or read a single blogpost that told you you can change house or boat directly on the spot? It is 4 houses and 4 boats, by the way. I saw in one of your other posts that you linked to a video. Another video by the same YouTube user had this information about how you change houses roughly 1 minute in the film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejk81waFBBA

And the official SL blogpost, that includes a video that also show how to change houses or boats:

plus other bloggers: https://modemworld.me/2019/03/15/new-linden-homes-preview/

" Each parcel will be managed by a mailbox, which will offer four house styles in keeping with the overall theme / type. "


I wonder if we will have residents “spite-changing” their homes to their neighbor’s same style.

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