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The new premium home gold rush...

Pixels Sideways

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7 minutes ago, Dick Spad said:

Did you have to pull down the menu or was Bellisseria in the window already? All I'm seeing is Meadowbrook!!!

When it comes available, Bellisseria is the first on the list; you don't have to touch the drop-down at all. If you refresh the page and see Meadowbrook instead of Bellisseria, that means there's not currently anything available on Bellisseria.

There aren't a lot of people abandoning land right now; this will become a lot easier again in the days following the release of the new houseboat area, when more lots are available and more current residents are trading in their old homes for different styles or locations.

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4 minutes ago, Teager said:

When it comes available, Bellisseria is the first on the list; you don't have to touch the drop-down at all. If you refresh the page and see Meadowbrook instead of Bellisseria, that means there's not currently anything available on Bellisseria.

There aren't a lot of people abandoning land right now; this will become a lot easier again in the days following the release of the new houseboat area, when more lots are available and more current residents are trading in their old homes for different styles or locations.

Thank you Teager for that info  😊

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9 hours ago, Oema said:

I know that LL built Second Life using the same software for building sims in Opensimulator. Right? 

Wrong wrong, oh so wrong.

OpenSim was created to offer similar functionality to SL, years after SL opened its doors. No LL employees, former or present, were involved in creating OpenSim and LL does not use OpenSim, I don;t even know where you got the notion that they do.

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1 hour ago, binder59 said:

the point is they should have made enough for all premium members they know how may members they have

That project would have been orders of magnitude larger than the continent we have been slowly watching them work on for months already. It would also have caused major disruption to tenancy on regular mainland. The goal was to provide a simple home option for the small portion of the player base that wanted it, not cause massive disruption to one of the major columns of their business (and no, the minor negative response on the forums barely counts in comparison to what would have happened had they made one for literally everyone).

1 hour ago, binder59 said:

also i think that people who have been premium members for a long time should have had first choice, not newbies who have just signed up,

Why? The older players are invested and going nowhere, the newbies are the ones who need the love, and no matter what you might think of newbies, SL absolutely depends on attracting and keeping them.

Having been here longer entitles you to ... exactly that, all that time you have already spent here. 

Edited by CoffeeDujour
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I'm really impressed with LL taking only this long as it took Nature 200 million years to get the RL continents in place where they are now!  The quality and beauty of Bellissaria is (and will be for those waiting) well worth the months we have watched and waited and speculated about what the SSP was!  This relatively small wait is like the week before a 10 year old's birthday and time is relatively a lot slower than the week before the end of summer holidays!

Visit the Linden Homes Preview SIM http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Linden Homes Preview/44/200/25 and have a look at the 2 styles (Traditional vs Houseboat) and decide which you'd prefer, then browse the amazing Photos 

threads and feel free to come and see how hard they have been working! 

If you're lucky you will see some of the Lindens and Moles working on getting more ready with each plot different and connected to the continent as a whole!  SSP is at least 385 separate SIMS placed on contiguous continental land and there is NOTHING else like it!!  Enjoy a tour and ask questions and by the time you go through these threads (and keep Refreshing that window) you'll probably be waving at the world from your new Premium home!

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Some of the complaints, I saw what people were trying to say but they didn't know how to say it. They thought the homes were instanced or procedurally generated (like that one woman who said to "duplicate the code"). They might even think homes here work the way Black Desert Online does, where you approach a house, choose to enter your home rather than the instance of someone else's, and then boom you're in your house.

It would be cool if neighborhoods were instanced or procedurally generated, but SL's engine isn't one that can support this.

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1 hour ago, binder59 said:

the point is they should have made enough for all premium members they know how may members they have, ok they may have a few left over, also i think that people who have been premium members for a long time should have had first choice, not newbies who have just signed up, thats my feeling about it, but hey ho we have to wait now, emails could have been sent to members who have been here for a long time, or they could have offerd them as a rewards system for being loyal to sl 

No, it shouldn't be like that. Look we get it, you really wanted a home. Your annoyance and frustration are valid and very understandable. But to say they should have given it to everyone, look at it this way. There are only a certain number of people building the continents, houses and doing the layout of each sim. They wanted to roll out a hundred, so they had a small control group of people, as a way for better customer feedback. If you drop 1000s of people into a home, it would be really hard to get feedback. Just wait until the next phases rolled out, as there will be more homes available.  Here is the thing, they did it that way, cause they had a reason to do it that way. Just be happy that they are doing this, they could have just left it the way it was.


Edited by halebore Aeon
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16 hours ago, Adumelial Rothstein said:

The new homes have 315 prims - more than double the old. WOW.....

The new 1024 m2 plots have 351 prim allowance and the 512 m2 have 175 (not 117 for quite a while, even though it may still appear as 117 on the website), same as every other mainland parcel as far as I have seen.  Bellissaria is the 1st new 1024 Premium plot land... so indeed they will need to finish making an original before they can copy & paste it in other locations on the grid! 

(It would take me a lot more time to even write this sentence if I had to copy and paste each word or phrase only from other posts!)  

Please be respectful and encourage good will toward those who are working so hard to make this ORIGINAL the best they can for the benefit of everyone's enjoyment.  Visit Bellissaria as it is created and just enjoy the process :) 

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17 hours ago, Adumelial Rothstein said:

I have added more to my topic. If you cannot understand ask a tech friend to explain. It's a matter of copy and pasting code. ^_~

The new homes have 315 prims - more than double the old. WOW.....


My, that first sentence, that's an above-average condescending statement, especially when it appears glaringly obvious that you, yourself, have grossly misunderstood the whole process (or never ever visited Bellessaria, cuz if you had, the words 'copy & paste' would have never left your mouth).

As for 'more than double' the old prims, that's one of those gripes that, prima facie, sounds half-way reasonable, but really isn't upon closer examination. Because, if you think about it, what would you have them do?! They can't just take like a Meadowbrook area, and double the prim allowance for everyone there, as the amount of homes there already essentially fills the sim to capacity (built to assume everyone will potentially use up all their full 175 allotment). But didn't they do so when going from 117 to 175? In a way, yes, but that was because all prim limits were raised, everywhere, on regions, homesteads, etc., simply because they had now more capable hardware (compared to, say, 10 years ago), so they had calculated that 15,000 prims didn't need to be the upper limit for an entire region any more. That's like a once-in-a-decade occurance, though.

So, for now, the only truly equitable thing to do, is to simply wait a bit and let them finish making shiny new homes for us (please, don't force me to create an "I don't understand the whole shortage of patience" thread).

Edited by kiramanell
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5 hours ago, WillowTenage said:


I originally rotated the pasted image, when it is set right side up it fits pretty well with the original land.  I think I remember someone mentioning something about this island being called a pickle.  I wonder if this one completely slipped my attention, and that was the known intent all along.



5 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

I thought Patch pretty much confirmed that long ago.  The "pickle replacing the pickle".  That is certainly where "I" have been looking for it to appear. 

Yeah, I didn't come up with that scenario .. I pretty much got it from Patch. But he didn't come right out and say it .. he just sorta hinted around that it might be it. :) 

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It should probably also be noted (again) that there are a TON of empty homes that were claimed and have not been used (no prims on the land at all so not a skybox scenario).  So it would be just as valid to "complain" about those folks that got theirs and didn't USE them.  I thought people  would move in over the weekend maybe -- nope.   Next weekend? No there too.

My only current guess is that they are rerolling for a houseboat (next week hopefully) and never wanted a house at all. I would have THOUGHT they would have done something in two and a half weeks. These empty houses include some stunningly GOOD plots (by my criteria anyway) so I hope they do get used in the future. 


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2 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

My only current guess is that they are rerolling for a houseboat (next week hopefully) and never wanted a house at all. I would have THOUGHT they would have done something in two and a half weeks. These empty houses include some stunningly GOOD plots (by my criteria anyway) so I hope they do get used in the future. 


If peeps are indeed planning to reroll anyway, hoping for a boathouse, then they might as well just abdanon their claimed homes already, and let me have one of those 'stunningly GOOD plots'. 😁

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3 hours ago, Dick Spad said:

Did you have to pull down the menu or was Bellisseria in the window already? All I'm seeing is Meadowbrook!!!

It's the first you see, so if you refresh you suddenly see Bellisseria... and then: be quick ;-). Had it twice (first time a house), but was too slow then. Now I got the boat and was fast enough :-).

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Perhaps they are holding onto the homes and are going to try for another spot with an alt, and see which they like better before they go to the trouble of decorating. In any event, it doesn't bother me if someone wants to leave their home empty. It's their perk to do with as they wish subject to the covenants, and there is no rule saying you must have furniture. 

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3 minutes ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

Perhaps they are holding onto the homes and are going to try for another spot with an alt, and see which they like better before they go to the trouble of decorating. In any event, it doesn't bother me if someone wants to leave their home empty. It's their perk to do with as they wish subject to the covenants, and there is no rule saying you must have furniture. 


Yeah, my earlier comment (in case it wasn't clear) was just in gest, of course: no one needs to leave anything. A new batch is a-coming, so it's all good.

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14 hours ago, songhaejin said:

I had no idea that I should be monitoring the forums on an hourly/daily basis.

NOW I will.

I am sorry - it isn't about releasing homes in waves to me personally, it is about the dissemination of information...not just where the announcement took place but the fact that old linden homeowners like myself abandoned their homes not realizing ALL of the houses were gone. 

I don't understand why an email/forum announcement for potential new forum members wasn't sent out about availability and then the lack of.


You don't have to constantly watch the forums.  Your Dashboard page has a Blog Feed (middle of the page) - just monitor that.


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1 minute ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

You don't have to constantly watch the forums.  Your Dashboard page has a Blog Feed (middle of the page) - just monitor that.


Additionally, for those who use the LL viewer, the Blog Feed appears on the viewer splash screen as well. 

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4 hours ago, binder59 said:

a rewards system for being loyal to sl 

It is, in my opinion, a sad and most lamentable fact of modern commercial life that loyalty actually produces negative points. The emphasis is always placed on getting new customers; dangle the big carrots to get them. Existing customers? They really don't matter at all. Most of them can't be bothered to do anything about it if they get mistreated, and probably won't even notice anyway.

The similarities are too evident, here at the new homes release, to ignore. I can't help suspecting that this was all about increasing the premium customer base. Not just one carrot was dangled, but three! Double plot size, skybox permitted and a very decent extra bagful of LI. Of course the existing members would want to jump at it, and LL know exactly how many there are. The only unknown variable in this equation was how many new many members would result, and I have a feeling that this has turned out to be more than could have been hoped for.

So why release only a limited supply? I have heard arguments for this and that, the most convincing being the need to iron out wrinkles before the full release. The outcome, whichever way you look at it, has been to upset both existing members ("we don't give a damn about loyalty") and new members ("I know we promised you a house/boathouse, and put it up in big lights to get you to sign up, but we've got your money, now you'll just have to join the competition and hope").

The strangest, and possibly most wonderful, thing about this is that most of us won't be voting with our feet by leaving, because we still actually love the product!

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10 hours ago, anthonytorino said:

I can understand the complaint on a Business model, and fairness level. Part was partial rush without having sufficient product serve for a reoccurring fee people pay for.

Some of us have premium on multiple accounts. (9.50-9.95 per month or the reduced for pre-paid annual. As well as additional land and tier fees.

The service was updated to wean out old property. Some users were able to claim it, while others are not. They know how many people have old properties, and how many premium accounts their are, as well as how many used the 1024m tier allowance for mainland. Allowing them to prepare ahead of time so there are enough slots for all premium members seeking property in the new build.

The new land is designed in one area test / build locked region , then copied to the new region. They should have released enough to cover the need at the same time, plus a 10% additional allotment. 


SO were they prepared- No



4 hours ago, binder59 said:

the point is they should have made enough for all premium members they know how may members they have, ok they may have a few left over, also i think that people who have been premium members for a long time should have had first choice, not newbies who have just signed up, thats my feeling about it, but hey ho we have to wait now, emails could have been sent to members who have been here for a long time, or they could have offerd them as a rewards system for being loyal to sl 


There are currently around 60,000 Premium members, but I can pretty much guarantee you that not all of those (heck, possibly not even half) currently have a Linden Home.   So LL was supposed to build 66,000 (60,000 + 10%) new homes/houseboats?

How do they know how many of the folks in the existing homes actually want to move right now, rather than later when they are forced to?  We already know of some here in the forums that are not moving right now. 

How do they know how many of the Mainland landowners want to get a Linden Home?  Especially since we also know that some of the Premium accounts using tier on the Mainland are actually alts donating tier to land groups in order to hold larger amounts of land.

How do they know how many of those people want houseboats versus the current Traditional houses versus whatever other types of houses they are planning for the future?   We have already had people that wanted a houseboat, end up with a house, and have now said they like it so much, they may not trade it in.  We've also had people that originally got a houseboat trade it in for a house because the housing areas are not as dense, thus there is less lag.

Then there are the ones that initially got a house/houseboat and gave it up because of the Security changes LL made.

If there were so many homes that many of the areas were half or mostly empty, it would not have the community feel that it currently has and people actually would be less likely to stay, making it even more empty.



10 hours ago, anthonytorino said:

If you pre-pay for a service and do not receive the promised and equal service presented, that become a poor business model.

Your Premium membership says you get a Linden Home.  While you might not like the older homes, at least there is a home available to you.  Eventually, there will also be one of the newer homes available to you. However, even then there will be no guarantee that you'll be able to get exactly the style you want.  You might want a houseboat and there may only be house options.  In the future, you might want an Urban style house and there might only be Traditional homes available.

You can get exactly what you were promised - you just don't like the current options.


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7 hours ago, animats said:

The moles took care to do a good job on the new continent.

You can see what the pressure to produce more homes is doing on the map up north where SSP is prototyped.

The new houseboat ghetto. Doesn't fit with the rest of the continent.

You wanted more houseboats in a hurry? This is what's coming. A rushed housing project.


Just in case you didn't see the follow-up comments, since they didn't quote you:

That new houseboat area is going to replace the long skinny island on the eastern side of the SSP regions and thus that will be its location when it gets moved to the new continent.  Someone guessed as much, based on shape, many days back, and Patch somewhat confirmed it (you know, in that way that Patch has with confirming things before release).  So ultimately it will fit in okay and not look totally out of place.

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1 hour ago, Chic Aeon said:

It should probably also be noted (again) that there are a TON of empty homes that were claimed and have not been used (no prims on the land at all so not a skybox scenario).  So it would be just as valid to "complain" about those folks that got theirs and didn't USE them.  I thought people  would move in over the weekend maybe -- nope.   Next weekend? No there too.

My only current guess is that they are rerolling for a houseboat (next week hopefully) and never wanted a house at all. I would have THOUGHT they would have done something in two and a half weeks. These empty houses include some stunningly GOOD plots (by my criteria anyway) so I hope they do get used in the future. 


Possibly. Due to totally unexpected RL stuff, as well as an actual planned vacation, I literally just started landscaping yesterday.  Granted, I doubt that very many of the empty lot folks are in that situation, but possibly a few others.

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5 hours ago, Cahtias said:


EVERYTHING is code.. I dont have to KNOW HOW  to code, btw, im pretty sure that the little knowledge I do possess about coding far exceeds your knowledge of coding, to know that every single thing you see in second life IS CODE. To think that there might be 100 houseboats and they have to make every single houseboat from scratch is proving that YOU know about as much about coding as I do.. 

Maybe you can get a job with LL,, Im sure you would have a lot to offer. 


I just had to see what LittleMe Jewell was reacting to; and what can I say, but LOL?! Seriously, telling someone that you're "pretty sure that the little knowledge I do possess about coding far exceeds your knowledge of coding," when you admit to not know any coding at all, and the person you're addressing is an IT Database Engineer and Administrator, ... pure gold! 😄

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6 minutes ago, Odaks said:

It is, in my opinion, a sad and most lamentable fact of modern commercial life that loyalty actually produces negative points. The emphasis is always placed on getting new customers; dangle the big carrots to get them. Existing customers? They really don't matter at all. Most of them can't be bothered to do anything about it if they get mistreated, and probably won't even notice anyway.

The similarities are too evident, here at the new homes release, to ignore. I can't help suspecting that this was all about increasing the premium customer base. Not just one carrot was dangled, but three! Double plot size, skybox permitted and a very decent extra bagful of LI. Of course the existing members would want to jump at it, and LL know exactly how many there are. The only unknown variable in this equation was how many new many members would result, and I have a feeling that this has turned out to be more than could have been hoped for.

I don't think there is a more fair way to distribute the new homes than is currently in play.  If you consider a new product of any sort there are market tests, studies and many times there are improvements before it is generally available to everyone.  Everyone did have an equal opportunity to grab one of those new plots.  LL did not choose the Premium Members which got them first and they gave everyone ample warning they were on their way and offered a Preview SIM so people could make a well informed choice.  Those who read the Blog Feeds section on the Dashboard when they log in or followed the Forums are the ones who happened to get the news first, made their decision to act or wait and the first homes went to the first who followed the news.  Those loyal people who login every day and read the news, delivered conveniently right to them got the first chance.   Those who don't bother to read the news don't know the news and missed out being in the first allotment is all that happened.

So don't despair, come and visit!  Be part of witnessing the birth of a new continent and celebrate its success and plan what you'll do with your bit of it when it is your turn!  This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate a big success!  Everyone is welcome to visit and everyone will have their chance to move in if they choose!  

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