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Dancers and Escorts Required at MILK


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MILK is now hiring!
Do you have what it takes to be a MILK maid? we would love to hear from you! 
♥  We are a shiny new cute club, hiring dancers and escorts ♥

♥Photo Discounts♥
♥ Occasional weekly staff giveaways♥
♥ MILK Maid of the month! You will get an ad board and a 100% tip jar and a Professional photo♥
♥ Hourly wages with a bonus for over 15 hours worked♥
♥ working as part of a fabulous team guaranteed to put a smile on your face each night♥  


If you do not meet the following requirements, please do not apply. we do not make any exemptions.

1. You must be over 30 days old in SL (if this is an alt, please give us the name of your main account)
2. You must have a sexy, classy, cute avi, (quality skins, hair clothes etc)
3. You must be fluent in English - strictly no translators allowed.
4. You must be over 18 years old in real life and 100% Female (you will need to voice verify) 
5. You must own a mesh body and head (preferably bento and linden labs mesh avi are not accepted.)
6. You must be able to hear voice at all times, you don't have to speak but need to be able to hear. 
7. You must be able to work 5 minimum hours per week
8. You must be an adult looking human avi to work at MILK (Cute ears and tails, cat, bunny, etc are fine) ALL child-like avi will be banned imminently from the sim no exceptions 
9. You must be able to rent an ad board, these are L$100 per week, your first week is free.
10. You must be able to stay on stage for 1-hour minimum if you log into the time clock.

Pick up an application form from us today at 


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