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TMP Legacy mesh body


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I only fairly recently returned from a break so i missed so much of new bodies and new heads. As soon as i heard TMP i was thinking Oh no this wont go over well. I just cant get past how things were with them before, So I'm very cautious. The body looks nice but that price is way too high for something that has such huge issues.Its not omega compatible ( atleast not yet), so thats a huge turn off.I need to watch some review videos and really see the full details of this body and the hud to fully know about it. There are better bodies with better prices on the market already and with tons of support.Did we even need a new over priced body on the market? Designers are already over worked as it is trying to meet the demands of creating for bodies, especially when creating for events and having to pick and choose in order to be ready on time.

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1 minute ago, Theda Wytchwood said:

Designers are already over worked as it is trying to meet the demands of creating for bodies, especially when creating for events and having to pick and choose in order to be ready on time.

I’m not sure I believe this anymore now. When there was a tiny outcry because some designers were Maitreya only, the answer back was “But it’s just me creating, I only have time to create for one body!”

Fast forward to now. The Legacy does have support from quite a few creators. Even some that were Maitreya only. hmmmm. So instead of going with Slink or Belleza to increase sales they went with a brand that was asking to give up one of your I-teeth and your first born son to get a kit.


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9 minutes ago, Theda Wytchwood said:

I only fairly recently returned from a break so i missed so much of new bodies and new heads. As soon as i heard TMP i was thinking Oh no this wont go over well. I just cant get past how things were with them before, So I'm very cautious. The body looks nice but that price is way too high for something that has such huge issues.Its not omega compatible ( atleast not yet), so thats a huge turn off.I need to watch some review videos and really see the full details of this body and the hud to fully know about it. There are better bodies with better prices on the market already and with tons of support.Did we even need a new over priced body on the market? Designers are already over worked as it is trying to meet the demands of creating for bodies, especially when creating for events and having to pick and choose in order to be ready on time.

I agree with everything you say here. I will admit that I am surprised at the amount of support I am seeing it getting from some big name applier and clothing creators, especially given the overall attitude towards the body of people that I know and of posts here on the forum.

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Save your money. Beside extremely lack of support, this body also script heavy and rezz slow. Apply tattoo, skin to it very buggy. HUD always need to reattach after tried few demo on body. Also I still have no idea how to remove tattoo layer, except a full reset the body. So I have to apply skin again. If you very close zooming, you with find light run through body from glitch. I believe that the joint between the alpha cut. They really need a update fine tune this body..  I guess we can have update as soon as 2026, shortly before the next body released. I Can guess  it will call “Legendary”.

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I remember when TMP came out back in the day.  The shopping "experience"  was a major turn off.  Talk about blinded by the light.  It was all so confusing.  I was not impressed with the body then, I am not impressed now after seeing videos and photos in a couple of threads.   As far as 5000L, I would pay that if I felt the new Legacy body was worth it to me, but it's not.  I am not a fan of huge amounts of junk in my trunk, nor am I a fan of thighs larger than my waist. For me I see nothing aesthetically pleasing about the Legacy mesh body male or female.  I'll spend the Lindens elsewhere.  As far as support for this body there is an old saying..."Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me."  If I had been shafted once before there is no way I would even consider giving a second chance.  I'll stick with what I have.  

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2 hours ago, Cougar Sangria said:

I remember when TMP came out back in the day.  The shopping "experience"  was a major turn off.  Talk about blinded by the light.  It was all so confusing.  I was not impressed with the body then, I am not impressed now after seeing videos and photos in a couple of threads.   As far as 5000L, I would pay that if I felt the new Legacy body was worth it to me, but it's not.  I am not a fan of huge amounts of junk in my trunk, nor am I a fan of thighs larger than my waist. For me I see nothing aesthetically pleasing about the Legacy mesh body male or female.  I'll spend the Lindens elsewhere.  As far as support for this body there is an old saying..."Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me."  If I had been shafted once before there is no way I would even consider giving a second chance.  I'll stick with what I have.  

The Experience is no different, but this time, it's literally an experience. That whole thing on your screen, I find it too flashy and gawdy. I just want to go in, grab a demo go home, and if I like it. Buy it, without having to have god awful experience on my screen. It seems they are putting on more of a fanfare, than actually selling a body.

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Well, it's nice to see they finally have a demo version you can take home and try out. But it's not Omega compatible, so it's still a firm pass from me.

My blogpost about this body is still getting lots of viewers, though: https://ryanschultz.com/2019/04/23/the-mesh-project-releases-new-male-and-female-mesh-bodies-why-i-wont-be-buying-one/

Edited by Vanity Fair
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1. TMP got free bento update before legacy was ever released its not 2500, the upgrade is something entirely else

2. In legacy chat can see CSRs helping daily not to mention you see owners answering FB all the time. So if someone is standing around bitching no support they didn't go about it way supposed to .. Same as half the people in SL that ***** at other stores .. didnt answer ((IM)) when clearly says NC or contact so so not owner. General rule if someone is standing around store bitching in local they didn't go about seeking help properly in first place, as an ex store owner for yrs I can say easily this is true in most cases. BTW there are several people that come to TMP store and local chat troll to make others leave. They do this in groups too moment it is even mentioned.

3.. Why would they put the deformers in the demo when it it a special add on NOT the main product, it JUST a bonus giving you to help .. and be easy as hell for someone use demo and steal it .. least buying they have spend before copybot it .. or suddenly another body have same when its a one of a kind item in SL..

4. Theres tons new creators for it happening .. skins and clothing, top brands .. with raves on support on it, design and the great kit they provide ...where maitreya is a most bitched about kit there is and most bitched about rigging ...

5. why buy another body? Cos the mesh is better for one. Better quality, better detail, Better rigging. Better hud and options. Smoother and cleaner in every techincal way Same reason peope update phones to new. To get better products lol


As for the trolling rumours about how TMP was a rip off etc. Yes calling it trolling at this point since I have yet to see a single logical fact to show this is the case. 

HUD system? This was a feature from beginning. A feature you knew and agreed to before ever buying it. A feature was told upfront would not be changing. = Invalid Arguement was ripped off since you agreed to this before clicked purchase.

No Omega? Was known from start due to above system it was not Omega when purchased. Was told countless times it would not be changed and omega will never be an option. = Invalid Arguement was ripped off since you agreed to this before clicked purchase.

You can not claim rip off if it is something you knew before purchased and was never promised.

Went on haitus? Well hate to tell people there are thousands items for sale in MP where creators haven't logged in years. It's logical common sense if a person has RL or any reason at all they have stepped away from SL there will be no contact support. Nobody, not a single person has a right to demand that anyone never leave SL. This is NOT real life. 

No updates? what updates should they have made? What was broken? Yes it said beta a long time guess what that is just a name, if something isn't broken no designer or creator is under any obligation to provide any new features or updates just cos you demand it. Points to above about bento. You received exactly the item with the features you demo'd and purchased. Do you get free brand new phones . answer no how much was that Iphone 5 to iphone 7 version cost difference? it definitely wasn't free was it.

Product itself. Did the HUD system stop working while TMP was gone? NO it never went down, you never lost use of your body or the system.Therefore you didn't "pay" for it an item then get ripped off couldn't use it. It is usable even to this very day if wish.

The had sales for much cheaper cost on it than you paid? Guess what this happens in RL every single day. You pay alot for an item while new, then when new version is about be released or just hell cos store or company feels like it, it suddenly goes on sale. Need an example? Sims 4! Recently Sims 4 was 100% free for 1 week. Month after sale it was suddenly 5 bucks. How much was playstation when came out? How much can you get it for now? Bet alot cheaper now right? Let's use common sense here guys please.


I get some might be frustrated didn't go way wanted it to. Such is life however creators are not bound by your wishes only by product promised at time of purchase. You paid for and received the product you were promised on purchase.End of story. 




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As far i can read and see, no1 actually pointed out the real problem with this body. The shop light they use is covering a lot of the problems actually, and it doens't matter in what light you turn in to, you WON'T see the problems. To see the real details here, just go home and try the demo there. I have bought this body with a lot of excitment and was blinded by the light they offered. I will post a picture here with that problem. After hours of discusions with others online, and reading it all through, i even tried to fix it. As you can see, the alpha lines are not connecting after a close look. This is mostly around the chest area and the upper back. Now if I use the deformers, i get a extra open line that doesn't connect. So my gues, something goes wrong here with the deformers. So i decided to actually buy Legacy clothing. They fit fine. The extra line that came along with the deformers, went away as soon i detached them. Great you would say.... But that doesn't change the fact that the lines around the chest are still visible. They look like a sparkle when zooming in and out on it. There for, i came to a conclusion that this body ain't worth 5000L. Not even close to 2000L. Alpha lines are simply not connecting here. And im not sure if this will ever be fixed. Unless they remove the deformers completly and let this body run on normal legacy clothing. 


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Just to show you guys what i don't get. Same light, same angle. But only the right screenshot is taken in the store and the left picture NOT in the store. So why o why is this distortion only happening out the store? In the store it looks clean and flawless. 



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