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Perhaps it is paranoia. Perhaps it is narcissism. Or ...

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Do you ever get the odd sensation that the crazy and impressive new person you come across knows you?  

Do you ever think 😍🤩”wow that special human (or furry thing or whatever) just waltzed into my playground and somehow says all the right things that speak directly to my heart.” 

Does it ever feel as if the mega-impressive character standing before you is familiar? So close to you that you even love them a little? Impossible right?  A brand new person in your day usually takes several visits- sometimes for months or YEARS before they know you so well they can finish your sentences and read your mind based on the way you are dressed for the day. 

So why is it... that I have repeatedly  encountered a suspiciously intuitive man who seems to know what I am about to do and say... in such a bullseye way that at one point I thought there might be a direct access feed into my private thoughts. 

Or I have one extremely talented stalker.  The crazy thing is... oh never mind.  I think I am the crazy thing.  


How often do people mess around with there flirts and fantasies from alt accounts?  Is this common?  Alts would explain the oddly amazing string of gentlemen I have run into lately. 

If they are all the same dude that would be just comical.

You guys can’t ALL be  awesome... can you?  Why do RL things feel so shallow and in SL ... human beings seem to connect on the levels they would otherwise keep locked and unexplored for all their years. 




All of this has come to mind after a startling helicopter trip that landed me in the second life sea, alone in the dark... after being set on fire and being asked to relinquish my will to think on my own... and I was truly stunned by the behavior I normally would find atrocious that it somehow was charming. I was totally shocked into a state of trance I further fell. It was not scary like it sounds. It was liberating. It was sad too... 

This type of absurd nonsense happened for the 3rd time this month. 


Ok- so I have probably created a few of the monsters I keep meeting, simply because I have placed myself amongst the sinful and seductive frameworks in the community. 


I don’t know what my question is to the people who might read this... just tell me something . Make it normal.  Make it crazy. I could use a little feedback about personal experiences. 

*Awaiting replies that inevitably will range from brutal and scathing, to considerate and helpful.*

Tell me. Am I the crazy one? Or is this community overflowing with beautiful people who are qualifiable Angels... amongst terrible, cruel wolves of the same blood. 




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4 hours ago, CandyLipsKiss said:

...  in SL ... human beings seem to connect on the levels they would otherwise keep locked and unexplored for all their years. 

A profound truth, that might explain the lasting popularity of this 'game'.

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On 4/19/2019 at 7:30 PM, CandyLipsKiss said:

How often do people mess around with there flirts and fantasies from alt accounts?

IDK,  but here is my story. Way back when I was still a noob, I met this guy. He was a bartender at Old Lar's. I  would go  there   sometimes and hang out with him,  we  were  friends, but  never really hit it off in any way that made him stand  out from the rest of  the guys in SL. One day he IMs me  and asks if I can come to Lar's to  hang out with his friend. His  friend  was new,  didn't know  anyone really  but he had to work  and  so couldn't really give his friend much attention. I figured why not and went over,well  he  ended  up becoming my very best friend ever in SL. That first guy, he vanished after that. I wonder if  that guy reinvented himself for my benefit.

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On 4/20/2019 at 9:30 AM, CandyLipsKiss said:

Do you ever get the odd sensation that the crazy and impressive new person you come across knows you?  


On 4/20/2019 at 9:30 AM, CandyLipsKiss said:

Do you ever think ”wow that special human (or furry thing or whatever) just waltzed into my playground and somehow says all the right things that speak directly to my heart.” 


On 4/20/2019 at 9:30 AM, CandyLipsKiss said:

Does it ever feel as if the mega-impressive character standing before you is familiar? So close to you that you even love them a little? Impossible right?  A brand new person in your day usually takes several visits- sometimes for months or YEARS before they know you so well they can finish your sentences and read your mind based on the way you are dressed for the day. 

No. No. Probably.

On 4/20/2019 at 9:30 AM, CandyLipsKiss said:

So why is it... that I have repeatedly  encountered a suspiciously intuitive man who seems to know what I am about to do and say... in such a bullseye way that at one point I thought there might be a direct access feed into my private thoughts. 

"suspiciously intuitive" - Probably sex related.

On 4/20/2019 at 9:30 AM, CandyLipsKiss said:

How often do people mess around with there flirts and fantasies from alt accounts?  Is this common?  Alts would explain the oddly amazing string of gentlemen I have run into lately. 

No one's probably going to admit to it. Common enough. And quite likely.

On 4/20/2019 at 9:30 AM, CandyLipsKiss said:

You guys can’t ALL be  awesome... can you?  Why do RL things feel so shallow and in SL ... human beings seem to connect on the levels they would otherwise keep locked and unexplored for all their years. 

Needs to hang out in the places you hang out, clearly. Connections happen on an intellectual/emotional level because that's all that is real in a virtual playground. That, and money.

On 4/20/2019 at 9:30 AM, CandyLipsKiss said:

Tell me. Am I the crazy one? Or is this community overflowing with beautiful people who are qualifiable Angels... amongst terrible, cruel wolves of the same blood. 

Probably. But no crazier than me for multi-quoting you so many times 😆


But to answer your question seriously (which is going to be difficult, I clearly woke up in a mood today); Is it possible to spark connections with people in SL? Absolutely. Is it common? I wouldn't really expect so. But it has been known to happen. I just wouldn't lay odds on it if I were a betting woman.

In saying that, I've been lucky to meet people here over the years that I now call genuine friends. We regularly call or text or email outside of SL. We share in real life events, I talk to their kids, we vent about RL problems, we send each other things for Christmas, and I've even been invited to attend a wedding. We've created real friendships both inside and outside of SL. But that happened after years of talking and hanging out and joking around in SL. It didn't just miraculously happen, no.

Personally, I would be inherently suspicious of anyone that suddenly "clicks" with you straight away, especially and because of the fact you admitted to hanging in places where adult activity is generally the norm. To be blunt, you're likely being groomed for the inevitable jump to pose-balls, if not Skype, to share a moment of intense passion (if you're lucky, or unlucky as the case may be). And once the deed has been done, or the passion wanes, watch that intense connection suddenly sputter and fade away. Until the next incredibly intuitive person comes along.

You want my advice? Be careful. Trust your gut. You hit the proverbial nail on the head yourself by using the word "suspicious". Undoubtedly there are genuine people out there that would want nothing more than to take things to the next level and become a RL version of Syd and Nancy, or even your best buddy pal for everz! But be wary of those looking to rush headlong into anything real deep or real too fast, too. Take SL as you would your average night out at the bar; Mr Confident may be saying all the right things to get you to go home with him, but Mr Wallflower who doesn't click with you straight away or doesn't say all the right things might end up being a great long term friend (or a stalker, which is just as likely). The point is, enjoy yourself as much as you want, but just don't get too caught up in the fantasy. 

And don't expect too many deep and meaningful connections if, no offense intended, you meet all these paramours dressed as a seductive French Maid or similar. Want genuine connections? Wear non-revealing outfits, don't return sexual innuendos, and share a hobby that doesn't involve getting naked or intimate. And appreciate the fact that not everyone in SL is looking to sleep with you, or hurt you, or even befriend you. There are nice people out there. And cruel ones. It's no different to the real world. We're all just prettier (or uglier) pixelated representations of ourselves in some way, after all. 😉

Edited by RaeLeeH
Changed wording - aka: being "tactful" XD
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33 minutes ago, RaeLeeH said:



No. No. Probably.

"suspiciously intuitive" - Probably sex related.

No one's probably going to admit to it. Common enough. And quite likely.

Needs to hang out in the places you hang out, clearly. Connections happen on an intellectual/emotional level because that's all that is real in a virtual playground. That, and money.

Probably. But no crazier than me for multi-quoting you so many times 😆


But to answer your question seriously (which is going to be difficult, I clearly woke up in a mood today); Is it possible to spark connections with people in SL? Absolutely. Is it common? I wouldn't really expect so. But it has been known to happen. I just wouldn't lay odds on it if I were a betting woman.

In saying that, I've been lucky to meet people here over the years that I now call genuine friends. We regularly call or text or email outside of SL. We share in real life events, I talk to their kids, we vent about RL problems, we send each other things for Christmas, and I've even been invited to attend a wedding. We've created real friendships both inside and outside of SL. But that happened after years of talking and hanging out and joking around in SL. It didn't just miraculously happen, no.

Personally, I would be inherently suspicious of anyone that suddenly "clicks" with you straight away, especially and because of the fact you admitted to hanging in places where adult activity is generally the norm. To be blunt, you're likely being groomed for the inevitable jump to pose-balls, if not Skype, to share a moment of intense passion (if you're lucky, or unlucky as the case may be). And once the deed has been done, or the passion wanes, watch that intense connection suddenly sputter and fade away. Until the next incredibly intuitive person comes along.

You want my advice? Be careful. Trust your gut. You hit the proverbial nail on the head yourself by using the word "suspicious". Undoubtedly there are genuine people out there that would want nothing more than to take things to the next level and become a RL version of Syd and Nancy, or even your best buddy pal for everz! But be wary of those looking to rush headlong into anything real deep or real too fast, too. Take SL as you would your average night out at the bar; Mr Confident may be saying all the right things to get you to go home with him, but Mr Wallflower who doesn't click with you straight away or doesn't say all the right things might end up being a great long term friend (or a stalker, which is just as likely). The point is, enjoy yourself as much as you want, but just don't get too caught up in the fantasy. 

And don't expect too many deep and meaningful connections if, no offense intended, you meet all these paramours dressed as a seductive French Maid or similar. Want genuine connections? Wear non-revealing outfits, don't return sexual innuendos, and share a hobby that doesn't involve getting naked or intimate. And appreciate the fact that not everyone in SL is looking to sleep with you, or hurt you, or even befriend you. There are nice people out there. And cruel ones. It's no different to the real world. We're all just prettier (or uglier) pixelated representations of ourselves in some way, after all. 😉

Good point about attracting them based on the sexy maid thing.  Maybe that’s the thing.  Hmm.

If I gave the impression that I don’t WANT the interactions - that was purely by accident. I am learning the boundaries as I go - and it turns out to be a bad idea to go blindly into any adult situation because if the boundaries have not yet been discovered, there’s a highly likely chance that it will end up with something more sinister than expected.

One thing I noticed about your reply is how you see it from multiple views. That’s impressive. I almost can see your camera angle as it swivels round.  Hilarious and sensible advice.  Thanks. ❤️ 

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1 hour ago, CandyLipsKiss said:

Good point about attracting them based on the sexy maid thing.  Maybe that’s the thing.  Hmm.

If I gave the impression that I don’t WANT the interactions - that was purely by accident. I am learning the boundaries as I go - and it turns out to be a bad idea to go blindly into any adult situation because if the boundaries have not yet been discovered, there’s a highly likely chance that it will end up with something more sinister than expected.

One thing I noticed about your reply is how you see it from multiple views. That’s impressive. I almost can see your camera angle as it swivels round.  Hilarious and sensible advice.  Thanks. ❤️ 

You're welcome. I'm channeling my inner Yoda today. It's your lucky day ;)

But yes, discover boundaries by all means. Just go into any and all situations with your eyes wide open where possible. You might not get scammed or hurt, but there's just as much chance that you could be. Or worse. Stalking has been known to happen, and it can extend out into RL if you let things get out of hand. No one starts out with bad intentions (or most people don't, generally speaking). Even the villain of any story doesn't usually see himself or herself as the bad guy/girl, feelings just "happen". But SL does foster incredible intellectual connections because it's our brains (and fingers on keyboards) here doing most of the work. In real life you get a good read on someone by the way the look, or walk, or talk, or tone of voice, or little mannerisms that just don't happen here. So all you have to work with are words and a pretty avatar. And some people get very good at "reading" other people by practicing on others over the years. Not everyone wants what you want. Not everyone is as intuitive as you think they are. Just seasoned.

So stay safe as you enjoy those beautiful people/connections. ;)

Edited by RaeLeeH
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7 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

I think there's just a freebie 'how to hit on SL chicks' kit available in one of the men's shops somewhere...

Because the lines that get fed out, haven't changed in years...


If this isn't true then they must have a help group sharing pick-up lines.  Hahaha

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On 4/22/2019 at 11:54 PM, Pussycat Catnap said:

I think there's just a freebie 'how to hit on SL chicks' kit available in one of the men's shops somewhere...


It’s probably included in the folder with the Niramyth body or the dingaling or something.

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  • 2 months later...

Um I'm a little late to this thread but I only just joined the forums and I've got (sort of) a story. I wouldn't doubt your gut feeling too much if I were you CandyLips because I don't think it's that uncommon for people to use alts to make moves on one person. I've heard stories from other people but this one's from me. When I first joined, I met this guy who was standing around outside Truth hair store. I was new so my guard was down. We chatted for an hour and then afterwards he became OTT possessive, crazy crazy, like he would verbally abuse me for hanging out with another guy friend and throw tantrums, ask me what I'm doing every minute, etc etc. Anyway it totally ruined my SL vibe so I said cya to him, deleted the account I joined on and started a new one (not this one; I've since developed massive paranoia so now I keep a separate account for different things). A month later, I was shopping at Truth with my brand new account and I get an IM from a stranger saying "miss me?". After all the "who are you" questions, turns out it was him.. stalking outside Truth again, maybe for me, or maybe to harass someone else. Who knows. Just saying, there's all sorts of crazy that's possible and if your gut is saying something, then it's probably right.

Edited by AdminGirl
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