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The Linden Homes Photo Thread

Patch Linden

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20 minutes ago, Nika Talaj said:

A quick sunset snap from my back yard in Wildecross.  Region default, rez distance 112.  At a larger rez distance, the chimney on the right is completely obscured by log homes & landscaping.  Sometimes less is more.



Well heya neighbor. Yes, I'm loving the view in Wildecross too. This is almost certainly my forever (for a while  heh)


lovely lodge


Edited by Kitten Kaos
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It is really hard to get my horse into the spirit of the day. I told him all about the new land that just opened the other day, with all the lovely giant redwood trees.  He seemed excited about exploring, but when we arrived at our starting point in Snooker, all he wanted to do was sniff the flowers. He is the weirdest horse on the planet, I swear. 


He's always been most interested in places that have a lot of hills and lakes, so I have made a point of taking him along when I have wandered in the camping regions and when I have gone looking for swimming holes in the high lands of Bellisseria -- except where it's too steep and rocky, of course. He's never seen redwoods, though, so I thought today would be a treat.


We started from the west, barely the other side of the bridge over the huge ring lake that dominates this area.  Once I got him away from the daffodils, we crossed the bridge and headed down dirt roads into the heart of Snooker. I'm impressed by how much work has gone into stonework here.  There are some picturesque retaining walls and stone fences all along the roads.


Roads are convenient for people who live in these houses, but my horse and I prefer to get off into the woods and hills when we can. You can see a lot more of the landscape when you can get up above rooftops and low trees. From even a low ridge like this one, we could see well across to the north shore of the ring lake. 


The hills are also popular with hikers and picnickers, just as they are in other parts of Bellisseria to the west. I will never understand why people just walk off and leave a fire like this untended, however, or how they can believe that plates full of sandwiches will still be there when they decide to come back. It boggles my mind, and it puzzles my easily-distracted horse.


We followed a winding ridge crest from Snooker into Jerife Blando, getting higher and higher into the redwoods. (Some quiet evening I want to dig into local history to find out who this "Gentle Sheriff" was, by the way. When I find out, I will tell you. I bet there's a good story there.)


Before we knew it, we were headed back down the eastern end of the ridge and were in Filbert. It's easy travelling all through there -- hardly any shrubbery or loose rock to make my horse nervous. There are lots of birds and small critters up there too. They are hard to spot, but we could hear them rustling and singing in the trees.480984012_Snooker4-5-2020Filbert2.jpg.75b239c5ae77acf12fc18d1dbc1e8517.jpg

When we came back to the road again, it was in a rocky part of Filbert where there were many more wildflowers than in Snooker. Butterflies too.  My horse is a sucker for butterflies. He was starting to really enjoy himself.


The road winds between rocky knobs and over low ridges as it leads into Scranton Woods. I love the way that some houses here are perched at high spots like this one on the left. That's a dramatic setting for a home. I imagine that it's even more striking in stormy weather. Wouldn't that be a great place to live?


It wasn't long before we reached the bridge that leads across the ring lake in the east. Someone has gone to a lot of trouble to cut the road through some gigantic redwood stumps instead of just bulldozing them out of the way. I've spotted others like this one from a distance, so I figure this must be part of a scenic betterment program, making photogenic landmarks to fascinate travelers. It's a cool idea, even if it is extra work.


My horse was thirsty, so we stopped to rest at the ring lake. As lakes go, this one is not especially deep or wide, but it is pretty. I pointed out the way homebuilders have nestled houses right up to the shore, making it easy for people to launch small boats, or maybe go swimming right outside their own back yards. I'll admit that I was tempted myself, but despite the fact that this is a relaxed, forested area, it is a bit populated. We never saw a soul all afternoon. I'm sure that someone would have noticed as soon as I stripped down and headed into the water, though. My horse never cares, but people can be funny.


He's really single-minded. When I travel with him, we just seem to jump from one flowered area to another. Silly horse.


The afternoon was wearing on as we wandered into Dhingle, where the road is not nearly as up and down as it is in Scranton Woods. We could see open land further to the east, so we pressed on just far enough to see what was there.


And here it is, the end of the road for now. This is the eastern edge of Dhingle, where they will have to end up building a bridge and then more roads into the mountains on the other side of this large lake. There are no homes past this point yet, but they will be coming soon. You can be sure of that. Pure, open back country doesn't stay empty for long.


I think my horse might have wanted to explore to the east, but I could tell that he was getting tired and he would have needed to swim to get there. I could see that the bottom drops off quite a lot at this spot -- not a good place for a horse to try getting into the water and then try to scramble up the bank on the opposite side.  Besides, there will be other days to see what's over there. With any luck, there will be good ponds and lakes in the high hills, so I can add to my growing list of swimming holes in Bellisseria.  There's always something to look forward to.

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14 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:





I think my horse might have wanted to explore to the east, but I could tell that he was getting tired and he would have needed to swim to get there. I could see that the bottom drops off quite a lot at this spot -- not a good place for a horse to try getting into the water and then try to scramble up the bank on the opposite side.  Besides, there will be other days to see what's over there. With any luck, there will be good ponds and lakes in the high hills, so I can add to my growing list of swimming holes in Bellisseria.  There's always something to look forward to.

I always look forward to your posts about your explorations. I love the big redwood trees over the roads. And your last sentence is something it's good  to remember.

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Inspired by the view from my Wildecross home, I am really enjoying touring the raw landscape portions of LogLand.  It's very peaceful out there, much like touring the American Southwest deserts. Don't you think that eventually they will be built out similar to SSPE1066, homes all over the place?  So I am enjoying the empty mountain-scapes now.  This is in SSPE1174, opposite Cougar Point.





Edited by Nika Talaj
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Closeup, log home firefly (they only come out at SL night, use day cycle).

The fireflies I make are just tiny glowing sphere particles.  But these look like little tea lights! 

It's a wonderful effect, @Pussycat Catnap called our attention to it in another thread.  SIt on your porch and watch for them, out in the bushes ....





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6 hours ago, Nika Talaj said:

Closeup, log home firefly (they only come out at SL night, use day cycle).

The fireflies I make are just tiny glowing sphere particles.  But these look like little tea lights! 

It's a wonderful effect, @Pussycat Catnap called our attention to it in another thread.  SIt on your porch and watch for them, out in the bushes ....





I had seen people talking about these, but sadly I never saw any near any of the cabins I had gotten. =(

I always have day/night cycle on.

Edited by RitaCallisto
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Some photos of my place! I had this very houseboat since August 21st, it was my first place too that i tried for, got it and stayed, until a few days ago. The place i made was always open to the public, i just never advertised(Except for one time!), as it was more of a "If you find it, enjoy it, but i'm going to keep it secret!" hence why i'm only now sharing it. On to newer things though 😄





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4 hours ago, RitaCallisto said:

I had seen people talking about these, but sadly I never saw any near any of the cabins I had gotten. =(

I always have day/night cycle on.

If you use Firestorm, you can search for the objects that generate them any time of day, they are called:

LH-LogHomes - Night Flying Fireflies v4.1

It is nighttime right now, and there are some at:

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Banmis Highlands/173/218/53

You MUST have particles on to see them!

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1 hour ago, Nika Talaj said:

they are called:

LH-LogHomes - Night Flying Fireflies v4.1

It is nighttime right now, and there are some at:

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Banmis Highlands/173/218/53

Also in any viewer if you set things to see transparent objects, it is a tall rectangle on protected land like this:


A tall rectangle all by itself.

Note how there's another one behind my tool window, and they are NOT the same as the ones around trees.


@Garden Mole /hint: I really like how these were done and wish they were available in Mole Mart or somewhere so I could put them on my mainland also... 🙂


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5 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

Also in any viewer if you set things to see transparent objects, it is a tall rectangle on protected land like this:

@Garden Mole /hint: I really like how these were done and wish they were available in Mole Mart or somewhere so I could put them on my mainland also... 🙂

These fireflies are better than my own!  I'd love to see them in the content pack.  I'm contemplating enhancing mine with a nicer texture, blargh drawing in Gimp, I'm so terrible at it.

They are kind of sparsely distributed - I went to the last 3 regions I have had a Log Home in, and there were none in any of them.  I will be forced to put my inferior fireflies out next to the road in Wildecross, we wouldn't want that to happen, would we, @Garden Mole


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3 hours ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

Are the log cabin fireflies different from the ones on the ponds in Victorian regions?

Took a bit of searching, but I found some Vic fireflies, never saw them before.  They are the same; script and texture look identical to me.

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28 minutes ago, Nika Talaj said:

Took a bit of searching, but I found some Vic fireflies, never saw them before.  They are the same; script and texture look identical to me.

Yeah they weren't anywhere near my Vic (that I know - time to look) so I had thought this was something new. New or old though - I still like it. 😛


Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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16 hours ago, Gingir Ghoststar said:

The outside of my log home. I really love this parcel, hills behind me and ponds in front. It has been so nice to sit on my pixel porch and enjoy while I'm working RL. 


To me this is just an amazingly well done exterior. Like... I want to go look and take notes... 🙂

- What's the brand for the pathway, grass addons, and your trees? 😉


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38 minutes ago, Nika Talaj said:

Took a bit of searching, but I found some Vic fireflies, never saw them before.  They are the same; script and texture look identical to me.

Oh cool, I have always loved the Vic fireflies. I hope we get some in Wildecross. :) 

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1 hour ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

To me this is just an amazingly well done exterior. Like... I want to go look and take notes... 🙂

- What's the brand for the pathway, grass addons, and your trees? 😉


Lol thank you! Happy to help! The trees are Wild Mountain Pine from Heart. The grass are Wild Grasses from HPMD, and the pathway is Dirt Path from | Roots |

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