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I would get a premium membership if __________ (not land or L$)

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Imagine (just for a moment) You don't care about land, sure you wouldn't kick a new SSP lindy home out of bed, but land on its own isn't important to yo .. maybe you already live with someone.

What would it take for you to get/keep a premium membership?

Keep in mind a bigger L$ stipend is not really an option, if you pay annually now, LL make $1 US a month profit after they pay your weekly spends.

One "not land, not L$" benefit that already exists is priority teleports into busy regions (aka shopping events)

Full list of existing prem perks can be found here

If you think LL make enough money already, bah humbug, boo hiss LL, etc etc etc .. this is not the thread to express that

To get the ball rolling ....

  • Profile badges. A little shiny graphic on your profile that says "Premium", maybe an extra badge per year (back dated if already prem when added). Has zero practical application, not detectable via script, a literal  . If you stop being prem, the  goes away. 


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I do like that bumped priority for events.  It isn't very often that I use it because I am usually more than willing to wait, but every now and then...........

Increased groups is a biggie for me.  This is one of the most beneficial benefits for me, and I'd possibly be willing to pay an increased fee for even more than the 60 I'm currently allowed.  And yes, i do know that is a controversial topic with some folks.

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I like the TPs too but I often forget my friends aren't premium so if I get in first I then have to wait and feel bad for taking up space


I am premium have been since I first started a month or so later, did that Math :D

I like the badges suggestion, I think adding more things to profile would be great.

A fantastic premium perk would be bringing back RATINGS.

I loved them, they were so nice to have a customer IM you and say great job I added a rating etc, and if it was premium only it would be less likely to be abused as it obviously was in the past, it would also mean people would more likely stay premium to keep their ratings visible. 

There was a really cool thing seeing peoples ratings and how many they had given, it made interactions really interesting.

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  • Voice morphing. Hasn't worked in months.
  • 1 minute delay on ejection by security orbs.
  • Free mesh uploads.
  • One minor bit of mole work on your property per quarter, like a curb cut or minor terraforming so your driveway connects smoothly to a Linden road.
  • Priority execution for your scripts on overloaded mainland sims.
  • You get to pick the default texture for your prims, instead of the stock plywood. Default to teak or mahogany.
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5 minutes ago, animats said:
  • You get to pick the default texture for your prims, instead of the stock plywood. Default to teak or mahogany.

You can do this in Firestorm (I'm not sure about the default SL browser) by going to Avatar > Preferences > Firestorm > Build 1 (Tab) and set your defaults. 

Edited by norajulian
I had a dumb.
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I miss ratings, I get that we gamed the fire out of them .. but if looked at from a social perspective, that was the point. I do think they would work and it provides a silly excuse to get together, be social and put a little effort in. Getting bigger meaningless internet points is a surprising motivator.

Just call it karma this time round.

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Some kind of gacha +luck multiplier would probably do it. I have several premium accounts already though and the gifts are the biggest disappointment to me. My first "gift" was some winter something pass with literally no explanation as to its purpose. Designers, god bless 'em, somehow manage to crank out a half--dozen items per month for the endless parade of shopping events....  I would think the Lindens could manage, say, one amazing (or even somewhat interesting!) item a month. 

Edited by cicelydawn
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I've thought about this one for  long time.  I guess the reason that I am still a Basic member after 12 years is that I still haven't found an answer.  I own my own private region and have never really wanted to live on the Mainland, even though the new Linden Homes do look super.  Owning my own region means that I don't need a Premium sandbox, or a sandbox of any kind.  Being able to put an Experience on my region is very enticing -- almost enough to tip the scales.  Almost. 

I can go down the list of other Premium benefits and see a raft of them that could be very appealing to someone else. The limit of groups is plenty high enough for me -- I have eight or ten unused ones at the moment.  I have submitted support cases and JIRA notes from time to time, but I can figure out how most things work myself and I have a lot of very smart friends.  Getting into a crowded region is appealing, but not enough to make a huge difference.  I can usually wait (and besides, I don't like crowds much anyway).  Premium gifts?  A L$300 weekly stipend?  Nice, but not major drivers for me.

In fact, I have recommended Premium membership to quite a number of people, because I think it really is a good deal.  Just not for me .... yet.  😎

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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I do like that bumped priority for events.  It isn't very often that I use it because I am usually more than willing to wait, but every now and then...........

Increased groups is a biggie for me.  This is one of the most beneficial benefits for me, and I'd possibly be willing to pay an increased fee for even more than the 60 I'm currently allowed.  And yes, i do know that is a controversial topic with some folks.

Im still having to juggle my groups LMJ...and some people say how could 60 not be enough!  20 more would help me. 

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I've been premium since I started and only owned any mainland for about half of my first month. The L$400/week stipend means I come out ahead by around $10 on a yearly subscription, so I've let it run though there weren't many benefits I cared about. Lately, the ones I do care about are: higher number of group memberships, increased cap on missed IMs, the 90-day transaction history (I kept forgetting to collect it every month), and one that's not in the list - being able to own an experience.

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1. Make premium avatars able to set their height to 1.5 times taller than free accounts. Or make female premium avatars able to set their chest and bottom sliders to 1.5 times bigger than free accounts.

2. Make premiums have a 100% privacy inside their home.

3. Free pizza sent to your home after 2 months.

4. Occasionally be able to transfer a no-transfer item. 

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4 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

I've thought about this one for  long time.  I guess the reason that I am still a Basic member after 12 years is that I still haven't found an answer.  I own my own private region and have never really wanted to live on the Mainland, even though the new Linden Homes do look super.  Owning my own region means that I don't need a Premium sandbox, or a sandbox of any kind.  Being able to put an Experience on my region is very enticing -- almost enough to tip the scales.  Almost. 

I can go down the list of other Premium benefits and see a raft of them that could be very appealing to someone else. The limit of groups is plenty high enough for me -- I have eight or ten unused ones at the moment.  I have submitted support cases and JIRA notes from time to time, but I can figure out how most things work myself and I have a lot of very smart friends.  Getting into a crowded region is appealing, but not enough to make a huge difference.  I can usually wait (and besides, I don't like crowds much anyway).  Premium gifts?  A L$300 weekly stipend?  Nice, but not major drivers for me.

In fact, I have recommended Premium membership to quite a number of people, because I think it really is a good deal.  Just not for me .... yet.  😎

Aren't you automatically premium when you buy your own sim?

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I'm not sure there's anything that would entice me to become a Premium member. I've never had any interest in land ownership so there's that. I didn't know Premium members got priority for crowded venues, but I don't like large crowds so I would just avoid those anyway. If SL charged for even basic membership, I probably would have paid that in the past (but only once I'd reached a point of immersion and investment that took several months - if they'd charged before that, I would definitely not have bothered) but I'm not inworld enough to make it worth it now.

Perhaps I'd pay if it meant I could get a better avatar but it would depend on just how great the difference was...I've never wanted to spend too much time on grooming, I want to get out there and experience stuff.

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If I could own one or more grid-scope Experiences, I'd pay some Premium fee for that, even if I didn't own land or use any other Premium service features.

(I'm not super enthused about the prospect of paying extra for those, above the current Premium membership fee. I hope it doesn't come to that.)

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18 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

No, you aren't required to have Premium membership to own a private region.

I just thought it was something they gave you when you got one..

Someone had told me that they give you premium when you buy a sim..

I can't remember who said it to me or even the thread it was in since it was quite awhile ago..

It may have been that at that time they did..

I'm finding out lately that, a lot of what I have learned in SL is becoming outdated..

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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The ability to scale rezzed prims/mesh >64m on any axii, up to 1024, 2048 or 4096 meters only if they are over land I own.

The ability to rez/link Animesh objects up to 500 Ktri's max only on my land so its unique land impact calculation can do its job so land owner's with available prims to burn can use exotic Animesh content if they want to foot the bill.

Access to Top Scripts, Top Colliders and the region object list. This should no longer be packaged as a luxury reserved only for estate owners/managers. Any land owner in a region should have access. Lack of available timing in most Mainland regions is a major problem these days and land owners do not have access to the necessary tools.


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@Ceka Cianci

You get Concierge support when you buy a region but unless it changed you cannot not buy mainland, nor do you get 60 group slots, etc. So it isn't Premium, you just get support.  Also when I have been saying "buy a region" in this discussion, I am talking about a private island as you cannot buy a whole region on mainland without first getting Premium membership.

Edited by Gabriele Graves
tidied up text a bit
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6 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

@Ceka Cianci

You get Concierge support when you buy a region but unless it changed you cannot not buy mainland, nor do you get 60 group slots ,etc. So it isn't Premium, you just get support.

It was a long time ago when that thread was..It may have been about mainland then..

After so long,it's hard to remember the details..

I've come full circle and back at newb level now hehehehe


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Hm, except the land and L$ I like the priority TP of course. If not that, I don't know what would convince me to go premium, maybe if premium membership would provide faster support, even in not so important cases or if we could get a homestead not having a full sim.

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21 minutes ago, Lucia Nightfire said:

Access to Top Scripts, Top Colliders and the region object list. This should no longer be packaged as a luxury reserved only for estate owners/managers. Any land owner in a region should have access. Lack of available timing in most Mainland regions is a major problem these days and land owners do not have access to the necessary tools.

Once I bought it it's too late - this should not be restricted to land owners but accessible to any potential land owners...

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1 minute ago, Fionalein said:

Once I bought it it's too late - this should not be restricted to land owners but accessible to any potential land owners...

Agree, but LL doesn't. Its been stated in the user group meetings that such access can't be granted unfettered at the public level because there is a sever cost querying the data.

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