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What Inspires Your Style and Fashion in SL?

Scylla Rhiadra

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3 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Neph wears a lot of stuff that I just couldn't, but, for what it's worth, she's been something of an inspiration for me. At the very least, the things she wears have pushed me to be a bit more adventurous in terms of my own wardrobe. I get a lot of ideas from her look

   What things of hers couldn't you wear, though? I think that when it comes to apparel and appearance in general, I've always been of the mind that whatever I should wear is for me; when I was 17 I just got amused whenever people stared at the 'scary skinhead' walking down the street, the reactions could range from shock and disapproval to complete strangers looking at me as if they wanted to have at me - at which point I'd just stare back at them to see what they would do. Luckily, it very rarely got to any confrontation (though I did once punch a hippie in the face when he walked up in my face and heiled, in high school). By this point I've just plainly had to give up on trying to 'fit in'; if I walk down the street in a black shirt, black trousers, black boots, sunglasses and my usual range of accessories (a bit of chainmail in my key chain that I made, a key ring on my finger, and a 6' chain dangling around my waist, and such), people have gone as far as to step into doorways along the street to get out of my way - but I'm likewise one of those crazy people who know what side of the pavement to walk on, and will pretty much walk down people and bikers alike (and frequently, loudly chastise bikers on the pavement because YOU DO NOT CYCLE ON THE PAVEMENT, YOU SILLY S--). Being tall and broad enough to physically walk down a biker might have something to do with it, though. Shrugs.

   In SL it's been much the same. I don't care to appeal to others, I go with what appeals to me, both in appearance and attitude. I know I often rub people the wrong way, heck I recently got a flood of PMs here on the forums to warn me as I somehow ended up on some SL trash gossip blog for being 'scary' here on the forums. Whoever, anonymously, put me on that blog says I induce a genuine dread whenever my name shows up, and thinks that I actually want people who put 'babygirl' in their profile dead. I don't think I've had as heartwarming an experience in a long while in SL! 

22 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

. . . and now you've completely lost me . . . đŸ€”

Bildresultat för deathstars


Bildresultat för Gothminister


Bildresultat för the 69 eyes

   The 69-- Oh it's in the pic.

Bildresultat för dope stars inc

   Dope Stars Inc.

Bildresultat för Lordi

   Council of the official fan club of Justin Bie-- Oh, no, that's Lordi.

Bildresultat för Samael band


Bildresultat för Rammstein


Bildresultat för till lindemann topless

   Bonus pic of Till Lindemann, 'cause he's such a magnificent beastie. 

Bildresultat för Till Lindemann gif


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48 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Well, yeah! How sensible is that?

I'm not nearly hip enough that fashion trends dictate what I wear: the designers I like are the ones who produce the look I like. The ones who don't, I mostly ignore. But I could probably branch out a bit more?

In the old days in SL, I used to have quite a few 60s-looking things. I should maybe look into that again . . .

I totally love the 60's look, hip hugger bell bottoms, tye-dyed tee shirts and barefoot lol long straight hair tied with a string...geeze I sound old lol but I'm really not. For me anyway, I've noticed that it's hard to find really good 60's outfits but who knows, maybe they're out there, and I'm just a horrible searcher LOL

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When I first joined SL, I thought I would do all the fashion things that I do not do in RL - styled hair, makeup, different jewelry for different outfits, nail polish, high heels, stylish fashion, etc. 

Instead I first found myself wearing a lot of medieval era clothing for a RP I was involved in, and then found myself picking out clothing that more and more matched my RL style of dressing (which is only in style maybe once a decade or so, it seems).  Comfortable clothing - long (maxi) full skirts with tank tops, or sundresses,  with sandals or bare feet in summer.  Winter is long skirts and long sleeve shirts or jeans and comfy sweaters with boots.  While I do own heels in SL (and maybe still have one pair in RL) footwear is generally flat sandals, flat boots or converse sneakers.    Just like RL,  I often wear leggings with what I call  tunics (but are marketed as dresses) and in SL I have been known to wear an applier shirt or tank top under some dresses or shirts that seem too low cut for me. 

My SL hair length and style right now is pretty close to my RL hair length and style, though my RL hair color is mostly light brownish with some grey that has been creeping  in.  For the last 20 years at least, I've worn 7 silver rings and my wedding ring.  When I'm wearing Lara or Slink bodies, I do have a set of 8 rings that I wear. Sometimes I wear them with the Tonic body, but they don't quite match up fully with the Tonic fingers.  I used to always wear a pair of peace sign earrings like I did in RL until the last Shop & Hop when Blush had the spoon earrings as a gift.  The spoon end on those was so close to a spoon necklace I wore in high school, when my husband and I were dating, and which had been made for me by my father-in-law.  So I've traded the peace sign earrings for the spoon earrings as my every day earrings in SL because of that resemblance.


56 minutes ago, Orwar said:


One of my daughters listened to Rammstein,  along with Marilyn Manson, Korn and Eminem  - all very loudly, I recall - back when she was in high school.   I remember feeling thankful that I didn't know German so that I didn't have to worry about what the lyrics were in the Rammstein songs.  


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What inspires my style? I actually have no idea; it's just sort of... innate?

I don't mean that to sound conceited, but I don't really think about inspirations too much. I read widely, look widely, watch widely, listen widely. Over the years that's all amalgamated into something that means I can look at a clothing item or accessory and immediately start forming a look around it in my mind, considering what I can wear with it, what pieces I already have and what pieces I will need to buy, etc.

Yes, I'm interested in RL fashion, and yes I even have a Pinterest account for Skell so that I can point designers to it for "Things other than sweatpants that I'd love to see made for guys in SL". I follow the fashion weeks (to a point; certain designers, primarily), and there are one or two people IRL whose sense of style I really love. But I rarely (if ever) emulate in any way unless I'm doing a deliberate spoof or tribute. Instead I try to discern what it is about something that makes me love it, and distil that into something else that makes me feel the same way. (If that even makes sense!)

I guess others could describe my style in some way (I always joke that it's "Model T Ford - any colour, so long as it is black") but I'm a little bit too eclectic to put labels on myself. If anything, my style follows my moods, the music I'm listening to (invariably, my Flickr image titles come from the lyrics of a song I'm listening to at the time). Sometimes I even follow my darker emotions, and have been known to respond to things that make me angry (such as experiencing homophobia inworld) by pushing the envelope even more than usual in a direction that I'm certain the person who has angered me would hate. I can be petty like that. ;)

In short: I'm all over the place. SL fashion is my playtime; a time when I can just let my creativity go nuts. Most of the time it appears to work pretty well.

But I always accessorise...

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I live in a city where it rains a lot, sometimes even almost horizontally, so my RL style is mostly based on simple clothes weather-appropriate and it changes in a cycle as the weather does.  Additionally I am not very fashion oriented, I don’t follow any trends, fashion bloggers, portals, magazines etc, I know nothing about famous designers (except that they exist) and their styles. I keep it simple but play with colors and patterns a lot. My only addiction is shoes, and I am obsessed with 3 brands (Melissa anyone?), otherwise I don’t really care about the brands or designers. I keep my hair long, blonde (occasionally pink or purple) and simple and wear minimum makeup. Totally hate jewelry and all other accessories, except glasses.  

My SL somehow reflects that, except the addition to shoes - here I am more addicted to buying hair, although in most cases they are all similar and blonde. I don’t need any radical or dramatic changes of my avatar appearance, I usually stick to the look I like most for weeks or even months. I always buy things that I really, really like and I know I would wear them in RL as well if I could. Of course in SL I can do more due to the fact I don’t really need to pay attention to the weather (although I like to match the outfit with the sim I hang out on) or there are simply more options and possibilities, but still I always select only perfect matches and keep it simple and not overdone. SL outfit is always dependent on my current mood, I usually know more or less what I am going to wear. When it comes to SL inspiration, it is mostly what I see here in our favorite thread and you girls and women of SL, especially Taya @Angelina String who I somehow consider my fashion and style twin sister ;) 

Edited by Kotelle
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In general, my SL fashion is a little more elegant than my RL one - I'm very much a jeans-and-t-shirt kind of girl. When I dress up in SL, it feels more like getting into a character rather than just clothing. Clothes I buy in SL are very much influenced by "ooh shiny!" and not by any RL fashion, and my inventory is very eclectic. 

Conversely, when buying clothes in RL, I often catch myself thinking, "This is something Ginger would wear. Let's see how it fits me." SL fashion influencing RL for once. 

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4 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Well, yeah! How sensible is that?

I'm not nearly hip enough that fashion trends dictate what I wear: the designers I like are the ones who produce the look I like. The ones who don't, I mostly ignore. But I could probably branch out a bit more?

In the old days in SL, I used to have quite a few 60s-looking things. I should maybe look into that again . . .

I had a great Twiggy/Mary Quant kind of pop art mini dress I LOVED but, alas, it wasn't mesh and just didn't fit very well anymore so I ditched it. 


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What a good subject!!!! My first paid avi I dressed in the style of a girl in college who came in dressed for clubbing in a short flounce dress. I admired her style and confidence from afar. I stayed like that a long time. 

My RL appearance....small, blonde, freckled olive skin, green eyes is my SL appearance. But my RL hair is shorter, thicker and messier!!!

Today I'm in the city in black jeans, black trainers, black top, black sweater, black jacket....... not quite a Skell/Orwar look but on the way.

Otherwise most of my RL stuff is red/orange/yellow, which is also the case in SL. I didn't plan a style, it just evolved as I turned mesh and I adopted pink in SL.

I don't follow fashion, I do my own thing, but my overall theme is '90s clubbing, and so lots of my dresses are short, and tight. Not what I'd do (much) in RL, but feelgood in SL.

I eventually got into jeans here and then tops and jackets. Most of my in world shopping is in casual gear. I don't do skirts much. They don't suit me and especially flared A line. I try them and I dont like them on me.

So my style is basically the perfect version of me living in a perfect world.

The SuperHero thing came late. I associate strongly with WonderWoman, having grown up in an environment without guys, and having to struggle to get through, and wearing the costume gives me a huge lift. Finding Hawk gave me a similar feeling.

And yeah, I'm also influenced by the Angel pics on here. Who wouldn't be? Some of the outfits are truly amazing and I have no problem pinching ideas!!

I know that the 'Barbie' look isn't to everyones taste, but hey, I have a lot of fun as me here and it's who I am in SL.

I think I've said enough for now, but thanks Scylla for starting this off! :)

Ps. I,ve got that famous Paco Rabanne 60s disc dress. I'll post a photo of it later.

Edited by BelindaN
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I get inspired for pictures,but not really for what I wear all the time.. I pretty much end up finding the same kinds of things I wear in RL..

I just can't get into fads at all..Not unless i really like it..But for the most part as soon as something turns fad I'm pretty much done with it..

Never did the yoga pants or skinny jeans.. To me Jeans are for riding and lasting just like Carhart pants and jackets..

I have three categories..Everyday,Nice and work clothes..

Just like my furniture,I buy the best quality I can,rather than something because of it's name..

I'm getting too much into My RL stuff more than my SL things..

SL it's kind of the same though..I look for something made well and in the best texturing I can find.. The mesh could be outstanding,but if it's just colored rather than textured and using SL lighting alone to make the texturing..I'll probably take a pass on it..

If I can find something in a white that looks good rather than blinding white..I'll probably be all over it like a spider monkey chip..

Jeans are a big thing also..It's really hard to find some good fitting well textured well meshed jeans..But if I do,I'm on them faster than a 6 legged jack rabbit jacked up on redbull..


I think I'm a lot more picky now than I used to be before mesh came along..If I had to pick something that inspired any kind of style..I'd just have to say,everyday life and moods..



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I've held off responding because I really needed to think about what inspires my clothing choices. I tend to bounce between two styles .. the classic Audrey Hepburn style and the boho style of Stevie Nicks. I love sexy clothes but don't like overtly sexual clothing. I like to tease not give away the whole thing at first glance. I love cleavage .. all forms from boobs to butt to toes, but again I like the hint of cleavage. I like to spur the imagination. I want someone to look and wonder what lies beneath.

I love jewelry! Many times my clothing choice for the day starts with a piece of jewelry. I also love hats .. so on some days I may start with a hat and go from there.

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7 hours ago, Orwar said:

What things of hers couldn't you wear, though?

I may have left the impression that I couldn't wear some things because of how others might react to them. I suppose that's true to an extent -- we are all surely conscious to a degree, and maybe in different ways, about how our style is going to be read by others? And, I think upon reflection, in my earlier days in Second Life, when I spent most of my time working with feminist groups, and quite often with academics (who tend, unsurprisingly, to be a bit on the conservative side in terms of their avatars), I was probably somewhat more careful about the messages I might be telegraphing through my clothing.

Overall, though, the things that I don't think I can carry off are things that I don't think will look good on me -- to me. If we imagine a sort of goth or dark look as a spectrum, my own personal taste is a great deal more towards the middle than Neph's. I admire her look and overall aesthetic, but the really dark stuff, and particularly the things that veer towards BDSM and D/s looks, just aren't what I like for myself. Despite the fact that some of the music I listen to (the only two 80s bands I really like, Bauhaus and Joy Division) are pretty dark, I'm not really a "Death, decay, darkness and decadence" kind of girl.

And I guess I probably have some other issues with what we might now call "Bondage Chic": I'm not in any sense submissive, and I don't want to dress in a way that even remotely suggests that I am. I mentioned that there were some elements of the L'Emporio outfit I am wearing in my most recent pic on the other thread: mostly, the things I chose to exclude -- specifically a collar with steel ring, and leggings with leather harness -- fall into that category.  A collar with ring implies, even if only vaguely, that somewhere there is a lead that should be attached to it. There isn't, and I don't want to suggest, even notionally, that there is.

I feel a little similarly about overtly sexualized clothing. There's a difference between "looking sexy," which you can achieve if you know what you are doing even with virtually all of your skin covered, and "looking sexualized." The latter, which is mostly expressed through very revealing clothing, sends a message about your attitude to sex as an activity: it certainly needn't suggest that you are "*****ty" or "available" (although some do go for that look deliberately), but it does imply that sex, as a thing you might do, is important to you. In SL, that isn't the case with me: I'm not remotely interested in sex, and I don't want to send signals that I am. That won't stop me from wearing things that are somewhat revealing (two outfits I've picked up from L'Emporio in the last week have sheer tops), but I'll do so when I think they look good on me, rather than because I'm communicating that I am an active sexual being in SL.

None of that is intended as a reflection upon anyone who is into bondage wear or highly sexualized clothing. It's just that neither is my thing, and, what is more, I generally don't like the look associated with either, for myself. The stuff Neph wears, on the other hand, looks great and appropriate on her.

PS. Where's Iggy Pop here? Doesn't he belong?

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7 hours ago, anniepany said:

I totally love the 60's look, hip hugger bell bottoms, tye-dyed tee shirts and barefoot lol long straight hair tied with a string...geeze I sound old lol but I'm really not. For me anyway, I've noticed that it's hard to find really good 60's outfits but who knows, maybe they're out there, and I'm just a horrible searcher LOL

Keep an eye out, and let me know what you find! My ex, who is sweet enough to remember that I liked 60s styles, sent me a link to one of the Collabor88 events a while back that was thematically focused on the 60s. I didn't find a lot that I liked (and a lot of what I did find was made for Maitreya, while I wear Slink), but I did find one or two items there.

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7 hours ago, moirakathleen said:

I often wear leggings with what I call  tunics (but are marketed as dresses) and in SL I have been known to wear an applier shirt or tank top under some dresses or shirts that seem too low cut for me.

Yes, me too, or at least I do when I don't think that the more revealing aspect of the clothing adds to its attractiveness. So, I have one skirt that is cut to just above the knees, but with a very high slit running up the front of one thigh. It's quite revealing, but the slit was one of the things I liked about it, so I haven't messed with it.

On the other hand, I've got some new sheer tops that are quite pretty, in a dark sort of way, but I don't think they need to be quite so revealing in order to be attractive, so I've been thinking about things I can wear underneath.

I think you've got a very distinctive look. It's not "my" look at all, but I like it, a lot, on you. (And especially your hair.)

7 hours ago, moirakathleen said:

I used to always wear a pair of peace sign earrings like I did in RL until the last Shop & Hop when Blush had the spoon earrings as a gift.  The spoon end on those was so close to a spoon necklace I wore in high school, when my husband and I were dating, and which had been made for me by my father-in-law.  So I've traded the peace sign earrings for the spoon earrings as my every day earrings in SL because of that resemblance.

This is super adorable. I can't think of a better reason to wear something here.

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6 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

What inspires my style? I actually have no idea; it's just sort of... innate?

I don't mean that to sound conceited, but I don't really think about inspirations too much. I read widely, look widely, watch widely, listen widely. Over the years that's all amalgamated into something that means I can look at a clothing item or accessory and immediately start forming a look around it in my mind, considering what I can wear with it, what pieces I already have and what pieces I will need to buy, etc.

My sense is that your style is innate. I have to work at it, so I do the occasional Google search, occasionally read a fashion blog or watch a YouTube video. And in SL, I keep a really close eye on the threads and pics here, because they have given me lots of ideas. But if, in addition to having an innate feeling for style, you've absorbed basic principles through an immersive interest in the subject, you are well beyond requiring the kind of guidance that someone like me needs.

Really, I do find style hard work. It's mostly enjoyable work, but it doesn't come easily to me.

6 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

In short: I'm all over the place. SL fashion is my playtime; a time when I can just let my creativity go nuts. Most of the time it appears to work pretty well.

You don't need me to tell you that it does. And I think you're probably a godsend to a lot of men here.


6 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

But I always accessorise...

I am really really bad at that. More work . . .

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6 hours ago, moirakathleen said:

One of my daughters listened to Rammstein,  along with Marilyn Manson, Korn and Eminem  - all very loudly, I recall - back when she was in high school.   I remember feeling thankful that I didn't know German so that I didn't have to worry about what the lyrics were in the Rammstein songs.  

   Do you want to see the bed in flames?

   I think that lyrics are an important part of enjoying a song, but when it comes to Rammstein I suppose it's a pretty good thing that most people who don't understand German are too lazy to look up a translation. Back when Rosenrot came out, we had some pretty excited people in our community and everyone were talking about how this song was better than that song - I had a pretty gleeful moment when one guy, who was ye olde stereotypical racist, homophobic chav type, who said 'MANN GEGEN MANN IS AWESOME, CAN'T STOP HEADBANGING'. I agreed, I love that tune - and I think Rammstein are awesome, as few mainstream metal bands would ever want or even dare to make a song about being homosexual. Apparently I 'ruined the song' for mentioning what it's about. 

   The problem is, I think, that a lot of people soak in the 'meaning' a bit too much; understanding a song and thinking it's gospel are two very different things. Then again, the masses are more than willing to listen to former child actors who've grown up to become political activists. Shouldn't that be the picture that pops up when one searches for 'populism'? 

   Korn... I don't know, I've never been able to take them seriously. It may be a generalising statement, but I just don't think Americans generally have the passion or anger it takes to make real metal, just as there's no proper American punk. Nu metal by itself is a pretty weak genre in my eyes. Or ears, rather. MTV wannabes, pop-people with a bad attitude, not my cup of tea. Eminem does rap - I do not recognise rap as a genre of music; it's barely rhythmical whining at best. But that's just my two cents, people should listen to whatever music - or noise - that floats their boat.

   Marilyn Manson is a rare exception to my derogatory view of American metal musicians. He can back up his music and hold his own when people question or criticise him, and not just by telling people off for not accepting him - he's aware of why people might have a hard time understanding him, but he's adamant about his way of expression and willing to communicate with people who misunderstand him. Both he and Rammstein were attacked by the media and the public after the Columbine shootings, blamed for 'influencing' the perpetrators with their 'violent music'. Even if both parties have made very rational and compassionate statements on the matter, the public still thinks that metal is about hatred and destructive behaviour. I suppose it's a true example of people fearing what they can't understand.

   As for being loud, well, another clear memory I have of Rosenrot in particular is that I came home from school one day having flunked a test by one point; I was to re-do the test the next day, so I took my book, laid down on my bed, turning on my (fairly impressive) stereo with the Rosenrot album in the CD player, cranked it up to 80% as I was home alone (at 30% on that beastie, the old windows in the house would tremble with every guitar riff). My father came home early that day, and later told me that he could hear the music two blocks away, in the afternoon rush, in downtown Uppsala. When he came into my room, he found me sleeping ever so peacefully with my book over my face. There's a peace in such music, even though it's loud and aggressive at first glance; I'll often say I never sleep as well as when I'm on a rolling train or when I'm being cradled to sleep by screaming Germans. 

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6 hours ago, Kotelle said:

here I am more addicted to buying hair, although in most cases they are all similar and blonde.

Yes! Hair, and boots for me. I've been seriously neglecting footwear, though, I think because I've been making a conscious effort to focus on tops, skirts, and dresses (something I always used to neglect).

I love to play with different styles of hair, but I do tend not to stray too far from a sort of base colour. In my case (like yours), it's mostly a pretty light blonde -- ash, driftwood, or even platinum -- and usually with ombres, roots, or (when I can find it: it seems out of fashion at the mo) streaks. But hair is really the "core" of my self-identity in SL, I think.

6 hours ago, Kotelle said:

I always buy things that I really, really like and I know I would wear them in RL as well if I could.

I'm very cautious about what I buy, and mostly the things that I do drop money on are things that I know I will wear over and over again. Of course, I've occasionally taken a wrong turn, but of the things I've purchased in the last few months, there are probably only one or two that I actually regret spending money on.


6 hours ago, Kotelle said:

When it comes to SL inspiration, it is mostly what I see here in our favorite thread and you girls and women of SL, especially Taya @Angelina String who I somehow consider my fashion and style twin sister ;)

Agreed! And Taya is great for hints and ideas (as are many others here). I also pay particular attention to Neph, Zeta, and Sara, but there aren't any women posting here who haven't given me ideas.

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5 hours ago, Ginger Shostakovich said:

In general, my SL fashion is a little more elegant than my RL one - I'm very much a jeans-and-t-shirt kind of girl. When I dress up in SL, it feels more like getting into a character rather than just clothing. Clothes I buy in SL are very much influenced by "ooh shiny!" and not by any RL fashion, and my inventory is very eclectic. 

Well, I've told you before, and often, that I really like your look, even if it's hard to characterize. I think I often focus on your face, actually, which I find sweet and open and friendly. And the clothing you tend to wear, I think, works beautifully with that.

6 hours ago, Ginger Shostakovich said:

Conversely, when buying clothes in RL, I often catch myself thinking, "This is something Ginger would wear. Let's see how it fits me." SL fashion influencing RL for once. 

Hah! I think the only instance of that at work with me is, just occasionally, with footwear (i.e., boots).

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10 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I can look at something and say to myself, "Maddy might wear something like that."

It works that way for me too, but I don't think there's a style involved.

During my very brief attempt at dating after my divorce, I stumbled across some "Hello Kitty" clothing and lingerie on a clearance end cap at the local department store. None of it was quite my size, but that didn't matter, I saw potential. I bought a sweater, a tee, panties and an ill fitting bra (okay, okay, okay, they're all ill fitting). I showed up for a date wearing the entire collection, wondering if I'd draw a comment. Eventually, my date, noticing that the tee matched the sweatshirt, wondered if I was completely kitted out in Kitty. I lifted my tee to show him the bra, and asked if he'd like to see the tattoo under it.

And this is why my attempt at dating was very brief.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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3 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

It works that way for me too, but I don't think there's a style involved.

During my very brief attempt at dating after my divorce, I stumbled across some "Hello Kitty" clothing and lingerie on a clearance end cap at the local department store. None of it was quite my size, but that didn't matter, I saw potential. I bought a sweater, a tee, panties and an ill fitting bra (okay, okay, okay, they're all ill fitting). I showed up for a date wearing the entire collection, wondering if I'd draw a comment. Eventually, my date, noticing that the tee matched the sweatshirt, wondered if I was completely kitted out in Kitty. I lifted my tee to show him the bra, and asked if he'd like to see the tattoo under it.

And this is why my attempt at dating was very brief.

OMG. I have no words.

Other than that this is brilliant and hilarious.

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7 hours ago, moirakathleen said:

I used to always wear a pair of peace sign earrings like I did in RL until the last Shop & Hop when Blush had the spoon earrings as a gift.  The spoon end on those was so close to a spoon necklace I wore in high school, when my husband and I were dating, and which had been made for me by my father-in-law.  So I've traded the peace sign earrings for the spoon earrings as my every day earrings in SL because of that resemblance.

You made my day! I'm so happy to hear how they spark a memory for you. Thanks for sharing. :) 

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1 hour ago, Blush Bravin said:

I tend to bounce between two styles .. the classic Audrey Hepburn style and the boho style of Stevie Nicks.

SL needs its own Givenchy.

Or does it have one? Who does classic Audrey Hepburn well???

1 hour ago, Blush Bravin said:

I like to tease not give away the whole thing at first glance. I love cleavage .. all forms from boobs to butt to toes, but again I like the hint of cleavage. I like to spur the imagination. I want someone to look and wonder what lies beneath.


In addition, a newish reason for me to like cleavage: it can make for really cool light and shade effects in photos!!!

1 hour ago, Blush Bravin said:

I also love hats .. so on some days I may start with a hat and go from there.

I like hats too, but I wish more creators made them with attached hair styles that I liked. It can be really difficult to resize and modify mesh hair to fit under something, and too often I end up resizing the hat to the point that it just looks kind of stupid on me.

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7 hours ago, moirakathleen said:

The spoon end on those was so close to a spoon necklace I wore in high school, when my husband and I were dating, and which had been made for me by my father-in-law.  So I've traded the peace sign earrings for the spoon earrings as my every day earrings in SL because of that resemblance.

I wear a pocket watch, pinned to my avatar, even when I'm naked. It fairly resembles my great grandfather's pocket watch, which stopped working in 1952, and was passed down to me as a reminder to not let time run my life. I also wear mismatched earrings, one silver, one black. Snugs wears the complimentary pair, with the colors left-right reversed.

I still don't think there is a style to what I wear, but there certainly is intention, as in the case of your necklace.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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30 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

And I guess I probably have some other issues with what we might now call "Bondage Chic": I'm not in any sense submissive, and I don't want to dress in a way that even remotely suggests that I am. I mentioned that there were some elements of the L'Emporio outfit I am wearing in my most recent pic on the other thread: mostly, the things I chose to exclude -- specifically a collar with steel ring, and leggings with leather harness -- fall into that category.  A collar with ring implies, even if only vaguely, that somewhere there is a lead that should be attached to it. There isn't, and I don't want to suggest, even notionally, that there is.

   I do take a bit of an issue with people who dress up in ways that suggests they are into BDSM, when they don't really understand what it entails. Collars in particular, because as you say, it does signal that the person either 'should' or 'wants' for it to be attached to someone's chain (especially when it says 'wants'; a submissive who wears a collar 'to show he/she is submissive' is just counter-intuitive, as it is largely the same as wearing a wedding ring - it means that you're taken). Neph does have a spiked choker though; but it's not a BDSM collar, but an attribute of punk - there are several different ways to interpret its meaning (and to some, it's JUST fashionable); some have told me that it symbolises the way they are shackled by social convention and how they want people to see their enslavement to society. I don't apply too much philosophical thought to it, though; early on it was because I wanted a punk-ish neck ornament and figured that with a choker I wouldn't have to edit out any neck seams. Now it's just one of 'the things I have' when I want to balance out her apparel with some accessories.

   It's happened on several occasions though, that I've joked to my partners when we've been out shopping that I never intended for Neph to 'look like a domme'. By now I've just accepted it, though; and it does appear clear enough as she just about never gets hit on by dominant guys - but frequently by submissive guys. I'm a dominant person, Neph is a manifestation of my aesthetic and philosophical ideals, she'll carry whichever outfit I pick out for her with the same authority I do on Orwar, and when socialising through her I'm just as confrontative and direct as I always am. And though I have no intention of ever doing any pornographic shoots with her, BDSM does contain a lot of philosophy that I have a keen interest in and feel a desire to express - it doesn't even have to be erotic, but sometimes an outfit which people would quickly judge as 's****y' can say something that I feel is important. I never care too much about whether people understand what I say, but I still want to say it; if it's lost on them, and they pick prejudice over inquiry, that's not an issue I can afford to care about. 

53 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

PS. Where's Iggy Pop here? Doesn't he belong?

   Blasphemy. Iggy always belongs. To me, personally, he's just... Stuck in my teen-punk years. Still, whenever I listen to Siouxsie and the Banshees' cover of The Passenger, I have to follow it up with Iggy singing the same song. Don't ever ask me which version I prefer - you'll receive such a long-winded, pseudo-philosophical answer it's going to make your ears bleed. He's a bit difficult in some ways though, a lot of punks and skins alike refuse to admit to liking his music as he's 'too mainstream' or 'too pop'. I swear, a few beers later and going the usual (i.e. backwards chronologically) route through Oi! history, he'll be following up Bad Manners every time without fail. Unless the chronology is derailed and someone brings up The Gonads. 

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