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Is there virtue in being a Second Life troll?

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I think it depends on which play you are auditioning for. After all, each director will have a different idea of what your ideal troll looks like. 

Naturally, you’ll always find a home in a fantasy RP sim or under a bridge. 

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2 hours ago, Gopi Passiflora said:

I know, trolls are bad people and all, but I admit that I can be one as well (especially in the Zindra Safe Hubs.) But I only troll to fight other trolls and jerks. I try not to troll innocent people.

The question I ask is that if anything good could come from trolling.

Are you being a true white knight with honor? Or are you just trying to take out your aggression on creepy people?

* And what do you mean by "trolling"...what are you doing?

Edited by Luna Bliss
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2 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Are you being a true white knight with honor? Or are you just trying to take out your aggression on creepy people?

* And what do you mean by "trolling"...what are you doing?

white knight? Luna I'm surprised at you. Couldn't you have used a less loaded phrase. Something like crusader for justice or something?

Our language is loaded with phrases where "white" refers to "good" and "black" refers to "bad".

How do you think a child of color feels when every time they see the word black in print, it refers to something negative

I'm afraid you need more sensitivity training on the use of inclusive words and phrases.

Edited by BilliJo Aldrin
forgot some quotation marks
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3 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

white knight? Luna I'm surprised at you. Couldn't you have used a less loaded phrase. Something like crusader for justice or something?

I spy with my little eye, something beginning with the letter T.

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I once created an obese, warty, half bald avatar, dressed it in silks and went around Gor submitting to everything and begging all the free for sexual release. If that's wrong, I don't wanna be right.

(Funnily enough, though the Gorean Masters were decidedly not amused, the slaves thought it was hilarious. I had requests for returns.)

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6 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

I once created an obese, warty, half bald avatar, dressed it in silks and went around Gor submitting to everything and begging all the free for sexual release. If that's wrong, I don't wanna be right.

(Funnily enough, though the Gorean Masters were decidedly not amused, the slaves thought it was hilarious. I had requests for returns.)

I have a patchwork seamstress outfit (kinda like the worst looking car in the neighborhood belongs to the auto mechanic) that I call "Seamstress of Gor". I visited the Gor sim of a friend and went off on a tirade about how I could whup any sword carrying fella with my knitting needles, and had the tarsk corpses to prove it. I don't think the masters disapproved, but the slaves, as with your RP, were all laughing.

I don't think anyone saw it as trolling. I knew enough of the canon to have fun with it, and make it clear I had affection for those living the dream.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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5 hours ago, Gopi Passiflora said:

I know, trolls are bad people and all, but I admit that I can be one as well (especially in the Zindra Safe Hubs.) But I only troll to fight other trolls and jerks. I try not to troll innocent people.

The question I ask is that if anything good could come from trolling.

I guess it depends on the type of troll, trolling is used as such a broad term but the most common type of "troll" you will see online is :

The teenage (sometimes adult) troll, usually found in world and on message boards calling people gay and constantly saying "you mad bro...you mad bro" in an attempt to get you riled. This isn't something I would really call true trolling as there is no real finesse to it, it's just purely designed to spam people over and over to get a reaction which you "could" argue is trolling but in my opinion its the very weakest version of what you would call a troll as anyone can do it.

A half decent masterful troll however can enter a forum and casually post a single non offensive line and cause an entire forum to explode in to arguments and debates. It has been seen in this forum a few times, something as simple as "So second life is a game and this is why.." can cause this particular forum to implode on itself. They can speak at length on voice or in text about a subject comedically and lead people on to believe they are the absolute authority on this subject and in reality be talking complete and utter waffle and doing nothing other than winding those people up. There was a reddit user a long time ago called APHDInEverything or something similar who used to post these types of messages and became fairly well known for it. They are the ones who find new and inventive ways to rile people up without actually breaking any rules or regulations imposed on their particular community or figure out loopholes to exploit that wouldn't result in a ban. The cracked forums was a good example of this as some of the users realised that, if you set up a forum signature to go at the end of your post, there was no character limit so they started using full 6-1000 page novels to sign their posts, aka thousands and thousands and thousands of words.

Can any good come from trolling?. It depends. If someone is doing it purely for kicks or malicious intent then no. But there have been some examples of action through trolling that have ended with a positive result. For example Anonymous vs Hal Turner. Hal Turner was a far right wing severely racist web radio host that advocated for some pretty nasty things as regards other races. The result was that Hals radio show was trolled for years on end, his websites hacked and defaced, a protest organised outside of his house. The end result was Hal being driven off the internet, bonkers insane and his radio show vanished into the ether. You could argue that this was a positive result as there was one less racist douchebag spewing out hatred on an internet full of them.

Do I think that any good comes from trolling in general?. No, most trolls you meet are doing it purely for their own entertainment with no particular goal in mind other than to attempt to wind you up. Its why trolls are best off ignored, there is the old saying "Don't feed the trolls". 

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9 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

I have a patchwork seamstress outfit (kinda like the worst looking car in the neighborhood belongs to the auto mechanic) that I call "Seamstress of Gor". I visited the Gor sim of a friend and went off on a tirade about how I could whup any sword carrying fella with my knitting needles, and had the tarsk corpses to prove it. I don't think the masters disapproved, but the slaves, as with your RP, were all laughing.

Given that the place has tangibly less gravity than Earth, and they apparently spend half their time in space on their capture missions, you should be able to knock any one of them down with a bloody felting needle. Weightlessness is not good for you and astronauts don't call it the "vomit comet" for nothing. Everyone on Gor should, by rights, be weak, spindly, sickly, anaemic and permanently nauseous. In RL, they probably are.


Edited by Amina Sopwith
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5 hours ago, Gopi Passiflora said:

I know, trolls are bad people and all, but I admit that I can be one as well (especially in the Zindra Safe Hubs.) But I only troll to fight other trolls and jerks. I try not to troll innocent people.

Most of the avatars at the Zindra safe hub on the river are bots. You're trolling a program.

(Dumb bots. One week, there were so many bots there in the same place that some of them had been pushed through the glass wall into the aquarium.)

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1 hour ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

white knight? Luna I'm surprised at you. Couldn't you have used a less loaded phrase. Something like crusader for justice or something?

Our language is loaded with phrases where "white" refers to "good" and "black" refers to "bad".

How do you think a child of color feels when every time they see the word black in print, it refers to something negative

I'm afraid you need more sensitivity training on the use of inclusive words and phrases.

Oh BilliJo, you reaaaly got me...how will I ever extricate myself?
Once again, we see how black & white thinking rules you, and that nuance is not your friend.

No credible person has ever advocated changing our usage of words that associate the color 'black' with evil and the color 'white' with good, in fact that would be impossible to eradicate. What is advocated however, is to become more aware of how evil associations can be transferred to people of color so that we don't discriminate against them based on their darker skin:

The ramifications of associating dark skins with evil personality traits is heartbreaking. Numerous tests demonstrate we do this on an unconscious level. One tragic result is that darker skinned people are more likely to be found guilty and so they're incarcerated at greater rates than whites. Whites are more likely to be hired for jobs too, and less likely to be gunned down by police, and they receive shorter prison sentences than blacks.
In all these tests it's easy to see what plays out in all facets of society -- basically any time a person is judged by society the darker skinned people are more likely to be perceived as wrong.

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3 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Are you being a true white knight with honor? Or are you just trying to take out your aggression on creepy people?

* And what do you mean by "trolling"...what are you doing?

Black knights are so badly stereotyped. On the other hand, white knights wear oddly shaped hoodies.

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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16 minutes ago, ItHadToComeToThis said:

A half decent masterful troll however can enter a forum and casually post a single non offensive line and cause an entire forum to explode in to arguments and debates. It has been seen in this forum a few times, something as simple as "So second life is a game and this is why.." can cause this particular forum to implode on itself. 

Yup, yup!

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4 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

I think there must be some therapeutic value to trolling, else why do so many persist?

My best guess is that they feel some satisfaction in punishing others for their general unhappiness.   The tendency to blame others is very pronounced in some...

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Trolling is never virtuous. By definition it is a terrible thing. If you are doing something that you yourself consider trolling then you are being evil. People can do both good and evil in life ever constantly drifting between both states. But make no mistake, trolling is bad. Don't pretend you didn't know.

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It might be a good thing to troll (if we define 'trolling' as being insincere or playing a game) when up against some really nasty people who are playing destructive games. It could be a better option than being overpowered by them.

Of course the better option for the OP might be to just not go to that place in order to fight trolls.


Edited by Luna Bliss
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