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Avatar not loading properly

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I was in game and my appearance was fine then Secondlife stuttered and now my avatar won't load properly. 

I pressed ctrl-alt-R and waiting an hour for clothes etc to load with no luck.

I'm able to wear attachements, but cannot change my shape, skin, eyes or wear clothing at all 


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A CTRL+Alt+R rebake works if there's a mild communication problem between your client and SL's servers, but you may need something sturdier.  Try rebuilding your avatar to factory specs with Character >> Character Test (Male/Female) from your Advanced (CTRL+Alt+D) or Develop (CTRL+Alt+Q) menu. You'll need to drop your preferred shape, skin, and  attachments on your avatar once it's rebuilt, so it's smart to have those things saved as an Emergency Backup outfit to save time.  That method usually clears up more serious bake fail problems like yours.

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Viper Jestyr wrote:

Tried test character


"Could not put on outfit

The outfit folder contains no clothing, body parts, or attachments"

Did you put anything in the folder beforehand?  I always maintain a special folder in my Body Parts folder that is labelled Emergency ME.  It is a complete outfit (shape, skin, hair, clothes, HUDs, attachments) that I can just drag onto my avatar any time I need to make a quick change for any reason. 


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OK.  Time for the executive treatment.  Go to http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=bake_fail and work down the list of cures (some of which you have already tried, but do them again).  Bake fail problems are almost always due to something on your own computer, so take the time to look especially hard at the suggestions dealing with your modem, router, and Internet conections.

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Thanks for the help Roligs link helped me out. I made it through the list with nothing until i got to this one


Make a new temporary folder, and put into it a copy of your shape, skin, hair base, eyes. Then right click on the folder name and Replace Outfit (not Wear, that will not work).


Now i'm back to normal...thanks again :)

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  • 1 year later...

I have the same problem, and I've tried doing every step that people have left me according to the bakes, character tests, cache dumps...EVERYTHING. I'm still unable to do any appearance editing or clothing/skin/shape changes. I logged onto my alt and she is working fine. I've tried all these testes in both phoenix and firestorm and I still have no changes...still stuck in Ruth.

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  • 3 years later...

I've had the same issue all day with the outfit folder thing. I checked the grid status and thought it was related to a server they were updating but the issue continued for a few hours even after it said it was resolved. Finally searched the error message and came across this board. Thank GOODNESS for the "emergency me"/replace outfit recommendation. Fixed it in less than 30 seconds.



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  • 8 years later...

Here we are, 12 YEARS LATER, and this is still happening?  I am beside myself.  I know that all major software projects have bugs, but 12 years FFS!  Why in the name of all that's holy do I pay these people to be this awful?

So I have made a folder that contains just:

  • my normal shape
  • my default avatar body skin
  • an eyebrow shaper

I have removed everything but these three items, then right-clicked on the folder and selected "Replace current outfit."

Now I'm an egg.  That's a great improvement.

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13 hours ago, laramcpique said:

Here we are, 12 YEARS LATER, and this is still happening?  I am beside myself.  I know that all major software projects have bugs, but 12 years FFS!  Why in the name of all that's holy do I pay these people to be this awful?

So I have made a folder that contains just:

  • my normal shape
  • my default avatar body skin
  • an eyebrow shaper

I have removed everything but these three items, then right-clicked on the folder and selected ”Replace current outfit.”

You also need legacy eyes, or you will never bake !

Also, I assume your ”eyebrow shaper” is in actuality a legacy hair wearable (also mandatory)...

Edited by Henri Beauchamp
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