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Marketplace Search

Dakota Linden

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8 minutes ago, Tarani Tempest said:

I can no longer search MP using a residents name/creator name.  Is this working as intended? And if so... why? Would be super odd o.O.  

I am hoping this has been addressed and is an unfortunate bug.

It's an intentional change, mostly a good one. There has always been a separate store/creator search.

Many stores have names that pollute normal product search with completely unrelated stuff, so now the search ignores store names and creator names. The downside is that you can't filter *out* stores with spammy listings anymore.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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20 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

It's an intentional change, mostly a good one. There has always been a separate store/creator search.

Many stores have names that pollute normal product search with completely unrelated stuff, so now the search ignores store names and creator names. The downside is that you can't filter *out* stores with spammy listings anymore.

Seems mostly a bad one to me.   A lot harder to find specific stores/creators ..actually, almost impossible now.  Been experimenting a lot today and bummer for anyone looking for those specific stores they need/want. 

And that is just the consumer side.  As a designer, myself.... this is worrisome as well.  Anyone looking for my store or name is pretty much SOL.

Luckily, my inworld store does just slightly more in sales.  Still, MP just as important to me.


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59 minutes ago, Tarani Tempest said:

Seems mostly a bad one to me.   A lot harder to find specific stores/creators ..actually, almost impossible now.  Been experimenting a lot today and bummer for anyone looking for those specific stores they need/want. 

And that is just the consumer side.  As a designer, myself.... this is worrisome as well.  Anyone looking for my store or name is pretty much SOL.

Luckily, my inworld store does just slightly more in sales.  Still, MP just as important to me.


Just use this search tab, and you'll find the store you're looking for:



Your store's products can be found by your store name anyway, since you've put it on all of your product names. LL's fix barely affects you.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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11 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

Just use this search tab, and you'll find the store you're looking for:



Ahhhh ok...this is great to know.  I totally missed this.  I am so used to doing things the way I have for so long, I did not see past my frustration lol.

Thank you and carry on !

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/23/2023 at 7:34 PM, Wulfie Reanimator said:

It's an intentional change, mostly a good one. There has always been a separate store/creator search.


Actually, while the intention may be valid, the effect is not. It only leads to more creators adding their shop name to the individual product descriptions, as some of them already did (and some always did). 

And frankly speaking the very concept of having to use two different search functions in order to finally get to the product of the creator you are looking for is exactly the kind of unintuitive solution someone lacking any practical sense can come up with.

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8 hours ago, DeanFiend said:

Actually, while the intention may be valid, the effect is not. It only leads to more creators adding their shop name to the individual product descriptions, as some of them already did (and some always did).

I know. This is a solvable problem.

8 hours ago, DeanFiend said:

And frankly speaking the very concept of having to use two different search functions in order to finally get to the product of the creator you are looking for is exactly the kind of unintuitive solution someone lacking any practical sense can come up with.

I disagree and that's okay.

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On 4/7/2023 at 1:15 AM, Wulfie Reanimator said:

This is a solvable problem.

I fail to see where this is a problem.

On 4/7/2023 at 1:15 AM, Wulfie Reanimator said:

I disagree

That is perfectly fine but would care to elaborate at which point two different obligatory  search functions actually improve the customer experience? 

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  • 1 month later...

anyone else having problems with the MP ? .. when ever i change search params

( i.e. price, rights, etc ) and go to a second page, all i see is this ...



any ideas...?

this one was first page, just changed the search params...


Edited by Xiija
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  • 1 month later...

Whoever it is that nerfed Marketplace, thanks for nothing. Whether I use search terms, no terms, whether I start at the front or the back, drill down...it just doesnt matter. I get the same CRAP that nobody wants. And God forbid that I have to come back because I can't skip the 40 pages of crap that I've already looked thru..NO! I have to go thru it all again ONE PAGE AT A TIME. I won't be spending my 40K lindens anytime time soon. Thanks

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  • 3 months later...
On 7/6/2023 at 12:10 AM, G3nuin3 said:

And God forbid that I have to come back because I can't skip the 40 pages of crap that I've already looked thru..NO! I have to go thru it all again ONE PAGE AT A TIME.

Sorry for the bump, but it's pretty easy to change the page in the url. starting from say


you can jump to page 47 by changing the page number in the url:


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  • 1 month later...

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Edited by Aeromia
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5 minutes ago, Aeromia said:

Noticing a big issue this morning where I can't leave GENERAL settings. For years I've kept my maturity settings at G/M/A and at least as of today (could be longer, I've been busy this week) I can't load most of my store or anything above general listing because of this. I've cleared cache multiple times, but it's not functioning. I briefly skimmed but didn't notice anyone else talking about this, or is this just an extension of the 'delisting' bug?

did you check if you were logged in? ..(  just to be sure :)  )

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6 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

did you check if you were logged in? ..(  just to be sure :)  )

LOL! Yep, double checked that when it first happened. I even logged out and logged back in (and again with the cache clear) Just to be sure it wasn't something I was/n't doing.




Well, whatever was happening for the last 3 hours this morning, it's begun behaving itself. I guess I just had to complain out loud about it, lol.

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  • 1 month later...

Does anyone know if there are plans to update the Marketplace search categories?  It seems like there really needs to be a category for mesh body parts (and then sub categories for bodies and heads) . I was trying to look and see what kinds of variations there are and I realized that there isn't an easy way to search. Mesh head or mesh body is going to bring up anything with the keywords and I've seen that some are under Avatar Bases and some are under Furry and some are under Avatar Components .

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  • 2 months later...

When I open the marketplace and search, the filter section defaults to not showing limited quantities. I was looking up some old gacha items and PlantPets and not getting any results.

Once I realised what was going on, I reset the filter, but it defaults back to blocking limited quantities if I start a new session. I've talked to others who are also seeing this. This only started happening recently. Before that, search worked as expected: no filters unless they were selected by the searcher.

This is going to mean customers think stuff isn't available. Most won't realise the filter is now on by default. The system doesn't prompt to check the filters if no search results turn up (only the maturity rating).

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Posted (edited)

The default search setting on the Marketplace is causing issues. When conducting a search, the "limited quantities" option remains checked by default. This setting persists across all searches, requiring users to manually uncheck it each time they search. This default behavior is problematic as it does not align with user expectations and makes the search experience cumbersome. A well-designed search engine should display all options by default and allow users to apply filters as needed. I submitted a ticket. Hopefully LL will fix the bug.

18 minutes ago, Polenth Yue said:

When I open the marketplace and search, the filter section defaults to not showing limited quantities. I was looking up some old gacha items and PlantPets and not getting any results.

Once I realised what was going on, I reset the filter, but it defaults back to blocking limited quantities if I start a new session. I've talked to others who are also seeing this. This only started happening recently. Before that, search worked as expected: no filters unless they were selected by the searcher.

This is going to mean customers think stuff isn't available. Most won't realise the filter is now on by default. The system doesn't prompt to check the filters if no search results turn up (only the maturity rating).


Edited by TessaPaige Jupiter
Forgot to add I submitted a ticket
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after writing the exact name of the item in the marketplace search, nothing appears but only the wording No matching items found. Let's talk about all things gacha. When I looked better I automatically found the check mark on the filter in the left column "
 Don't show:
Limited Quantities. "

I hope you solve the problem, because no one sees that it has that tick, not even I noticed it at first. It is also hurting the sales of many of my fellow retailers and many creators as well.

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Marketplace sales have dropped again. Some of my friends told me they couldn't find things in Marketplace search results. Please fix this issue.

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2 hours ago, MeshPromo said:

Marketplace sales have dropped again. Some of my friends told me they couldn't find things in Marketplace search results. Please fix this issue.


this is the link of the petition that we opened about this problem...just enter and tick the petition...till now LL didn't give us an answer, they just ignore us...also open a ticket and let know to everybody what is happening and to sign the petition as well

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