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Linden homes

climax Catron

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8 answers to this question

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28 minutes ago, climax Catron said:

I have been a part of sl for over ten years, but just made a premium account. Are ALL the Linden homes on Moderate land? I cannot sit normally on ANY of my furniture. A friend stopped by and said... wow, i cant even use your bathroom!.. are there other options? 

what you describe here has as far i know nothing to do with the landrating.

At moderate regions it's allowed to have adult items for personal use, and not publicly available, with the right privacy settings for the land

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Ethan's observation was not an attack at all.  He was giving you the helpful information that you are allowed to have items of an "adult" nature in Moderate regions as long as they are in private spaces like your own home.  So you may have furniture with sex animations, for example.  In other words, if you are having problems with those items, it has nothing to do with the fact that they are in a Moderate region.  There is something else wrong -- quite possibly a server issue, as others suggested.

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No, it is NOT due to the land's Maturity rating.  Maturity ratings say what YOU can and cannot do on your land, but there's no enforcement in the sense that the land won't let certain items operate.  You could put up a roasting spit in your Linden Home and barbecue your friends, until and unless someone reported you for it.  (And yes, all Linden Homes are on Moderate land.)

The sitting issue is a different problem.  Ethan and Fiona had a good suggestion about getting the region re-started.  You can do this with a Support Case, or via a Live Chat session.  I'd ask whether your furniture's access menus are set to Owner Only or to a specific group, except you say you cannot use them yourself.  (Are you sure you are actually clicking the furniture, and there isn't, for example, a big transparent prim in the way?)

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well, it certainly does have to to with land rating... i was asking if all linden home land was RATED MODERATE. .. Fionalein.. there is never anyone around, so I have no idea what the neighbors can and cannot do. It is a serious question though, since so much time and lindens have been spent in aquiring your life in sl. Felt pretty attacked there Ethan, in my mind it is totally related to landrating.

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