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Female Skins HELP!!!!!!!

Laysa Avril

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Hiya all I'm having major issues and wondering if someone could help me. I am trying to find someone that makes skins for the Maitreya Body and Vista Bento Head.  Plus on my old Avi skin I had my tattoos baked on my skin so they did not come off (the tattoos were made onto the skin), and I would love to find someone that makes skins for my body and head and that could possible put my tattoos I pick out onto my skin so I do not have to worry about what I wear they will stay on my skin. I'm willing to pay for it!!!!! PLEASE IF ANYONE CAN HELP ME OUT, I'M DESPERATE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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17 minutes ago, Laysa Avril said:

Hiya all I'm having major issues and wondering if someone could help me. I am trying to find someone that makes skins for the Maitreya Body and Vista Bento Head.  Plus on my old Avi skin I had my tattoos baked on my skin so they did not come off (the tattoos were made onto the skin), and I would love to find someone that makes skins for my body and head and that could possible put my tattoos I pick out onto my skin so I do not have to worry about what I wear they will stay on my skin. I'm willing to pay for it!!!!! PLEASE IF ANYONE CAN HELP ME OUT, I'M DESPERATE!!!!!!!!!!!!

let's start with a bummer, that's always a good opening :) .. if your tattoos are baked on a skin, you most likely won't own rights to use, extract or pass it too others, so thats a problem. If you own the copyright and original tattoo texture it's ofcourse no problem.
How much you want to pay isn't really relevant, no rights =  not possible and can bring you ánd the one that eventually wants to bake it for you, in serious RL (and SL ) trouble for copyrights/brand breaches. Ask the original creator for permissions. (if they aren't in SL anymore the answer has to be taken as a NO)

About skins, if i'm not wrong both the body and head are omega compatible, so finding a skin that matches both shouldn't be a huge problem in all main, and smaller shops.


Edited by Ethan Paslong
agree with Rolig... mostly jump on that too... Wanted is the place to be :)
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I want some of the same tattoos that I had on my  older Avi skin and I did not get in trouble for using them. Had them on my old skin for a long time. Most are original thou. But I tried the Omega applier in Demos and it did not change the head. that is where I am running into problems.

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16 minutes ago, Laysa Avril said:

I want some of the same tattoos that I had on my  older Avi skin and I did not get in trouble for using them. Had them on my old skin for a long time. Most are original thou. But I tried the Omega applier in Demos and it did not change the head. that is where I am running into problems.

Wait for Bakes on mesh, that might solve your problem.

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@Laysa Avril You probably have some ideas about how SL works that are incorrect judging from your plea. Also, we have jargon we use as a shorthand that is likely to confuse you. So, I'll try to help.

Understand there are two body types, the old Classic and the newer Mesh. Everything in SL is mesh. When we say mesh we mean those things made outside of SL and uploaded. That includes bodies, heads, hands, feet. When we hear 'older' avatar we think Classic not a mesh body from last year.

You can buy your head, hands, body, and feet from different creators. Skin makers design for a brand. So, out of the box a skin may work on the classic body or a Maitreya - Belleza - Slink, etc. avatar. They DO NOT design for specific mixes of classic, Maitreya - Belleza, Slink, etc. mesh body parts. They do however design so that with a little effort you can use their skin on whatever collection of parts you prefer. So, most will work with most body parts.

Some skins made for a specific brand may come with various APPLIERS. Others come with a generic applier, Omega. The head, like Vista, will have a way to connect to Omega appliers. It may be built into the head or you may have get an Omega RELAY for that head.

Play with the demos to see how things work.

As to your Tattoos... Your classic avatar had a system tattoo item. It sounds like you put in on and never took it off. Unfortunately that system layer is not going to work on a mesh body. You are going to need to find the tattoo sold in an applier. I doubt you will find the exact same tattoo. So, you may have to surrender and get a new tat. But, find the original tat and in properties see who made it and see if they have updated the tat.

People don't get in trouble for using things given or purchased. The usual problems come from selling them. Your problem is going to be tech and permissions (Copy, Mod, Transfer). Getting you old tattoos put in an applier runs into copyright law. Unless you have full perm tats, you are going to have to dance around that issue. Your system tat is not going to work with a mesh body. You'll have to find a way to convert or remake the tat for use with a mesh body and that is where you'll run into trouble.

Bakes On Mesh (BoM) is coming. I'll skip the tech. Suffice to say things like the System Tattoo Layer are coming back and will be used in the newer mesh body parts market. At least that is the Lab's hope. No one knows how far out the feature is. I am guessing 1 to 3 months. But, I would not be surprised if it takes longer.

For you this means that OLD system tat may be able to be used with newer BoM mesh bodies. There is no guarantee. I've been around SL long enough to think someone will find a way, legal or not... and using an old system tat with a new BoM body... that is a way gray area in SL-Copyright issues. I think many will take the stand that it is legal. But, there is always some rectal orifice that is going to complain.

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I am hoping that with the new BOM mesh bodies they will find a way to be able to bake the tattoos on my skin so that I can wear what I want when I want and the tattoos will not come off. The skin I am talking about is my first ever Skin I had back 10 years or so. So I am really hoping they can find a way to do it. thanks for the info.

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15 hours ago, Laysa Avril said:

I am hoping that with the new BOM mesh bodies they will find a way to be able to bake the tattoos on my skin so that I can wear what I want when I want and the tattoos will not come off. The skin I am talking about is my first ever Skin I had back 10 years or so. So I am really hoping they can find a way to do it. thanks for the info.

If the tattoo was part of the skin (and not a tattoo layer that you applied on top of the skin) then you need to bear in mind that older system skins may not map correctly or very well on certain mesh heads when BOM goes live. I'm a bit of a packrat in SL and I kept all of my favourite old system skins when I moved to mesh. When the first BOM testing options came out I jumped on them to try those old skins. To my disappointment, most of them looked awful on the mesh head that I tried them against. (Granted, at the time I only tested on one brand of mesh head; others may work much better with old system skins.) Something was 'off' with all of them, be it the lip textures sitting outside or inside the lip line of the mesh, or eye creases too high/low, or brow textures stretching weirdly, etc. Out of the hundreds of skins that I tried, only one brand actually looked good on my mesh head.

And then, of course, we have to consider that the old 'paddle' foot textures look awful on mesh feet, and we won't even go into hands/fingertips... There may be workarounds, with new skin creations also offering specific mapping for mesh hands and feet (or even appliers) but you're probably going to be out of luck with older skins whose creators are no longer in SL.

Try downloading the Bakes on Mesh beta project viewer to see how your old skin sits on your Vista mesh head. (Note that only you will see your skin looking as it should; others will see odd 'BAKED MESH' writing all over your avatar). Make a point of checking how the hands and feet look, too.

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