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Teleporting An Avatar


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I'm not sure if this is really a scripting issue,  an rlv problem or a general second life issue but here goes. Not even sure I can express it clearly.

I am working on a consensual system for people to be 'captured' and teleported by someone anonymously, i.e they will not be aware of the person who has performed the action on them. This rules out any IM communications between the parties.

Using suitable rlv commands, moving to another sim and then summoning the subject anonymously works if you have a way of offering a teleport (rlv enforces the teleport with no information).

In testing this is easy because the subject has spoken in local chat so their name (handle?) is available to instigate the teleport offer.

If this is not the case, is there a programmatic way to offer the teleport when already on another sim, i.e. they won't show up on a listing of nearby avatars?

Failing that is there a way to enforce the name to appear in local chat?

I believe Trackers such as SIN use a separate server to maintain records of who is logged in and where, something that would be difficult in this case.

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What you are describing is God Mode teleporting, which is available to Lindens but not to residents. The potential for griefing is just too high. If you are scripting in an Experience, you have a limited version of that capability with llTeleportAgent and llTeleportAgentGlocalCoords, which you can study in the LSL wiki.

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7 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

What you are describing is God Mode teleporting, which is available to Lindens but not to residents. The potential for griefing is just too high. If you are scripting in an Experience, you have a limited version of that capability with llTeleportAgent and llTeleportAgentGlocalCoords, which you can study in the LSL wiki.

rlv gives you something very close to godmode teleporting (consensual effectively as you have to have agreed to the rlv). That side of it is fine, or at least works for me. The issue is finding ways in which you can offer an avatar a teleport. If you have their 'handle'  (not sure that is the right word but highlighted name in local because they have spoken/emoted in local) it all works perfectly. If you don't, are there other ways of being able to offer a teleport? I've tried accessing the profile but that doesn't offer a teleport option. It is hard to get the message to cause llTeleportAgent from another sim. Can a script force an avatar to 'publish their handle' in local?

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Do the to-be-teleported targets all wear an attachment? (If not, I don't see a way to make this work across sims at all. If they do, it becomes a scripting exercise in communications and -- probably harder -- data and user interface design for choosing among a potentially vast number of potential targets.)

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3 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

Do the to-be-teleported targets all wear an attachment? (If not, I don't see a way to make this work across sims at all. If they do, it becomes a scripting exercise in communications and -- probably harder -- data and user interface design for choosing among a potentially vast number of potential targets.)

They do and the attachment is effectively unique and each uses different channels for communication. Does that help? If so, are there examples I can look at?

As I say it all works beautifully if you can right click on theri name and get the Offer teleport optin (Catznip UI at least)

Edited by LissomePrey
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There may be examples, in fact, I'm no RLV expert. If I were doing it with Experiences, the target's attachment would just register its presence with a central server (or servers, for availability), and whoever's initiating the teleports would also contact that server (directly if it can be on the sim with them, or again via a scripted attachment from a different remote sim) for a list of the registered targets from which to choose. They'd make their selection, the server would then communicate to the target's attachment to perform the actual teleport. 

This process of maintaining a directory of registered targets reminds me of old HUDs for grid-wide scripted chat, and a similar (text) "telephone" service. I haven't thought about those for years, but there may be code kicking around for them somewhere.

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3 minutes ago, LissomePrey said:

They do and the attachment is effectively unique and each uses different channels for communication. Does that help?

Yes.  I understood your initial question to be about teleporting some random person, which really would require God Mode teleporting.  If you are talking about teleporting specific people who will be wearing a scripted attachment of your design, though, that opens up possibilities.  You could certainly use llTeleportAgent then, as long as you have access to an Experience and that Experience is active on the regions where the people are likely to be when you want to teleport them.  That second requirement is the sticky one, at least until LL makes grid-wide Experiences generally available.  They have been talking about doing grid-wide Experiences in some form in the reasonable future, but so far they are only available in Experiences that Linden Lab owns itself.

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3 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

Yes.  I understood your initial question to be about teleporting some random person, which really would require God Mode teleporting.  If you are talking about teleporting specific people who will be wearing a scripted attachment of your design, though, that opens up possibilities.  You could certainly use llTeleportAgent then, as long as you have access to an Experience and that Experience is active on the regions where the people are likely to be when you want to teleport them.  That second requirement is the sticky one, at least until LL makes grid-wide Experiences generally available.  They have been talking about doing grid-wide Experiences in some form in the reasonable future, but so far they are only available in Experiences that Linden Lab owns itself.

I think llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords() might be close to working even outside Experience-enabled land (and without Experience permissions at all) because the attachment will be owned by the target to whom it's attached. (This can't be in a script Experience-attached through llAttachToAvatarTemp() because the teleport functions are explicitly disabled for such attachments. And outside Experience-enabled land it couldn't use Experience persistent store of Key-Value Pairs to do the communications; it would have to be http, with the usual challenges of SL's ephemeral URLs.)

That said, I don't think the LSL teleport functions work on seated avatars, and no way for an attachment to llUnSit them*, so it may need to be RLV anyway.

*Hmm. On Experience-enabled land with Experience permissions, I guess a script might force an llSitOnLink to an object that then forces llUnSit. Getting pretty Rube Goldberg-esque here.

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2 minutes ago, LissomePrey said:

If you can see the individual in Group Info you can offer a Teleport.

Right, but will it be anonymous? (Or did I just misunderstand that requirement?)

(EDIT: you did say "affect anonymity a little bit" so maybe that's what you meant. I'd read that to mean less anonymity just by being limited to members of the same group.)

Edited by Qie Niangao
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4 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

Right, but will it be anonymous? (Or did I just misunderstand that requirement?)

If the subject looked at Group Info themself,  they would know it was one of the people currently logged on so yes it is far from ideal, certainly if the group is small.

Edited by LissomePrey
can't type straight
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4 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

Communicating across separate sims requires some kind of external communication, like a web server OR inworld objects that have requested their own URL from the sim they're in.

Here is an example of a grid-wide communication system: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Intercom#How_it_Works

Yes, that ruins most of the ideas I had. Social ways of making sure the 'handle' (nobody has a better name for it?) is available seems the preferred option, with a shared group a second choice for the future.

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9 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

Communicating across separate sims requires some kind of external communication, like a web server OR inworld objects that have requested their own URL from the sim they're in.

Here is an example of a grid-wide communication system: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Intercom#How_it_Works

That is incorrect. there are two com LL functions available.

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Just now, steph Arnott said:

That is incorrect. there are two com LL functions available.

This is going to sound rude but you've been posting in a lot of threads recently:

Please educate yourself on what you are talking about and go learn to be more constructive with your writing if you are going to try and punch down any information given by others.

Those functions you're referring to ARE part of external communication.

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1 hour ago, steph Arnott said:

Nonsense. The  LL email function and HTTP can be used for internal com

To quote myself:

1 hour ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

OR inworld objects that have requested their own URL from the sim they're in.

But limiting your HTTPRequest to the same sim doesn't change the external nature of the function, and doing that wouldn't serve the OP anyway because they are specifically asking for cross-sim communication.

The system I linked is a good example because it demonstrates how to update each attachment with the URLs of the other attachments from other people, allowing anybody to get an up-to-date list of people available for teleport.

P.S. I'm not going to compare our own projects in a public thread because that wouldn't help anyone. Maybe send me a PM instead.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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I know it isn't my thread after I have started it but it really would be appreciated if you didn't use what started as a genuine question to argue about the merits of your scripts against others.


Thanks Folks :)

Edited by LissomePrey
positive response
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Just for completion I found a simple answer, not actually scripting.

Once the teleportee has accepted rlv restrictions about IMs, they will not even be aware of someone attempting to IM them. So the teleporter can try to start an IM and that will give them the 'handle' that allows them to offer a teleport.

Sigh of relief.

As ever, thanks for help.

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5 hours ago, LissomePrey said:

Just for completion I found a simple answer, not actually scripting.

Once the teleportee has accepted rlv restrictions about IMs, they will not even be aware of someone attempting to IM them. So the teleporter can try to start an IM and that will give them the 'handle' that allows them to offer a teleport.

Sigh of relief.

As ever, thanks for help.

Hold on, I'm a bit confused. If you're using RLV to auto-accept all teleport offers, but don't have a way for someone to offer a teleport without sending them an IM, wouldn't the person about to offer a teleport already have the avatar's name and be able to just send them a teleport through their profile or IM tab without typing anything?

I thought your problem was that the person wanting to teleport avatars to them didn't have any names, and you needed a way to let them know who was available.

I think I understand what you mean by "handle" now, is it the clickable link that would bring up their profile (or right-clicked for more options)? If that's the case, this page should be very useful for you: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewer_URI_Name_Space

You can create a clickable link ("handle") for any avatar as long as you have their UUID, which you can get with llName2Key or llRequestUserKey.


When shown in chat, the first line would create a link with the avatar's name that opens their profile, just like you see in the chat log.
The second line will open up the "offer teleport" prompt when clicked, instead of their profile. Then you can just click OK and the offer is sent.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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It doesn't seem possible to offer a teleport through the profile, at least on Catznip - one can't rely on all viewers behaving the same. The getting an IM tab but not saying anything on it works with both Firestorm and Catznip but is far from ideal.

Thanks Wulfie for the link, yes it works and is much better than my solution!

Edited by LissomePrey
further testing
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3 hours ago, LissomePrey said:

It doesn't seem possible to offer a teleport through the profile, at least on Catznip...

Really? I may be confused on what's desired, but this is what an alt sees when viewing my profile in Catznip:


(That Teleport button in the profile doesn't seem to depend on friendship, but does only appear if they're online -- and not hiding their presence from the public, I suppose.)

Also if the teleportee is a contact (perhaps not in this application?), here are the right-click options in the People list:


And if they're members of a group, there's this handy menu under the "🛈" button next to their name:


Still, your point is well-taken that "one can't rely on all viewers behaving the same" so even if Catznip does make it handy, I imagine there may be other viewers that don't. And again, it's very possible I'm not understanding a requirement here, so I'm only hoping to prevent unnecessary work if it's indeed unnecessary.


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