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What are some of your pet peeves?

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4 hours ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

I get really annoyed when people stand dead center at a landing point and you’re hovering over their heads looking silly because they refuse to move. I don’t get why people do that. I can’t move very far as every time I go to a sim with people, my FPS goes down to like 2.5, not joking. But, I still manage to at least move in case other people show up. Dunno why that annoys me so much but it does. 

I have a friend who does this.  He'll just stand like a statue and cam around.  Drives me batty!  Your AV is capable of walking, so DO IT!

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19 minutes ago, Rhun DeCuir said:

  Your AV is capable of walking, so DO IT!

My avatar is also capable of flying and hovering in one place - which is what I do.  I'm in fly mode when I TP into someplace, then fly just away from the landing area and hover there.  I then stay in one place and cam at almost all events and many stores.   While my avatar CAN walk, that does not mean that I enjoy walking at all times - especially at crowded venues.  Walking is just so... so.... RL - so WHY?


Another pet peeve:  People that think their way of doing SL is how we should all do it.  

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

While my avatar CAN walk, that does not mean that I enjoy walking at all times - especially at crowded venues

Its not about whether or not your Avi can walk, it obviously can,its the matter of using the up arrow for barely a second to move out ot the place your Avi lands so others can get in with ease. Events and stores are already lag hell,why make it more complicated than it has to be. Considering others goes a long way.

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28 minutes ago, IvyLarae said:

Its not about whether or not your Avi can walk, it obviously can,its the matter of using the up arrow for barely a second to move out ot the place your Avi lands so others can get in with ease. Events and stores are already lag hell,why make it more complicated than it has to be. Considering others goes a long way.

This. I always try to also be considerate in case anyone else deals with bad lag as well when it comes to shopping sims especially. Sometimes the MP doesn’t have an item and you may have to get it in-world. But, it sucks when seven different avatars are huddled at the landing point and it’s already hard to move as it is. This happened like three times to me within a few minutes of going to different shops to look for hairs. 😂😂😄

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17 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

They don't need it... the event would be packed even without the DJ. MAYBE later in the month before the event closes, I could see them doing it to bring people back, or entice new people to come, but not opening day.

That was my point, they don't need it. That all being said, they need to realize that A there are so many events, and B half the events are crap at marketing. That is why there is low traffic. People need to realize, that events have oversaturated the market. So if you need to have a DJ to promote an event. Should you really be running an event?


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On 4/24/2020 at 8:25 AM, LittleMe Jewell said:

Some security systems are set so that they default to automatically adding you to the ban list when it ejects you.  Some folks don't bother giving consideration to what the implications of some settings are and thus don't even stop to think about default settings.

Yeah, it's definitely overkill.


Those people need to have a megaprim dropped on their heads.

Well, unless they're in Bellesseria.  Then ya gotta limit it to a 64x64x64.

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12 hours ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

I get really annoyed when people stand dead center at a landing point and you’re hovering over their heads looking silly because they refuse to move. I don’t get why people do that. I can’t move very far as every time I go to a sim with people, my FPS goes down to like 2.5, not joking. But, I still manage to at least move in case other people show up. Dunno why that annoys me so much but it does. 

I'm one of the people that does this! 

Well, kinda. For my own sanity, I wait until the area has almost entirely finished loading before trying to move. I'll move when I can see where I'm moving to - which I do, of course, just not for that first 30-60 seconds. Spending an hour at the landing zone? Hell yeah that's irritating.

A pet hate of mine is the sims which have obnoxious flashing signs demanding that you move off the landing zone immediately or be cursed with bad kisses for the next seven years (or some similar nonsense). Bonus points if you have an obnoxious host/bot (what's the difference amirite?) who IMs you to demand that you move off the landing zone. Just put in an unobtrusive landing zone clearer that moves avatars to the side, that's all that's needed.

On 4/29/2020 at 5:49 AM, Seicher Rae said:

It could have been any viewer, but it just so happened it was Black Dragon this time. I have insomnia (again) and so eff it I logged in and was taking photos. This was the first time for me with BD and underwater, so fidget, fuss, clickety, sliders, etc etc and right as I thought I had everything just about right to take the shot...


I have a present for you:


and it's sister HUD:


As a piece of advice for these: manual camera control overrides the HUD. You have to reset the camera (ie, hit escape once) to get the camera control to kick in. 

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And for another pet hate of mine:

People who cannot distinguish their justifiable nostalgia and often legitimate complaints about the current state of SL, with nonsensical Luddite-ism. 

It's completely legitimate to like things that are older, and arguably obsolete. It's okay to like something that is flawed. 100% okay. It's also completely justifiably to discuss the aspects of these things that are arguably better than their newer replacements. Often, those thoughts would be totally accurate.

System bodies are not better than the main brands of mesh bodies. Flexi hair and skirts are not better than the mesh equivalents. Modern SL avatars look better than their older counterparts - who in turn look better than their predecessors too. That's how progress works, and there is no point lying to yourself and pretending otherwise.

On the other hand, it's perfectly fine to lament the loss of the low-skill barrier that came with system layer clothing, and to miss the movements and motion that came with the (almost always hideous) flexi hair and skirts. Yes, many new creations come with a performance cost that can be a struggle. Those downsides are a) perfectly legitimate criticisms, and b) do not invalidate the overall and undeniable progress that has been made.

Deep down I think everyone understands this. I just wish a certain segment of the userbase would admit it.

Edited by AyelaNewLife
I did typo
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The game gets updated too quickly, for no reason but to appease the folks who can afford to buy $2000 systems several times a year.  The game is already fantastic enough without the new sparklies.  The "enhancements" hamper the rest of us.  Such as:

Buying a new computer, making sure it meets the specs to run SL before buying it, having it run SL fantastically at first -- then a mere six months later, SL starts to get laggy.  By the time you can afford a newer computer, the game is at a crawl.  It again works great once you've bought a new computer, installed more memory, or bought a better graphics card.  For six months or so.  Then it gets all laggy again.

Being told to go back to crappy-looking graphics settings and removing all your newer avi stuff to solve the above problem, yet having to pay full price for a computer program who's features no longer work on your system.

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Going to places only to find it's just a bunch of avis all sync-dancing to somebody spinning tunes, and no one is talking, let alone talking to you.

Places that advertise roleplaying, events, or contests, but when you go to them there's nobody there, and it's just a store.

Stores running contest-scams not just to build traffic, but with contests to win the best picture contest of pics where you model their stuff, and then they want to charge you for the stuff you need for the contest.

When friends drag me to go shopping in-game at one laggy and poorly organized place after another, instead of joining the 21st century and shopping online via a quick search on the Marketplace.

Poetry events that don't put the text in local chat, but rather insist everyone use voice only.  Some people have hearing issues.

Sex clubs that are anything but sexy.

People who don't read profiles.

Overly aggressive guys with no communication skills who don't bother to talk in local chat but rather immediately IM me only to say crap like "hey", " hi bb", or "wanna cyber?"

Guys who go to escort places and then scream about being so sexy that they've "never had to pay for it, and never will."

The ALL CAPPS and exclamation points!!!!!!! from the above guys.

Voice chats where no matter what volume level you set it to several people are whispering and several people are shouting.

Background noise in voice chats.

Yelling at people in RL while your Voice Chat mic is hot.




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15 minutes ago, Lillith Hapmouche said:

There is something significantly wrong if you PC performance decreases that dramatically within merely 6 months...


It happens every time I get a new system.  I can't figure it out.  Maybe it's just my perception, and it's longer than six months.  Either way, it's annoying to be expected to afford being able to upgrade so much, and to higher-end systems.  I've seen some improvement in FPS by disabling a lot of features and wearing older low-complexity avies, but then the graphics look like it's 2010 and my enjoyment level plummets.

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5 hours ago, halebore Aeon said:

That was my point, they don't need it. That all being said, they need to realize that A there are so many events, and B half the events are crap at marketing. That is why there is low traffic. People need to realize, that events have oversaturated the market. So if you need to have a DJ to promote an event. Should you really be running an event?


not only that, it is beyond arrogant to assume that everyone at your event will want to hear some DJ, I generally play my own choice of music everywhere I go except to clubs when i go for the express purpose of hearing the DJ.  I don't expect everyone to like my taste in music, why on Earth would the marketer assume everyone is going to like theirs?

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15 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

not only that, it is beyond arrogant to assume that everyone at your event will want to hear some DJ, I generally play my own choice of music everywhere I go except to clubs when i go for the express purpose of hearing the DJ.  I don't expect everyone to like my taste in music, why on Earth would the marketer assume everyone is going to like theirs?

I tend to have my own music going while at an event, that and I don't want to be having to cam through everyone on the event floor dancing. That and the lag, it would be so horrible.

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I'd like to take this time to remind people that anything which happened more than half a page ago might as well not exist. 

Expecting everyone to have read every letter of the previous hundred+ posts before joining in an ongoing discussion which has stretched over days is not practical. Having that unrealistic expectation and then flouncing out of the thread dramatically with some vague passive-aggressive references to being misunderstood and having "already addressed this" (whatever "this" might mean) just makes you look like a tool.

Don't be a tool.

Edit: As pointed out by Beth below, I am doing precisely this by posting this pet peeve here. So in this case, I am the tool. Don't be me.

Edited by AyelaNewLife
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39 minutes ago, AyelaNewLife said:

I'd like to take this time to remind people that anything which happened more than half a page ago might as well not exist. 

Expecting everyone to have read every letter of the previous hundred+ posts before joining in an ongoing discussion which has stretched over days is not practical. Having that unrealistic expectation and then flouncing out of the thread dramatically with some vague passive-aggressive references to being misunderstood and having "already addressed this" (whatever "this" might mean) just makes you look like a tool.

Don't be a tool.

@BeautifulXu did!  She found and quoted one of my posts from approximately halfway into the thread!  Kudos for your OCD, Beautiful!

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1 hour ago, AyelaNewLife said:

Having that unrealistic expectation and then flouncing out of the thread dramatically with some vague passive-aggressive references to being misunderstood and having "already addressed this" (whatever "this" might mean) just makes you look like a tool.

How many pages do I need to go back to figure out what/who this is addressing?? 😜

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