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What are some of your pet peeves?

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Heres some new ones

Creators who can't take constructive criticism of their products

SL Doms who don't read profiles, and asking me soemthing that could have been answered if they read it

People who drag things that have nothing to do with the topic being discussed simply because they don't agree with me

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33 minutes ago, IvyLarae said:

SL Doms who don't read profiles, and asking me something that could have been answered if they read it

Quite some of these "Dom(me)s" seem to not even have the ability to read profiles. 😈

35 minutes ago, IvyLarae said:

Creators who can't take constructive criticism of their products

"Waaah! That's *my* baby, it's perfect as it is!!!" <-- I've met lots of them in all my years in-world

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Vague questions are starting to peeve me. In other forums, people usually tell them their question is kind of vague and to refine it.

They usually go like this:

Vague person: Hey, I’m trying to do _______ but my _________ doesn’t __________. HAAALP!

Helpful person: Oh you just_______ in _________. That’ll fix it.

Helpful person2: No, that doesn’t work. ___________ your ____________ instead.

*thread gets long with people trying to be helpful, but the solution could be anything*

*week passes*

Vague person returns: Oh, all I had to do was detach the object and the box was removed from my head. Sorry, I wasn’t more clear! Thank you all so much for being so helpful. I figured it out right after I posted! Sorry!

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5 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

Vague questions are starting to peeve me. In other forums, people usually tell them their question is kind of vague and to refine it.

They usually go like this:

Vague person: Hey, I’m trying to do _______ but my _________ doesn’t __________. HAAALP!

Helpful person: Oh you just_______ in _________. That’ll fix it.

Helpful person2: No, that doesn’t work. ___________ your ____________ instead.

*thread gets long with people trying to be helpful, but the solution could be anything*

*week passes*

Vague person returns: Oh, all I had to do was detach the object and the box was removed from my head. Sorry, I wasn’t more clear! Thank you all so much for being so helpful. I figured it out right after I posted! Sorry!

We can play Mad Libs with your post!

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3 hours ago, janetosilio said:

Vague questions are starting to peeve me. In other forums, people usually tell them their question is kind of vague and to refine it.

They usually go like this:

Vague person: Hey, I’m trying to do _______ but my _________ doesn’t __________. HAAALP!

Helpful person: Oh you just_______ in _________. That’ll fix it.

Helpful person2: No, that doesn’t work. ___________ your ____________ instead.

*thread gets long with people trying to be helpful, but the solution could be anything*

*week passes*

Vague person returns: Oh, all I had to do was detach the object and the box was removed from my head. Sorry, I wasn’t more clear! Thank you all so much for being so helpful. I figured it out right after I posted! Sorry!

At least they came back to post their solution. 

People that ask for help for a specific problem, and simply say "I figured it out, thanks!" without detailing the solution are a special kind of evil.

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On 9/12/2019 at 11:36 AM, AnyaJurelle said:

Haven't read the previous 66 pages to see whether this has been covered but:

Stark white, clinical-looking in-world stores with transparent floors and/or/including white mist effects. They seem to have become a 'thing'. 

Loathe. Them. With. A. Passion. Makes me physically nauseous.

*cough* Doux / L'Etre *cough*


Pet peeve of the day (and recent history): when someone's annoyed by something they read/see/hear and have to argue about it as opposed to just letting it pass. Everyone has an opinion and everyone's entitled to share it, even if we drown each other out in the noise. Apparently the act of sharing is supposed to validate something? The world has gone mad.

Pet peeve #2 (related to #1): hypocritical posts denigrating hypocritical posters. 😏🤣

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One pet peeve my Linden friend (the one that told me about SL back in 1943) told me was is going to a club to enjoy music and getting bombarded with PMs asking him to fix that or do this. He ended up bailing after a few moments.

I still remember more recently one coming to my club to check out a performer and PMed me saying he'd like to enjoy the show but some were doing the same thing --- PMing for support. I ended up typing in local chat to please let the Linden staff person enjoy the music and lodge any issues with SL at the help desk on the website, and I posted the link too.

He stayed a bit longer and was able to enjoy part of the show before going back to work and only had one more PM come after my comment in local chat.

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I also experienced a demo so bad it made me not buy the product. It had:

1) a giant demo sign in front of the boots

2) only one boot

3) a 10 minute demo timer

4) only one texture available to preview when the full product supposedly had 5 of so

5) that texture had the word DEMO on it

Between all of that it really made me feel like the creator absolutely *loathes* his customers. So I did him a favor and didn't buy that pair.

Edited by Cinos Field
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Two ones tangentially related to Second Life:

People with multiple names. I can understand wanting to change your name, but being stuck with an out-of-date account name, that's fine. But if you're going to change your name, then actually change your name. If your account name reads "Claire", and your display name is "Megan", then your house should not be called "Naomiville", your blog should not be called "The Haus of Caroline", and your Flickr page should not be called "Jess's Flickr Page". Just be consistent!

And talking of Flickr; the Second Life community has a terrible reputation for being utterly incapable of using Groups correctly, a reputation that is fully justified. There are far too many people that just spam their work into every group, regardless of whether it's appropriate or not, relying on the fact that a great many of the SL Flickr Groups are a decade old and the administrators have long since quit. And I'm talking about the blatantly obvious stuff here, like posting generic female fashion blogs in "Hot Men of SL", or vendor adverts in a group named unambiguously after a sim. This afflicts people regardless of their actual talent, with talented artists and basic screencappers alike suffering the same lack of basic literacy. And it gives me the sads.

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16 hours ago, AnyaJurelle said:


The horrific shopping experience at TMP makes all others feel tame. Now I'm curious of your impression: More than a "pet peeve" or not? LOL

15 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I went there ONCE.  I'm not sure I'd wish that on my enemy.

That is because, based on the overwhelming majority of sentiments recorded enthuse these forums about anything TMP, I have come to the conclusion that they have declared any and all visitors to their premises to be an enemy of evil proportions, as it would seem they try their absolute best to discourage having any contact with them whatsoever, thereby ensuring that those who actually suffer the horrific shopping experience and make their way through to actually literally purchase their product at unheard-of prices for comparable product across the entire grid, are, in their minds, imbecile and masochist enough to actually pay for the privilege of being emotionally, intellectually, cognitively, and financially heavily-abused.

~Takes a deep breath and nods, nods~

(That long sentence is known as "verbose", sorry to everyone, it's literally opposite of my usual attempt at pithy communication. I just try to be entertaining in odd ways if I see an opportunity.) 


Edited by Alyona Su
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1 minute ago, Alyona Su said:

The horrific shopping experience at TMP makes all others feel tame. Now I'm curious of your impression: More than a "pet peeve" or not? LOL

That is because, based on the overwhelming majority of sentiments recorded enthuse forums about anything TMP, I have come to the conclusion that they have declared any and all visitors to their premises to be an enemy of evil proportions as it would seem they try their absolute best to discourage having any contact with them whatsoever, thereby ensuring that those who actually suffer the horrific shopping experience and make their way through to actually literally purchase their product at unheard-of prices for comparable product across the entire grid, are, in their minds, imbecile and masochist enough to actually pay for the privilege of being emotionally, intellectually, cognitively, and financially heavily-abused.

~Takes a deep breath and nods, nods~

LOL No - it actually made me feel physically nauseous - I wasn't trying to be sarky or anything. 

My impressions of the place - I personally don't get the obsession with a blinding, hard-to-see, clinical decor. It's not in the least bit attractive or  'artsy fartsy' to me - just seems a bit daft.

I did eventually find the demo, took it home, had a play, fell in love...remember the price tag and the seemingly overwhelming mistrust with the creator(s) and then heard my grandmother's sage advice: 'Act in haste, regret at leisure'.

So nah. I'll pass. At least, for now :)

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6 minutes ago, AnyaJurelle said:

My impressions of the place - I personally don't get the obsession with a blinding, hard-to-see, clinical decor. It's not in the least bit attractive or  'artsy fartsy' to me - just seems a bit daft.

I think Tetra is an example of how to do that style well. It has a similar (ish) feel, with the whole clinical abstract aesthetic, but is vastly easier to use. All the vendor boards are arced around a central landing point, with info boards and sales closer to the middle but without obscuring the view. Simple, effective, clean, efficient. Everything the TMP store is not.

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1 hour ago, AyelaNewLife said:

And talking of Flickr; the Second Life community has a terrible reputation for being utterly incapable of using Groups correctly

This is a community issue and it sort of cheapens the whole idea of Flickr and Second Life photography in general. 

Since it’s such a numbers game and quid pro quo as far as favorites go, I think we’re past the point of no return.


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1 minute ago, AyelaNewLife said:

I think Tetra is an example of how to do that style well. It has a similar (ish) feel, with the whole clinical abstract aesthetic, but is vastly easier to use. All the vendor boards are arced around a central landing point, with info boards and sales closer to the middle but without obscuring the view. Simple, effective, clean, efficient. Everything the TMP store is not.

Will have to check that out - cheers.

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On 9/12/2019 at 4:25 AM, LittleMe Jewell said:

Creators that send out a sale LM that drops you - and all 10,000 of your not-so-close friends -- right in front of the vendor, in a somewhat tight area that makes it difficult for everyone to stop standing on each other.

This is where an unnamed posemaker placed their Saturday Sale landmark today (and not for the first time):


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