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What are some of your pet peeves?

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2 hours ago, kali Wylder said:

When I need to greet someone who uses funny fonts, I just open their profile and copy it verbatim and paste it with my greeting.  It's not worth it to me to be peeved over someone else's affectation, I just let it slide.  Life is short.

On the other hand, why should we go to the extra effort of copy pasta if they can't go to the extra effort of making their name legible?

Me? I let it slide alright... to the point where if I can't read the name, I don't bother addressing them individually, so they slide right on out of my field of concern.

In a club hosting situation, a simple 'welcome to all new arrivals' is sufficient. If it isn't, you probably don't want them in your club anyway.

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2 hours ago, kali Wylder said:

When I need to greet someone who uses funny fonts, I just open their profile and copy it verbatim and paste it with my greeting.  It's not worth it to me to be peeved over someone else's affectation, I just let it slide.  Life is short.

I usually try to translate their gibberish to Latin script - I can read 4 non Latin scriptures - all those letters have a meaning. Much more fun.

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1 hour ago, IvyLarae said:

This has been a recent and new one for me, but people who use personal drama to try and get you fired from your SL job. I was recently accused of hacking, which I did not do all because I some how ended up as an owner of his personal friends and family group. I was reported for it, clearly LL knew I didn't do it, or I wouldn't still have my account now would I? Nothing doing this person...we'll call him Richard, Richard blew it all out of proportion and went to the club where me and my mother works, me as a hostess and her as a manager, and tried to get us fired, telling them that we had terrorized him, hacked him, etc.


It takes a special sort of low to use personal drama as a means if getting me and the people I care for fired

Honestly things ike that I just file under one, much larger scale peeve: General idiocy where the software functions are concerned. The guy would have to add you, assign the Owner role and then click through a locely little warning box telling him that if he proceeds he is giving you the exact same powers he has and that he cannot undo that action.

In general these are the same sort of people who - offline -  would ignore rather clear safety warnings or lack enough "common sense" to require new ones be printed.

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1 hour ago, Selene Gregoire said:

In a club hosting situation, a simple 'welcome to all new arrivals' is sufficient.

Personally I'd rather hosts did that anyway, whether I have a squiggly name or not - being greeted directly by name the moment I arrive on the sim is on my list of pet peeves.

It's even worse when it turns out I'm the only arrival. It feels like an emotional manipulation 'trap' designed to make me feel too uncomfortable to just leave! Really I just wanted to blend into the background and listen to some music, but now I feel like I have to make small talk, discuss the weather where I am and talk about cats and that sort of thing. So I make my excuses and get away as soon as I can "Oops I think I left the oven on. See ya later! Bye!"

At least if it's a busy club I can sneak right back out of the back door without anybody really noticing.

Edited by wesleytron
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1 hour ago, Selene Gregoire said:

On the other hand, why should we go to the extra effort of copy pasta if they can't go to the extra effort of making their name legible?

Me? I let it slide alright... to the point where if I can't read the name, I don't bother addressing them individually, so they slide right on out of my field of concern.

In a club hosting situation, a simple 'welcome to all new arrivals' is sufficient. If it isn't, you probably don't want them in your club anyway.

nah, when I host, I greet each person individually.  My job is to make everyone feel welcome.  I call them by their display name unless or until they tell me to do otherwise. I don't judge people by their names alone, they might be a perfectly delightful person who made a silly display name and can't change it for 7 days so I give them the benefit of the doubt.

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3 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

nah, when I host, I greet each person individually.  My job is to make everyone feel welcome.  I call them by their display name unless or until they tell me to do otherwise. I don't judge people by their names alone, they might be a perfectly delightful person who made a silly display name and can't change it for 7 days so I give them the benefit of the doubt.


At SL16B, a very friendly lady greeted me personally, like "Welcome, Kira!" And she very kindly explained several things about the fair. Now, I know it sounds a bit childish -- or maybe like I'm insecure or something -- but I really appreciated that. :) The personal touch is just so much more, erm, personal, LOL. Not that I expect that of everyone, or even feel that they should do that, but it sure made me feel happy that they did. 😊

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2 hours ago, kali Wylder said:

nah, when I host, I greet each person individually.  My job is to make everyone feel welcome.  I call them by their display name unless or until they tell me to do otherwise. I don't judge people by their names alone, they might be a perfectly delightful person who made a silly display name and can't change it for 7 days so I give them the benefit of the doubt.

What do you call people who don't use display names? :P

I'm kidding. We each have our own way of greeting customers that works for us. Maybe not always the customer but then you can't please everyone all the time.

The greeting I used wasn't verbatim. I used 'all' to include everyone since I wasn't speaking of or to just one person. So that wasn't worded as well as it could have been.

Anyway, to each their own! :D

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2 hours ago, kiramanell said:

The personal touch is just so much more, erm, personal

Well sure and I love it when it happens. But, unless you are a regular in a bar/club in RL, just how often are you going to be greeted by name?

I used to hang in bars where at least the employees knew my face and could put a name to it. It was lovely. Being anonymous (or the equivalent of, in SL) sometimes is lovely too.

So... why not both? 

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3 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Well sure and I love it when it happens. But, unless you are a regular in a bar/club in RL, just how often are you going to be greeted by name?

I used to hang in bars where at least the employees knew my face and could put a name to it. It was lovely. Being anonymous (or the equivalent of, in SL) sometimes is lovely too.

So... why not both? 

Selene! Where the hell have you been? We've all been itching for you to post!

When I visit a new venue, I sometimes start greeting subsequent arrivals as if they're "Norm!" from "Cheers". I have no idea if they're regulars or first-timers like me, and I don't care. I greet them as if everyone else in the venue has been waiting for them. I'll perv their profiles for material to make the welcome even more personal. This has confused a few people over the years, but the response has been generally positive, including from the venue regulars, who are sometimes just as confused.

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5 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

Selene! Where the hell have you been? We've all been itching for you to post!

When I visit a new venue, I sometimes start greeting subsequent arrivals as if they're "Norm!" from "Cheers". I have no idea if they're regulars or first-timers like me, and I don't care. I greet them as if everyone else in the venue has been waiting for them. I'll perv their profiles for material to make the welcome even more personal. This has confused a few people over the years, but the response has been generally positive, including from the venue regulars, who are sometimes just as confused.

You're my kind of host/ess with the most/ess.


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Builders that build local lights into a build that are on full nuke mode and no modify!

but the BIGGEST is   i friended a girl named I think Becky, so lets look in the friends list. Nope, nothing in the "B"s! instead her name is a combination of scribbles and random made up symbols that somehow form her name! 

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(When people type that^ instead of say what they mean. There are more mature ways of handling a situation that don't involve this stroll through not-so-subtle passive aggressiveness…  The only person allowed to talk down to me is me. And maybe my mother. She scares me!) 😨

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Shop peeves:

1) bombarded with group invites and notes/landmarks upon entering.

2) Doubly so if there is a join fee. Automatic group invites for expensive groups are the best way to drive me off.

2.5) advertised "freebies" that require me to join your 500 linden group.

3) forced landing point so I can't just appear in front of the vendor I wanted.

4) point 3, and flight is disabled so I can't even fly to the vendor.

5) needing to activate the group tag to receive store credit. Just register it by avatar key, which you store anyway since you're using vendors that allow redelivery!

6) unclear perms. Some things I'm fine with being no mod, others 100% need to be mod. Also, unclear land impact. If I don't know if your furniture thing is 1 or 20 LI I'm not buying it!



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8 minutes ago, Cinos Field said:

1) bombarded with group invites and notes/landmarks upon entering.

Those are the best,... as if turning up didn't clearly proof I found the shop already... if you want to remind me to store a LM give me a popup greeter menu that just offers me one (I usually see them with group invite, store LM and no thanks options)

I also wish Casper would offer to disable that delayed LM tossing on an invidual basis - same logics as above - I bought something there - please don't try to tell me where the store is after a purchase - do you think we are stupid?

Edited by Fionalein
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6 hours ago, RaeLeeH said:


(When people type that^ instead of say what they mean. There are more mature ways of handling a situation that don't involve this stroll through not-so-subtle passive aggressiveness…  The only person allowed to talk down to me is me. And maybe my mother. She scares me!) 😨







/me runs

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5 hours ago, Fionalein said:

Those are the best,... as if turning up didn't clearly proof I found the shop already... if you want to remind me to store a LM give me a popup greeter menu that just offers me one (I usually see them with group invite, store LM and no thanks options)

I also wish Casper would offer to disable that delayed LM tossing on an invidual basis - same logics as above - I bought something there - please don't try to tell me where the store is after a purchase - do you think we are stupid?

Gem? Is that you?

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5 hours ago, Fionalein said:

Those are the best,... as if turning up didn't clearly proof I found the shop already... if you want to remind me to store a LM give me a popup greeter menu that just offers me one (I usually see them with group invite, store LM and no thanks options)

I also wish Casper would offer to disable that delayed LM tossing on an invidual basis - same logics as above - I bought something there - please don't try to tell me where the store is after a purchase - do you think we are stupid?

Another one to add to that, is when you are added to a stores subscription database without your knowledge. So you go into the store, or you just buy an object. Next week you are getting reminders via local chat, that said store is having a sale. Or look at said stores new product. And you know for a fact, that you had not subscribed to them. That also goes for events, and when people troll events to add people to their subscription lists. Trust me, I got ones from DJs, a building school, and multiple stores. I also got one from Gacha Guardian, and well let's just say I was banned from their group. Just because I asked 3 or 4 times politely, over 5 or 6 months. And I would get the same thing. Go to this LM, yeah you gave me the wrong damn LM. Essentially to end my whole rant, if I wanted to subscribe to something. I will click a kiosk, I would like to know what I am subscribing to. So I don't wind up getting notecard spam from hundreds of things, with my name in their subscription list. Without my Consent or Knowledge.

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9 minutes ago, halebore Aeon said:

Another one to add to that, is when you are added to a stores subscription database without your knowledge. So you go into the store, or you just buy an object. Next week you are getting reminders via local chat, that said store is having a sale.

Sadly, this is my SL every time I log on, hit with a tidal wave of subscription spam.

To piggyback off that: when you unpack an item and you get hit with a subscription dialogue before you get the unpack dialogue.

My pet peeve right now are those group chats where there’s no discussion just someone saying the lucky letters that are currently in the store.

Rando: Lucky letters are F J G O M G I S U K

Me: *Leaves group*

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1 minute ago, janetosilio said:

Sadly, this is my SL every time I log on, hit with a tidal wave of subscription spam.

To piggyback off that: when you unpack an item and you get hit with a subscription dialogue before you get the unpack dialogue.

My pet peeve right now are those group chats where there’s no discussion just someone saying the lucky letters that are currently in the store.

Rando: Lucky letters are F J G O M G I S U K

Me: *Leaves group*

Mine too. When it comes to subscriptions, the whole bull crap of you ask them politely to take you out, and they either give you this generic response. We don't have you in our list. Well dip Sh*t you do, or I wouldn't be getting notecards in my inventory about your new product. Or the best one, is being told to go to this specific LM, and it either turns out to be someones property, which is owned by the same person. For which you are yelled to get out, and treated like a troll, no matter how much you explain yourself. It's an empty plot, or it's been safeguarded by an orb. Like seriously, just take me out of the god damned list. How hard is it to erase a name out of a list?

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20 minutes ago, wesleytron said:

People whose only contribution to local chat is to comment on how nobody is talking in local chat.

That's really more for attention, basically it's. I'm bored, does someone want to talk to me in group chat? This person usually thinks that it's the responsibility of others to keep them busy. If they really wanted to contribute, they would initiate a conversation. Like saying hey, and asking how people are doing, or talking about a hot topic, or if they are observant. Use the sim they are at to their advantage, and start a conversation about that.

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49 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

Sadly, this is my SL every time I log on, hit with a tidal wave of subscription spam.

To piggyback off that: when you unpack an item and you get hit with a subscription dialogue before you get the unpack dialogue.

My pet peeve right now are those group chats where there’s no discussion just someone saying the lucky letters that are currently in the store.

Rando: Lucky letters are F J G O M G I S U K

Me: *Leaves group*


44 minutes ago, halebore Aeon said:

Mine too. When it comes to subscriptions, the whole bull crap of you ask them politely to take you out, and they either give you this generic response. We don't have you in our list. Well dip Sh*t you do, or I wouldn't be getting notecards in my inventory about your new product. Or the best one, is being told to go to this specific LM, and it either turns out to be someones property, which is owned by the same person. For which you are yelled to get out, and treated like a troll, no matter how much you explain yourself. It's an empty plot, or it's been safeguarded by an orb. Like seriously, just take me out of the god damned list. How hard is it to erase a name out of a list?

My answer to the auto-subscribe nonsense is two-fold: 1) IM the owner and, being polite, let them know that they may not be aware that "spamming" with those are actually a violation of TOS, and I don't want to be that person who does ARs, so could you please remove me from the list that machine uses? 2-of-5 times they are polite back and remove me. 1-in-5 never responds and the rest are the rude ones. So, 2) I AR then block them.

Though I do agree: those things are a major annoyance.

Edited by Alyona Su
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