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What are some of your pet peeves?

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16 minutes ago, AmandaKeen said:


03..People who include "Master" in their Display Name. 

04..People who work in SL under one name, have a different Display Name and yet an even DIFFERENT System Name. Confuse much?

Re: 03...  That isn't a peeve of mine, rather makes me amused every time I see that. "Master", "Mistress" or "Dom(me)" as Display name only gives ME the impression that this person has some trouble with their own self-consciousness.

I mean, those titles as group tags, okay, I myself use such a group tag at times - but as Display names, that's just ridiculous to me. YMMV.


Re: 04: That's really confusing. :o

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2 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

it is still your fault in the eyes of Linden Lab. 

In the eyes of LL, yes, but that doesn't make it the correct thing to do. It is easy enough to prove innocence just by comparing IPs on the account in question. Unless, of course, someone has figured out a way to spoof IP addresses that I haven't heard about. This is just one of the many examples of LL covering their @$$ at what some might consider the expense of the residents. It's all part of the way LL does business. Which, as we all know, is rarely (if ever these days) is in the best interest of the customer.

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5 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

It MAY be that the the poster's account has been phished.  It could also be that the poster created an account for this purpose.  However, the ToS specifically states that you are responsible for whatever is done with your account.  If you got phished, and the phishers use your account to lure others, it is still your fault in the eyes of Linden Lab.  This is why it is so important to report a possible compromise of your account as soon as possible.

While on the whole you're right and that is a possibility, that can usually be ruled out with a quick, 30 second check of the profile in question. Several years old, a whole range of groups including paid sim groups, photos of the (mesh) avatar, a couple of picks... yeah, that's a victim.

Edit: Daily reminder that we still don't have 2FA for accounts that are hooked up to credit cards, which is a criminal negligence lawsuit waiting to happen (also daily reminder that a terms of service is literal toilet paper whenever it conflicts with the appropriate set of laws).

Edited by AyelaNewLife
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5 hours ago, AmandaKeen said:

01..Unreadable Fancy Fonts for Display names that are VERY different from the avatar's system name.

02..People who get angry when you call them by their system name, because their display name is unreadable.

03..People who include "Master" in their Display Name. 

04..People who work in SL under one name, have a different Display Name and yet an even DIFFERENT System Name. Confuse much?


And I think #2 is the big one there. If you want to use four different names or use an unreadable mess of symbols because you're still in the early 2000s MSN mindset, then sure whatever go for it. Coupling that with getting annoyed whenever people use your system name? How about no.

I do love it when Miss Garbagename moans at someone on a phone viewer, or any other that renders the special characters as a row of boxes. That's always fun.

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11 hours ago, AmandaKeen said:

01..Unreadable Fancy Fonts for Display names that are VERY different from the avatar's system name.

02..People who get angry when you call them by their system name, because their display name is unreadable.

03..People who include "Master" in their Display Name. 

04..People who work in SL under one name, have a different Display Name and yet an even DIFFERENT System Name. Confuse much?

While I do agree with most of this, the fourth entry is one that I can somewhat understand ... It's been my experience that it is far more common with those who RP as more than one character - be it on the same sim or on several sims. Display Names have a seven day timer that is triggered each time you change your name - completely useless if you're not spending an entire week in one place, as one character.

It can also simply be that their Display Name is set to a character's name for when they are Role Playing and that they do so often enough to feel that there is no need whatsoever to change it.

Not all that confusing to be honest ... but it does take a certain mindset to untangle it.

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Honestly,I think a lot of the pet peeves that I had were from years ago..I think removing myself from the places I was and the crowds that I would hang in solved a lot of that..

They are nice places to visit,but living there was really rough at times.. I think it was just too many ego's in one place..Mine included,because I sure wasn't the cure..hehehehe

I think the biggest peeve I've had lately was the other day when my inventory went poof.. That's about all that I can think of really,and even then after the initial shock of it all..I was like,well if it doesn't come back,then i guess this is it until I feel like starting over..If I ever do.

They got it back pretty quick ,which was nice..

If I had to pick something,it would probably be griefers, even though sometimes they really crack me up with the things they come up with..Like this one time hearing "Hey Hey Hey!" Jello Pudding" over and over, while the blocks filling the sim had picture of Bill Cosby on them.. At the time it just had me in tears laughing..hehehehe

I really haven't seen many of those kind of griefer attacks in a good while though,to be honest..

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21 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

While I do agree with most of this, the fourth entry is one that I can somewhat understand ... It's been my experience that it is far more common with those who RP as more than one character - be it on the same sim or on several sims. Display Names have a seven day timer that is triggered each time you change your name - completely useless if you're not spending an entire week in one place, as one character.

It can also simply be that their Display Name is set to a character's name for when they are Role Playing and that they do so often enough to feel that there is no need whatsoever to change it.

Not all that confusing to be honest ... but it does take a certain mindset to untangle it.

Normally that’s not a peeve unless they also resort to #2 when the uninitiated use the wrong name for the situation....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today's pet peeve / irritation (since it has now happened multiple times): Creators that send out notecards containing pictures & information about items at an event that ended days ago or an inworld sale that has already ended -- i.e. sending out the same notecard over and over w/out bothering to update it to remove stuff that is no longer valid.

I now remember why I left this store group last year.

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2 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Today's pet peeve / irritation (since it has now happened multiple times): Creators that send out notecards containing pictures & information about items at an event that ended days ago or an inworld sale that has already ended -- i.e. sending out the same notecard over and over w/out bothering to update it to remove stuff that is no longer valid.

I now remember why I left this store group last year.

Mind me asking which store this is? Lol

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  • 2 months later...
2 hours ago, Skeeter Jinx said:

People that complain about nonsense

Grammatical errors.  It's supposed to be "People WHO complain about nonsense".  You're not alone though.  Lots of people do it but it drives me insane.

Well, they asked...


Edited by Linda Reddevil
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My biggest pet peeve I no longer have to deal with and that was the absurd amount of paperwork involved with end of year performance reviews.  The 5 to 7 page goals and objectives, the 2 to 3 page strength/opportunities and top 5 achievements, the web based Individual Development plan and finally the one page highlight of the year.  The bureaucracy of this alone was staggering in its inefficiency.  The dog and pony show for the interview is all that really mattered as long as you had a ton of nonsensical bis-speak verbiage in all the other documents.

No more!

No more mandatory meetings that are completely out of scope.
No more commute.
No more ... well, I guess I still have to piss someone off to get anything done but at least they are not my boss.


My Second Life pet peeve is the over use of Linden Lovin'.  It sounds like a double condom required kind of thing. 


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4 hours ago, Tabris Daxter said:

I don't know if its been said yet.

Having the "voice dot" but then in profile saying that they don't voice.

why can't LL make voice OFF by default

People might want to listen but only type in chat or they may only want to voice with certain people.  You are assuming that the voice dot means that a) the person wants to voice or b) wants to voice with you without being asked first.  If you change your assumptions, you might find that it no longer peeves you.

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On 12/14/2018 at 1:25 AM, Solar Legion said:


  • Any user with an obvious chip on their shoulder Users that think everyone likes to explore or ride/use vehicles and thus Linden Lab must do something to cater to them.

Seems like LL was listening to those who like to use vehicles because they have been catered to with the new Linden home communities. I think they ticked off a few peoples wish lists on what they would like to see in SL. Cudos to LL.

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When im looking for a place to hang out. I search a place and check the map. I see green dots so tp there only to find a quiet place full of bots. My reaction usually goes along the lines of...

You mother-f- ing girl dog, piece of faeces trash, traffic female corner worker C word, booty hole.

Or something like that before I breath and TP out.

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Even on World Ma

2 hours ago, ananoelle said:

When im looking for a place to hang out. I search a place and check the map. I see green dots so tp there only to find a quiet place full of bots. My reaction usually goes along the lines of...

You mother-f- ing girl dog, piece of faeces trash, traffic female corner worker C word, booty hole.

Or something like that before I breath and TP out.

Even on world map and especially minimap you can often tell when it's bots. On world map a single dot evenly spaced apart in some general pattrern and on minimap a large stack of dots way up high. I don;t think I've stayed longer than three seconds when I see those.

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22 hours ago, ananoelle said:

Seems like LL was listening to those who like to use vehicles because they have been catered to with the new Linden home communities.

Which was a mistake, plain and simple.

Now there is a user demographic that will likely expect the same acquiescence in future projects and which has already suggested it be retroactively applied to all Mainland. This despite the current project essentially begin a revamping of the Linden Homes project.

They even made the mistake of connecting the new LH continent to two Mainland areas, further giving the wrong impression and in more than one way.

They get no Kudos for that.

They do get Kudos for updating the original Linden Homes program and partially doing away with the issue of being stuck with a singular house form within the categories offered (they did say more than the current crop are planned after all).

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2 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

Which was a mistake, plain and simple.

Now there is a user demographic that will likely expect the same acquiescence in future projects and which has already suggested it be retroactively applied to all Mainland. This despite the current project essentially begin a revamping of the Linden Homes project.

They even made the mistake of connecting the new LH continent to two Mainland areas, further giving the wrong impression and in more than one way.


Yeah, and they made this big new area where nobody wants to live because they did what the vehicle users want.


Oh, wait...


Sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder.

Theresa Tennyson digs out her old, old "Female Schoolgirl" starter avatar self so she can giggle properly.

Edited by Theresa Tennyson
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1 hour ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

Yeah, and they made this big new area where nobody wants to live because they did what the vehicle users want.


Oh, wait...


Sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder.

Theresa Tennyson digs out her old, old "Female Schoolgirl" starter avatar self so she can giggle properly.

Try again, on all fronts.

Start by reading what was said, then asking questions since you've obviously read your own take into what was written.

Edited by Solar Legion
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1 hour ago, Solar Legion said:

Try again, on all fronts.

Start by reading what was said, then asking questions since you've obviously read your own take into what was written.

Okay, explain why it was a "mistake." The user demographic you were referring to already exists and catering to it doesn't seem to be having a negative effect on the project's popularity.

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