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What are some of your pet peeves?

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I can assume it isn't laughing at humour, Belinda. I am perfectly capable of recognising humour, even when it doesn't make me even smile. And I am perfectly capable of recognising scornful laughter. You probably don't notice it, but I do.....

....... because it's one of my pet peeves ;)

ETA: Incidentally, I didn't say that the post you 'laughed' with or at was an example. I could conceive of a reason to laugh, but I asked you what it was, because I didn't think that it would be reason enough to warrant a laugh reaction. When I said that it's occured in this thread, it wasn't the post you laughed at/with that I was thinking of.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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3 hours ago, KT Kingsley said:

Let's be positive! These are some of the things I like:

  • Greeters than only greet you with notecards and landmarks the first time you visit
  • Greeters that offer you notecards that say something about the place, and not just "Sample notecard text"
  • Landing points that don't require you to run the gauntlet of affiliate vendors to get to the action
  • Search listings that don't point to areas controlled by security orbs
  • Sunbathing beaches that aren't permanently in shadow
  • Object givers that give you multiple items in a folder, rather than one by one
  • Marketplace stores that give you your stuff in folders, rather than in boxes

I mean, you can do what you want in regards to this topic, to me ( I am only speaking for myself here, I don't claim to speak for anyone else) though its kind of spiteful and counter productive to try to derail a topic when you can create one of your own. I'm not trying to sound rude I just don't really see a point or reason to go on a specific topic and try to change it

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1 minute ago, Phil Deakins said:

Last bit of what?

I do disapprove of using the button for scorn. I posted that. It wasn't a dig. That's what this thread is about. Remember?

Ssssssshhhhhh, Phil. Sssssshhhhh.



No . . . no. Don't hit "Quote." Just ssssshhhh.



See? All better now. 🙂

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Just now, Klaineanderson said:

People who makes 10 alts, and all of them are  same and even profile text.

Unreadable names


I have( not including this account) 4 other alts that I use, semi regularly and although some of the picks I have on them are the same, I try my best to make each profile unique, and yeah, screw unreadable fancy fonts so hard xD

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Here's another pet peeve that has started to rear up in the last few months

I have decided to make this account, when I role-play on BDSM/ adult themed sims, a full time dominant role when I am on her and despite all my other alts being reserved as submissive roles, I have had quite a few people, men specifically get in my IM's and be overly-flirty-but-more-aggressive in there attempts to try and get me to submit. This specifically happened a LOT when I was a lead role of this sim, I would get quite a bit of hassle from this one guy who was like " I bet I could make you submit" and other rather explicit things I am not comfortable posting on a forum and I just kept thinking " I HAVE A PICK talking about this specific thing....I don't make my alts a secret....does it really hurt y'alls pride so much to see a woman in a dominant role?"

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My only real peeve, if I had to call it one, would be people(and this applies to the forums, sl, life..) would be people that take things, themselves, life, others, far too seriously-pretty much ALL of the time, and those folks are more often than not VERY close minded, they just don't realize it. It's really ok to laugh at stupid things we do, stupid things others do, stupid things we're part of, stupid things we say...or, really, even not stupid things. Laughter keeps the human population alive, it might not be as important as,oh, oxygen and nutrition, but it's pretty high up there. It can also help lessen the blow for *actual serious problems, sometimes  (sl peeves are not actual serious problems, lol, but it can help with rl ones)

Some people have way too many peeves, and I can't imagine that's all too healthy for the human psyche...though I could be wrong, maybe it is. If I let every single thing I came across in sl that I didn't like bother me, my sl would be miserable. I can't imagine having as many peeves as some people do, or being as bothered by them as some of the posts seem to come across, lol. Not knocking those people, just wondering how they managed being in sl at all with some of those irritants, I can imagine it's not all that easy for them. That's kinda sad, well, to me it is, to them, I'm certain it's not. 

Edited by Tari Landar
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2 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

Some people have way too many peeves, [...]

This is so true. "Peeve" is a stronger word than "annoyance", so I'm not sure that I have any peeves (I may and don;t realize it, as you say,) though I admit I do have annoyances. I think I can also be annoying to others, I suspect. But it's okay if you laugh at me I'll willingly tuck my tail between my legs and sulk away with hurt feelings (I get hurt feelings a lot, but prefer to just let it go, because letting others have the last word of stuff is how drama is avoided).

I believe the difference is between annoyances and peeves is that with peeves, we tend to express them a bit openly and, perhaps, more harshly than intended, whereas a simple annoyance is something we usually keep to ourselves.

This is just my own purview, I don't claim to be on the Oxford Dictionary staff or anything. ~snorts~

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This is the only "major" pet peeve I have in SL. The rest are all minor, not worth mentioning and usually end with me either walking away or just clamming up.

People who insist that if you don't have voice on you are not the gender in RL that you present as in SL and are therefore intentionally being deceptive. Do you really think no one in SL is deaf or has hearing loss? Voice is off because I do have hearing loss AND tinnitus. Be thankful I'm willing to spare you and myself the frustration of constantly asking people to repeat what they say as much as 5 or 6 times so I can understand them. I can NOT read your lips in SL ffs.

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4 minutes ago, Ren Toxx said:

I bathe in them. Rasputin was my mentor.


See...funny :D

I love humor, even humor from others that I may or may not fully understand. Humor accomplishes so much more than annoyance, irritation, bother...really do.

(which seems counter productive since it's typically when bother comes into play that things get fixed/changed...but, I digress..different topic, different day lol)

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17 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

"Peeve" is a stronger word than "annoyance", so I'm not sure that I have any peeves (I may and don;t realize it, as you say,) though I admit I do have annoyances.

For me it's the other way around. A "pet peeve" is a minor annoyance that most people are fine with, or is otherwise irrational. By definition it's petty, and not a major issue. But the definition is also open to your (and others') interpretation; neither is "wrong". That's just how a rapidly-evolving mishmash of several radically different language groups works (ie, it works badly and inconsistently).

I added this little one at the end of my list just to make that point though :P although gesturespammers do have no soul


People that instablock anyone that breaches their pet peeves, rather than just being slightly annoyed at someone else's choices (apart from gesturespammers, they deserve it)


Edited by AyelaNewLife
clarification added
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26 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

My only real peeve, if I had to call it one, would be people(and this applies to the forums, sl, life..) would be people that take things, themselves, life, others, far too seriously-pretty much ALL of the time, and those folks are more often than not VERY close minded, they just don't realize it. It's really ok to laugh at stupid things we do, stupid things others do, stupid things we're part of, stupid things we say...or, really, even not stupid things. Laughter keeps the human population alive, it might not be as important as,oh, oxygen and nutrition, but it's pretty high up there. It can also help lessen the blow for *actual serious problems, sometimes  (sl peeves are not actual serious problems, lol, but it can help with rl ones)

Some people have way too many peeves, and I can't imagine that's all too healthy for the human psyche...though I could be wrong, maybe it is. If I let every single thing I came across in sl that I didn't like bother me, my sl would be miserable. I can't imagine having as many peeves as some people do, or being as bothered by them as some of the posts seem to come across, lol. Not knocking those people, just wondering how they managed being in sl at all with some of those irritants, I can imagine it's not all that easy for them. That's kinda sad, well, to me it is, to them, I'm certain it's not. 

I laugh at myself all the time. I have things come out of my mouth, that catch me by surprise like "What the *Bleep* did I just say?! one of my major flaws is speaking before I speak...some times it ends well and we just laugh, other times I get added to peoples blocked list LOL

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Furniture which wants add something for you to wear. This happens for example when I click "Drinking".

The furniture menu

Then it asks for permission to attach the drinking glass. But the permission window is under the furniture menu! :S  Then I have to move the furniture menu to reveal the permission window. Why? Naturally the permission window should be on top of the furniture menu.

In my parcel I have accepted the AVsitter experience so it doesn't ask the permission to attach things to avatar. But the AVsitter experience is not a grid wide accepted experience (and for a good reason too, it isn't) so anywhere else it will ask the permission with that hidden permission window.

I wonder is this a bug in the the permission window, or a "feature" for which nothing can be done to correct the behaviour?

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4 minutes ago, Coby Foden said:

Furniture which wants add something for you to wear. This happens for example when I click "Drinking".

The furniture menu

Then it asks for permission to attach the drinking glass. But the permission window is under the furniture menu! :S  Then I have to move the furniture menu to reveal the permission window. Why? Naturally the permission window should be on top of the furniture menu.

In my parcel I have accepted the AVsitter experience so it doesn't ask the permission to attach things to avatar. But the AVsitter experience is not a grid wide accepted experience (and for a good reason too, it isn't) so anywhere else it will ask the permission with that hidden permission window.

I wonder is this a bug in the the permission window, or a "feature" for which nothing can be done to correct the behaviour?

I don't remember where it is but there is an option in firestorm preferences that has the windows cascade down so they don't overlap. Maybe someone will read this that remembers where it is and post it.

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3 minutes ago, Coby Foden said:

Furniture which wants add something for you to wear.

That would be a good pet peeve. Furniture is not supposed to give you drinks. Especially couches and chairs. A tray with glasses handing out drinks would already be an improvement. Getting a glass from the actual host, or picking one from the cupboard is usually the way to go.

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2 minutes ago, Coby Foden said:

I wonder is this a bug in the the permission window, or a "feature" for which nothing can be done to correct the behaviour?

I think it's a feature that's never really been looked at, though I have no proof to back that up. Logically speaking, the last menu/info box opened SHOULD be on top. That's speaking purely from a functional standpoint, though, the code for such things *typically uses logic that insists on a logical order(make sense?) logical order would be "the communication from last thing I interacted with, should be on top". Well, I should say, that's how it usually is. Clearly, that logic is not followed in sl coding, but I'm not certain if there's a specific reason for it. I've always thought it was simply something so low on the totem pole that it wasn't worth looking into, lol.  I can't remember this ever not being the case in sl, but there very well may have been a time when this worked better. 

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Fortunately, the things that annoy me have easy options for removing the annoyance.

1.) particles that flash at events that trigger migraines (set particle's way down in preferences),

2.) chat spam at concerts that makes social conversing nearly impossible (enable spam filter in firestorm),

3.) people dancing on huds that run over those around them constantly with no regard for anyone's personal space (derender or block the offenders),

4.) conference calls from casual acquaintances who only want to spam invites to concerts/events (defriend in that case)

5.) here in the forums .. my annoyance is my own fault for letting myself get goaded into responding when I should keep my hands off the keyboard. I haven't found a good solution for this one yet as blocking someone is counter productive to what I wish to gain from the forums, which is gaining more information about Second Life and it's residents and being a productive part of the conversation.




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