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Dream a little dream of SL

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Ian says that he does not dream of SL when he sleeps.  Does this make him a freak, is he in denial, or is he just forgetting those deep REM dreams?  Anyway, this OP is not about Ian, but about you (/me points to each reader).

Do you dream of SL?  Do you dream of specific people you know, places you have been or something else entirely?

I remember dreaming about SL for the first time. It was rather mundane.  I was in a club where my friend was a DJ and she would not play a request for me.  She often teased me like this (damn her!). 

Other dreams have involved riding a train, sitting under palm trees, flying, and a myraid of things.

What about you?  If you have dreamed of SL, what was it like?

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What an incredibly timely topic, Venus. I hadn't dreamed of SL since my early SL days... until just last night. I had a dream related to the You Only Live Twice thread in the Favorite Destinations forum. I can't give specifics because it's possible that some of what I dreamed now may make it into the storyline of that thread.

Fun idea for a topic!

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I dream very often of SL, mostly of my house. Sometimes however I dream I am discussing with REAL people in my SL home and our conversation shows in the local chat! :smileyvery-happy: I'm starting to wonder if I should go see a shrink! :smileytongue:

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So the other night, I dreamed that I forgot to chain my brand new dingy boat to my dock and Dwight Shelford had stolen it from me including my Shisha set and my rocking chair. In my dream, I sort of guessed that Dwight Shelford had gone mad after seeing a picture of me and a friend of mine waltzing the floor away in a most magical setting ever. I suppose after almost 10 months of me persuing him... and declaring my love... and countless offering of partnership, I had given up with his cold and silent treatments and he was not too happy about it.

Anyway, I got up and immediately logged on to SL and Tp'd in to my parcel. My boat was still there but for some reason I can't sail it anymore.. it just wont move.. my Shisha set is not puffing smokes and my rocking chair has become panthom. And if that wasn't enough, my neighbour had crash landed his plane next to my parcel.. I can only hope he survived.

I was told Virgos are sometimes psychic... didn't know it will extend into virtual world. :smileyindifferent:

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A couple of days ago my SL friend lost her kittycat (one of those breedable cats, quite cute).  He was nowhere.  That night i dreamt we found him under a chair (at which point he transmuted into an RL cat, but forget that bit).  Next day he was nowhere to be seen in Phoenix,  but he turned up in her Lost and Found in V2.

This is by no means an ad for V2; however, i did find it interesting that he didn't show up in Phoenix.  Anyhow, we were just pleased that he was returned to her safe and sound, and none the worse for his adventure. :smileyhappy:

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I had spent a long day terraforming, photographing and updating listings for several large sections of land. Exhausted, I lay down by the water in the shade of a hill. When I woke up several hours later, I could remember my dream quite vividly. I dreamed I was doing housework in preparation for guests - dusting, vacuuming, tidying up papers that had collected during the week. It was a nice day, sunny and warm. I had a roast slow-cooking in the oven. The last thing I remember was going to the kitchen to wash the potatoes.

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Deltango Vale wrote:

I had spent a long day terraforming, photographing and updating listings for several large sections of land. Exhausted, I lay down by the water in the shade of a hill. When I woke up several hours later, I could remember my dream quite vividly. I dreamed I was doing housework in preparation for guests - dusting, vacuuming, tidying up papers that had collected during the week. It was a nice day, sunny and warm. I had a roast slow-cooking in the oven. The last thing I remember was going to the kitchen to wash the potatoes.

Could you come and dream at my RL home? I mean for dusting, vacuuming etc, and I'll take the roast too. :smileyvery-happy::smileytongue:


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I agree with Quinn, it is so funny you ask this question today.  Just last night, after being in-world for the better part of the day, I climbed into bed and fell fast asleep.  I dreamed I was eating a 10 pound marshmellow (where else would you see a ten lb. marshmellow but in SL.)

When I awoke this morning my pillow was gone.     :smileyindifferent:

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Deltango Vale wrote:

Yes, it quite upset the tourists at Les Deux Magots. The waiters, of course, didn't bat an eye :smileywink:

(btw, for breakfast, pour an express into their hot chocolate; sublime)

The waiters don't even bat an eye when you try order! :smileytongue:


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two nights ago, i dreamed that our avatars had come to our real world, we all had one, they were small like 9 inches, i carried mine in a backpack, i leave it at a friend house because he said it was going to be fine while we go somewhere else, i had to go back, and get it back, i got it and was sitting outside my friends house holding my backpack like a precious jewel when i woke up

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

two nights ago, i dreamed that our avatars had come to our real world, we all had one, they were small like 9 inches, i carried mine in a backpack, i leave it at a friend house because he said it was going to be fine while we go somewhere else, i had to go back, and get it back, i got it and was sitting outside my friends house holding my backpack like a precious jewel when i woke up

Aww Canoro....it just shows how much you value your SL avatar and your wish to protect it


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