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Leaving your Second Life avatars to other people when you die

Vanity Fair

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After a recent health scare this week, I am in the process of figuring out who gets to inherit which of my Second Life avatars for my will.This is fully in accordance with the Second Life Terms and Conditions (Terms of Service) and Linden Lab's posted official policy on Death and Other Worries Outside Second Life.

If you want to find out more about what happened to me and why I am doing this now, please visit my blog (Google "Ryan Schultz blog" and it should be the top result) and read the three most recent blogposts to get up-to-speed.


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I'm wishing you the very best outcome from the procedure.  It's hard not to worry, but you're relieving some of the stress by doing something practical.  You've reminded me to look into avatar and account inheritance.  If it's any help, it's been 26 years since my successful encounter with the beast, and surgery has come a long way since then. :) 

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First, praying for the very best possible outcome for you.

Second, what an amazing set of avatars you have created!

Third, thanks for bringing up the subject of what do we want done with our avatars when we are no longer here.  It's a good reminder for a subject that probably most of us don't want to think much about - or at least not at the level of making decisions and taking steps so that those actions can be carried out when needed. 

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I've had enough health problems, it's something I've given much consideration too, though not about my av...yet.  I've seen people just disappear, not heard from again, and it's always bothered me.  I have 2 people my brother knows how to get a hold of if something happens to me and I am gone for an extended time or worse. 

My prayers go with you for a successful outcome.  All the best and I hope you return to us quickly on the flip side of your surgery.

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Sorry to hear that, Vanity. And thank you for doing this. In my very short live of SL I have had a very close friend sell her club and leave SL forever without ever telling me a reason. Having a way to make folks know what happened in the worst case is a great idea - and by letting others adopt your avatars to be ready for that case you found a great way to keep them active (I doubt a single person could ever adopt all of them and do them justice).

Mortality is our doom - it is inevitable yet we shy away from even speaking about it, so thanks again for bringing up this topic and being so honest about it. Now I do not know if I should give you a sad or happy reaction to your post - being an optimist at heart I decided for the later and hope it will all turn out well for you.

Edited by Fionalein
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Wishing you all the best, Never had a moments thought of what would happen to my accounts when i snuff it i don't think anyone would miss me when i do, one of my friends used to co own a cemetery you could buy a headstone & place in the cemetery for yourself or a deceased friend so people would have a place to mourn you or the friend are you're gone and i've seen a few times on mainland shrines and memorials created by friends of people who have unfortunately snuffed it in RL as a place to remember them.

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Sending good thoughts and vibes your way Vanity.   I had a similar scare many years ago and it was quite nerve wracking - though it did prompt me to finally quit smoking once and for all.


I don't really have any desire to leave Lil to anyone (or any of my alts).  My husband has instructions on how to shut down my accounts.  He also has the name of an inworld person that he is to contact (with a code word so that they know it is legit). Between the two of them, they'll get everyone inworld notified.

Since I know from experience that it can sometimes take a while to finalize things and even to process the will, I have an object rezzed inworld called "Last Will & Testament" - a freebie I got years ago.  In default mode, it will check for my online status periodically and if I'm online it resets the countdown timer.  A timer script maintains the countdown and in default mode if I don't log in for 28 days it will send a notecard to whomever I specified in the config notecard (and also send an object if there is one in the rezzed item). The timer process will send me a reminder message every week that I don't log in until it hits the 28 day mark and sends out the notification to my 'heir'.  The time periods are modifiable.  The person getting the notecard is the same one that my husband will notify if he manages to get around to SL stuff before the 28 days expires.  The notecard gives the person some info on checking/verifying my status.


Side note:  If you want a copy of the "Last Will & Testament", just IM me. The one that I have is Full Perm and was created specifically to be given away freely to anyone that desires it. There is one on the MP, but it is not free and not full perm, thus don't waste your L$ on it.  It doesn't do anything more than the one I have - though the listing does show a sample notecard providing some ideas of what you might want to put in your notecard.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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2 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Side note:  If you want a copy of the "Last Will & Testament", just IM me. The one that I have is Full Perm and was created specifically to be given away freely to anyone that desires it. There is one on the MP, but it is not free and not full perm, thus don't waste your L$ on it.  It doesn't do anything more than the one I have - though the listing does show a sample notecard providing some ideas of what you might want to put in your notecard.


Yes, could you please give me a copy? Vanity Fair in-world, thanks!

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I thought about asking to inherit one of your alts, Vanity, but then I decided that it would be presumptuous of me, since we don't really know one another.  Besides, I can barely give ONE account enough time, I don't know that I could give an orphan avatar the attention he or she deserves.

Instead, I will wish you good luck in conquering your health problems!

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I have set up my accounts so that my Estate Owning alt is bequeathed to another person, my fear though remains - when one dies one's credit card is locked by law. Without a valid credit card the estate won't last long.

The method LL allow for an approved account transfer can't happen fast enough to align in one billing cycle. It can actually take months.

The only way past this has been to "illegally" share the account password for the estate owning alt.

I wish there was a way for some signal to be available to the Lab that... hey this person has died, please don't close down their 20 region estate and make all those people homeless.

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I often thought about that, Callum - in the event that my husband passes before I do or we both go together because of some accident.  I'm not sure how else to handle it.  Per the TOS, my husband does not actually have my SL password, but knows where/how to find it if needed - which is possibly a fuzzy way around the TOS, but I don't think LL will mind much in that situation. 

Here in the states, someone's credit card won't get locked until said credit card company is notified of the death.  I remember from my father-in-law's death that we intentionally did not do that right away because we had to first deal with all of his auto-bill setups, as some were using his credit card vs his bank account.  My husband and I have already notified our children that we do have some auto-billing tied to the credit card, so they want to be careful about locking things immediately.

As to things aligning with billing cycles / rent due dates - I was rereading the notecard in the last will thing and it does mention that due to the possibility of rent not getting paid on time or billing payment method being shut off, you might want to actually rez the last will object at the heir's location, if possible, or it might not even still be rezzed when the 28 days actually pass.  That is something for folks to think about that use the object or something similar.

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15 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

I thought about asking to inherit one of your alts, Vanity, but then I decided that it would be presumptuous of me, since we don't really know one another.  Besides, I can barely give ONE account enough time, I don't know that I could give an orphan avatar the attention he or she deserves.

Instead, I will wish you good luck in conquering your health problems!

Thank you Lindal! Actually, all I really ask is that we have at least one good, long, in-depth conversation, so I know who you are. So, if you are still interested in inheriting one of my avatars, please take a look at this alphabetical list, and let me know your preference:


I would prefer to leave my avatars to people who appreciate Second Life and my creative work, as opposed to someone who never signs into SL at all.

Here's the latest update from my blog. Two avatars are already spoken for. One is going to Xiola Linden, the Community Manager of Second Life:

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I am glad to hear the biopsy is over at least and things can progress. I think you are right; Working on your collection of avatars and also writing will give you a little control over what has to be a scary time.

This has touched my family too, my mother and sister both survived it, but I still can't begin to imagine what you must going through. All I can do is reiterate that you have a lot of people standing beside you, and we are all hoping the best for you. And more, this circle of people likely extends far further then you could ever imagine.

Feel the warmth and support of all your friends, of everyone in this vast circle that surrounds you, draw strength from us and know you can make it.

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