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Linden Realms

Kiwi Runo

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Game sl a years this new version of the game of crystals and practically injurious many friends said the same very complicated heavy hangs quite hope that for the good of all users who like the sl do not go back to this new version .. continue as is this and a thousand times better .
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Hello, I prefer the old version, I did not find the update to be fun, I think it would be interesting if they could use a parallel portal so that whoever liked the old version was in the old version and who liked the update was for the current one would be even more fun, at least would have choice. I at least did not like the update, I prefer the old version.

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47 minutes ago, Claireschen Hesten said:

the sentinels (clouds) to bring an end to the speed cheaters

the puffers (sentinels) are slow to kill, and because they are slow the puffers are easily defeated. Players who are unaware of how to defeat the puffers get puffer-killed by those who do know and attack other players with scripted kick colliders

Edited by ellestones
edut tpyo
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4 hours ago, Fionalein said:

@Keira LindenI think if you can take anything home from this thread: please include international notecard translations, the current LR have alot of non-native speakers among their players.

At least to consider any translation card must include Portuguese as a minimum.

((Of course, we may just be seeing one upset person and a flood of sockpuppets))

Edited by Callum Meriman
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Some people just do not like change. I will be curious to see more input from outside of the brigade we are seeing now. I haven't seen and comparative notes as to what changes they do not like. No details. Just: I do not like the change!! Change it back! I will keep watching this thread to see if someone really digs into it more. 

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3 minutes ago, Mamis17 said:


Estoy de acuerdo con esta opinión en lo que nos adaptamos a la nueva version. Otra solución mejor sería crear un portal paralelo con la nueva versión, dejando las dos versiones que se ejecutan por un tiempo, para que las personas migren voluntariamente a la nueva versión, después de que el tiempo se haya adaptado, entonces la versión anterior podría ser Definitivamente desactivada.

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Yo creo que un cambio no se vendió mal, sino que también es necesario que se adapte a la nueva versión antes de que desaparezca ya que ya existe asi como lo dice bien en esta opinión.

Estoy de acuerdo con esta opinión en lo que nos adaptamos a la nueva versión. Otra solución mejor sería crear un portal paralelo con la nueva versión, dejando las dos versiones que se ejecutan por un tiempo, para que las personas migren voluntariamente a la nueva versión, después de que el tiempo se haya adaptado, entonces Definitivamente desactivada.


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Creo que un cambio no vendría  mal, sino que también es necesario que se adapte a la nueva versión antes de que desaparezca ya que ya existe así como lo que está bien en esta opinión.

Estoy de acuerdo con esta opinión en que nos adaptamos a la nueva versión.  Otra solución mejor sería crear un portal paralelo con la nueva versión, dejando las dos  versiones que se ejecutan por un tiempo, para que las personas voluntariamente la nueva versión, después de que el  tiempo se haya adaptado, entonces Definitivamente desactivad a.


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Creo que un cambio no vendría mal, sino que también es necesario que se adapte a la nueva versión antes de que desaparezca ya que la existe así como lo que está bien en esta opinión.

Estoy de acuerdo con esta opinión en que nos adaptamos a la nueva versión.  Otra solución mejor sería crear un portal paralelo con la nueva versión, dejando las dos  versiones que se ejecutan por un tiempo, para que las personas voluntariamente la nueva versión, después de que el  tiempo se haya adaptado, entonces Definitivamente desactivad a.



I think a change would not hurt, but it is also necessary to adapt to the new version before it disappears as it exists as well as what is good in this opinion. I agree with this opinion in that we adapt to the new version. Another better solution would be to create a parallel portal with the new version, leaving the two versions running for a while, so that people voluntarily the new version, after the time has been adapted, then definitely disabled.

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I think many want to keep the old RL for they use bots and other ways to get lindens without playing, and it is not even a game after the quest have been played, after that it is just a way to grind Linden Dollars, that made some "players" greedy to the point they start to cheat and grief to get a fistful of Linden Dollars. I played Linden Realms a couple of years ago and took some snapshots of folks sitting there, and when I went back this year I could still see some of them still sitting there, almost in same spots.

I think Linden Realms should been closed five years ago and look forward to see the new Linden Realm and hope it will be a better place for new users, and I hope it will get rules that are updated and maintained.

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1 minute ago, SunTzu said:

A portal reserved for premium accounts only would be very useful. It would significantly reduce cheating. Any chance of this??

Linden Realm shall be for new players to get them a chance to get some few Linden Dollars to get a new avatar, we premium users get Lindens Weekly and we should be happy if we can win exclusive and fun objects that free users do not get

I think old Linden Realm could be great, but after the first quest it was no longer a game, it was an endless run to get Linden Dollars, folk did not do it for it was "fun", they were there to get Linden Dollars, there was no quest, no objectives, and no dangerous monster, and if you was taken nothing happen other than you was moved 20 to 100 meter.

Linden Realms was a bit like Camelot 


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6 minutes ago, Kennylex Luckless said:

Linden Realm shall be for new players to get them a chance to get some few Linden Dollars to get a new avatar, we premium users get Lindens Weekly and we should be happy if we can win exclusive and fun objects that free users do not get

I think old Linden Realm could be great, but after the first quest it was no longer a game, it was an endless run to get Linden Dollars, folk did not do it for it was "fun", they were there to get Linden Dollars, there was no quest, no objectives, and no dangerous monster, and if you was taken nothing happen other than you was moved 20 to 100 meter.

Linden Realms was a bit like Camelot 


The original intent might have been for new users to gather some L$, but with its never ending supply of money it has become a place for the cheats and abusers to mine L$. I have been kicked out, crashed and out run by countless cheats and I have lost the will to report them anymore, since nothing happens.  I did like the quest, but sadly it was too short.  Running around in circles avoiding rocks and cheats loses its appeal after a short time.

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@Whirly Fizzle

i suppose is maybe better to make public how players can defend themselves against the puffers when  attacked by another person using a scripted kick collider. The defense is the same strategy used by the attacker. Map Teleport

the reason kickers are used is to get rid of the other player on the region.  What the attacker does is keep kicking until the puffers come. When the puffer is on us, teleport to another region on the same arena. A same arena region which accepts teleports.  Wait a couple of minutes and then come back to the region.  The puffer forgets us after we leave the region

can frustrate an attacker doing this.  They tried their viewer crasher. Then they try their kicker. Puffers come for both of us. Both of us Map Teleport and back. Where I am taunt my attacker with stuff like: Hope you never paid for that :D

a issue with me writing this is that it probably will encourage some people to start using speed enhancers again.  The game fix for puffer defense is to reduce the time between puffer violation detection and execution. Puffers should insta-kill on detection. They should not be so friendly


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Campers, blockers, area runners, teleport-hoppers, teleport-alts, run-bots, alt swarms, speed cheaters, crystal scanners, push attacks, laggers, sound followers, particle spam, crashers and so on, cheating was common in Linden Realms but Linden Lab was not passive, it become better and last year where it few speed cheaters and less crashers and push attacks, the large alt-groups disappeared, it was also rather few sit campers left and the servers was restarted fast if there was something wrong with them. But it is time for something new and I'm still waiting to see it.

Edited by Hexapoda
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19 hours ago, Kiwi Runo said:

I don't know why most didn't like this update. I think that something new is always interesting. ☺️

The new LR has weekly quests (as I know)

Everything looks pretty nice, the same golems and scenery. ?

I got in to the new Linden Realms for about 10 minutes before it closed down, it looked very different to me, not bad just different more like some of the landscaping in Horizons or PaleoQuest.  The rock monsters look very different and chew on you when they get you.  I all so got killed by a  splotche in the new LR.  lot more/different mesh landscaping looked like you might need to jump more to get up some of the hills .   I did see a pay out place for a weekly quest but didn't see what it required you to do.    

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