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What if SL existed for another 100 years

Bree Giffen

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Just now, Kurshie Muromachi said:

Well, I'd imagine an improved and matured Ray Tracer will at least become the standard for experiencing 3D worlds and that we'll be running SL on our own personal quantum computers.

They’ll beam SL directly into our eye-balls with friggin’ LASER beams! Mounted on sharks!!!

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Hmm in 2128....well....the following.....

-The sex starved, sex crazed zombie population will have boomed. Hoards of avatars desperate for any and all forms of intimate humans contacts will leave the adult only areas and roam the grid while the last few remaining normies fight them off from behind prim walls with the swords made from the last remaining bones of Torley Linden

-Oz Linden will have realised his life dream and fully integrated his essence into the SL grid and will become the all seeing all knowing Linden Artificial Intelligence more commonly known as "The Wizard"

-You can guarantee that there will still be that one guy begging for 300 lindens towards rent with promises that they will pay you back later because "oh please!"

-Wannabe moms will STILL be giving birth to hideous freaky looking prim babies and then neglecting them for months on end while they argue amongst themselves over who stoles who's mans and why that ***** is gonna have her wig removed

-Sansar finally leaves beta..

-The cost of avastar rises for the 482nd time and you now have to pay monthly for support instead of yearly causing a recession in world as creators realise they can no longer afford to rig clothing at a profitable cost

-Someone finally figures out how to remove that enforced Firestorm Experience from your experiences list and resurrects the angry ghost of Jessica Lyons in the process who sets forth to claim the soul of heretic that accomplished it

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19 hours ago, Bree Giffen said:

If someone necro posted a thread from now into the forums 100 years in the future, one of the users at that time would reply, "You know everyone on that thread is dead right?"

What are your predictions of SL in the future? Let's see if they come true.

We...the dead, would still be here as we always have been.  We do of course welcome all in this thread to join us one day...


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19 hours ago, Blush Bravin said:

Lately I've been thinking about the future of AI and VR in relation to companions. I've seen the robot as lover, house keeper, what have you, in sci-fi movies. I've been thinking it will be much easier to create an AI that is only virtual rather than having to create a physical body for it as well. So, I'm guessing if SL or VR continues as we see it currently, we might well see computer driven companions replacing human companionship in virtual spaces. 

It isnt VR but this movie captures your computer driven companion vision;  Her, starring Joaquin Phoenix. Silly movie but I couldnt turn it off.

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There was a really good episode of Black Mirror “San Junipero” that dealt with people uploading themselves into a virtual world. There’s supposed to be a sequel episode this coming season.

Black Mirror is a Dark sci-fi show about near future technology, that is theoretically possible now.

It also has an episode that was eerily similar to the 2016 US presidential election.

Edited by janetosilio
Added a few things
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5 hours ago, Therese Tammas said:

Wait- really? AOL still has 2.1 million dial up customers? 


Not only that, before AOL was America Online, it was QuantumLink. They had a virtual world called Habitat. A 2D side scrolling virtual world, with avatars and chat. Run over 300 baud modems. Developed at Lucasfilm. You can still run it in emulation.


Habitat promotional video. 1985. 33 years ago. Randy Farmer and Chip Morningstar, who developed this, were way, way ahead of their time.

The Lessons of Lucasfilm's Habitat is a classic paper, a must read for anyone involved with virtual world design.

"The largest part of the screen is devoted to the graphics display. This is an animated view of the player's current location in the Habitat world. The scene consists of various objects arrayed on the screen, such as the houses and tree you see here. The players are represent by animated figures that we call "Avatars". Avatars are usually, though not exclusively, humanoid in appearance. In this scene you can see two of them, carrying on a conversation.

Avatars can move around, pick up, put down and manipulate objects, talk to each other, and gesture, each under the control of an individual player. Control is through the joystick, which enables the player to point at things and issue commands. Talking is accomplished by typing on the keyboard. The text that a player types is displayed over his or her Avatar's head in a cartoon-style "word balloon".

The Habitat world is made up of a large number of discrete locations that we call "regions". In its prime, the prototype Habitat world consisted of around 20,000 of them. Each region can adjoin up to four other regions, which can be reached simply by walking your Avatar to one or another edge of the screen. Doorways and other passages can connect to additional regions. Each region contains a set of objects which define the things that an Avatar can do there and the scene that the player sees on the computer screen.

Some of the objects are structural, such as the ground or the sky. Many are just scenic, such as the tree or the mailbox. Most objects, however, have some function that they perform. For example, doors transport Avatars from one region to another and may be opened, closed, locked and unlocked. ATMs (Automatic Token Machines) enable access to an Avatar's bank account. Vending machines dispense useful goods in exchange for Habitat money. Habitat contained its own fully-fledged economy, with money, banks, and so on. Habitat's unit of currency is the Token, owing to the fact that it is a token economy and to acknowledge the long and honorable association between tokens and video games.

Many objects are portable and may be carried around in an Avatar's hands or pockets. These include various kinds of containers, money, weapons, tools, and exotic magical implements. Listed here are some of the most important types of objects and their functions. The complete list of object types numbers in the hundreds."

Sound familiar? That's where it all began.

Edited by animats
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3 hours ago, animats said:

Not only that, before AOL was America Online, it was QuantumLink. They had a virtual world called Habitat. A 2D side scrolling virtual world, with avatars and chat. Run over 300 baud modems.

That's very disappointing. In the early to mid 90s I wrote a working online multi-user graphic environment/game, and I thought it might be at least among the very first in the world. I'm sure there was nothing like it here in the UK. To now discover that it had been done almost 10 years earlier is disappointing :(

Mine didn't scroll. It moved from screen to screen sideways, and up and down - like JetSet Willy (if anyone knew and remembers that one).

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I don't think anyone is really grasping how long 100 years is.

For perspective, 100 years ago we had only just invented the toaster (sliced bread is another decade away) and were enthralled by the possibilities offered by the pastry fork, curtain rods and candy apples. The height of modern convenience was the recently imagined super market and the breath taking genius of the shopping bag (almost 100 years exactly, previously we had been stuffing our groceries in pockets or dragging larger produce home on lengths of string).

SL in 100 years will be right up there with electrified water as a hangover cure....

Images of Inventions

... and still be waiting another decade for this nifty device no one with boobs should be without.

Image result for Breast Washer 1930

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1 hour ago, CoffeeDujour said:

.. and still be waiting another decade for this nifty device no one with boobs should be without.

Image result for Breast Washer 1930

For the curious...


The dazzling success of the mass-sein, which is now in circulation all over the world, is the best proof of its extraordinary efficiency. The doctors themselves had to bow to the results. More than 10,000 women in France, rich or poor, young or old, have Massosein in their washroom. If one of your friends has it, ask her what she thinks about it, and then ask yourself why you have waited so long to find out. Whatever the condition of your chest, whatever your age, read the brochure offered below.

Le Massosein
The best device for firming breasts.


I imagine the thing connects through a tube to another one held to a boob elsewhere, allowing for a sort of tête-à-tête.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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35 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

For the curious...


The dazzling success of the mass-sein, which is now in circulation all over the world, is the best proof of its extraordinary efficiency. The doctors themselves had to bow to the results. More than 10,000 women in France, rich or poor, young or old, have Massosein in their washroom. If one of your friends has it, ask her what she thinks about it, and then ask yourself why you have waited so long to find out. Whatever the condition of your chest, whatever your age, read the brochure offered below.

Le Massosein
The best device for firming breasts.


I imagine the thing connects through a tube to another one held to a boob elsewhere, allowing for a sort of tête-à-tête.

You would have thought they would have gave you a set rather than just doing one at a time..

Could make for some strange results..

Sort of like the town that settles things the usual way..hehehehe



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