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Sex Offenders on SL


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Linden lab TOS


5.3 We may terminate your Account(s) to protect the best interests of the Service and the community or if we believe you pose an unacceptable risk to the community.

We may terminate your Account if we determine in our discretion that such action is necessary or advisable to comply with legal requirements or protect the rights or interests of Linden Lab, the Service community or any third party.

We may terminate your Account(s) if we learn, or in good faith believe, that you are a registered sex offender, that accessing the Service may violate a condition of parole or probation, that you have engaged in or attempted to engage in conduct with minors on the Service that violates this Agreement, or that you for any other reason may pose what we deem to be an unacceptable risk to the Service community.

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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Thanks. I wasn’t sure what you believed, I was trying to present a reasoned argument. Sorry, I most definitely wasn’t trying to twist your words.

Okay...no problem, then.  Thank you for acknowledging that, Love.  I appreciate it.

And thank you, Adamburp, for your post clarifying the ToS.

Edited by RuchiVee
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The one and only RL law this person could possibly be breaking is if they were forbidden computer use or Internet access but any court. In which case you can always attempt to report it to their local law enforcement. Beyond that, this is, I believe, a rather silly subject to begin with.

Edited by Alyona Su
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2 minutes ago, Adamburp Adamczyk said:

Linden lab TOS


5.3 We may terminate your Account(s) to protect the best interests of the Service and the community or if we believe you pose an unacceptable risk to the community.

We may terminate your Account if we determine in our discretion that such action is necessary or advisable to comply with legal requirements or protect the rights or interests of Linden Lab, the Service community or any third party.

We may terminate your Account(s) if we learn, or in good faith believe, that you are a registered sex offender, that accessing the Service may violate a condition of parole or probation, that you have engaged in or attempted to engage in conduct with minors on the Service that violates this Agreement, or that you for any other reason may pose what we deem to be an unacceptable risk to the Service community.


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4 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

...this is, I believe, a rather silly subject to begin with.

There is nothing "silly" about wanting to protect the members of my community -- be it a physical, geographical community, or an online community -- from the predations of a real-life, twice-convicted sex offender. 


Edited by RuchiVee
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3 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Yea, that kind of puts it in a different context when you read the whole thing..

Indeed.  I am relieved to see that Linden Labs will not tolerate convicted sex offenders having accounts on SL, assuming, as you point out, that what was quoted is actually a term of service.  If it is, though, it makes sense...Orwar said in an earlier post that Linden Labs is beholden to the laws of California, so it stands to reason that they would take such precautions so as not to be sued civilly, or even prosecuted criminally for some kind of criminal omission.

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4 minutes ago, RuchiVee said:

Indeed.  I am relieved to see that Linden Labs will not tolerate convicted sex offenders having accounts on SL.  That makes sense...Orwar said in an earlier post that Linden Labs is beholden to the laws of California, so it stands to reason that they would take such precautions so as not to be sued civilly, or even prosecuted criminally for some kind of criminal omission.


Now, please go back to page one and re-read what people were trying to tell you.

and to make it super easy for you


Edited by Callum Meriman
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30 minutes ago, RuchiVee said:

Then you have lost the case, because, first, Linden Labs is not a court of law, and second...you don't know that Linden Labs isn't going to ban him.  If they do, then this circuitous and confused argument of yours lacks even an arguable basis.

A court of law has twice convicted him of molesting two underage girls on two separate occasions.  That's what makes him guilty of sex offenses.

So I rest my case.


A Court of Law found SOMEBODY guilty of a Sex Offence, twice...


YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE to prove that the SL avatar you CLAIM to have spoken with IS IN ANYWAY connected with the person found guilty by the Court.

If Billy-Bob Nomates from DesMoines tells you in an IM that he is really Hannible Lecter, and pastes a link into the IM to Hannibal Lecter's page on Arsebook, that does NOT PROVE that Billy-Bob Nomates is Hannibal Lecter.

If when you report Billy-Bob to LL, they investigate and find he is in fact, Billy-Bob Nomates from DesMoines, and has NO record as an offender, and they decide NOT to ban him from SL, THAT is the end of the matter, and you can demand Blind Vigilantism till you are blue in the face.

You never HAD a case to rest.

And that's being generous, and assuming that somebody DID in fact contact you and claim to be a Sex Offender, which seems doubtful at this point, as your CLAIMS as to the "evidence" they gave you to prove they deserve to be hunted by Vigilantes, seems to grow with each repitition of the claim.

The fact that you have repeatedly made FRAUDULENT allegations against any one who DARES to disagree with you, coupled with that well known Drama-Llama tactic of repeatedly saying "I have reported you", makes me think that fling fraudulent reports is the main reason for this thread.


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8 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Yea,it makes me leery of someone just letting it all out..

I doubt I'd click on any link he gave me..That's for sure..


That assumes that the sex offender in question knew of this obscure term of service that Adamburp quoted.  None of the rest of us did.  Also, sex offenders don't tend to think things through long-term, and most people do not know the terms of service to the letter. 

Only the person who had contact with the sex offender knows the totality of the circumstance, and the ToS preclude the totality of the circumstances from being divulged here...but I suspect you'd be considerably less leery if you had experienced the totality of the circumstances.

McCallum, not only have I read the OP, I wrote the OP, so I know what it said, I know what the responses have been -- civil and otherwise -- and I am well aware of what the advice was.  And I am well aware of what I did in response to that advice. 

Klytyna, I'm glad that you agree with me that a court of law found a sex offender guilty of sex offenses.  Beyond that, you don't know the totality of the circumstances of the SL interaction in question because the terms of service preclude me from elaborating.  You can't maintain that the person in question is not the sex offender in question because you have no information (thanks to the terms of service).  The information I have is considerably more than the nearly-zero amount of information that you have about this person.

Edited by RuchiVee
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17 hours ago, RuchiVee said:

I was wondering if, since sex offenders are required by federal and state laws to register and make public certain information about themselves in RL, if there was some requirement that they do the same somewhere in the SL database to caution other users.  I checked the community guidelines, and found nothing -- in fact, I found this, which, if anything, is somewhat antithetical:  "Sharing someone else’s personal information—of any kind—is not allowed. Disclosing another Resident’s real-world identity, contact information, or the text of interpersonal communications (chat, email, IM) is not allowed."  This, of course, would prohibit another user from divulging a sex offender's identity, if the user knew it (and conduct that may violate conditions of a probation or parole) but doesn't speak to whether the sex offender himself/herself should be required to divulge his/her own identity.  

I ask because another user divulged his real-life identity to me, and then subsequently behaved in a way that was arguably inappropriate.  Suspicious, I ran a check on a sexual predator database, and, lo and behold, this person is a real-life, twice-convicted sex offender against victims who were both underage.  I fear that this person may attempt to victimize people on SL (see my related thread here, which was partly serious, and partly tongue-in-cheek -- and has gone far off the rails by now -- but which I refer to in all seriousness in the instant post), and I seem to be precluded by the community guidelines from doing anything about it.  That said, those same community guidelines also seem to preclude forum-goers from posting anything that does not "keep your commentary relevant to the discussion and within the format that the forum, board or question and answer area," and the respondents of the aforementioned link are not following that.  So...it seems some violation of the community guidelines is permitted, even frivolously.  Therefore it seems reasonable to conclude that a guideline such as the one mentioned in the first paragraph could be violated for a reason as important as this.

If you read the section on disclosing personal information  in the wiki on Residents' privacy rights, 


you will see there is nothing whatsoever to preclude your approaching the police or probation authorities in the area where this person lives -- you've tracked down his sex offender status, you say, so you must have the relevant information -- and informing them of your concerns.

The police and probation authorities in the relevant jurisdiction will know if he is breaking the terms of any court orders or parole by using SL and, if he is, will be able to take appropriate action (almost certainly involving imprisonment).    They, not LL, and certainly not the members of this forum, are the appropriate people to deal with the situation.


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53 minutes ago, RuchiVee said:

There is nothing "silly" about wanting to protect the members of my community -- be it a physical, geographical community, or an online community -- from the predations of a real-life, twice-convicted sex offender. 


And how will you "protect" anyone else in SL - do you have Linden God Powers? I think not.

See that little "X" in the corner of your screen (it may appear as a translucent red dot if you're on macOS)?

It can do *wonders* if you ever are so squeamish that you or anyone else cannot handle something you see in Second Life. JUST SAYING.

Edited by Alyona Su
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2 hours ago, RuchiVee said:

The right to privacy, like all rights, is a balancing test.

The right to disclosure of information that poses a danger to others can outweigh the privacy rights of the sex offender.

But what danger? If I understand the purpose of this american database correctly, its to protect you from RL danger. Like...knowing that your neighbour Joe has been convicted of abusing a minor at some point, so you better not let him babysit your son. Unpleasent messages are not a danger, they are an annoyance.

And to disclose information, you need to have those informations and its really really hard to make 100% sure that they are true. Coincidences happen and people can tell you whatever they want and you have no chance to verify that. What if someone comes along and accuses you of being a criminal?

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1 hour ago, RuchiVee said:

That assumes that the sex offender in question knew of this obscure term of service that Adamburp quoted.  None of the rest of us did.  Also, sex offenders don't tend to think things through long-term, and most people do not know the terms of service to the letter. 

Only the person who had contact with the sex offender knows the totality of the circumstance, and the ToS preclude the totality of the circumstances from being divulged here...but I suspect you'd be considerably less leery if you had experienced the totality of the circumstances.


I'm just saying,The whole situation would make me leery of them and that I wouldn't be clicking any links they gave me..

If someone creeps me out in world,here is what I do almost instantly..

How do I type the sound for a dial tone? 0o

I just don't stick around any longer than I have to. Same with people that start to get really dramatic and angry.. I vanish like a ninja.. Swhoosh!


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11 hours ago, RuchiVee said:

Callum, I resent your calling me stupid, an idiot and other such names.  Your resorting to ad hominem attacks only demonstrates the lack of substantive value of your arguments.  Furthermore, you have been reported for violating the prohibition against "flaming."

As it turns out, the sex offender in question has also revealed to me photos of his face that clearly match those on the sex offender database. 

Please refrain from attacking me.  Why don't you invite the sex offender in question over for tea when you have daughters if you think laws like Megan's Laws are "barbaric"?  

how do you know its his face? did you cam with him? This person might have a rl vendetta against the person hes pretending to be, wanting to get him into even more trouble. its quite possible you are just being played. take others advise and just mute him.

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1 hour ago, RuchiVee said:

There is nothing "silly" about wanting to protect the members of my community -- be it a physical, geographical community, or an online community -- from the predations of a real-life, twice-convicted sex offender. 


as part of the community on SL, i do not want your protection, i don't like the USA system of open registers, and don't see the need for it . Use it nicely on your own sim/land or group, but keep others out, you protect nobody, and prevent even less.

If you have enough proof to go to RL autorities,let them contact LL, but somebody in SL claiming he's so and so is the most thin evidence i ever heared about and most likely fake. Can't imagine a criminal venting that info freely .. most are a lot more clever than that.

For me this ongoing subject starts to smell fishy in a way and nearly get the idea there is some personal issue behind it.

Time to lock down.

Edited by Ethan Paslong
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That must have been scary or at least very disconcerting -- to encounter a RL sex offender of children here in SL. We all know they're here, but seldom do we have proof and are spared the creepiness you had to endure.
I very much believe your story (that he would reveal his RL name) -- many sex offenders of children try to find partners anywhere they can -- partners with children of course. This is a common tactic in RL, and it persists online as well.
Of COURSE he would have to reveal a RL name to meet someone in RL.
Unfortunately, many do not use enough caution in taking SL to RL.

While I believe in rehabilitation, the fact that he's offended twice, and knowing the high recidivism of sex-offenders, I certainly don't have any sympathy for him. The fact that he was trying to move to RL with you so quickly by revealing his RL name is a red flag.

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