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Hello all

was just wondering about something.

if i wanted to lets say, start a buissness like selling flowers.... can i even do that at some point in here ?

and how do i learn skills thatare needed for me to get by ?

i signed up a long time ago but never really played, but now i want to try again.

Thanks. /wiccani

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Yes, you can sell in Secondlife on the marketplace and in a real world shop. You can't sell in the forums.

One simple way to start will be to visit the full perm stores and buy the flowers (there are two well known full perm plant/flower makers and a few smaller ones, I wont show favourtism by listing them), and make small arrangements for the garden or home. Later you can try learning a 3D modelling program and doing it from scratch.

If you have a good eye for beautiful flower and plant arrangements you can do well. 


Edited by Callum Meriman
Added a picture, why not!
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22 minutes ago, wiccani said:

to grow them

thats not how it works :) 

creating growing plants/flowers needs some additional and totally different skills, next to creating you'll need to find, or do it yourself,  scripter.

I'd start with learning creating mesh flowers in a external program, and create original textures for it to use on your own product.

If you don't want to be a original creator you can follow Callums advice. Don't take "not original creator" as bad please.. many, even big brands use premade objecs.

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dont worry i dont :)

8 minutes ago, Ethan Paslong said:

 creating growing plants/flowers needs some additional and totally different skills, next to creating you'll need to find, or do it yourself,  scripter.

I'd start with learning creating mesh flowers in a external program, and create original textures for it to use on your own product.

and where can i learn that ?? new to this :D what mesh program ?

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If you want to learn how to create flowers/plants without using full perm items others have already created, you will need an application/program. The most commonly used one for second life is blender.

So, the first thing you need to do, is find blender and install that on your computer. 

After that, you will want to find tutorials that explain how to use Blender. There are a ton of them, just put "creating mesh for second life in blender", or something similar (without the quotes) into your preferred search engine. You will find a TON of tutorials, everything from websites to videos.

While I think it is amazing you have this desire to create, and I would never tell anyone they should not pursue such a desire, it might help to get your feet wet by exploring sl some more, exploring how to create and sell objects in second life, etc... before jumping in head first to third party program to just start making stuff. It helps to have your feet as firmly planted as possible before you begin. That also means looking up information on object creation in sl, how to create a store, how to sell on the sl marketplace(if that's what you'd like to do), etc... You can do many of these tasks relatively simultaneously, it's still a really good idea to stick to basics first and work your way up. 

You might want to start yourself off in blender with the simplest tutorials before jumping in to creating plants(they may be more complex in nature...I do not know for certain since I don't create them myself, lol).

That all said, if it were me just starting out, and I wanted to create...(and it was me, over ten years ago, btw, so, I love the enthusiasm and desire to jump right in!)I would start by using full perm items others have created first, just to get a feel for how objects work, how to texture, how to price and sell, etc..It can help you work on creation skills. Blender, as with most other programs, can take a bit to fully understand, so it might be best to start off more simply.

Best of luck to you :D


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thank you :) and not selling right away, since the items i make wont be good enough for that. But i can practice while learning the game.

lucky for me i have a good friend that will help me this weekend, so that is nice. This is just nice to know that it is something i can do if i ever get that far and have the time on my hands to do it, it sounds like it takes time to learn and set up a shop and so on. So i will take my time to learn the game, or i will be completely lost i think.

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@wiccani : I'm going to just throw this in: so far others are presuming mesh flowers or foliage. Don't do it because it's a *massive* learning curve that will cause you to give up quickly. (I for one will often purchase prim versions over mesh if the quality is good enough).

Here's where you start: Learn about creating things with primitive shapes, also known in SL as "prims" (short for primitive). Then learn how to upload textures and apply them to prims. Then search Market Place for anything "plants" - sort by price Low to High and grab as many as you can - if it's not a demo, it's lilely the older prim stuff. Rez each and look at how they are made. Try to recreate similar objects.

That's how you get started. Now, to get the knowledge you need to get started, search YouTube and Vimeo for anything to do with prims in Second Life. Lots of stuff there. There also are tutorials in-world (and definitely visit the Library of Prims - it's been there since 2006 or 2007 and is a great way to learn about and understand them).

There are are other resources in world: Look at EVENTS calendar, turn off A and M and just look at the G stuff, look for anything related to building. Also, search places for NCI or New Citizens, Inc. - they help newbies with all things SL, but it's not limited to newbie. Find out from them when the next building tutorials are happening. There also is a Group in-world called Builder's brewery - join that. Much of what people are learning in there is mesh-related. Learning to build with prims will give you the understanding of 3D space as required for mesh creation in a 3D App like Blender (free).

The learning curve for 3D model creation is massive, learning about and how to build with prims will help shorten that curve considerably.


Good luck!

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I agree with Alyona. Learn how to build with prims first. Then branch out to learn Blender. Builder's Brewery is a great place, but I think it is well worth anyone's time when wanting to learn how to use the basic building tools in SL to start at the Ivory Tower Library of Primitives. It is a step-by-step, learn at your own pace system. I learned there myself. I spent a good two weeks going through all the steps. Then I graduated to taking classes at Builder's Brewery. I think I would have been lost if I hadn't started at Ivory Tower when taking those classes.

I only recently (the past two years) learned Blender. I still have much to learn. I used many, many video tutorials I found through YouTube. Toward the end of that I found Chic Aeon's tutorials. I wish I had found them in the beginning of my quest. So, I highly recommend her lessons once you're ready to learn Blender.

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You could start a little store today, just to be having fun and selling items while your building skills increase.
First, search on the MP for 'mesh plant form' or 'mesh plant plane'.
Then buy some flower textures on the MP and apply them to these planes.
You can link to a small transparent prim with your own name on it so your name shows up as creator.
Then you'll be having fun & learning about having a store as you tackle the long learning curve of building more complex mesh flowers.

Mesh planes have the advantage of linking 2 or more together and remaining only 1 LI, and they don't increase in LI when applying the transparency mask like sculpts do (in the Texture tab...it keeps transparencies from conflicting when close by, or when a flower is against partially transparent water).

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One should never open up Blender for the first time alone -- best to be in a class with participants cuddling you ;0 But seriously, the interface can be a shock at first and it's easy to feel discouraged.
There is a great Blender class beginning in a few days for new Blender users that moves slowly and progresses over many weeks. Look up Graham Dartmouth & join his group. It may be a bit too soon as you're learning basic prim stuff, but they won't start from the beginning again for some months most likely so would be good to get into the class now, and since it moves slowly I think one could learn basic prim building along with a slow Blender class concurrently.

People learn differently, and sometimes one has to search out the teacher that best matches your own way of learning. I've viewed tutorials that were difficult to follow, yet the same information presented by another person was easy for me. Here's a tutorial on prims that seems to teach in a more 'right-brained' way:


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