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On 11/8/2019 at 8:09 AM, Marianne Little said:

These few spots look gorgeous yes. I aw worried about the lack of inland water in the new area. View to water, like lakes and rivers, are the main reason of the great interest people have in watching releases of the regions in Pickle Isle.

I hope the inland developent hasn't started yet, so not only the coast look good. Please tell me it is so?

This is likely the case. The inland hasn't changed since they added it, but the coast has seen changes to the terraforming and coastline.

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2 hours ago, Lukas Thetan said:

There be a dragon on Belli!

It has made its way over from SSP350!

They actually copied that over? LOL We've been musing at that on the SL Maps since the very beginning days. How odd it is to see it close-up and the actual shape of it! Thank you @Patch Linden and Moles for copying that over, how fascinating it is to see the prims used to create it!

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8 hours ago, Lukas Thetan said:

There be a dragon on Belli!


It has made its way over from SSP350!

Yay!  But ... isn't that more of a sea serpent?

Incidentally, I have a nephew who would love to have a toothbrush that looked like that.  Of course the jaws would have to be open!

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On 4/23/2019 at 9:25 PM, Abnor Mole said:

Because it's called Linden Homes and homes are and always will be the main focus. Most people aren't going to want to live right next to an airport. It's far enough away that it won't bother most people. It doesn't block the waterway (I watched several large vessels navigate past it easily). It's simple and basic but doesn't spoil anyone's view. And it does what it's designed to do, which is give people a place to rez aircraft, take off and land. 

Agreed. Honolulu's (main) airport is built on an artificial reef, so like this one is out in the water. This keeps aircraft of all kinds as far away as possible from homes and businesses. NOISE POLLUTION IS REAL. While it may be fun to buzz houses and bystanders with your jet, prop, chopper, etc, it's a huge disturbance of the peace and quiet that we all crave - and have paid for. Please respect your neighbors everybody. Thanks! 🙂

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3 hours ago, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:

Found a snowy SSP region on the World Map just south of the Learning Islands and Social Islands named SSPWE2019 2

Might be a test region for winter themes?

EDIT: Already found by another person on P131.

SSP Winter Expo (likely at the RFL event?)


I also noted lots of work on the new part of the continent on the BEACH areas and no houseboats in evidence so likely they are done. Good to have choices though.  Maybe there will be more than one new theme shown in December. Country Victorians in the snow is possible I guess :D. 


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On 9/28/2019 at 8:17 PM, animats said:

On the southwest side, the traditional road system and the trailer area path network both dead end into SSPE281.



That connection has now been made.



SSPE281 road connection, at last.

Not gracefully, though, unlike most of the Bellesaria mole work. Irana Pei noticed this, and writes, in her blog:

"Similarly, while the Traditional house regions and the Trailer and Camper regions do more directly abut one another, the roads of the Traditional house regions and the tracks of the Camper and Trailer regions never actually come together; rather they each end abruptly with a stretch of grass between them, it would be nice to a a more natural joining, asphalt gradually giving way to a narrower, rutted track, for example. Or at least have a fence and (open) gate between them, rather than curbstones, footpath and pristine-looking grass."

SL has always had trouble with road joins of different types of road, like curb cuts. They sometimes require a custom object, which someone has to model. Curb cuts are very rare in SL. There's one real curb cut in Bay City. Anyone know of others? The one above could be handled by simply not putting in a road end section, then adding a dirt road object on top. Dirt roads which come off the side of a Linden road need a curb cut piece. Two standard parts could probably handle most of these transitions.

Incidentally, there's a sign for that.


"Pavement Ends", the graphic.


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10 hours ago, animats said:



SSPE281 road connection, at last.


Bahaha! This looks like the one *almost* next to my camper (but maybe not LOL): go through onto the dirt road and in about 15 meters there is an adjoining road from the left, take that left up a 10 meter hill. MY DRIVEWAY IS RIGHT THERE ON THE LEFT! Hashahaha! My parcel is still empty because I'm letting a friend use it to make some Camper things-ma-bobs, but will have my horse and car rezzer there soon, for anyone interested.

As for these main-to-dirt road joining, I am now seeing them all over the place. I've even been able to drive from my new camper in Wiggle (way up in northwest of Bellisseria) down to my old camper in Lake Tatakaka and by jumping onto the paved roads to head south to the souther camp sites.

Bellisseria is not only beautifully done, but also the road network is wonderful to explore with and the BelliSLRR (Yup, that's what Imacallingit) looks like it will be more extensive than most of us imagined. I spent most of my "ground vehicle" time on Heterocera for all these years and now finding I'm spending a lot more of it on Bellisseria. The dirt roads are the most fun to drive in all of SL.

Edited by Alyona Su
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32 minutes ago, Hendrix Portal said:

Southern areas on the SSP region appear to be finished, or close to it. (The green blocks disappear when zoomed in.)


Verrry intriguing!  So very shortly after the big mountain range at the bottom of Belli's current SSPE continent, we begin to see what looks to me like different houses with red dots on the roof ... chimneys?  Those are different than the current trads, true?  And those chains look like the road system for that part of the continent, something new!  Just a different pavement?  Cobblestones?  Trampolines????

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So I was wondering what the map would look like with Bellisseria and the new southern addition put in place. So I did a little of cutting and pasting and this is what things more or less will eventually look like.


Basically, the two things that jump out at me is the disappearance of (most of) the channel that connect Sansara to Jeogeot via Belliseria, and how close the southern tip of Bellisseria will be to the northern tip of Jeogeot.

I do hope that the LDPW will add some regions to pad Bellisseria because yes, the water on its west coast may be navigable, but there are definitely spots where one has to be very careful not to run aground and where you actually run the risk of lagging into the home of an unsuspecting resident if you happen to have a fast boat and/or a bad day for region crossings on SL.

As for the patches off the east coast of Bellisseria, we know that they are not permanent, so they don't count. :D 

P.S. I added the names of the Sansara and Jeogeot continent for those who may read this and be unfamiliar with their names. If you are not one of those people, please ignore the text in the pic because you already know their names :D :D:D 

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Just now, Raspberry Crystal said:

ooh that is big, and it ends properly at a coastline. I wonder about the dark green strip...to be landscaped after the continents collide? 

I think that all the patches, including the green strip between the southern part of Belli, are deliberately being kept secret from us. Everyone in the LDPW are very well aware that we are scrutinizing the map and that, even though many people keep guessing wrong about stuff, others guess correctly (like with the trailers) and that kind of ruins the surprise when the stuff is finally revealed.

So I embrace the secrecy because I like surprises!

P.S. I still think that the southern addition wil have Victorian style homes. I can't wait for the Winter Expo, when I will be proven correct 🙂

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