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Garnet Psaltery

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Probably should please the ones with multiple accounts, who are likely to add more.... I don't think the house boats are the issues, rather the layout that appears, to have them dropped in blocking views. It needs to be attractive, and appealing. I have a lovely houseboat with a great view, if you are adding a stilt house or a houseboat, I imagine you are wanting a few things from that. Open water access, ocean views are the first thing that come to mind. It needs to fulfill the fantasy of what a home on the water is for most people, it needs to be pretty. 

LL needs not only for the current user base to maintain, they need to attract new users, or get old ones to return. If I love my home I photograph it, I blog about it, I tell people come see, your going to love this, you need one. Word of mouth is one of their biggest assets, to be able to accomplish this.


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House boats combine perfectly with trads and campers on the south of belli.

So i do think it is perfectly possible to have them in front of stilts, as long as covenant rules are respected.

Obviously i think we all agree that having a prefect lovely view from any of the diff types of theme houses is the wish of all.

But for that we will have more game of houses soon.

Personally the main reason for not wishing to leave any of my bellisseria spots for a stilt is pretty simple: I do love them all and i can not afford to spend more Money on another premium account.

Perhaps if LL does the promotion as they did last December, for a 2 Year membership, I will rethink my position.

All thew above is my personal stance on this subject.

For the goal of linking bellisseria to the rest of mainland continents, the stilt and house boats are the best option. I just hope they link the last batch to place on a continent that provides easy access to the rest, not like they did on Sansara but more like on Jug.



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there is also a matter of space..the more that want then more regions need to be made, and it take time I am sure, and we have not really seen this yet.. we only seen the map..also I have a super houseboat now with a super view but I put my draw distance down to about 200 witch is totally perfect I see everything around me just fine.. only the house boat row that was in front of me I do not see .. instea da beautiful sunset..  it is possible..also my fps is better with lower draw distance ..so win win.. also for me it is a lot about getting a house on the water instead of a houseboat so I can have my "real" boat next to it.. maybe im a oddball haha but I look forward to these :) 

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1 hour ago, Raspberry Crystal said:


It did float through my mind that they might actually hate us now :D

I think that they have been put in an impossible position with pressures from all directions.
All the design problems come down to one thing, budget.
An open water buffer zone, costs money, reducing the density of houses and therefore lag, would cost money, moving further away from landscape clonification would cost money.
It's frustrating for us, but it must be deathly for those planning this. The compromises will irk, and we are jumping on the irk while probably being completely unaware of background tech issues which will have taken untold mole hours to solve.



1 hour ago, Tazara Bailey said:

I agree, and I think we should all be grateful for what the Moles and Lindens do here, its amazing.  Shall we go back to how it used to be? These are only supposed to be starter homes, all areas have their flaws in some peoples eyes, but really they are so few and far between.  Let it be and just enjoy all the great things that have been achieved and just say thank you.

PS, I should be grateful for a service they offer (homes) to earn money? It is a business, they can't be stuck in 2007 design or 2012 homes for ever, they are changing and improving to be here in 2020.

Lol, as they do this for other reasons than business.

They do good business with me. I have Mainland, I rent, and now I will try to pick a Stilt home for maybe a month or two. I owe them nothing.

43 minutes ago, Tazara Bailey said:

Has any body actually seen what the stilt home area looks like yet? Perhaps judgement should be reserved until then.   As with all the themes, there are some areas that suit one person and some that suit another, and if they don't suit the Game of Homers jump around until they find the perfect spot for them.  There is only one area with the houseboats, and houseboats feature all over Bellisseria, there are plenty of others that can be grabbed, and let go, and grabbed again.  I am sure each and everyone of you will eventually find your perfect home, as you have with the other themes.


38 minutes ago, Tazara Bailey said:

and I like the idea of the houseboats being there, it is good to have a mix, so which client will they please?

Really, I don't see that anyone has been offensive. We have discussed how it looks like based upon our preferences, and all I have seen say that it is up to LL and they make desicions about what they can do and what they can not do. And what they think customers want.

We are customers, we can buy or not buy, we can say "maybe" and "I like it" or yes, but "I wish it was (inset wish here) instead".

It is not like anyone has cussed out the moles or said that they will leave SL in a rage. It is that some like me discuss if it is tempting enough for a new premium or not.

It is possible to discuss it and also know it is just some squares on a screen, and the finished product may look different.

Edited by Marianne Little
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EDITED TO ADD: Oops, wrong thread!

I just let go of a ocean-view traditional that I held on through the weekend. It's on the west coast (Lacroix, I think). across the road from the ocean, with a only sparse layout of houseboats in front of it. Lots of protected land around it - I think the only close neighbor is in the back.

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There will never be a time when everyone is 100% pleased with what the moles are building.  Every home and every region has things that we wish were done differently.  Some of the design decisions were made for technical or financial reasons.  Others were solely a design team preference. 

Many of us are of the opinion that because we are paying customers, we have the right to complain about the irksome aspects of Bellisseria.  Others feel that Bellisseria is vastly superior to the old residential regions, the positives greatly outweigh the negatives, that we should be content and grateful for what is being added, and that we all need a reminder that these are intended to be "starter homes," with the implication being that we can always go live on a private region and have whatever we want.  Neither side is right or wrong. 

I think part of the problem is that, regardless of what LL may have intended, Bellisseria is not full of "starter homes."  Sure, some Bellisserians merely want a Linden home to use as a dressing room, worm farm, or skybox anchor, but those aren't the people posting in these forums.  They like the LI increase, but otherwise would have been content with the old residential regions.  Likewise, there are certainly a large number of residents in Bellisseria who are actually new to SL, and these are in fact their first homes.  

I may be wrong, but I think most people living in Bellisseria have a different perspective.  In spite of the shortcomings, most of us own multiple homes in Bellisseria, and many will add accounts as new themes are released.  Most of us have also been in SL for years, and have experienced ownership of amazing properties on mainland or private islands.  We are not noobs living in our first SL homes.  Many of us know what it takes to build complex structures from scratch and terraform and landscape entire regions. 

Yet, here we are, returning to the premium account fold, testing our decorating mettle against flawed floorplans and tiny LI allowances, enjoying a sense of community and virtual living that cannot be experienced at this scale anywhere else in SL.  In other words, we find something special about living in Bellisseria that we don't get in other areas of the grid.  It draws us in and keeps us here.  It is not just a place to set home, it is where many of us happily spend the vast majority of our time.    

That leads us to the other issue.  Because we have this attachment to Bellisseria, we want it to be perfect, and sometimes it feels as though the homes and regions were not designed from a resident's perspective.  To be fair, some improvements have been made as the new themes have been released, custom wall colors being the most obvious example, but I think we can all agree that there are other changes we would like to see.  Keep in mind that  that what is "perfect" for you may not match what is "perfect" for me.  We also have to remember, as mentioned earlier, that some choices are made for technical or financial reasons. 

As for the changes that could easily be made, I see no reason why we should not voice our opinions on such things in these forums as long as it is done in a respectful manner (I have not seen anything disrespectful in this thread).  The moles have built us an amazing community, and continue to add to it, but they have limited resources, and likely have not considered every possible point of view.  I can obviously live with the choices that they have made, or I wouldn't be doing so.  Nonetheless, while we may never get everything that we want, the chances of getting anything is zero if they aren't aware that we want them. 

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/me peeks into the thread and laughs.

Hey, people with houseboats are not 2nd class citizens, some of them will like an open water view as well!  I think making a long stripe of houseboats is an interesting way to add a bunch all at once.  And some of us don't mind seeing other homes, be they houseboats or stilts, around us lol.  There will be PLENTY of stilt homes with wonderful open water views.

There's still that big space of missing regions between the 2 halves of the stilts build, so I'm not holding my breath for a release today.  Also, I'm amazed at how close they've gotten to the private Sacred Heart region!

I don't know if I'll hold onto a stilt home, but I cannot wait to explore once they open it up!  /me dashes out to the marketplace to see if she can find a low-lag pirate ship.  The ones I have are from, like, 2009.  ARRRR!


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54 minutes ago, Matthieu Quander said:

... I think part of the problem is that, regardless of what LL may have intended, Bellisseria is not full of "starter homes."  Sure, some Bellisserians merely want a Linden home to use as a dressing room, worm farm, or skybox anchor, but those aren't the people posting in these forums.  They like the LI increase, but otherwise would have been content with the old residential regions.  Likewise, there are certainly a large number of residents in Bellisseria who are actually new to SL, and these are in fact their first homes.  

I may be wrong, but I think most people living in Bellisseria have a different perspective.  In spite of the shortcomings, most of us own multiple homes in Bellisseria, and many will add accounts as new themes are released.  Most of us have also been in SL for years, and have experienced ownership of amazing properties on mainland or private islands.  We are not noobs living in our first SL homes.  Many of us know what it takes to build complex structures from scratch and terraform and landscape entire regions. 

Yet, here we are, returning to the premium account fold, testing our decorating mettle against flawed floorplans and tiny LI allowances, enjoying a sense of community and virtual living that cannot be experienced at this scale anywhere else in SL.  In other words, we find something special about living in Bellisseria that we don't get in other areas of the grid.  It draws us in and keeps us here.  It is not just a place to set home, it is where many of us happily spend the vast majority of our time.    

That leads us to the other issue.  Because we have this attachment to Bellisseria, we want it to be perfect, and sometimes it feels as though the homes and regions were not designed from a resident's perspective.  To be fair, some improvements have been made as the new themes have been released, custom wall colors being the most obvious example, but I think we can all agree that there are other changes we would like to see.  Keep in mind that  that what is "perfect" for you may not match what is "perfect" for me.  We also have to remember, as mentioned earlier, that some choices are made for technical or financial reasons. 

As for the changes that could easily be made, I see no reason why we should not voice our opinions on such things in these forums as long as it is done in a respectful manner (I have not seen anything disrespectful in this thread).  The moles have built us an amazing community, and continue to add to it, but they have limited resources, and likely have not considered every possible point of view.  I can obviously live with the choices that they have made, or I wouldn't be doing so.  Nonetheless, while we may never get everything that we want, the chances of getting anything is zero if they aren't aware that we want them. 

Pretty much this, especially the statements up where the quote starts!

Personally, I feel the Stilt homes demo area we've seen shows that the Moles have listened to the older complaints that the houseboat areas in Belli are packed too tightly for some people's tastes as long-term residents of Belli.  I can resonate with that complaint, but realize it's a personal, subjective opinion and other people might like the density and crowded feel of the houseboats.

But it's clear that the new Stilt homes layout and landscaping is a thoughtful attempt by the moles to give easy water/boating access to as many people as possible while also giving us a similar sense of separation and personal space as found in the Traditional, Victorian, and Cabin regions.  I for one will be playing the Game of Homes to find a nice Stilt Home. It will be nice to have a sailboat rezzed out and ready to go again. 

And, FWIW.... I just can't with mainland any more. It's been a full year in Bellisseria and I'm spoiled by just living in a cohesive and gorgeous landscape. With tons of driving, boating, aerial, walking, jogging, horse riding access/scenery, and a great community.  I think LL understands this is the core attraction of Belli now, though. I think they've been disabused of the notion that it's just a place for starter homes and most people will move on eventually to something on the mainland.

Edited by Devin Heartsong
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7 hours ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

I'd like to see some of the OL's attached to the main Belli continent, instead of islands out in the middle of the water.  That way you'd have some place to drive your car.  Why is it important to be able to drive a car around?  Aren't these WATER parcels?  Well, as someone who once lived in the Florida panhandle, folks tend to use the areas below the on-land stilt dwellings as parking areas.  For cars.  We'll see how things turn out.  I think I may need two accounts, one for an OL and one for an OW.  They both have their appeal.  And if the moles don't attach some of the OL's to the rest of Belli, then maybe an intercoastal highway, complete with bridges?  Damn, I remember when the wind would whip the waves over both sides of the tiny strip of land leading from Fort Walton into Okaloosa Island -- practically driving in water.  Scary, but cool.  Or maybe it was Destin.  Way too long ago lol

I would prefer bridges connecting Bellisseria to other Mainland continents.  Of, if they connect directly, then only to large swaths of LL owned regions, to prevent a Bellisseria home being too close to normal Mainland garbage.

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Regardless of the complaints here in the forums, one has to remember that the number of people that actually post in the forums is a minuscule part of the SL Residents, and (given the number of homes already released) also a minuscule part of the Linden Home owners.  Also, when taking into account the fact that it is still fairly difficult to get one of the new Linden Homes, I'd have to say that, overall, LL is doing it right.

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29 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I would prefer bridges connecting Bellisseria to other Mainland continents.  Of, if they connect directly, then only to large swaths of LL owned regions, to prevent a Bellisseria home being too close to normal Mainland garbage.

Dunno, they have done that in Hoshigarei ( http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hoshigarei/153/193/59 ) and I am not a fan.image.thumb.png.8bbd7ea2aff3ea5767d758b1efa5d010.png

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1 minute ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

Dunno, they have done that in Hoshigarei ( http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hoshigarei/153/193/59 ) and I am not a fan.image.thumb.png.8bbd7ea2aff3ea5767d758b1efa5d010.png

Yeah, but pretty much everything about the new Linden Homes is far better than the older ones.  They have created bridges in Bellisseria and they are decent looking and drivable.


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Just now, LittleMe Jewell said:

Yeah, but pretty much everything about the new Linden Homes is far better than the older ones.  They have created bridges in Bellisseria and they are decent looking and drivable.

I wasn't referring to the design of the bridge, but to the idea of having such a bridge connecting one body of land to another. 
We can already fly, sail, or even walk or drive across the ocean floor to get to the other side if we don't want to TP. A bridge would only be cosmetic.

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