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My 'Click' is ignored - Why?

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Not really sure how to word this, but I'll try ..

I just completed the Women Only Hunt 5 and every time I clicked on the coconut (for the hunt gift) it worked fine and I received the item, so far so good.

The one and only exception was at 7 Deadly S[k]ins. While there I also tried the group gifts for SLF&O, MAAM, MaitreyaGifts & News and MLM as I am in those groups.

None of them worked. Nothing at this store would accept my clicks, not even their Midnight Madness boards.

When I hover my mouse over a clickable item the arrow changes to a hand with a finger pointing out, so it sees my cursor. But it ignores my 'click'.

I remember seeing this happen somewhere else in the past too, although the place slips my mind.

This is in no way a slight against 7DS, but do you think they setup up their clicks differently to everyone else?

Why doesn't it work for me?

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The hand appears when there's a 'touched' event in a script. I don't know if it still appears when the script is not running, and I'm about to go out, so I can't log in to check it. But, if it does appear when the script isn't running, that place may have turned all their scripts off.

On the other hand, it may be that the criteria required for the clicks to go through aren't set up to suit your avatar. That would seem strange since the problem occurs with different objects there.

It's even possible that the scripts have black lists that you're on.

Where's @Qie Niangao when you need him? :)

Edited by Phil Deakins
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Could be that the region has scripts disabled at estate level, or if it is group owned land or shared with a group, scripts could be disabled at parcel level if the parcel permission disable group scripts.

I know I've had to disable scripts due to griefer objects while I return them and ban the resident, and had forgotten to turn scripts back on(several times) when I was done. At least it wasn't as big as a blunder as forgetting to turn collisions back on. xD

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When this has happened to me it's usually been because there's been an invisible something between me and the object I'm trying to click.

You can try right-clicking on the object and then selecting "Touch" from the context menu. If "Touch" is greyed out then it's not just you. Also, you could highlight transparent objects with Ctrl+Alt+T to see if there is actually something invisible in the way.

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35 minutes ago, KT Kingsley said:

When this has happened to me it's usually been because there's been an invisible something between me and the object I'm trying to click.

You can try right-clicking on the object and then selecting "Touch" from the context menu. If "Touch" is greyed out then it's not just you. Also, you could highlight transparent objects with Ctrl+Alt+T to see if there is actually something invisible in the way.

I forgot to mention that, thanks.

I did try right-click then Touch, but that didn't work either. Touch was not greyed out it just ignored my click same before.

I will try the transparent thing, but I doubt it will be that as when I move my mouse across the gifts it changes from arrow to hand, then off again, as you'd expect.

I remembered the other place now, it was True Dove.

Strange thing is when this happens I can (sometimes) right-click and click Pay, if available. The pay box appears but there's no money option to buy. This is for free items or gifts, for normal items to purchase this works as normal. I can always Buy things.

It's really odd why this happens only in some places. Luckily it's very few.

Thanks everyone for replies so far. I always appreciate people trying to help :)

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44 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

being in the group is often not enough ... and think i don't see it in your post, but... is the group active?...in the meaning you wear the tag.

I do know that some of the Midnight Madness and lucky letter boards in that store also require the store's group tag to be worn, so if the group tag is behind it then that would account for those not working. Candice, were you clicking from more than 10 metres away? Most group-scripted items will only whisper within a 10m radius that you're not wearing the correct tag, so maybe try getting closer to see if you get that kind of error after you click?

However, if the hunt requires a group tag that worked everywhere else except at that one store then the only thing - other than scripting issues - that might account for the no-click problem would be some kind of bounding box covering the hunt object.

I recall two items during last year's Men Only Hunt that had a similar issue. One hunt object was inside a mesh display shoe, and the only way to click the hunt object was to derender the shoe. The other was buried halfway into a mesh wall. It looked clickable, but the wall had what I assumed was a bounding box around it that meant you simply couldn't click the object at all. After a lot of frustrated camming inside the wall I was finally able to click the damn thing. (I could have derendered the wall, I know, but the whole store would have vanished if I'd done that, and I have a habit of derender-and-blacklist instead of derender-temporarily, so I was wary of doing that :D)

Edited by Skell Dagger
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I had this happen once at a place that was super busy.  I TP'd out, tweaked my settings a bit for overloaded sim', TP'd back, derendered all non-friends and then clicks worked.  No clue why -- maybe there was so much lag, the touch was just not registering.

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14 hours ago, Candice LittleBoots said:

Strange thing is when this happens I can (sometimes) right-click and click Pay, if available. The pay box appears but there's no money option to buy. This is for free items or gifts, for normal items to purchase this works as normal. I can always Buy things.

In that case, I like Lil's explanation. To get that pay box, scripts have to be running, but they may be very, very lagged if the money options aren't populated. I guess I'd ask others to try and see whether they have the same problems, and if so, contact the merchants and/or sim owners to report the problem. (Or, if the sim is super crowded with an event or something, maybe wait a day to see if things improve on their own.)

16 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

Where's @Qie Niangao when you need him? :)

I was being held south of the border for a few days. I've since escaped back to civilization. Whew!

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1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

I guess I'd ask others to try and see whether they have the same problems

Everything at that store worked fine for me, but there were only a few avs there when I was there this afternoon.


@Candice LittleBoots - Have you been back to see if things work now?


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Most of the scripts that I write for use in busy areas include a bit of code to discourage spam clicking.  If they don't, it's possible for a script to lock up or get caught in what amounts to an inescapable loop because it has captured dozens of clicks by the same avatar.  Here's how it happens .....   Many scripts are written to ignore clicks for a period of time if there's a sale  (or other important activity) in progress. They save a list of people who click in the meantime, and then act on them one at a time when they can. If they don't also have a way to ignore extra clicks by the same person, however, that one person can be considered a new potential sale over and over and over again.  It can take ages for the script to gradually work through all those extra clicks.  Meanwhile everyone else is locked out.  That can be a serious problem in a busy area that is already laggy anyway.   

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Pro tip... 

If you have a clicky object that is owner only (say a tree with built in options), you can set the on click action to pay L$. This will prevent the cursor from changing to a clicky hand when moused over. To click, right click and pick touch. 

It wont stop clicks being eaten by transparent objects, but it will help from a usability aspect only presenting the click hand when an interaction is possible.

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(Skell Dagger) Candice, were you clicking from more than 10 metres away? Most group-scripted items will only whisper within a 10m radius that you're not wearing the correct tag, so maybe try getting closer to see if you get that kind of error after you click?

This. Some hunt HUDs require the person to stand within a 10-meter distance from the hunt item to encourage people to walk their avatar around rather than have everyone standing at the landing spot and merely cam around. I used to make HUDs for a big game company in SL that did just that. It will show the hand, but if you are too far away, you would get a message: "Move closer to this item."

Edited by Arduenn Schwartzman
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7 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Everything at that store worked fine for me, but there were only a few avs there when I was there this afternoon.

I just tried it (once I figured out where it was) under similarly low-load conditions and everything I touched seemed to work, including a couple Midnight Mania boards (OP mentioned as among the problems).

1 hour ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

This. Some hunt HUDs require the person to stand within a 10-meter distance from the hunt item to encourage people to walk their avatar around rather than have everyone standing at the landing spot and merely cam around. I used to make HUDs for a big game company in SL that did just that. It will show the hand, but if you are too far away, you would get a message: "Move closer to this item."

That doesn't seem to be the problem here: I weaseled my way to the far corner of the sim and stuff still worked. One thing that's tricky about a "Move closer" script is using the right messaging. We've all learned to favor llRegionSayTo() over llInstantMessage() especially at busy venues (because the functions throttle differently), but events with adjacent "cam" sims really can't use llRegionSayTo(). (Not the problem here, though, which I'm starting to think may have been a temporary glitch for the OP.)

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5 hours ago, Fionalein said:

I was wondering fif it worked meanwhile - it's the only store I skipped so far too.

It worked for me the other day - though there were only about a half dozen folks there at the time

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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The store in question sent out a notice to their group yesterday with regard to another vendor scripting issue, and it's very likely that the reason given was also behind the OP's problem with the hunt gift:


When the sim restarts, the scripts inside the boards can get messed up. So group boards can be open to others and vice versa. There is little we can do about this issue. There is no way for us tho know when a sim had a restart if we are not there and its to much work to check those boards several times a day or each day for that matter to see if they are still as they should be [ open / closed to the right groups ]


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