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The Second Life Mafia

Maximillien Admiral

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would you consider renaming your financial system, for example, "the associates", "the partnership"?

dont you think that "Mafia" may have very negative meaning that will give you bad reputation before you even start, youre probably are shady and up to no good, and people will distrust you and your partners and may blame you for some troubles, some honest and good people may not want to associate with a financial group like that, you will have to explain to everybody, again and again that you are trustable, that you are no troublemakers, that you are not griefers

if Google was named "Hackers place" it wouldnt be so succesful, because of their positive image they are the most reputable company in the U.S., also one of the most succesful

it would be sad that such innovative financial system couldnt reach all its potential because of its bad reputation

positivism brings success

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Yes that makes perfect sense, but there is something so appealing about creating a mafia. We all know that Second Life is a game in which you can be something that you are not in real life. You can start a strip club, sell clothes, even become little pink furry things. It is a fantasy life that we all enjoy.

In our real day to day lives, we must be cordial to one another. We must be friendly, and at our jobs we must deal with people who piss us off and say nothing to them. We have bills, debt, and real life problems. Second Life helps us get away from all of that, and one thing that seems to be appealing to the human race is to be "evil" when they can be.

The natural state of humankind is war. We take what we want from people, their land, money, and destroy their villages (at least in the old days.) Nowadays, we sacrifice some of those freedoms to be kept safe by governments and police.

My point here is, humans never get a chance anymore to do bad, to be evil, and be a little mischevious at times. Second Life is a gateway so that we can be. Since it is a game, we can get away from real life, where we have to be our bosses puppets and be nice to everyone, and we get a chance to release our true human nature, to dominate.

This is my point of making the Mafia. Simply because it is fun to be bad. People will look at us and fear us, and we will be a dominant force. Of course, there are alot of things in Second Life that you cant do, you cant kill people, for example. But there are still alot of malicious things we could do being a mafia, when the need arises. Things that alot of people may not really think of would be possible in SL.

And of course, we would make a ton of money with our businesses and properties and lavish estates. All under one group. if you guys have any questions or need me to clear anything up, please send me a private message.

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Sounds for me like a guild. Or better like anything similar to the EU: The EU is a great example for what could happen with your mafia.... You defenetly need some big business in your mafia.. like germany and france in the EU.... You also must be sure that you save poor mafia friends... in the EU like greek or portugal.. and that costs money.. If you agree to such a system... well.. then go.. why waiting? :D

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Maximillien Admiral wrote:

Hello all, I have been throwing around an idea for quite some time, and wanted more people opinions about it all. Basically, i am completely obsessed with Mafias and organized crime for a long time - and doing so, I created a mafia on The Sims Online back in the day. It was a huge success, and there were many other mafia families around. I was thinking about doing this now on Second Life. I think it could work very well

Lets say someone wants to start a business, they join/come to the Mafia and we give them the money for the tier, basically paying their rent every week. They start it and make it successful, and pay back the family a certain percent. We could use the money they pay back to start another business.


You've captured my interest. Are you still accepting family members?

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It was the Robespierre family mafia, mostly on Alphaville. I was Maximillien Robespierre, and my underboss was Anthony Robespierre. At our highest point, we had about 80 mafia members, and we ran tons of properties, which I don't remember the names of any of them at this point. We were also a little bit on Dan's Grove (i think?) on TSO. Our main competitors were the SSG, or Sim Shadow Government. Their goal was to take down and eliminate every mafia family from te game, and they had hundreds of members. We warred with them for years, until I had to leave the game. unfortunetly, not long after, TSO went out of business and the game no longer exists. That is why im trying to restart in Second Life. The Sims Online and Second Life are very similar, and the mafia life style will flow well here. We made tons of money on TSO but unfortunetly you cant convert Simoleans into real money, whereas on SL you can. Even more reason to start a mafia.

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Hmm, played TSO for years(and yes I know, tragic they shut it down, Aug 2008, sigh...) But I have never even heard of you, lol. Lots of other mafias, and families, but not that one.


Best of luck to you. ;) I'm sure there are loads of people in sl interested in something like this. You may need to find ways in-world to find people though. Only a teeny tiny population of Sl ever actually reads these forums/blogs. Shame, could be a more valuable tool, but, I digress..

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...Oh, Big Al said he likes it in Straten Isaland and isn't going to bother applying for parole anymore. I guess he should have paid his taxes.

So I guess the idea of a sort of co-op or collective that helps launch buinesses and then takes a cut of the profits later seems reasonable.  But the mafia always seems reasonable before they want you to repay the favour - so how are you getting your money back if everything goes wrong and all the buisnesses you help launch fail to make a profit?

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  • 5 months later...

  There is no doubt that this idea sounds awesome. I researched the thread starter in Second Life®, but the account profile is empty, with no active groups and thus appears inactive. I believe if there is a mafia in Second Life® that because of new standards and abilities given to land owners that the mafias that used to exist don't anymore - at least not in the same capacity as the used to. You can find out a wealth of information about these mafias from past and recent times by googling "Second Life Herald" - a news paper which has since changed it's name back to it's original.  

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  There is no doubt that this idea sounds awesome. I researched the thread starter in Second Life®, but the account profile is empty, with no active groups and thus appears inactive. I believe if there is a mafia in Second Life® that because of new standards and abilities given to land owners that the mafias that used to exist don't anymore - at least not in the same capacity as the used to. You can find out a wealth of information about these mafias from past and recent times by googling "Second Life Herald" - a news paper which has since changed it's name back to it's original.  

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  • 3 years later...

My query would be, is this type "Mafia" based on the "old world style" or "alleged new world style" of Mafia? The difference??  "Old World" Mafia had hitmen as well as their fingers in all the cookie jars.  The 'New World' Mafia allegedly doesn't do hits anymore unless it is an extreme case.

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Mornanai wrote:

My query would be, is this type "Mafia" based on the "old world style" or "alleged new world style" of Mafia? The difference??  "Old World" Mafia had hitmen as well as their fingers in all the cookie jars.  The 'New World' Mafia allegedly doesn't do hits anymore unless it is an extreme case.

I think it's probably "old world style" by now  . . .

. . . given that the thread is four years old.

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  • 2 years later...

Hello all Mafia Role players i am roleplaying as DonColombo, noticed these posts from years ago but i just recently joined, i haven't seen many families around, or places at that, which if has died out, Colombo are open and bringing back, settings businesses to benefit every family not just one, if you want more details send me a im -DonColombo i will be active

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