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Question on EEP

Chic Aeon

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There was some mention in the "meet the Lindens" talks about EEP and that there would be four levels --- ground, 1000  2000 and 3000. I of COURSE have an important full sim build over on LEA6 at 4000 meter (wouldn'tchaknow?)  so moving will be in the future. Looking forward to the unveiling.

MEANWHILE should anyone official an in the know be slumming (I know the dev commented before) --- should we assume that the "levels" are inclusive?  So ground TO 1000 --- 1000 TO 2000? etc.    It kind of seems logical. I just have a TON of stuff on full sim levels in the sky and don't want to move any more than I need to :D.


So hints appreciated.   I can see a new tutorial will be in the works down the road.



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I'm not anyone official, but I'm also not sure what you mean by "inclusive". My hunch would be that the levels are:

  1. below 1000m
  2. 1000 - 2000m
  3. 2000 - 3000m
  4. above 3000m

so I'm not sure why you'd need to be moving anything from 4000m, unless it needs to be in a separate Windlight environment from something else above 3000m.

On the other hand a build at, say, 2999m might be pretty disorienting if an avatar walks along bobbing between levels.

Note also that these are the initial, unscripted Windlight layers. The absolute magic of EEP is that (eventually) scripts will be able to dynamically target Windlight to individual avatars, so you'll be able to make the environment specific to arbitrarily shaped volumes -- or specific to any other condition you might assign to that avatar.

Edited by Qie Niangao
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10 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

I'm not anyone official, but I'm also not sure what you mean by "inclusive". My hunch would be that the levels are:

  1. below 1000m
  2. 1000 - 2000m
  3. 2000 - 3000m
  4. above 3000m

so I'm not sure why you'd need to be moving anything from 4000m, unless it needs to be in a separate Windlight environment from something else above 3000m.

On the other hand a build at, say, 2999m might be pretty disorienting if an avatar walks along bobbing between levels.

Note also that these are the initial, unscripted Windlight layers. The absolute magic of EEP is that (eventually) scripts will be able to dynamically target Windlight to individual avatars, so you'll be able to make the environment specific to arbitrarily shaped volumes -- or specific to any other condition you might assign to that avatar.

Yes, your chart is what I meant. My "Sanoria" build which has it own pink sky (or did at Fantasy Faire anyway :D) is at 4002.  ALL levels are of course living with a default sky which "works" but isn't optimum.  I could actually pull down the build from 4002 to 3990 say. Not fun but easier than actually MOVING the whole sim level LOL.   It wasn't clear from the video about the layering but I am guessing as you are that this will be the deal.  If the "above" part of your chart is correct, that would solve that issue. Whatever is at 3000 feet and between can just have pink sky (oh my).   

Since we know I am a tinker of scripts at best, I won't be opting into that  advanced stuff most likely. LOL.

I really only have three levels that would LIKE their own Windlights or whatever the new system names the settings. The others are more arbitrary.  And yes, there are MANY levels. I like open spaces a LOT so crowding onto one level is not my method. 



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Day Cycle Environment settings are divided into track.  The first track (#0) is used for water.  Tracks #1 - #4 are used for skies.  

Qie's numbers are correct although if I were being pedantic I would put it the following way:

  1. Anything above ground level.
  2. Anything at or above 1000m
  3. Anything at or above 2000m
  4. Anything at or above 3000m

There always must be a ground level track (#1).  Other tracks are optional. 

If a track is missing the environment defined by the track below it is in effect. So, if a day cycle defines tracks #1, #2 and #4.  Below 1000m would use track #1.  Track #2 would be in effect from 1000m to 3000m and then Track #4 would apply from 3000m upward. 

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