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Abandoned Land Problem

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3 hours ago, Alazarin Mondrian said:

Our sim is 3/4 abandoned and LL maintenance land so, as you can imagine, it's very empty. For years I let my builds sprawl out across the abandoned land in order to fill up the empty space and make it look less deserted.

Everything was fine for years until one day when I logged in January this year a few hours before I was due to due a live music show at our home venue to find Tommy Linden merrily deleting our Arctic Roundhouse venue.

That was the white building with large spikes around the outside, a tiny central parcel and huge prims all over the abandoned land, and importantly, overflowing into the next region? 

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3 hours ago, Alazarin Mondrian said:

 For years I let my builds sprawl out across the abandoned land in order to fill up the empty space and make it look less deserted.

I got the obligatory 'items over the parcel lines' boilerplate and then, after a short conversation, he left.


and that's totally right.. if you are in such need for land you simply only have to create a ticket and they will put it for sale to you.


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But what would a non profit do with the land anyway, advertise for a real world cause? How does that benefit secondlife or the residents who will have to live next to it in any way?

On the other hand, if they had to present a project on what they are gonna do and how it benefits residents, sure, why not.

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10 minutes ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

But what would a non profit do with the land anyway, advertise for a real world cause? How does that benefit secondlife or the residents who will have to live next to it in any way?

On the other hand, if they had to present a project on what they are gonna do and how it benefits residents, sure, why not.

Thread-starter said non profit could rent or sell the land, and selling the linden dollars they earn for it.

They will be a landlord who is given free land directly from LL. And prove how they use the income on their good cause....

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7 hours ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

But what would a non profit do with the land anyway, advertise for a real world cause? How does that benefit secondlife or the residents who will have to live next to it in any way?

On the other hand, if they had to present a project on what they are gonna do and how it benefits residents, sure, why not.

 I think second life would be a great way to help non profits hold meetings and events to teach others about what they do and what they believe in, and to answer questions.  They could also set up teaching tools and information in world.  Non profit members and volunteers could also meet in world all together without the hassle of driving to a location to discuss their ideas and problems .

Edited by Elinah Iredell
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56 minutes ago, Elinah Iredell said:

 I think second life would be a great way to help non profits hold meetings and events to teach others about what they do and what they believe in, and to answer questions.  They could also set up teaching tools and information in world.  Non profit members and volunteers could also meet in world all together without the hassle of driving to a location to discuss their ideas and problems .

i'm pretty sure, if those non profits contact LL for their non profit members to meet at a non profit location, there's something non profit to arrange.
It becomes a total different thing as soon those non profits with their non profit members start to use land commercial for non non profit prices and swap that money to RL.

It's simply a bad competition with the already active landlords, and other members/residents that already pay for their land.

I'd love to get my non profit act and start such business..getting it for free, roaming 98% of the income for costs and donate 2% to the funds.

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12 hours ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

But what would a non profit do with the land anyway, advertise for a real world cause? How does that benefit secondlife or the residents who will have to live next to it in any way?

On the other hand, if they had to present a project on what they are gonna do and how it benefits residents, sure, why not.

I can think of lots of things that can be done on that land that can benefit both the non-profit as well as sl(including the residents)

How many folks here have ever participated in an event of some sort whose benefit was for some charity? RFL (Relay for Life) would be one of the largest, but certainly not the only one. There are countless events that take place between March(ish) and July for RFL, all of which benefit RFL, sl residents, merchants, etc...

There are fairs, and shopping events that are held all the time (some on a yearly basis, but at any given point in a year one might find any number of different events with a charity of some kind as the beneficiary), which of course need land in order to function. People shop at these events, so while yes a charity or non-profit is getting the benefit of donations, residents are also getting something out of it. I've never really seen complaints from neighboring parcels, personally, though I won't discount that something could happen(as with ANY neighbor, really).

I can see a non-profit having a sim, or portion of a sim even, to keep up a year-round donation center, offering wares and/or amusement to residents, providing something for people to do, see, buy, enjoy, whatever have you. It could be set up in any number of ways, for any number of purposes and can *easily, have some oversight when/where necessary. Not only will a non-profit benefit(even if mere pennies, pennies add up to dollars and pennies count too...if you think otherwise I'd love for you to talk to my kiddos who use pennies to help a very near and dear to us charity every single year-and have done so since...2002..but I digress..lol) but it can benefit LL too. And THAT is what matters most to LL, what benefits them. They'd make money off a non-profit cashing out, in some cases, quite a great deal of money, they'd make money on people buying lindens, or paying for land on which to use the wares purchased from the non-profit... Events are just ONE way that land can be used...the amount of ideas in my head is nearly endless, I don't think anyone wants to read them, lol. 

I loathe seeing abandoned land just sitting there empty, lol, especially land that's been sitting for years-there's a LOT of it. That's how you know LL isn't *really inundated with requests for abandoned land, even if people are grabbing what's available up fast. If LL were, all that land that's been sitting for years and years would have already been made available, and it never has. We also know it doesn't take more than a few clicks to make that land available on LL's part, so, it's a crock o'stinky poo when they say otherwise.  If I had the funding to grab it all up myself, I would, in a heartbeat, just so I could fill it with pretty to look at things for others to enjoy. I like doing stuff like that, though, lol. 

I should shut up about this idea, because we all know it won't ever happen, LL has already said so. Not because it can't, or because it's too difficult(it is not) or too much work, but because LL doesn't want to, and that's that. So, I get it, it really is just wishful thinking on my part, lol. Empty land, especially years empty, is fugly land when you're a wanderer like me ;) 

Edited by Tari Landar
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if non-profits could get free land I would be into that

like I would have a Prosperity Gospel Church. And everybody could come and I will preach the gospel of how all the goddesses wants you to give me lindens money so you can go to heaven.  And you can pray also to the goddesses that I can get lots of lindens money so that I can get a aeroplane so I can spread the gospel further

lots of people be into this as I will make them Prosperity Gospeleers. Like missionaries. My missionaries be able get a free land as well for their own missions.  And bc they all good gospeleers then they will give me some of the lindens money they get through prayers and mission giving. So they can go to heaven on a VIP (virginally innocent prosperity) pass in the hereafter hope so maybe somehow



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1 hour ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

Maybe this is just due to how I see SecondLife as its own microcosm, but if LL wanted to allow people to use abandoned land for non profit projects, it should be projects that are relevant  to secondlife and its residents, not real life.

my donations for those are measured to the income of their boards, those figures are public where i live.

As soon i see those greedy bastards rake in over 100.000 euro's, some even 4 times that, they can beg for their donations at another door, not mine.
If people here want to give free land to them for raking in even more .... well.. no.

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On 6/6/2018 at 12:00 PM, Callum Meriman said:

That was the white building with large spikes around the outside, a tiny central parcel and huge prims all over the abandoned land, and importantly, overflowing into the next region? 

Well, I do make use of mega prims on a tiny parcel but I haven't built a white spiky building.

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On 6/6/2018 at 12:08 PM, Alwin Alcott said:

and that's totally right.. if you are in such need for land you simply only have to create a ticket and they will put it for sale to you.


Well, I did put in a ticket to buy some adjacent land when our allowances went up. And, yes, it went through. Thank you, LL. Much as I would love to be able to buy and maintain the abandoned land surrounding our parcel, I do not have the financial means to do so. So I'm surrounded by barren SL wasteland instead.

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16 minutes ago, Alazarin Mondrian said:

Well, I did put in a ticket to buy some adjacent land when our allowances went up. And, yes, it went through. Thank you, LL. Much as I would love to be able to buy and maintain the abandoned land surrounding our parcel, I do not have the financial means to do so. So I'm surrounded by barren SL wasteland instead.

use the resources as far you can pay for it, like everybody else.

If it's barren and you don't like it, you bought at the wrong place, you should search for community areas or more populated ones.

All encroaching items, not specific yours, should always be found by auto return, and as so, back to inventories.

I live at the mainland too, do have neighbours, and some seem to think people are ok with overhanging platforms and other stuff as long the root is on theirs... nope, buy a larger plot,  or stay within the borders.

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16 minutes ago, Alazarin Mondrian said:

So I'm surrounded by barren SL wasteland instead.

If it's abandoned, it doesn't have to stay barren. Especially now that we have Land Impact to spare, we can just encroach into adjacent abandoned land to a depth of at least 55m from a linked root prim on your parcel edge. Sure, it may all get returned if it's not reasonably tasteful or if / when that abandoned land is reclaimed at auction or sale to another neighbor, but in the meantime scattering a little landscaping can be a big improvement to the area. (I generally name the linkset something that invites it to be returned, no harm no foul, but I'm not sure anybody looks at that anyway.)

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3 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

If it's abandoned, it doesn't have to stay barren...  ...it may all get returned if it's not reasonably tasteful or if / when that abandoned land is reclaimed at auction or sale to another neighbor, but in the meantime scattering a little landscaping can be a big improvement to the area... ...no harm no foul, but I'm not sure anybody looks at that anyway.

Alwin certainly doesn't :-\ Now I've got someone or something deleting my group-set objects [that don't overhang the parcel boundary]. I guess my builds are deemed bad-taste garish crap or someone with hacking skills or Linden connections doesn't like me or something. Meh...

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4 minutes ago, Alazarin Mondrian said:

Alwin certainly doesn't

i don't what?

5 minutes ago, Alazarin Mondrian said:

I guess my builds are deemed bad-taste garish crap or someone with hacking skills or Linden connections doesn't like me or something. Meh...

if it's in any way encroaching you might got pulled attention by mentioning it here.. Everybody can report it and if LL decides it has to go, you'll find it in your inventory.
It is mentioned before in several posts in the past, also by LL employees , encroaching is not allowed. No matter who's land it is, governor Linden or resident 999xxx.

If it's not encroaching and others are able to return it, it's your settings, or a griefing act. If right you can see the message why and by who it is returned, report them if you see the name.

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1 minute ago, Alwin Alcott said:

If it's not encroaching and others are able to return it, it's your settings, or a griefing act. If right you can see the message why and by who it is returned, report them if you see the name.

The objects never returned to my inventory and I've got the permissions for my objects and land locked down. That's what's puzzling me. I think I'll close my land and set it to group access only for a few months.

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33 minutes ago, Alazarin Mondrian said:

The objects never returned to my inventory and I've got the permissions for my objects and land locked down. That's what's puzzling me. I think I'll close my land and set it to group access only for a few months.

I don't see how this could help with the problem of disappearing objects (except on a void-surrounded island, but I think you're a fellow Mainlander).

If there's anybody else in the same group as an object, if it's "Shared" with that group and you have transfer perms on it, it can just be Taken without anybody getting any notice. I doubt that's the situation here, but there aren't many ways to make an object disappear without being returned. Anybody who can modify the object can certainly add an llDie() script. Or, if it's set "Anybody can Move" then it might be hidden anywhere or sent off-world. And speaking of off-world, anything set Physical can be pushed to oblivion (if scripted "Push" is enabled on the land).

Encroaching on Linden land of course is forbidden and I do it all the time. Forgiveness is more readily granted than permission -- as it should be, because I could be scattering griefing cubes instead of low-impact landscaping, so there's no way we'd want a policy permitting such things. And anyway, I have a hunch that Governance soon learns to ignore Abuse Reports from residents too readily offended by Unofficial Shrubberies.

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14 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

If there's anybody else in the same group as an object, if it's "Shared" with that group and you have transfer perms on it, it can just be Taken without anybody getting any notice.

I stole a palm tree of yours years ago - from the Cartel Hangout. I think I still have it :)

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3 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

It is mentioned before in several posts in the past, also by LL employees , encroaching is not allowed. No matter who's land it is, governor Linden or resident 999xxx.

I hope the Lindens read this then. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sylvia/134/21/93 This prim is linked to a giant prim that covers 3/4's of an entire Linden protected region. And its repeated every 100 meters in height. It gives residents living 100's of meters in the sky the look of being on an ocean. Ruins adjacent residents' views. Been AR'd numerous times.

Edited by Cedric Brown
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8 hours ago, Alazarin Mondrian said:

Well, I did put in a ticket to buy some adjacent land when our allowances went up. And, yes, it went through. Thank you, LL. Much as I would love to be able to buy and maintain the abandoned land surrounding our parcel, I do not have the financial means to do so. So I'm surrounded by barren SL wasteland instead.

I am also surrounded by a barren SL wasteland, and  I love it. The vast emptiness is my backyard and my backdrop.  It reminds me of parts of Nebraska and Oklahoma I recently visited. I sincerely hope that my building (ewww I'm not living next to THAT) discourages others from putting in a ticket to buy the land on either side.

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17 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:


Encroaching on Linden land of course is forbidden and I do it all the time. Forgiveness is more readily granted than permission -- as it should be, because I could be scattering griefing cubes instead of low-impact landscaping, so there's no way we'd want a policy permitting such things. And anyway, I have a hunch that Governance soon learns to ignore Abuse Reports from residents too readily offended by Unofficial Shrubberies.

If I built a house or business in RL my driveway wouldn't stop at the edge of my property, it would extend onto the road allowance and connect to the paved portion of the roadway. That's what  I also do in SL. I don't encroach on the PAVED surface in any way, but omg yes, my rooted on my own land prim is over the boundary line. I'd sincerely hope the Lindens have better things to do with their time than return prims that only add value and continuity to a scene.

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11 minutes ago, Phorumities said:

If I built a house or business in RL my driveway wouldn't stop at the edge of my property, it would extend onto the road allowance and connect to the paved portion of the roadway. That's what  I also do in SL. I don't encroach on the PAVED surface in any way, but omg yes, my rooted on my own land prim is over the boundary line. I'd sincerely hope the Lindens have better things to do with their time than return prims that only add value and continuity to a scene.

Better don't, that is some other Forumite's communistic approach, it backfired - see some other forum thread about encroachment on a much travelled route on that one.

Edited by Fionalein
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