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Lines that annoy you most


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3 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

“I am dramatic and desperate but DO NOT RESPOND HERE, message me inworld.”

These are invariably Time Vampires.  That's a term I invented for those people who, as soon as you interact with them at all, proceed to suck away hours of your time.  When you finally escape, your day is shot to hell and you wonder why you never get that project you were meaning to work on completed.

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On 2/6/2019 at 1:03 AM, MiakisTheUsagi said:

"Ur hot/sexy". Sorry, but no. Calling my 10yr old kid avi anthing like that, just makes you look creepy and i'll just ignore you/

I get this too on my 9 year old Tweenster boy avatar, only I don't just ignore but block and AR them too. 

They know if they said that in real life they'd be lynched but apparently because it's SL and there are no consequences it's okay.....

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[01:45] Dudebro: hows the stunning Ayela today
[01:48] Ayela (ayelanewlife): hiya - I'm okay thankies, hows you?
[01:50] Dudebro: im good thanks asking me when i will see ayela  and meet us..

  1. I don't speak caveman, I had to get a translator for this
  2. The raw arrogance of assuming that it's only a matter of time before I jump into his arms is stunning
  3. Waiting a week and trying this again won't get a different answer, we're now up to double figures of pathetic pickup attempts, he's still not gotten the hint
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3 hours ago, AyelaNewLife said:
  1. I don't speak caveman, I had to get a translator for this
  2. The raw arrogance of assuming that it's only a matter of time before I jump into his arms is stunning
  3. Waiting a week and trying this again won't get a different answer, we're now up to double figures of pathetic pickup attempts, he's still not gotten the hint

You understood what he wanted to say with his last sentence? I'm still not sure, even after reading it the third time.

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9 minutes ago, Syo Emerald said:

You understood what he wanted to say with his last sentence? I'm still not sure, even after reading it the third time.


3 hours ago, AyelaNewLife said:

Dudebro: im good thanks asking me when i will see ayela  and meet us..

I’m well, thanks. I’m asking myself when I will see you and we finally meet.

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When I was playing a lot in adult places, I had my limits clear in my profile. I had quite a lot - I was very very new to it and working to get over a very repressive RL background - but they were my limits, and anyone who didn't want to abide by them was welcome to ignore me and find another partner. 

The number, sheer overwhelming number, of people whose very first interaction with me was nothing but an attempt to violate my limits, was staggering. I couldn't and still can't understand why they didn't just bypass me and go after any one of the jillion other people in the area if that was what they wanted. We had never played, never even spoken, and yet the very first thing they tried to do was manipulate or pressure me into things I had set as hard limits. 

It was years ago and it still annoys me now. Definitely lines that I don't like.


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28 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

When I was playing a lot in adult places, I had my limits clear in my profile. I had quite a lot - I was very very new to it and working to get over a very repressive RL background - but they were my limits, and anyone who didn't want to abide by them was welcome to ignore me and find another partner. 

The number, sheer overwhelming number, of people whose very first interaction with me was nothing but an attempt to violate my limits, was staggering. I couldn't and still can't understand why they didn't just bypass me and go after any one of the jillion other people in the area if that was what they wanted. We had never played, never even spoken, and yet the very first thing they tried to do was manipulate or pressure me into things I had set as hard limits. 

It was years ago and it still annoys me now. Definitely lines that I don't like.


I've been through that before. About a month or so ago I had someone claimed that because of my limits, no one wanted to role-play with me, they were trying to get me banned from the Sim for it. They even claim they had people talk to them about me about it, it was ridiculous and funny because I've had the same limits for years and no one has voiced any problems with them until then, I've even gotten rid of some of them over the years, so it baffled me the level of the guy was going to to try to get rid of me because of the four hard limits I had

Edited by IvyLarae
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10 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

When I was playing a lot in adult places, I had my limits clear in my profile. I had quite a lot - I was very very new to it and working to get over a very repressive RL background - but they were my limits, and anyone who didn't want to abide by them was welcome to ignore me and find another partner. 

The number, sheer overwhelming number, of people whose very first interaction with me was nothing but an attempt to violate my limits, was staggering. I couldn't and still can't understand why they didn't just bypass me and go after any one of the jillion other people in the area if that was what they wanted. We had never played, never even spoken, and yet the very first thing they tried to do was manipulate or pressure me into things I had set as hard limits. 

It was years ago and it still annoys me now. Definitely lines that I don't like.


Even in RL it never stops. They're called privileged white males, usually. They aren't always white but they are definitely always male. 

Guys like that hit my ignore list in less than a heartbeat.

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Since we're on the topic of Role-play and so forth, this isn't exactly a line, but an expectation so I feel it could still feel fall into this category

Last night I got into a bit of an argument ( Thats putting it mildly) with a guy who in his profile stated that he wouldn't even play with someone if they didn't have RLV folders set up, didn't have MD cuffs. iControl, etc etc.

the TL:DR version was I sent him a very politely worked statement on it and asked why he required it, and how i felt about RLV in itself. He proceeded after about a minute into the conversation to belittle me, call me vulgar names, calling me rude and claiming he's gonna have me banned from ALL RP sims and groups because I simply didn't have the same beliefs he had ( I admit I started ripping into him too once i seen he wasn't gonna be respectful towards me, but where I think he was getting offended by it, I was amused and playing a long because it was one of the bizarrest and cringiest arguments I've ever had xD)

The point of me saying all of this, is it annoys me when people who rely heavily on RLV and claim its the only role-play that is right when it isn't. I use Minimal RLV, I wear a collar that my SL wife has locked and blacklisted me on, and its on ask only mode, thats it. i personally find that people who rely heavily on it are just....* shudders*

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24 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

When I was playing a lot in adult places, I had my limits clear in my profile. I had quite a lot - I was very very new to it and working to get over a very repressive RL background - but they were my limits, and anyone who didn't want to abide by them was welcome to ignore me and find another partner. 

The number, sheer overwhelming number, of people whose very first interaction with me was nothing but an attempt to violate my limits, was staggering. I couldn't and still can't understand why they didn't just bypass me and go after any one of the jillion other people in the area if that was what they wanted. We had never played, never even spoken, and yet the very first thing they tried to do was manipulate or pressure me into things I had set as hard limits. 

It was years ago and it still annoys me now. Definitely lines that I don't like.


It's about power, no? It's why I still get hit on by men who have clearly read my profile, despite stating very clearly there that I'm not interested in SL relationships or sex. In fact, I have come to think that saying that makes it more likely that they'll hit on me.

Conventionally, we tend to say that some men see a statement of limits as a "challenge," and I'm sure that's partially true. But mostly it's surely about trying to assume a position of dominance and power.

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12 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Even in RL it never stops. They're called privileged white males, usually. They aren't always white but they are definitely always male. 

Guys like that hit my ignore list in less than a heartbeat.

Oh yes, the hands all over you in clubs or on public transport, the filth screamed from passing cars and the millions of subtle and not so subtle ways you are pressured to accept it. How you are painted as a frigid, uptight, man-hating harridan if you make it clear you hate it, how you're praised for having a "sense of humour" and "not being a snowflake" if you laugh it off. 

Within SL contexts, though, there is something so unbelievable about someone's very first interaction with you having no motivation other than to undermine your right to say no. And it happened all the time. 

I even had one or two people tell me that a list like mine which was, at the time, longer than most, would be seen as a "challenge". Which leads me to wonder how on God's earth they expected me to express a "no". Until I realised, of course, that the whole point was to rewrite and reinterpret anything I did so that I could never truly say no.

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5 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

It's about power, no? It's why I still get hit on by men who have clearly read my profile, despite stating very clearly there that I'm not interested in SL relationships or sex. In fact, I have come to think that saying that makes it more likely that they'll hit on me.

Conventionally, we tend to say that some men see a statement of limits as a "challenge," and I'm sure that's partially true. But mostly it's surely about trying to assume a position of dominance and power.

Haha, I was addressing exactly this as you were writing it too!

It is ultimately about creating a narrative for you in which it is actually impossible for you to say and mean no.

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5 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

It is ultimately about creating a narrative for you in which it is actually impossible for you to say and mean no.

In RL, a "knee to the crotch" usually convinces them no means no. Usually pisses them off too. We do have the legal right to defend ourselves against sexual assault in the US.


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2 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

In RL, a "knee to the crotch" usually convinces them no means no. Usually pisses them off too. We do have the legal right to defend ourselves against sexual assault in the US.


If it's defence against actual assault, yes indeed. But even then, I don't know how a court would look upon me punching or knee-ing the guy who brushes his hand over my bum as he passes behind me in a crowded bar. He might claim it was an accident, but it's funny how many times that same accident happens in just one evening. What an unfortunate crowd...


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10 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

If it's defence against actual assault, yes indeed. But even then, I don't know how a court would look upon me punching or knee-ing the guy who brushes his hand over my bum as he passes behind me in a crowded bar. He might claim it was an accident, but it's funny how many times that same accident happens in just one evening. What an unfortunate crowd...


That has already happened in the US. More than once. Didn't turn out the way the guys expected. At all.





ETA: Oh and in case you didn't notice it, I put "knee to the crotch" in quotation marks because I wasn't referring to physically defending ones self with violence since we are really talking about the occurrences in SL and not RL, even though there really is no difference to being verbally assaulted in RL or SL.

Verbal sexual assault is sexual assault no matter where (or when) it takes place.

Edited by Selene Gregoire
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This was a memorable IM from last night.

I was out dancing with a new avi, we are just friends and have only met twice. Just dancing and chatting...………….

Then "Dick" hits me up......he's the sort who hangs around dance floors not dancing...….just scoping...……


[10:37] Dick (Not his real name, just his attitude): Hello Belinda

[10:37] Belinda: Hello Dick

[10:38] Dick: does (name of dance partner) is your boyfriend Belinda ?

[10:39] Belinda: No he's a friend........I avoid boyfriends!!

[10:39] Dick: will you have sex with him after these dances, Belinda ?

[10:40] Belinda: No.

[10:40] Dick: Haaa why ?

[10:40] Dick: you don't like him ?

[10:40] Belinda: Because I'm very choosy.

[10:41] Belinda: Just because I hang out with a guy doesn't automatically mean they get avi sex................

[10:41] Dick: I understand Belinda ... you are a romantic girl ...I prefer

[10:43] Belinda: Yes I am, and so is my sister!

[10:44] Dick: then I want you and your sister Belinda

[10:44] Belinda: You want a threesome Dick?

[10:45] Dick: I don't want only sex Belinda

[10:46] Belinda: The best advice I can give you Dick is that by not chasing sex, you have more chance of getting it..............

[10:46] Belinda: It's about chatting, dancing and just hanging out.........

[10:48] Dick: Belinda you have 9 months old in sl ... then your advice you can put it yourself in your cute ass


Do you think he likes me?  



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45 minutes ago, BelindaN said:


[10:48] Dick: Belinda you have 9 months old in sl ... then your advice you can put it yourself in your cute ass


I'm going to save this up and use it. Far from being an annoying line, this is a great line. It borders on absolute sublimity, utter transcendence. Next time someone tells me something stupid, I am so telling them that their advice they can put it themselves in their cute ass.

It will never get old.

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