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Rockcliffe University 2018 Conference

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Rockcliffe University Consortium Conference
The Future Present
November 9-10, 2018
Fort Mason Center
San Francisco, California

The Annual Rockcliffe University Consortium Conference (RUCC) takes traditional conferencing methods and converts them into experiential ones. Attendees can expect a dynamic mixture of sessions, excursions, and critical discussion, all around the topic of innovative technology and its application to education, and how the two can impact our students’ preparedness for the digital world. 

November is looking charged with possibilities. If you don’t attend the Future Present conference in San Francisco, you will be missing out on more than just mere presentations. You will be missing out on an experience.

The first major view into our dynamic program starts with the announcement of our two keynotes, who epitomize the Future Present for their innovative practices and their exciting ideas of what education for the future should be.

  • Dr. Pamela Redmond, who is tinkering with the schema of school daily as she directs the innovation lab she founded.


  • Dr. Chris Haskell, who exemplifies the bold and playful adventurer that knows education can be both fun and meaningfully connected to the 21st century.

They are just the start of more surprises to come from the Future Present. Early bird registration is open until June 17, 2018, with final registration closing on August 31, 2018.

The best experience will be live--wait until you find out about the mixed reality game!--but if you can’t travel to San Francisco and don’t want to miss these dynamic speakers, we also have a virtual registration option that will give you access to their streamed presentations.

Reserve your spot now and get ready to recharge your profession with us in November.

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