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Update on Marketplace Delivery Delays

Brooke Linden

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Marketplace is currently experiencing delays in delivery and delays in order status updates on the Marketplace. Here are 2 situations you might see:

  1. Orders on the Marketplace may still be in a “Queued”, “Undelivered” or “Being Delivered” state and no items have been delivered.
  2. Orders on the Marketplace may still be in an “Undelivered” or “Being Delivered” state and items have been delivered.

In both cases, there is a delay: orders will continue to be delivered and Marketplace order status will be updated to reflect this, after a delay. We are actively working to fix this issue and will post an update when it has been resolved.

For those of you with customers who purchased multiple times, Linden Lab will refund the amount of your commission on refunded orders. The following requirements must be met for the commission refund to occur:

  • The customer has attempted to purchase the same item(s) in multiple orders after experiencing a delay in delivery and has asked for a refund on all but one of the orders.
  • As a merchant, the full order amount or purchase price of the item purchased more than once must be refunded.
  • Submit a ticket on the web as a “Marketplace/General Marketplace Issues” ticket. Please include the order number and item(s) that were ordered more than once, along with the copy of the entry from your L$ Transaction Log showing the refund or refunds.

We do apologize for these failures and are working actively to correct this and to prevent it from happening in the future.


Update post is here.


One other question that has come up concerns negative reviews received due to failed deliveries. Please flag the review using the link provided below the review comments, and these will be removed from your listing if the failure is due to a technical problem with the Marketplace.

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The 3rd issue you did not mention is :

SLM ORDER with a Status of DELIVERED to the Merchant but the Customer states they have not received the goods.

The only way SLM Merchants are aware of this problem is if the customer communicates to the Merchant that their product was not delivered.

This has happened to me on a couple ocassions in the past few days as a Merchant and it has happened to me as a Customer last weekend.

Is LL resolving this issue - which to me is the most critical and serious one since there is no Record / Evidence to the Merchant that there is a problem - we cannot even proactively approach these customers since we dont know they are having a problem ?

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Ok I understand the situation now, I know this is not related but I need to ask: when the item definetly wasn't delivered I don't understand WHY! they can leave a Review and RATE with an awful little star! Also they can rate even when they have not payed for it and the item is in "Being Delivered" status.

Is this another "Bug" LL you need to fix? or this is how the system will work from now on?

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

The 3rd issue you did not mention is :

SLM ORDER with a Status of DELIVERED to the Merchant but the Customer states they have not received the goods.

The only way SLM Merchants are aware of this problem is if the customer communicates to the Merchant that their product was not delivered.

This has happened to me on a couple ocassions in the past few days as a Merchant and it has happened to me as a Customer last weekend.

Is LL resolving this issue - which to me is the most critical and serious one since there is no Record / Evidence to the Merchant that there is a problem - we cannot even proactively approach these customers since we dont know they are having a problem ?

Toy, there is no re-deliver option? In cases like this I have chosen to re-deliver the item after I check my Dashboard Transaction and SLM order if the Customer contacts me.


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Thanks for info. I already wondered one even triple purchase which I anyway could realise without any grid report also. So seems that I can already make refunds as customers seem to agree with problems also. It happens..sometimes for many other different reasons also like crashes and lags and missunderstandings..;)

Sure transfer items can be bit complex in situtations like that..thats why we dont use them;)

Dont worry be happy:p


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Argus Collingwood wrote:


Toysoldier Thor wrote:

The 3rd issue you did not mention is :

SLM ORDER with a Status of DELIVERED to the Merchant but the Customer states they have not received the goods.

The only way SLM Merchants are aware of this problem is if the customer communicates to the Merchant that their product was not delivered.

This has happened to me on a couple ocassions in the past few days as a Merchant and it has happened to me as a Customer last weekend.

Is LL resolving this issue - which to me is the most critical and serious one since there is no Record / Evidence to the Merchant that there is a problem - we cannot even proactively approach these customers since we dont know they are having a problem ?

Toy, there is no re-deliver option? In cases like this I have chosen to re-deliver the item after I check my Dashboard Transaction and SLM order if the Customer contacts me.



Argus, I know how to resolve the issue and get another copy of the product delivered to the customer ONCE they approach me to tell me that their product didnt deliver.  Resloving the problem is not the issue.

The problem is WHY is this happening and the fact that SLM is basically lying to the Merchant that it delivered a product that it did not actually successfully deliver.  I have not had these type of problems in the 3 years in xstreet/slm... only in the past couple weeks.

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Cameron Vasiliov wrote:

Ok I understand the situation now, I know this is not related but I need to ask: when the item definetly wasn't delivered I don't understand WHY! they can leave a Review and RATE with an awful little star! Also they can rate even when they have not payed for it and the item is in "Being Delivered" status.

Is this another "Bug" LL you need to fix? or this is how the system will work from now on?

Yikes! I have never seen this. They paid, you got the money, they did not get item [yet] and they left a review?  They did not pay, you did not get money, but they left a review? I don't understand having never had this happen. What would really help is if we were notified upon product review by email.


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At this point, we have processed all delayed orders, and order status on the Marketplace should reflect the state of the order. You may still see some lag in receiving email, but those should arrive shortly.

If, as Toysoldier Thor comments, you are seeing items as delivered and paid for, but the customer has not received the item in world, please file a support ticket so we can investigate.

During the investigation this a.m., we learned that a fix that was scheduled to be deployed this morning would have helped prevent the delivery delays. Because of the problem, we had to postpone the deploy to occur after the issue was resolved. This release will be going out this afternoon between 2 and 3 p.m. SLT. There will be no down time with this release.

One other question that has come up concerns negative reviews received due to failed deliveries. Please flag the review using the link provided below the review comments, and these will be removed from your listing if the failure is due to a technical problem with the Marketplace.

Thanks for your patience.


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I've been seeing more and more marketplace "delivered" items that were NOT delivered. When a customer IMs me to complain, I ask them if they were using the shopping cart with multiple items. The answer is almost always "yes". The shopping cart is clearly a villain here for delivery failures that say they were delivered.

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Blaze Nielsen wrote:

I've been seeing more and more marketplace "delivered" items that were NOT delivered. When a customer IMs me to complain, I ask them if they were using the shopping cart with multiple items. The answer is almost always "yes". The shopping cart is clearly a villain here for delivery failures that say they were delivered.

Blaze you might be right.  The customer 2 days ago that did not receive her product from me - accidently mentioned a fellow merchant who she also did not get product from - TUFF.  So it would mean her deliveries failed from a shopping cart use.

 UPDATE:  Actually I can confirm that the last failed order where the customer did not receive her product from me when my records showed it was delivered... it was a SHOPPING CART ORDER with 10 items in it from multiple merchants.  Tuff was another merchant in the shopping cart who's product was not delivered to her.

I filed a ticket to report this failed delivery.

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

Blaze you might be right.  The customer 2 days ago that did not receive her product from me - accidently mentioned a fellow merchant who she also did not get product from - TUFF.  So it would mean her deliveries failed from a shopping cart use.

 UPDATE:  Actually I can confirm that the last failed order where the customer did not receive her product from me when my records showed it was delivered... it was a SHOPPING CART ORDER with 10 items in it from multiple merchants.  Tuff was another merchant in the shopping cart who's product was not delivered to her.

I filed a ticket to report this failed delivery.

Interesting, we haven't received any messges about failed deliveries. The interesting part is why contact 1 merchant from the failed cart delivery and not others.

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Brooke Linden wrote:

The following requirements must be met for the commission refund to occur:

  • The customer has attempted to purchase the same item(s) in multiple orders after experiencing a delay in delivery and has asked for a refund on all but one of the orders.
  • As a merchant, the full order amount or purchase price of the item purchased more than once must be refunded.


Thanks Brooke - good to get some acknowledgment. Another situation you should be aware of is customers making one or more purchases that fail to deliver within a reasonable time, and come to the inworld store to purchase instead, in which case all SLM purchases are refunded. (see my ticket 01098555 as example).

The issue of increased failure rates of shopping cart vs single purchases as mentioned by others has been ongoing since SLM's inception (you'll find a jira or 2 on the subject). Anyone familiar with SLM workings avoids using it and advises customers to do likewise.

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Jarnz Dench wrote:


Toysoldier Thor wrote:

Blaze you might be right.  The customer 2 days ago that did not receive her product from me - accidently mentioned a fellow merchant who she also did not get product from - TUFF.  So it would mean her deliveries failed from a shopping cart use.

 UPDATE:  Actually I can confirm that the last failed order where the customer did not receive her product from me when my records showed it was delivered... it was a SHOPPING CART ORDER with 10 items in it from multiple merchants.  Tuff was another merchant in the shopping cart who's product was not delivered to her.

I filed a ticket to report this failed delivery.

Interesting, we haven't received any messges about failed deliveries. The interesting part is why contact 1 merchant from the failed cart delivery and not others.


Funny enough she IMed me to tell me that the product she bought from me called [TUFF]... was not delivered.  So I suspect she was thinking she was IMing you to tell you of the lost delivery.  In fact she got things mixed up and IMed me and mentioned your product - because she also bought a tapestry from me.  I told her that I am not [Tuff] nor to I sell [tuff] stuff - that its a fellow merchant.  She told me she would contact you to get her lost product from you and then told me that the product she bought from me also didnt arrive.

I am surprised she didnt contact you.  Your store products and mine were all part of a 10 item shopping cart order.

AS FOR THE SHOPPING CART... Since LL cannot fix the Shopping Cart's unreliability - they should very seriously disable / remove the shopping cart from SLM.  Obviously the Shopping Cart was fundamentally flawed since they cannot fix it.

PS... this is the same team that we all are excited will be forcing us to migrate over to the up-coming Direct Delivery system into our personal inventory.  :)  Everyone feeling confident?

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Since marketplace came out, I had only about 5 failed deliveries. All of them occured during Sl glitch days when the grid was wonky all over.

In the last week, I've had no less than 15. Sometimes it was a multi-item cart, and sometimes not. A lot of the failed deliveries were for the one item I "sell" the most, and it's a freebie. So folks don't feel the need to let me know it didn't arrive, they just get a new one.

I resent 5 items over the last two days. That's excessive by my standards and I don't like it one bit. ALL of these "resent" orders say they were delivered, on both my end and the customer's. I have only had 3 that were actually a failed delivery and said so, on either my end or theirs, but that was the end of last week. In most of those resend cases, the redeliver link is not there in the order page. It was only there for 1 of them. I simply sent the item to those folks in world. I don't mind doing so, even if I never got the money for the item-mostly because I don't want my customers to think badly of *my service, beause of LL's inability to get things straight. So a little bit of money lost here and there, is worth keeping a customer-and possibly gaining more.

It still bothers me that so many failed deliveries are happening lately. It's not just ones that *say failed though. Quite a few of the people I've been speaking with about this have said they too are getting contacted by people who did not recieve even though mp says "delivered" on both ends. This is just as troublesome as when it actually says failed. In fact, I'd say it's more troublesome, because unless someone tells me I have NO clue they didn't get the item.

Maybe instead of waiting for these issues to get bad, LL should start acting a little sooner. I know, wishful thinking on my part, but it's been a couple weeks of people complaining about this very issue. You shouldn't wait until the ceiling falls in to fix the weak spot on the roof. It's a pretty stupid move.

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Ive also experienced a number of customers complaining they have not received items even though it says delivered - these have steadily increased over the week usually i just redeliver and they get it - today i had 2 customers complain they hadnt received items - i redelivered and they still didnt get them even though it says redeliver successful, i guess im gonna be busy filling out support tickets.

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So Brooke,

As per your request - I submitted a Support Ticket about the incident of failed failed delivery that occured last weekend (where me - the merchant saw it delivered and the customer reported she did not get the product from me nor other merchantst in the 10 item shopping cart).

As I suspect was going to happen, your support team simply saw it as a problem that has already happened and that I have already resolved it.  Not sure what more you want to do with this ticket.


A comment has been added to your Case..

Case: 01098525
Avatar: Toysoldier Thor
Type: Failed Marketplace Delivery
Status: Waiting for Customer Acceptance
Hello Toysoldier,

Thank you for writing about the recent transaction on the Marketplace. It appears that either the item was actually received by the customer or you've already redelivered the item, so no additional action is needed. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience while this issue is sorted out.


Kimmora Linden
Linden Lab Customer Support


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"What would really help is if we were notified upon product review by email"

Yes please!

Some reviews needs a comment or support, but I dont recognize when there is a new one....


I am too busy to write tickets everytime an item is marked as delivered and it wasn't.

Or if the customer wasn't refund within 8 hours...


I am unhappy with the marketplace. I really wish more customers would buy inworld...

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