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how did i become the owner


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5 hours ago, jacob4564 said:

i rented a sim from someone and next thing i know they said i was owner of it and it shows in my regions but how is this done without transferring the estate to me and them losing it?

you "own" the land, not the estate. (a estate can be several regions)

A private estate owner has tools te reclaim the land again.

btw , you have concierge support if you rent a sim that way, no premium rquired (some sim rentals work with rentalgroups ..in that case not)

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no i own the estate its self not the land my name is set as estate owner to be clear here  you can not upload raw files etc when you rent only if your the owner and i have those rights 

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1 hour ago, jacob4564 said:

no i own the estate its self not the land my name is set as estate owner to be clear here  you can not upload raw files etc when you rent only if your the owner and i have those rights 

you are estate manager. Thats why.

You are only full owner when you pay LL the monthly sim fees, in other cases you rent, in spite your sim says you'r owner.

Full ownership will only be transfered if both request that. And serious transferfees are paid.

Edited by Ethan Paslong
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 dont reply if you cant be helpful cause you seem to know nothing at all bout sims you can not do that even if you have em rights at all you must im the estate owner and not to mention your name would not be where it says who owns the estate i cant make this any more clear to you please do your research before  you reply to a subject 

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2 hours ago, jacob4564 said:

 dont reply if you cant be helpful cause you seem to know nothing at all bout sims you can not do that even if you have em rights at all you must im the estate owner and not to mention your name would not be where it says who owns the estate i cant make this any more clear to you please do your research before  you reply to a subject 

it's very simple as i said in my previous post.

If you pay LL for the sim you are full owner, if not you'r a renter with estate manager rights and owning in name the land, not in real.

If you don't get that, i, nor anybody else can help you

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2 hours ago, jacob4564 said:

 dont reply if you cant be helpful

Be fair to Ethan, you didn't give all those details in the original post and I think everybody misunderstood you the same way he did.

But now that we know more we...

know less actually.

You rented a sim from an estate owner and suddenly you are listed as the etsate owner??? That should not be possible. Of course, the original owner may have transferred it to you by accident but then they would have had to pay the transfer fee and they must have noticed that.

Have you asked the seller about it? That's the first thing you should do.

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ok here the full details i rented the sim and next day i get an im saying hi thx for renting i gave you Estate Manager rights for the sim and later today, LL will set you as Estate Owner for the sim if i open about land tab i see Estate/Full Region - Buy Down i found a thread that asked what that was and a few seem to think its related to the grandfather sim thing it may be but how im the owner yet i still pay him?  and my apologies to Ethan i should have posted more info  

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1 hour ago, jacob4564 said:

ok here the full details i rented the sim and next day i get an im saying hi thx for renting i gave you Estate Manager rights for the sim and later today, LL will set you as Estate Owner for the sim

Ok. So he set you as the estate owner to be nice to you. That's a good thought of course. I don't know if it was a good idea. SOmebody with more experience with pirvate estates will have to answer that - I only do mainland.


1 hour ago, jacob4564 said:

 and a few seem to think its related to the grandfather sim thing

It has nothing to do with the grandfather sim thing. Grandfathered sims are either very old ones from the days the tier was lower or they were changed to grandfathered a year or two ago when LL was a bit short on cash and offered estate owners a lower tier if they paid a one time extra fee. In any case, a grandfathered sim stays grandfathered with the lower tier regardless of who owns it.


1 hour ago, jacob4564 said:

but how im the owner yet i still pay him?

You have to pay either rent to him or tier to Linden Lab, but not both. You can be sure of that at least.

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I found an old thread about someone having this very same problem:

I would also strongly advise you to contact live chat about this issue, or concierge support, whichever is available to you to speak to LL about this issue.

I particularly found this post by the OP interesting:


I had a chat with support and they verified that i am indeed the Estate Owner HOWEVER the man i was renting through is the ALT Payor/Region Owner and thats who they bill, so i should continue to pay him as we much have some kind of agreement. 

I just find it strange he hasnt contacted me but i will have to contact him now to get this taken care of. 

Either way, this whole thing sounds strange, and we have no tools to help you. If there's ever a reason to contact support, this is it. And please let us know how things turn out so if in the future someone has this same issue we can also direct them to this thread! Thanks!

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yes my name is on the Alt-R tab and what you found has answered what i wanted to know but still i been here since 2006 and never seen or heard of that option but guess it was there at a point  

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13 hours ago, Ethan Paslong said:
14 hours ago, jacob4564 said:

no i own the estate its self not the land my name is set as estate owner to be clear here  you can not upload raw files etc when you rent only if your the owner and i have those rights 

you are estate manager. Thats why.

jacob4564 is right -- only a region owner can download or upload RAW terrain files. I've never heard of regions having ALT owners or people renting regions being made an owner of the region. I didn't think it was possible (and I'm not sure it's a good idea) ... learn something every day.

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I once rented a full region from an Estate group. jacob4564 is lucky. I had to pay the Estate group an additional amount, like 5k, to have it show that I was the Estate Owner. I still had to pay my monthly tier to the Estate Group (not to LL) for the region. But becoming Estate Owner, I was able to apply RAW terrain files and had full control over the region. I could do sim restarts whenever I felt like it was needed without going to LL or the Estate group to get the region restarted. The Estate group still owns the land and it is best to show the owner of the Estate Group as a Estate Manager and can always access the region (that is more courtesy than needed, they do actually "own" the land because they are the ones paying LL the monthly tier.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There actually was a time when LL allowed a distinction between the owner of an estate and the person who pays for it. The "owner" was given all rights to the estate (even those not available to estate managers) with the exception of being able to sell the estate. This procedure was ended by LL a couple of years ago, on the height of the Low-Prim-Region-Hype, I guess because it was used too often for the rental of these regions.

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