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19 hours ago, Lillith Hapmouche said:

I can't say that I'm missing that part of knowledge in my life, let alone feel that it would enrich it immensely. o.O

It's First person shooter combat that is gor themed really. For example, you dress Gorean and PvP.


Can't seem too find any other REAL combat sims besides GE either. Like everyone using ZcS meter.

Edited by Dakota Linden
Moderator Edit - Video Removed for Nudity
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1 hour ago, Haselden said:

I like this idea. However, I think Second life would need to acknowledge PvP combat first.

Like alot of people still don't even know what Gor Evolve is.

Gor-Evolve-Boy wrote:

"Dark age tunic... Dat lookin like a dress to Gor-Boy, Gor-Boy no warein a dress, no wantin catchin teh GAY! Gor-Boy wearin bika jeens an gang colors demin vest wid patches, and not usin no crosbow, dat for gurls, Gor-Boy carry an ak47 wid him broadsword on him Hurly Dumbasson ThugCycle!...

Duh, Why Gor-Boy knuckles bleedin? Argh dat ground are rough, it scrapin Gor-Boy knuckles wen him walkin!"


Also didn't we do this dance already a few hundred times...

1 hour ago, Haselden said:

I think Second life would need to acknowledge PvP combat first

It has... It's acknowledged that SL's engine is inherently unsuitable for ePeen-vs-ePeen first person shooters. And most of SL's population don't WANT to do ePeen-vs-ePeen anyway, and dislike ePeener-vs-ePeener types.

11 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

not to mention all the people in gor playing to loose

"You have chosen to enter an ePeen-vs-ePeen Zone - Warning you are a Gurl, and have NO ePeen, you're weapon choices are class limited to: Ranged: Potatoe, Dishcloth - Close Combat:  Titty-Based-Faceslap"

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36 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

I find the entire concept of PVP combat in SL a laughable exercise. The system is not designed for it or anything even close to it.

... not to mention all the people in gor playing to loose :P

Yet their is still a community and over hundreds of SL members do it. I'd say PVP combat in SL is larger than the bloodlines community. 

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6 hours ago, Klytyna said:

"You have chosen to enter an ePeen-vs-ePeen Zone - Warning you are a Gurl, and have NO ePeen, you're weapon choices are class limited to: Ranged: Potatoe, Dishcloth - Close Combat:  Titty-Based-Faceslap"


If you watched the video. I didn't see very many women limited in weapon choices.For example, if you wanna be a freewomen it's high school dresscode long jeans and no belly shirt then you can use a sword and bow like a freeman.

If you wanna dress like a *****, then slave role.Which they get baseball bat & throwing knives. It's all the same damage in the end though shooting the same arrow prim in mouselook

If you wanna use a Bow/sword and dress like a *****? Well, be a Panther which are amazon woman..

Anyway, though something you should might wanna try before talking out your bum. But I already said if too many times I'd be pushing it you "ePeen-vs-Epeen noob."

Edit: But then again that is probably why SL could use something like "Retention suggestion" so people could choose what they are into may it be Gor Hub, Safe Hub, Vamp Hub, and Etc.

Edited by Haselden
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13 hours ago, Haselden said:

I like this idea. However, I think Second life would need to acknowledge PvP combat first.

Like alot of people still don't even know what Gor Evolve is.

See, a lot of people I know who would have liked to do some medieval PvP looked at the Wikipedia article on Goerans and turned around in disgust... 

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6 hours ago, Haselden said:

If you watched the video.

I didn't need to watch it... AGAIN... It's the same low quality crappy propaganda you posted last time this whole "ePeen vs ePeen will SAVE SL if only you haters obeyed the orders of the tiny toxic insignificant EPeener vs ePeener community" dance, in another thread.

6 hours ago, Haselden said:

For example, if you wanna be a freewomen it's high school dresscode

So men can wear pretty much what they like, but women have to observe a 'dresscode' or else they are 'slaves' and limited in weapon choices, hah..

13 hours ago, Haselden said:

It's First person shooter combat that is gor themed really. For example, you dress Gorean and PvP.

6 hours ago, Haselden said:

high school dresscode long jeans and no belly shirt

Nope, that certainly is NOT dressing "Gorean". Let me remind you what GE is, since you seem to have forgotten.

12 hours ago, Klytyna said:

Dark age tunic... Dat lookin like a dress to Gor-Boy, Gor-Boy no warein a dress, no wantin catchin teh GAY!

EVERY time you try this "Save SL by embracing Gor Evolved, all the misogyny and knuckle dragging, with added biker thuggery and homophobia!" ALMOST EVERYONE tells you they don't want any thanks all the same. 

6 hours ago, Haselden said:

But I already said if too many times

Yeah you did, in another thread where EVERY lame ass argument for the ePeener Domination of SL, was shot down in flames, from the claim that you were a major part of SL's membership, right through to...

13 hours ago, Haselden said:

Can't seem too find any other REAL combat sims besides GE either.

Remember that other thread... Where *I* showed you what you'd find if you could ACTUALLY use the SL search features, all the different brands of combat sim, seems you didn't look very hard did you.

12 hours ago, Haselden said:

I'd say PVP combat in SL is larger than the bloodlines community.


12 hours ago, Haselden said:

and over hundreds of SL members do it

Over hundreds? Over how many hundreds, one? two, three? Tiny tiny numbers.

Lets recap on what other people think of GE-PvP...

12 hours ago, CoffeeDujour said:

we don't care.

14 hours ago, Lillith Hapmouche said:

I can't say that I'm missing that part of knowledge in my life, let alone feel that it would enrich it immensely

1 hour ago, Fionalein said:

would have liked to do some medieval PvP looked at the Wikipedia article on Goerans and turned around in disgust

Hmmm, don't think you are making any converts in this thread, so same result as all the other threads you post in huh?

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2 hours ago, Nalytha said:

I think virtual world users are more of a niche than PvPers in general. 

If you're looking at the MMO/MOBA/MOSA/Etc type games that exist outside of Second Life, then perhaps you'd be correct (I say perhaps simply because the bulk of PvPers out there are immature little things that rely on spawn camping and other rather cheap tactics) ...

However the topic was PvP in Second Life where PvPers are quite outnumbered by the rest of the user base.

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32 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

I didn't need to watch it... AGAIN... It's the same low quality crappy propaganda you posted last time this whole "ePeen vs ePeen will SAVE SL if only you haters obeyed the orders of the tiny toxic insignificant EPeener vs ePeener community" dance, in another thread.

You really should have, it is almost comical... (almost) nude girl hitting people and getting hit herself while making sounds like a pornstar when getting hit instead of sounds of pain... please see my other post related to stuff like that ... yeah guess what I just did, have a nice day ;)

Edited by Fionalein
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3 hours ago, Klytyna said:

So men can wear pretty much what they like, but women have to observe a 'dresscode' or else they are 'slaves' and limited in weapon choices, hah..

Such is Gor, it's a mans world where man can not fail because to do so would not be manly, and woms must submit for not to do so would make them not woms which is there place. Mans are strong because woms are weak, for it is the natural order and comes with a belt buckle, ornate and large as tarns eye, for he is a man and everyone must know it to be true.  ~Quoted directly from then 24th Gor book "The belt buckles of Gor"

34 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

I always hear bad things about pvp in second life. Cheating, rage quitting...I feel like I heard a story where a guy got beat by a girl and banned her from the sim. 

It's comically easy to cheat and use a "non approved weapon" .. look at my sanctioned bow, it shoots arrows ... Don't look at my hair, my hair is amazing, it shoots 100% invisible explosive couches - who needs to aim.. "HEY LADY!" ... THUNDEROUS CHOOOM 

(A large 100% invisible alpha prim that can not been seen with CTRL+ALT+T is EASY to make)

But then speaking of aiming .. don't forget when in combat to switch off half the rendering, have cams loc and cross-hairs on at all times, enable debugging bounding boxes ... Combat in SL does NOT look anything like that video. It's more like an 90's Amiga demo threw up on your screen .. including the sultry sound effects. when asked why cheating, just say " my computer is poop and I need more frames".



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8 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

Want PvP Combat? Go play an actual MMO/MOSA/MOBA/Etc.

Insist on PvP Combat in Second Life? Deal with what is out there or script your own system.

Also, stop pretending you're anything more than a Niche market these days.

Yeah, I played and sell carries on MMO's long ago. But became to be too much work. I find it more profitable doing tournaments for bow or blow dart.


5 hours ago, Klytyna said:

I didn't need to watch it... AGAIN... It's the same low quality crappy propaganda you posted last time this whole "ePeen vs ePeen will SAVE SL if only you haters obeyed the orders of the tiny toxic insignificant EPeener vs ePeener community" dance, in another thread.

So men can wear pretty much what they like, but women have to observe a 'dresscode' or else they are 'slaves' and limited in weapon choices, hah..

Nope, that certainly is NOT dressing "Gorean". Let me remind you what GE is, since you seem to have forgotten.

EVERY time you try this "Save SL by embracing Gor Evolved, all the misogyny and knuckle dragging, with added biker thuggery and homophobia!" ALMOST EVERYONE tells you they don't want any thanks all the same. 

Yeah you did, in another thread where EVERY lame ass argument for the ePeener Domination of SL, was shot down in flames, from the claim that you were a major part of SL's membership, right through to...

Remember that other thread... Where *I* showed you what you'd find if you could ACTUALLY use the SL search features, all the different brands of combat sim, seems you didn't look very hard did you.


Over hundreds? Over how many hundreds, one? two, three? Tiny tiny numbers.

Lets recap on what other people think of GE-PvP...

Hmmm, don't think you are making any converts in this thread, so same result as all the other threads you post in huh?

I looked at those sims. Its just that sim doing "SOME" combat there isn't a real community for it.


However, if you didn't like the video theres tons more on youtube... Hell I even posted some.

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